The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 03, 1918, Image 4

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    tmcrhoaV odroMtt's. ISIS
f AS .
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I Letter From Maffiehr County
Boys Now Fighting In France
l 4
Mrs. A M :'McAfe received fife
lowing latter from her brother
mat Sherman, who or a member o
old 2nd Idaho wan stationed at Nynsn
bfor thai regiment wu prepared fot
over-see service Ills tetter follow
Woll I will write you a few linen to
dar to let you know "ho I am Wi
want over thp lop yesterday afternoon
captured a town and drove the Outch
men hark ahout two mllea. And then
I got a little gnn and wan Rent to the
hoapltal. Rut I oin doing well and I
hope to he hack at the boche In a few
days If possible Thejr sure are get
ting some of their own medicine now.
And they will get aorae more "toot
tweet " Oee it wan great lo nee the
Dutch fall and the reat of them Rent
ier for the (all timber. That waa my
Brat time over the top and It lan't had
Itber I have told you enough
re fM -hri f I
, For-lurothi
fine and will be home noon. You
"In i letter written a week 'attr he
had i lie following Interesting cora
inent to make:
Row aro you no- gnd how are ywt)
getting ilongT I aiu In the hoapltal
at hut am oeglnnlng to fuel
pretty nood. I got canned a week ago
when I vent orer trie top but I did not
get .enough to make It serious A
shell iploded aboi t ten feel in front
of ,inf and I could not get my mask on
in time But we got what we were
after, anyway, and ilrore the (lernmna
Uark ahout a mile and captured a IR
tie village
Tin- 'jrnnana rrnwed up In a church
steeple And stuck a Red Cross flag out
of the roof and then turned throe ma-
-i r jGhi
. -. i k ... ..-, - J.m
the Red Croee for Any time you eg warded or held for me Heedtntarwra, eaaa rnvmi. -.
one of them carrylnn a ntretcher with There are Jots of wild blaekbefrfe can BltpedlMnnary Foroee France
rod era on It an bafhdw-en thetr getting ripe now and worlds of them Auguat 11th 1MV
arms yon an fljurethey earryfogt ft rtpon yat I wa oot and picked TO THE OFFICERS ANO MEN OF
a machine ana to a position That I nil I could eat laat night There la a THB 4ND DIVISION:
the way they got their mine np bnt wig Y M C. A. here and a canfeen In A year haa e(aped since the forms
la going to give oMt. "toot wont." the building I go to the nutria av- Jon of your orgnnliatlon It la there
'.: ". FORREST. dry night. The other night then wan for fitting to conalder what you have
- ii i.ii, k. . rnnriimiii hn had limit amnmnllahed aa a combat division.
m "J .-v. -.. ..-- m- ,
In a letter to hla father. J 8. Mill! - tur and a half yegra In Bngland b- and what you ahould prepare ln.tM
ken. Kenneth Mllllken telle of an In- fjr the war. Ho la an orncer in in oompiinn in me
tarMilns-vacation went la the rreneti'axmr and RPMka very good English. Your flrat element entered the
about this and please dont wbrry your chlnr guns tooao on us But that dlil
elf to ncath about me for I am going n. i last long. That la what they uae
Charter N.i 5811
Raaerve District No. 1 3
At Ontario, In the State of Oregon, at t trV clone of huslneee on Aug 31, 1118
Report of condition of the
I MtHT VtTlii.l. RANK
Alpe. HI letter follows
Well I am Just ending my vacation
at Alx-lea-Belnea and believe me 1
have had a grand time You know Al
la up In the French Alps and we had
chance to do a little mountain climb
ing hut of course all of mine waa done
on cog railroada. .Was np to tbe top
of Mount flevard yesterday and MM
aoe Mount Blanc from there. Came
down by bicycle about forty-four kil
ometers or about 37 mlloa and for a
bout 30 mllea of It waa all coasting.
The Y. M. C A. here Is In the old I the folio
t'aalno, which before the war the ne ffiim. who haa eeon
rond moat famous gambling reaort In
the world. It euro la a beautiful
Itle subject was: "What
Comma Means to France." It waa
worth going a long way to hear.
