wfaati m I f& I fm v$n. T The Ontario Democrat xxn ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY OCTOBER 3, 1918 NO. 41 LflfVl 1 BOND SLACKER IS WD TO BUY BONDS nito; AN MAN WHO DECLARED BONDS NOT WORTH HI YING IS Ql'KST AT HTIKRINt. MIIIVK.HT PARTY TAKEN FROM HOME AT NIGHT John Hal-tang of Hnifan Ma.b Kiain ptc nf hy Patriotic ( l(l.n of the Houor-wlnnlnK t '..miiiunlt) IN Ta ken to Vale Whrrr Mr repent and Hu) !....." Coliimuiilt) Aroiixfsl John Harttog, a rancher near Hr ffan was the guest at patriotic Liberty Bend pk.l; staged ot thai town laid Friday evening. He came to the par ty on a apccfal Invitation extended hy group of cltlxcna who called at hi home after ha had gone to bed. HarUut waa solicited by a com mitter of Hrogan oitlaen Friday after noon during their Liberty lumd drive and he re fussed to discuss the matter with them, until one Of their number auggeated that If lie continued to act In that way IiIh motive might be mis construed This arouaed hla Ire anil he demanded an explanation, saying: "What do you mean- Do you think 1 am a pro-UermanT" "We will have to draw our own as elusions for we know you can afford to buy bonda." This proved to much for Harttog. (or he then declared that ho woul.l buy no bonda. He weal furtln.r than that. He declared: "I dout know tl. at we have a government." and fin ally aald, "I dont know that the kg of the Cnlted Hla ten are worth any thing any how." The committee then lot lilm I'wt ' when the people altout town leaned of tte Incident during tha evening J they determined to nrlnc llsruog to1 n accounting A party waa soon organised which at once proceeded to the llarts ranch where they found lilm In bed j Seeing the determination of tin- nun who called on bin llartxog. wig a large part of his clothing. ac. ompat led them to Hrogan Barouta tht salon stopped at a ranch iimix l where a pair of overalls we secured ; for the shivering man. Hy this liatxog had begun to repent and wasjbe lil uk, ,.hl,ri, of ,, wr ot nlr willing, when Brogan waa reaohed to I nallo111, hi stortegl subscribe what the committee thot he. ought, bat the men would uot enter his name on the Urogau roles. Some of the more ardent -plriu wanted to administer a eoat of tar aud feathers, but the i vulled and the crowd was swtlefled by haarina many preaent tell Harlaog In plain KngllNli. Juki wnai niey iuui o. , hint, and also of the determluailon to Mini him over to the County aui itios for further action .riff Brown .ommui with and he instructed the urogan man to bring tbe reoalcltrant .'Mien lo Vale the next day by it time he, h.d urn a new IlKlit aud wa a an-1 ,lou t mself ao that with i - n ii,o nart of the lllliv wiw.wm w" ... r--- uff ha subscribed for a $100 I and prouitased to be good in the fut ure. Thar tha matter waa dropped J. A Kennedy and Tom I-ogan of tbe Hrogan oho were tu Ontario Saturday and reported the In ,,i declared that the people in the dieirlct have loug been lncoBsed at llartiogs attitude which haa been anything but loyal He ha never so far aa la known, even taken out a mem liendup In ihe Had t'roait; and known to have secured more than hla allotment of sugar 'The peope re have decided that su. will not be tolerated la iuua- Uy and si "g haa been o the. moat reaiateni ofteuders It waa time that an example be set. are any more like htm in G ir there Mruguxa aaakoa Mo.. A, , i the .ouu m'b record of ' over auhacrlptl. the Pourfh Liberty Usb With i quota subaci log $.8o0 were rocalvae. man Kennedy paid diet met eomylt OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Evtnit ef the Week Briefly Sketched tor Infor mation of Our Reader. With a student body of more than 1000, the Oregon Agricultural college opened Monday for the fall aemealer. The Sherman county aae lasment rolls for tbls year show an aeeeaeed valuation of 11.76.ltv. Last J-r It umounted to $6,153,140. Clearings of Portland banks for the week ending Saturday totaled $30, 61M06.S1. compared with $16,002. 