Sfte (BufweiQ tmm T ik The Ontario Democrat xxn ONTAJUO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 10, 1918 NO. 42 tTpTyBffim DISTRICT STILL SHORT ON ITS BOND QUOTA vi utto AND m limn niw m- TIUCT NOW 7,((M KIIOKT OK THK lll.ot IKKD I.IHM ANT 100 PER CENT SOON CJ Ouvlnimn Krank Kader ami j ('ommlMeevnen How Balance Will Come Willi. ml lrlvi wKJuuiM will He KM) i . -iu Voluntary. Dragging alowly, apparently hinder- d aomewhat by the "Peace" stone i In the ilHlly pa pen. Ontario I still 17.000 from lt 1111,000 Fourth liberty Loan qutoa. Malheur county, however, la aafely rithln reach of Iti 1417.000 mark villi M Derm 1 1 l he only precinct yi hear from. In the previous loan Irlve McDermlt subscriptions have til gone to Wlnnemwecn, Nevada, but County Chairman, J. It. Hlackaby ha that a portion of that subeerlb- by Malheur realdeea near the Ne - lada line will be anting, where It donga, here In Malhenr county Prank Rader. local abalrmen and in committee worked from p. in. landay afternoon Uttl p. m. that light checking r the pledge with Ike rating card and foend teat a lumber of the potential aubeerlbera tbl dlatriat have net yet pladgd Ihelr further faith hi the government iy sahscrlblng to the K-aetn Ubertp in. Among the mlaatng card i ere tboae of men rated tor rainy irge aubacrlptlona, which If they ar Ived will practically complete the Ihurlcts qutoa. Among the corporation! repreeent k! here which placed subscriptions thru Ontario banks was the Hiand- krd oil .oiupany (or 15.000 the East ern Oregon i-ssa company, me vm kon Lit Insurance company thru Its lent H. C. Scheppell. the Nation! Itscult Company, and the arent I median and tb American Alliance lis last named subecrlptlon has not an received but a wire reclvd hyj,,,, imittn thanking Mr. Kleael P. Taylor, local agent IndJeatee tiat th company will apportion a rt of Ita 13,276.000 purchase to m-h city In Mcr It Is rapmawnted. Th local oommlttee haa been tan hliig th returns of subscriptiona sly and seeing thst thr district gradually approaching Us qutoa iith volunteer subscriptions In hop- list it will not be necessary to stage drive. For that reason the drive landed for Tuesday was called off id now the committee want to have hitarlo district listed as oue of IM immunities that raised Its quota by rely subscriptions on the cltlsen The committee Is also determined report to the State Council of le inse all ilelenquenle. MOT WaVeV PARENT TEACHERS TO SEE PRETTY PUYLET dees la hatgltoli to Preeont Assastsd sVjr Mshirvi of Htgti Krhool Karulty Krlday Kvewtssx Oetuhsr IN The Parent-fTearlxera' nnwciaiton II hold an evening session Krlday ilng October 18 when (be Jnt gllsb class will present a playlet trodudag folk dances and folk I. That pa-t of the program U charge of Mrs. K. H Taylor, who had charge of the Hugllsb depart tt stair school opeaed Miss Vlotorlt rilsnks. of the fsiMjiy other members will alee eontrlb aumbers on the program the feetere of th gathering will address delivered hy W. W ou the snblact "The Imnort ef t'o-onnrntkfn and Correla- f th School and the lion lanlat In the defraying of ex of the aaeoctalhya during the It her small admittance re eunrge or a silver wUegrtes I'recsedlng the 0To- wUI br a bur'taes UNHID SERVICE HEN WILL LEAVE HERE OCTOBER 14 ('II No. 1110, five limited service men will be entrained during the to v (ley period beginning October 14th (or Vancouver Har.-aiks Vancouver. V.irh., Spruce Production Division. The following named registrant will reKrt to thl board on October M'li at a. m. Jacob Peter Hill. Jr , Ontario, Ore gon; I. lord Kennetl' Johnson. Qrwal Pall, Mont., 307-5th 81. 