There la plenty oi
to eat. and plenty 'tjnr
the V M (' A for the soldiers. afraTllM
we are well cared for by the doctors
and the Red Cross nurses
Well I will cloae for this time na
there u nothing elae to toll Ooodhyn
America's trencbea In Lorraine on February
took HlfT-all. ergy. Maurcy Fermg:
and Serlngea by aaaault. You drov
thwutMiwy. Including an Imperial
Guard Division, before you for a
depth of fifteen kilometers. When;
your Infantry wag gloved. It '
In full pnranlt of tbe retreating Oar-''
mans, aud our artillery continued ta.
progremi and support another Am(. '
In the advance to the Vesle.
For your eervlcea In Lorraine, your
division waa formally, commended la
Oeneral Qrdora by th French Army
Corps under which you nerved. y0.
your servlcoe in champagne your as
sembled officer received the person.
Sift. You awrved on that front for
119 days Yon were the first Amer
ican division to Hold a dlvlalonal sect
and when you left lyt toctor thanks and commendation of Oea
you had nerved rontinousiy ;aral tioitrnuai nimaeir For yontj
a division In the trenrhes for a long
er time than any other American
dlvlalon Although you entered the
sector without experience In actual
warfare, you no conducted yournelvea
aa to win tbe respect and affection of
i Thr. r.i,i;th French veterans with whom you
and bombard-
Mr and Mrs H
ln lattar from their son. ' fought Under gas
soma of thai ". In raid, in patrols, in ine neai
Mg halt lea In which the. 43nd Dlvlalon ' hnd " h"nd combat and In the
has been engaged. In the letter waa l long dull houra of trench routine no
trying to a soldiers spirit, you nore
(t.42 87
II fMBtaSefcr
32. fOO 00
30,000 00
1,500 no
. B00 110
iit'SMi iici k
1. a. I.taias and dlscounta. Including redls
counts, (except, thoae iibownyta h ang c)
4. Note and hills redlcQnn(ad (other
than bank acceptance aoli V ae . Itm
" 17 a) l&l. 13,7.78
f. Foreign Bills of Kthftttmftn
eold with Untoraement oi thU ban, not
ahown under item d, above laee Itrm 67c)
3. Overdrafts, secured. $ ; unsecured,
B. B. H. ouada. (cither thaai tdbrrty Bsvaala,
bat Uclndlag I . H. ca-Ufratr. of
adneMtt :
a; V. I. Honda dotwalted
eulation (par value)
T ('. H. bonds and rtifl
eflneaa tledgnd ten collate!
Other deposit or bills payat
r V, 8. bond and certificates of Indabt
ednea owned and wnpledged y.t?V
k Premlnm on U B. bond
fl. Liberty lxa Henda:
a. Liberty. Loan lionK- e-a --,
per cent. UOOlcdgAd . aMatgaaMMMIIH
T. Honda, rurlll-, etc, (tlJCI.Aiuu.X ) :
b Bonds (other than (' R bonds) pleda
ed to nor nre poatal savinga deposit
c. Bend and ggcurltlei pledged n collat
eral for State, or other deposits (postal
excluded I or hill, paynble
a. Securitle other than C 8 bond (not
lui'liitling stock owned unpledged
Total bond, aerurltle. etc., other than
t 8tiHk of Federal Heaerve Bank (fin per
cent of subscription)
10. a Value of hanking house
11 Furniture and fixtures
13. Lawful reserve with Federal lOAtrvf) bank
IS. Cash In vault uml net uioountH due from hank
17. Bschiingea for clearing hotgea
Total ot Item 14. IS, 18. 17 and IN
II Check on banks located outalde of city
or town of reporting bank and other ah
V0 Redemption fnad with 0 8 Treasurer and
due from i i :. .i-ur.i
IS. War 8a I .Ttlflmtea and Thrift
Btai owned
I I Mill III)
14. Capital stock paid In
If. Surplus fund
18. a I'mlMiloo profltx
' i i !. . interest,
Live paid
30. Circulating note outtandlng
38. Net umouniH due lo hank, banker, and
truMt eoBlBMltal (oilier than Inolnded in
Iteuih .11 or 32..-.