072.7$ for the corresponding week of laat year. Conrad V. Olson, of Portland, waa appointed associate Justice of the su preme court by Governor Wlthycembe to fill the vacancy caused by tbe death of Justice Frank A Moore. Burning out five brldgeo. a forest fire east of Gates atopped traffic on the Basle i n and Albany Detroit branch of the Southern Pacific. It required nve days to restore the line Tbe Food administration has author- ised District Representative Houaer. at Portland, to grant inudiriiaUons of the j.iu storage rule so aa to permit storage of grain up to six months J. 1J. lirnwa, who was certified aa the nominee of tbe National party for representative In congreaa for the third district, has filed notice of his withdrawal with Secretary of Stats Oleult The state board of control haa ap pnluied Mrs C T. Moorse, of Salem, aa sup' t of the Oregon acbeol mind Mrs Mooree Is the wid ow of the late superintendent of the Institution. The Oregon Poultrynien's aseocta- ....... . . tlun will mot a fund to provld for labeling egge produced by members of tne association, tnersny guaranteeing vhvii iuaiif wnrs mry pic ipiaaaw vs Use market. Twenty-els yeere of houerable and faithful service to tbe state of Oregon on tbe supremo bench came to a cloee when Justice Frank A. Moore died at Salem after a long lllneea. He waa 74 years old Dugald I'aninbnM, of Kugene, hi ought aim kg town In au automobile and sold It for $MV. op wee 246 pounds of pepper mint oil, which be ralaed and distilled on his place north or Kugeae. Tbe Hood Klver Irrigation district has made application to the atale Irri gation securities commission to have $167,000 in bouds sertrTlad BMkM the slate law. Tha purpose Is to refund an outstanding lesne. and reduce lanes 1i Joeeph Schafer, profaeaor of his tory at tbe I'nlverslty of Oregon and dtan at tbe sumasar school of the agjj versll) has left for Waablngton. whei i he Medftord Irrigation iilmiict bond mIIi . I iii 146 Miica tor to '.- agalust bouds In the uiu or .'ion or the work jon the i i. proje ::u.uiiii aorva or ihe ueht farm land In j the b.uit or the valley, Through Joint action of the council and the chamber or ... a cleanup campaign waa Inaugurated in North Beud and Monday every reel lty cleaned bla premises and the streets adjacent ui bis prop erty of all rubbish had accumulated refuse In response lo represent aiioun sul pjltted by aWnatar MrNary in behalf of Oregon Wool adim w aronring mills, the aid that Ofiajao pioducire are free to have their aool aeeared In Oregon It they ao deatir under regulatloaa adopted by the gov eminent. The Oregoa state fair last week was g record breaking . i push Ion In many waa He.. ng weather ear- rounded the state show from start to finish. On Thbi .idauoe rec ords of fair history were smashed hen more than 64,000 people entered the grounds. ergeaut Major Frauk I lirut . tbs list Canadians who assist ed ! in in tbe campaign by making ad- at Broga and t'ake aad in I al (he Itainhow mine, where' WIIIC.III Ihe., Weut g .subscription. Hrugau Ut b i James Mmnvi - listed t i f or $fo0 aad who bought 7,004) aiaktgg him Hie largest dividual subscribe in tbs oaoot far reported la tbe third lose , lag-ait aubeerlber waa a restdeo' n Valley. BOOZE GETS COBBLER INTO REAL TROUBLE W. K. Ttiompaon Hit. MarmhaJ With Whl.k.i Bottle Marahaa Hhoota Thrice Halt Kails to Hit Hla Owarrr W. E. Thompson cobbler used a per fectly good bottle of whisky, worth at current bootlegger orlcea, at least $8 as a weapon of attack upon Marshal Marlon Jones, last Friday night when the Marahal attempted to arrest him for having the liquor In his possession According to the Marshal's story of the affray, he saw Thompson walking north on Oregon street with two tery auspicious looking bulges under hla coat. He followed him until he over took the erstwhile shoe man by the Modern Oarage, there he demanded the boose. He got, nut not as he nun oted. Instead of quietly sorrow- , derlna the Honor. Thotnoaon nailed I w - w , one of the bottles from his pocket and I have the preliminary work completed hit the officer over the bridge of hlsL, ,n ronMrucon ,, , r,hed as ,,. hrulnlng thst member snd for'W)0n ,, ,, Mw,r plD- (,,, to ,r. the. time being blinding him. lrVl. ,,rk w) hr ftntahod In a The marshsl of course resent, this ' ,)r, , , ,, ,u a,:,de will be j attack and retaliated by open I Be. up a L. mo(,r0y equipped as any part of fusllade on the retreating jBomp- ,0ntsrlo With the completion of I son. The first sho went p. hnd' .,, ngtm practically all on nccnunt or the people on e street ... . . .