8. W ; Wil liam Munro, Oranlti , Oregon, Clo fiyi.d Bros.; Marti.i c.irnellua Holt en, Belllnghum, Wash.. 1108 Don ovan Ave.; James (')lnton Starry, Vala, Oregon, R. F. 1) Two additional call for recruit for 1 army service have been Issued thin wee. Call 1470 require four men to report for aervlce at Fort Mac Arthur. California. They will re pot for Induction Into the army at Vale on Monday October Zl at a. m. The menordered to report In thli call ar: Leroy Lee Hull of Olenns Kerry. toano; jonn iiooertson or rony farm i". yers. si. jonns, urr. ana Rddle J. Powell of Nyss On the aarae day according to call 147 J the following five men will be Induced Into the army and sent to i Fort Hteven. Ore.: Willing Wood son Jackson, K. F. D. 3, Walaer; Roy K. Gorton, Csshlon, Oklahoma; Cecil oren Vllea, R. F. D. t. Parma. Idaho. Walter Bonaparte Yardlay, Wetner. J. Hinton, Imn- Idaho and Walter imwn, buy was. PRICELESS GROVE IS OFFERED TO U. 8. fRtf Fred J. RasMd Make nm naa (affrr to Uncle mm Rut When Trjid how Arcadia Orov Cam la lo tteijen, Offer la KeJeilrU a It ho It was offered to llm I Bam frM , Ua timber could serve the a- t0na cause, the precious grove of black locust st Arcadia will not be cut for when lb government ship plug officials learned how the grove j came Into being the patriotic offer of Fred I. Kleael was rejected. i J Wentworth district supervisor for the lulled State Shipping Board, Km ergency Fleet Corporation declared In that tha situation doe not warrant cui-l Hag such a grove. The story of the effort on the part of the government to secure the trees waa told In tha Ogden 'Examiner . ,n1 Ua rMU(, wll he good news to ,,, p,, f ,),( section, to whom nm eu,tu, of (lle grove would be a aeraoaal loss for hundred of resident of ,n, ouon annually anloy Ua shade. The Kxamlner tell the storv jaa follews: Having received au Inquiry from the I ulted Stat shipping board yes terday a lo the price he would t 'for a thr acre grov of black locust tree on his ranch sear Arcadia. Ore gon, Fred J. Kleael of Ogden Imme diately responded that while he con sidered the grove prloelea and It was cot for sal. "If th government needs tt for ship construction it U a differ ent matter and I gladly lander It for audi use free of charge. ' The tree not only form a apUndld shelter for cattle during storm. ! oat her. serve a a wind break for farm property and general shade dur ing th season but from the grov utilised by people for picnic purposes In th summer month. For thirty year the tree hav bean carefully nurtured in the desert, it having takea (bat loug lo develop them. The letter received yesterday morning by the Ogden man follews: "We understand that you have about three acre of black lotuxt tree near Aredate, Oregon The ma terlal ia badly needed at this time for the mjgufnotnr of tree nails used In wood ship construction and If you care to dispose of thee tree or aay number of them, w woeld be glad to have you write stating price and when materiel eould be obtained " '.its letter, Mr Kissel responded aa follows, wrltlag to 1. J Westworth district supervisor of th V. 8. ship ping beard, l'ortisad, Oregon "Replying to your fever of th 4tu Instant, woeld nay that th small grove ef sleek ioanst tree which w have on onr farm at Arcadia fct the creation nf thirty yenr work in the (CoaUnesd on Fngs . ) ANNOUNCEMENT MADE Iff UMD unDK mhuf Bcren MoHtlee Kngaged In Work for Army and Navy liilte In ("a ('iiwio for Fund Needed Will Hlmillfy Work Those institutions which are fur nishing our soldiers and sailors with .... si. ... -. ., - vuii ui iiiv lumiurin n iiwhiii mrm nearly out of funds, declares, W. W Wood. Chairman of the united war work drive for Malheur county, In an nouncing the coming of that effort for next month. t He further explains In a commun ication to the Argus how the drive la planned. He says: "Seven sc cities have been united for this drive, they ere: the Y. M. C. A., the Y. M. C. A., the K of V . It Salvation Arrajr, the Jewish Welfore Board, the American Library Board and the War Camp Community Ser vice. The total amount to be raised In the nation I about 1170. 000. 