Total of Iteau SI and S3
14. .li'iMxIt Huhji-ct to iht'ik
36. ' I dnpg ii leaa thau 30
da (Othei than for money borrowed
II. Certltl. .1 I MM "
II. State, county, or other niunnipHl deposit
secured by pledge of aanel of till bank
Total of demand Ifgall (other than
Yank deposits) subject l i Reserve, linn
14. 16, II. 37, II. II. 4( .ud 41 418,030 66
41. Certificate of depoalt i other than for
money borrowed l
44. 1'oatal saving depoalt
41. Other time depolt
Total of time depoalt subject to Reaorve,
Item 43. 43, 44, and 46 148,111.16
II. Bill pabl, a uli Federal i .auk
eacloxed a circular letter to the offi
cers and men to the division by their
IUni.T.1 In ,'nmrMMnH uhnMrlflto that the
In M first battle Emmet John- division had battled for IfO day and
aon. aongfMr and Mrs. 0. 8 Johnson 'had a prominent part hf'flie reptifse d'f
had the Misfortune to avanme tbe roll Hun and In the Victoria that have
of a ca)4)lty. He wia-bR by a piece fVllowwd.
of nylnii ahraimei, but fortunatekf '. The letter and the circular folew:
was notfg4)rlouly Injured In a letter I ' I will write you a letter to let you
written after the one printed below be know that I am still alive and well. I
tells that he ha been dlechaxed from ! objure that If I am alive after what
the Institution and expectaaoon to bw't have beam thru, you tolka should etand or die", and by It Iron defense
10. I have never boon Mck but "uanoo me uerruan aau r... v....n
caaod that van only for four or five ponaioie me onenaiva . JU,7 ..v.. iW
r- , t . the went of Herra
Win have real American girl here' From Champagne yo were called
the" Y" we won't get hnmeelck a to take part In exploiting the socceaa
g aa thero U amy. American air! north of the Marne. Freeh from the
aervlcea on the Ouroq, your division
was officially complimented In a let
ter from the Commanding General,
1st Army Corps, of July 28lh, 118.
To your aucceM, all rank and all .
service hare contributed, and I denlra
to expreaa to every man In the roav
mand my appreciation of hi devoted i
and courageous effort
However, our poaltlon place
burden of reaponalblllty upon eg
which we muot, atrlve to bear steadily
yourselves in a manner worthy of tn forward without faltering To oar
tadlllons of our country
You were withdrawn from Lor
raiae gnd moved Immediately to the
Champagne front where during the
critical day from July 14th to July
18th: you had the honor of being the
only American division to fight In
General Gouraud's Army which o
gloriously obeyed hi order. "We will
back In the game. The following
written while ha wag still in th bean
heapltal: 1
I will write you a few Una to lJ
you know how I am catllnc' aloft. Th
'alight wonnd that I got Is-almoat well
616.616, t(l have Main In the hoaajtta) Just seven ttiFraaca
13.13 day I think there Is a coavaleecent
?2. 300. 08
71,180 30
16,678 88
1,100 00
:!2.35lt -ii
7.000 00
41.016 40
816 36
1,111 no
17;. v
7. 026.41
j. VIA 4S
60.000. 00
4,147. SK
, .on N
413.616 ID
101.118 16
843 64
20.00W 00
713176. 26
61.187 71
a. Liabilities for rediscount. Including
thoae with Federal Reserve, Bank (aee
Item II
Total -iiilmgent Ii hilitie (57 a. b aaii I
I, 11 I. Cot krutn. caMiiier ot th al.oe named bank, do solemnly awaar
that the a ove etatem at I (rue ta (he besi of my knowledge and belief.
H. B nii'KHUal,
Corraot Atteat
Subscribed and aworu to before ma thla 84th day ot Soptember, 1118
Notary Pablar
II v commiwlott Expire October 17, till.
camp that they aend u to from her
and then to a replacement camp. ,1
do not know how long It wilt be hafor Wnil I will e
t gat hack to my compaajy. t don TrTIke often
know wbetlinr my mall' will be fo .
battle front before Chaloaa. you war
1 gm aendlna ynu a paper that-wa thrown aaalnat the picked troop of
gave lo ma I', will 111 a little ot Oarraany Fo aJght connecutlve
M ipartnce ..- dayp. yon attacked skillfully perpared
for tbia time, ao poaltlon. Yon captured great store
, - ot arm and munition. You forced
WILLIAM the croealng of the Onreq ' "You
comrade whj lytye. fallen, wa owe the
aaored obligation of maintaining tbe
repuutlop which they died to eatak.