- the officer had to with hold hla rare until he chaaed his Quarry Into the open street near the Kroeealn bargee shop. Again he missed his man, knd again the fear of hitting an Inoooant hy-etander prevented fnrthar nee of the official artillery Hy this time Thompson had reached the nelghhoi hod of his shop, which the Marshal thot he had entered But he found Instead that he had gone thru the va cant room of the thrfl Fellows building Ju,t ,,, h dlswovered this to be tbe cmM ,n marahal asw his man going ou, ,. hrll door am loog , last alHN .i hi... Whether thai hit or not the , ar done not know for that wee the last aeon of Thompson. A warrant was issued for hla arrest on Haiurdsv and the or ridels expect to apprehend lilm In s Mhort time . BUY W.B.B.- - I.AHT Ml OK HilMlts Itol Ml I P MAKKKD HY FATAL Alt IDKNT Friends here of Harley McCulougli, who waa one of the popular burksro at the fair regret ed to learn of the ac cidental shooting at Welaer last Sat urday, in which he Is said to have flr the shot that killed John C t'hesnut. cousin of Til Aslier of this i I Mrt'ulloiiKh according to ihe ae Icoontx of the In. Ideiil, wan p patlng In the Wild Weal parade suit like other riders was firing what he un blank cartrldgea. when) OO which he U thot to have tired strurk Chrsnut who waa standing on the side walk watching the procession he nul died early this week, nud MrCul lough la being held for maniaughtrr IwOOSEI! The r ninth of national war lioi lo "ut five ut yeavr. Oat a frirj.UB anai euro. L dafei. BBSsnBelJBwaSWaJPir- " 1; AaT aaxejal anw. v., kdiaf &M anflana&flu- J& - . '-'L&mi i. . . , Iw-f alnTTI I I, .-it l.uii, i the first :leiu on tin in making that pi.Jge nation b reeonrcao are ggioss. Too 60611 taw of the .uevu ttoBeiiils oa our eoovertuvg g gbaro of Fount) 1 abort Baadg. NoUiUuj mora The loan stiunld be euboeribtid tbo firot day ssd overgub- aeoad da Hu Libert? Hotb Uoa't bo Turtle HEIMER SUCCESSFUL BIDDER LOR SEWER Worm oa Hawtalde Improvesneat Will Star at Once Total Figure In. clBKlkag lateral gJW.OOO Whole tit j Obt The last large section of Ontario wblh now has nc sewerage will be thor ol ymodern within a few months The contract for the onst ruction of the EasteMe sewerage system waa lot at a special meeting of the City ' itincll last Monday evening to Chaa. H. Hel mer, who has Just completed the con struction of the new water syatem. The amount named In his bid was $30,000. Two other bids were effered: thst of the J. A. Hnsklnn Co for $$1,000 and that of the V S I'lumblng Hasting Company for $$$.000 Mr Helmer will start his crews al ..w . . j-..- .a - I " " w law uay ! vaiivvip w .,. ...,.. ii.,i .m, ..,..... .,) i ' a modern water system. There re mslns but a few small laterals to be built to have the entlie city covered. but w.e.s. MAI.HKt It IMIVH UfB OIRIJ4 WIN M.tIN ATOKKOON MTATK PAIR A meesage from Mint Faye Clark, county superintendent of schools, re county superintendent of schools, re ceived today tells of hoaor won by Malheur county boys and girls at the State Pair at Salem. The county's booth wpei second In tha Eastern Ore sWn ivion;i.o i nompaon woo aec- ond la gardenina: Kuby Bradley of Owyhee was rirtti In baking and kii genU I'ralt. alai of the Owyhee won second In aewlng. For Sale: Three room house, barn aad aeven lota. Coat $1,000. Will aell for $606, on reaaonable terms Inquire t K W. Swagler Adv 4 llf but .aa. MAI.HKt It ( ot N It HOt HUM OK IM II K.t l flt4.INI A telogrem was received Toaoday morning by James Battens who Hie. between Vale and Ontario, healing the and a.ews of the death of hla son. I. man. which oocured Monday nfter- noon in the base hospital In Virginia The cause of death whs given aa In fluenaa. The body will be brol Woat and will takt place al oil home of the family In Prairie City Btawe he entered the navythe daceaa ed young man waa a mechanic on t lie battleship Miaaourt. - UP, TURTLE war Us all tor oar dollars our our giuaority god eriiatiieao ALLIES ADVANCE ' ON FOUR SECTORS OriVe Now Under Way Ex ceeds Anything Seen Since First Marne Battle. Parle The allied sdvanos on four sectors from the North Sea to the Meuae continue and important strate gical points are being taken from the Germans by the French. British, Amer ican and Belgian ferree. Not since the first battle of thn Marne haa there keen an attack to compare In extent with tbe present operatlona The new thrust of the Anglo-Belgian armies waa a complete surprise to thi Oermsns and la aneet log with marked auccean. tin the Champagne-Vardua front the armies of Ueoerals Qouraud and Mr grtt'are progressing steadily. Tbe French and American force have cap lured strong positions Blnee the be ginning in' the attack In this section General Gouraud has broken the re sistance of II German divisions. General Mangin's army perfon master stroke in tbe capture of