000 The quota for Malheur county haa not been announced. "Having bee,n appolntokl County Chairman, while 11. C. Batatham will be chairman for the Vale district, we ask the public to aaslst u In every way poaelbl. Committee will be appointed to take charge of the work In every precinct In the county. When the cotnmlttee receive their appointment, thee should promptly organise and plan their work. The State Chairman announ ce that he I planning an Intensive advertising and apeaklng campaign Tha data of thla campaign and the amount of our quota will be announ ced In a few days When the time comes let us all pull together and put Malheur county over the top With a rush. OT W.aVaV MASS MEETING WIRES ITS VIEWS ON PEACE Present tire Fen fnlokralinsi H Here Haeday Hervrw (ban Uoed Farpoae Hhows How (satanto rwets Concerning Hsss Ontario got excited lst Sunday morning ovr th "Peace" stories in th daly papers, ard proceeded to have n mluia.ur pane panada and celebration. Hat even In the excite ment Ontario did not lo It sense of proportions when tt cam tlm for pIIam Mwa want 1a Its fssllss Iasb.H . k. . the Kaiser and hla Crew In clear cut telegram to tha While House which declared emphatically that, "and on conditional surrender" Is the only point from which to start pen dis cussions. Short talk were made at the cali bration, if a liberal tin of that be justified, by Mayor W. F Homan. who presided and by County Chairman J. It Hlackaby of the Liberty Loan com- iiifllM Hull. fc .lai'lsre.l that thl. wM not th tlm. to dUcua.th P' " ' R'Dh B J"; "'"" peace, but to continue working for whom worked ,.,, the ranch with ,im IV lillil.le II K Stewart. J K completion or Ontario quota or tin- Fourth Liberty Loan, and ,r allied armies, and to the Jaadars of th. government to mak. po. ,.: B(.tUMy Following the, addree it was determined to convey to Washington Ontario's sentiments regarding the u- aiaaaa .hi. ait . u.i.. . -d I. .1.. . ....ru. ,.( assk.ll, nreilsal. again., entering negotiation, whl.h th rot Oerman government h.r gathered volume from the Pacific to (be Atlantic cua.t. BUY WaVeV ' LINEN SECURED FOR RED CROSS HOSPITALS Med (toss fhavtar Junteir OsmsIs on in tkreVr ,leH Or- khsve uax. Haa KUrr.l Anntker Bed Croa atlotuiuut wa BOgktletrsI thl week whew the oom f mluae ennaistlng ef Mr. 1- Adam. Mrs. J B. Blarkaby and Mr Peterson necked tbe big tilpmnt of linen requested for Bed Crow hos- As in ail lb other driven tor i oriel Ike people rn hrggjUg aJ GENEROUS GIFTS OF Pi fiTHiUf1 fliDUMDnin Red (Toe Chapter ami Anxlllarlo. lnlte In Manifesting Keeling Kor Nurerers In Belgium and Northern France That the call for clothing fir tin- IifWifils nf llanlg. iim mrA nf Vurl Kern r r " "" r niii-f' met a ready reeponne from the peopl of Ontario, Nysea, Adrian, Mb! lett. Boulevard, Valley View, Dead Ox Plat may be Judged by the fact that the local committee last week packed anil shipped 17 huge boxes, contain ing IISS garme.it, (fa groaa weight of 3351 pounds, according to the report prepared by the committee. The allotment .'or this section was but 3,000 pounds, which was more than filled. The committee reports that the garments sNit forward this time were superior in every way to those shipped following the first drive many of th Individual piece being of exceptional value. In the preparation of the hlg ship ment the committee had the generous co-operation of a number of cltliens: Aubrey Howard cleaned at leaat 600 pounds of clothing, and William Tay lor assisted In th nam work. It. W Jones had over 300 pounds of gar ments laundered. Special assistance In parking and draytng waa given by Nathan Alexander, F. O. Hill, Frank Brlttlngham and Henry Ortffln. All of the above voluntarily contrlhuleH their sarvlce BUT W.8.8 RANCH HAND SAID TO HAVE BEEN SEDITIOUS - t. D. HaaaethsJ Baipleaaa) an Berwick Wood Kastrh Held t'ndea- Iln ml l-W AUaafded skMalUnns SKslsiacata mmm mmmmm house when Mrs. Tl arrived there thla morning It was top) inm Charged with havlaraald: "Thla lsiThr m hurn, ,,, .,, mr,rywiirrr a rich mans war;' "We have ao bus- Held,10 B thw wr-" nd ' ""'' we are cleaning up th Kalserlsiu In Germany. We had better clean up the Kaiaerlsm over here;" D. I). Hams thai, a ranch hand who baa been em ployed at the B. B. Wood ranches for nearly a yenr wa placed under arrest by 8. F. Pane, deputy United States Marshal. Monday afternoon. II was glvsn a hearing before United Stale Commissioner. 