Hah. The influence ,of our perfor
mance on our kill, and pur annsjlet
cannot be over-estimated for wn war
ion of the flrat dlvlalon sent from oar
country to Franoe to ahow the world
that Americana cauJMght
Hard battle and hang campaign
lie batora i uav Only by caaaalaai
vigilance and tirelaja preparation ran
we fit- ouaaalve Sar tn,B .
youi tfaaroCace. to attproaru the fat am
with conildettc .but above all wltk
firm determlaattoa that so far an K
la in yonr power, you. will apar a
effort (hUvr In, rtraaolgg or 4a earn,,
bat to .maintain, the jr.cord of our div
ision and the ha,aq at. our country. .
Majo OeaeraJ. U. 8 Army
Cleveland Tractor
Equal to the Work of 3 Men
and 3 Good 3-Horse Teams
m . i . 1
Jjbb Biaw ana K
Mt tj lkw .lknHHBaJR
Ajt3p&5.K-'' r " ' r i &ftf''WKStJf?i- "i.
i( ".tjtjj1 'jl'., a l MaxwUM IPiZam . BwB. T1 'y
VWdl 5. - iif V-- ' i- M IraxJlg 6W sji. .' yP 4 " -w
We could write this ad by just telling you in
the owners own words what this wonderful
little geared-to-the-ground Tractor is doing for
ranchmen in Oregon and Washington.
The Cleveland will do anything that horses
or mules can do and can go where they can't
over gullies, ruts and ditches, through soft
soil, wet clay, sand and gumbo. No sinking or
floundering docs not pack the soil.
Only one man is neeeed to run the Cleveland.
12 horsepower is developee at the drawbar and
20 horse at the pulley.
Uncle Sam wants more farm products and
you want the profits to be earned. You can re
place the men you have lost with a Cleveland.
Read What These Oregon and Washington Men Have to Say:
Coburg. Oregon, Aug 10 1918
McNeff Tractor Co ,
fortlaud, Oren
Gentlemen; I have had my tractor hitch
ed to moat everything on th farm, Includ
ing the Ford Car. It spring after we
finished plowing, I uUtal a l ii l.u.1
working th growad down, aud covered the
ground at a faster rata thau a team travel
ed. I haw filled Sllo, Flowed. Harrowe.l.
Mail it, Hauled Ha, Hnaled ! Manure
Spraaitii, Pumped Water, Mwd Wood,
aad am going lo fix a pulley on the d
shaft ao I can run the irtllki'i- uiacbini
aaparater with the tractor in caae tbe
1-1 bora power motor goae wrong for a
few daa. C. R 8WANOO
bo trouble making the hllU
Vancouver, Waah, Auguat II. It8.
MiNeff Tractor Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
Geutlemaa: I have been ualng llu I
land Tractor alaee March of 1118 tor or
chard cultivation, and have found It all
that la claimed tor It Am ualng a two
bottom 13 In. plow a 16x14 m lat
er I can uae with a to ft. aplke tooth liar
row or a 10 ft. clod machine thus doing
the work of a team and meu My ladd
1 extremely galling, but the Cleveland haa
See a Cleveland at Work, Then You'll Want One
It plow, harrow plant. ieai cut ensilage aud feeds, run
aawa aud pump, pull road ui..aalary. aud dots practically all
the work formerly done with huraea and stationery engine.
Fill out and mail the coupon, or write us for name of cloaeat
plaqa where you can aa a levMand demonstrated
McNeff Tractor Co., p.-.u Portland, Ore.
Waahougal, Waah. Auguat II, 1P1I.
McNeff Tractor Co .
Portland, Oregon
Gentlemen: I have uaed th Clavalaad
Tractor for one year, and consider that It
haa replaced at leant 8 teams and driver
when In use ami done better work. I ne
ed it for a few day threahlag with a lo
ll American machine, which pull heavy.
For cutting silage it l tip-top. I have 8
tloa to fill with It thla fall
Mail This Coupon for Tractor Facts.
M.N. Htm., c. .. tmi rW nttock MM. . P.rtUa. On
Send ma Cataiogue, 1'riCaa. and name of naaraat plaoe when I
can ea the Cleveland Tractor. Thin la without any obli
to ma