0. M. Stearns. Moiuls evening and Tuesday, thai waa held for appearance In th" Federal Court He waa given his lib erty on the poatlng of a 1X50 cash ' '. ' . bond. Thla was furnished Th hearings wer more or laen In (formal W. W Wood appeared for 'the defendant and W R. Lee on be half of lh local Couucll of Defense, examined the wltnesaea for the gni ernment The allaged utterance wer said o have been made on August 14, 1 IM. In th presence of J C Dun. an au I hi on,M. H. Duncan, and again l'i " "Id" """" "" " " "d "" ,"'',f ,,',, "" badleve him a disloyal . Itlxen ami tha d b ood 1-""u" d " lndUtrlou eiUangv i " ' ,ll 'I'aptrr furillsl.eil nir share of the ; "nmnt Ju.t ssn, forward, which rr -.k.a. till all n klHlAfLI preeenis a.x.ui sw wui.. ... ....-..- there were the following 0 sheets, 43 napkins. M kerchiefs, 170 hath towels and 110 1 far towels Th alloiineui of refugee garments, lotallns 414 ilreaae ere forwai irceiill) unit thl Icavea Mtj tor .i.nkliiK- i finished ami the local ( huptrr will liave ri iv order given it n. el Inn nUTT WeVaV WILL RESUME MARKET DAY SALES IN CITY A. i McDowell aaad J. M. hV Mi neiiklhh Mnrke i in OMlartu Males to Be Twice Monthly. Wktb the sjnawiag of in I ininiai les hits doc while RIDING GASOLINE SPEEDER Joe Bcholes, who has charge of the signals along the O. 8. L In thla ter ritory I carrying bruise on hi face that give the pparance of a lively fight Th appearance are deceiv ing for Joe' trouble Is due to the fact that he hit a dog on the railroad track while running his gasoline peeder. That Mr. Scholes was not more seriously Injured, he attributes purely to luck. However dog tres passing on te right-of-way have lost one friend for Joe I "off n dogs for life." i , nijY VSR , , HOUSEBREAKER TAKES TIME AND LUNCH TOO K. H. Te.l Home RurKlartewl lly (are. lean Individual Who Hc4m Him self to Pie ami Npllla Many Matche. While V. II Teat was oul of iln city Wednesday night Mrs. Teat went to spend the night st Met home of her fact that no petitions nre circulated nn. (i II Teat and thus an excellent 'and no Individuals filed their inlen opporl unity waa affonUr a leisurely Hon of running for the offices prior burglar to get away with several val- to the date of closing such filings, uablea left In th house with th (ounty Clerk, accord Ins lo Tha Jlmmv man took hie lime Aft-1 the laws, which require that all iiiun- . nr rum Imi r lit - Ihrii mil f Kan ilrawara " - ..,... In the lulu..- he selected Iravalln bag with It contents, a aavlnga bank the Stat and Congressional of fids' with Its nick las and dlmee and a fw are elected. other valuables, bul scorned three When the Mayor, W. F. Homau watches that lie had evidently ex- learned from County Clerk Moody amlaed that no uomlnallons had heeu mails After getting all he wanted lo take way ha iinn ee.led to heap himself to what there was lo eat in the lie box. where he found among other thn K gs pie. which he evidently en ed Th visitor hss not a tidy Individ ual, Judging bv tha appearance of th. for Mr nurRr ,,f.red darknea. 'rather than ibe light , Tta .... ,lrd r- -. hoswabreal. Ing that has oecured In the North ml of th city In reent weeks sml ihi similarity of the work .lone leads the officials to believe thai someone who knows of the movements of rssldaut al4 ,w.r r ,,,r ,hsnce ,, ing the work -BUY WHS GRIDIRON SEASON TO OPEN WITH PAYETTE lax-al VI..I. -km Ws - I.. VI. i In .-lent Html- I ililai viicm lasral I'i-miii Vacka Ksierienci Hut mr (.ainr. Ontario High School football I mi in will mil n the a rnl I run . i-ason her I'rldsy atii-inooii in a Iwiile wit I Its old rival 'he l-ui.-ii.- Hath Sehool laaareastioti ' ".. n hi lie for two teams of wis I wen, were tliry repreasatlng Ontario an. I I'syelte in s rolitesl would flgiii Howi-m r ihe Kami- iht h. for neither team lis perleuie The local tram t" haa the dg l!gMl in weight lm- inane ii. pra ucaiiv enureiy oi in"- who hair nut played neiore in-- kre a willing, game huiii-h, ami Hi" inn make up for Ihe .l.n. -ieuc in tl perlenee CarlJacotiseii of I'syelte and A P KlSUlaon nf Ontario will lie the oi In kail I lie followiuii Is ihe llu. HP which Ontario will present in in game: i;iihert Dean, fb; Cody Bailor, rh: in. ill.- Walter, Ik; Dartell iiowswr. o; Kldun ateneV ""' i Uad.lun I- . Henry Kn j eruon Duller, r Salae company, it appealed for a time thst Oatarlo was lo lose It ea tabUbd monthly selss but this will not he th on. Instead It wll hnv wnil monthly ssla ia plan of iily salsa the Thus becatu known tbl week sml iua I in Nauipa wben A I. M lloweli of thla tt snu nt I W .h J M Hwaaaon of Payett oom plted Dr H H. Whltnay Is about aguln srrangemeals for th ssu.blUka.aai after anvera aiiaik of ion1ltti of the otarksi here kbere they will' 4k hole a sale am seek aenond and H. D Dormaii was ... lonrtl. Saturday el sat-h meath CALLS CAUCUS TO NOVATE CITY OFFICIALS miMi to ovkrbk;': (I VOT .i ROM. UNTV i its i.m woo i ii i 1NATIONH W1TI CLMRR. MUCUS CALLED FOR OCT. 21 Mayor and Hlx ( ouni Itmeii anil City Tveaaurvr to lie Helerted for Term of Tvtu lain Kuril Is Matter of Important On Monday O. to her II a caucus of the votera of th.- city of Ontario will be held at the city Mall foi 0M purpose, of nominating a completo municipal ticket Thla cauous is held lines use of the l.ln.1 ..fflau al, . I I Waa lllaa.l mt I . aa ,.,,., aiaaa -.. .. ... General Election in November when I he aeugl.t advia as to means of pre venting lane In tha election of of finals anil waa Instructed that At ,iorny Uenerel Browu had ruled Hit nominal loea for eily officials rulght ihi made on isperat ballot from that uaed for State and County officials. Thla he reported to th city Council let It sweat" u Mondsy svonlng With thl vnu open th City Council ueiermlnvd to ceil for nom inating caucus to be held Mondsy .br 31. Ah thst caucus noni Inallona will be made for Mayor, six coancllman and s Hy treasurer. -men elected will serve for two year, under th new law According lo their expressed stsi. 'men la at various times none of lb present off hlsls as v. i w llali trsssursr. dsalrea re-elecllou ao that Ontario mat sc h roniplate change In Ita city government unless some nf the present Incumbents can be vailed unon to serve. There ngejnji in he no mad scriiiiibl fur Ihe offi.ei- ,.ii I I .MI .i..ih. hs a case of the lob" hontiiiK for men to holil I lie-in rslher MM for ma hunting tha Jobs in W4U FIREMAN LOST FROM TRAIN NEAR Mk I .i - i. i i..lni lb. Ma I On Trndri as IihIh I llrliltiis i ill.. Have I ..Urn lino tin t.i train ' uniiiiu run ' n pa la Hi III K l .ill I. - . i Weill ling al'u.i 1 o clock lie tnlsaod Ilia fireu'Rii, a losing 11111 in ipeoa. The en okd bail, mi II.. i. ( niln before be hail l down i oal, and hi ' ' I'll.- Kali. backed up um I ed where the rnnng i-an h-i I.. si been seen sen tr- of him louid be found A search a tuted wlilch istfil all day -nut rt i - BOM . I ill- Has had fallen lei Hie only theory U i in his total disappear is that he lost Ills fooiius ng coal pile while Ihe engine B -tug il.n bridge sad had (allni k4 Ho liver and drowned rttiu.paon Is den. r I bed us I.HHK S4 year of ge, short of stature and ul lighl oiiiiplesloii H was marrl -d hnaga th first of th wsh by win " f UM