Port Malmaison. and tbls succeaa la expect ed to lead to the oaplure ot tbe entire Chimin lies Dames ridge. French. Iirltlsb snd American and Belgian troops In three days bare cap tured 40,000 prisoners and 200 guns. It la estimated here. Since July 1$ the allies have captured 100,060 pris oners. I 10.000 machine guna aud en luautltiee of material. Tbls A 'ake into account the operations In Macedonia and Palestine. The American army operating on tha Champagne front baa captured Brleulles - Bur - Meuae and Komagne. weet of that town on the outskirts of the'forrst of Homagne, and the attack lw progressing favorably. AMERICANS KILL MANY GERMANS With the American Forces North of 8t gueiitln American divisions hnl llantly attacked on a (tout of severs! Ilea In conjunction wltk the British. Al nightfall they were reported to have galued their objectlvea only hy aheer might and aft. r killing large umbers of the enemy. The resistance encountered by the American troops was ss strong an anything offered by the Oci roans for many weeks. The Americans, aa well ililiish. were held up at many places from tlms to time by machine i uii fire In some pieces tbls opposl Hon was overcome by flanking opera tions aud In others quickly organised stunning pari lea rushed the enemy aad silenced him. It wss 6 o'clock In the morning when the Americans alth the British on their left snd right flanks "shoved i. n frogs the I liudentiurg outpost line, about X0O0 yards west of tbe St guns tin canal. After a short "crash" bar rage the infantry, preceded by a large mm, l'. i.r tanks, started advancing thtougli the hase. Aft.r hard fighting the troop . nnal and scrambled across aa tbe bairuge swept ou ahead of th. m The fciouud over which tin- AoMri tuns pasted waa littered with German dead and the same waa true or stana sections ol ihe front DOSf progress was reported virtually everywhere. BELGIANS TAKE DIXMUOE Other Towns Also Taksn In Drive Agalnat I una. attack bstwecv Ypres and I Hi nun le the lielKlaas gap .ode, it aas nfficlally sn ! pounced. The aWsglgas hove also ig ken Zerram, Stadcnberg. Pggoght , and pall of W gsjooohoke I his m bus an ad... several miles The llelglan and Krlllsb armies g ana in heavy flglii.i..' - rlandem mi tbe M I MesslBse v , im ka is rld been .x . npi. u aud il.. been defeated la efforts to defend u atiaroaches to the Kiver l.ya. Ill V W 8 Hill irTOKM VISITS (Jim Bt T Ml lit tl. II M v ill - hUcept for mmui' isle gardiu truck and some he? the heavy rein and lie 1 storm that visited Ontario Ibis after Booa did no real damage During tbe storm which lasted fur a half l.oa git, a half lgeb in dlutueter f. II sheeik co . i round ONTARO AND VALE HHSD OTHER TOWNS W II II JI BAl.tM l en in T HAB Mil IK OlOTt THK irUI TOWNS OF fOINTY ULU ft'. HIND ONTAHIO-B SH VI i: IN IN SIGHT NOW SLACKERS WTU BE SHOWN UP I'ublicltr Will b Given the Names of Thae Men Who Kail to HliKrt Government With Tlielr Mnaei Ac ('ortllng to lninictlon of HtatO Chairman OMtklughain While Malheur Is sate In the Fourth Liberty Loan drive and will make Ita quota, Ontario and Vale are proving -.tumbling blocks ror a speedy fin ish of the work. (itiiarhi BM apprcxlmstoly $10'..- I its $110,000 quota; while Vale $56,000 of Its uuota of $80,000. balance of the county la over the top and the aum total of all the county rlpllons Is I3KI.O0O. The tolsl to he ralsd In th county Is $418,000. to hn rrhid In th county la $411,000. The font that the county aa a whole hi so near the total of It h quota la dg the fact that llriignii. NpgOg and 0 districts have ao largely over-aub- cillied their allotments, for together OaUrlo and Vale are $40,000 abort of their mark. Throe precincts, Crowley, McDermlt snd Itockvllle have not boon liesr.l from, but J It. Black shy, coeaty chair man Is rsrtsln that they will go their quotas So when Vale in. On tsrlo make good the entire county will have reached Ita allotment hy a aafe margin. To make good Ontario s portion I dove has been set t.n u.xt Tueadav .her 6 By that time the local . oininlttue under tbe dlrooUog of Its chairman. Frank Itadnr will coiiip checking Ihe list of suhaorlbers and will know who Is missing For a time this weak volunteer auli'u'Npi. were resolved al a rale (hat gave rise to the hope that no riv woul be nc ary to make a rive and Ontario would liavn ihe honoi or iietng a too per rent volunteer rnminiiiilty Uui this hope was dlsalpaled when s i msn rat i for substantial am. lOOgtS up lo the murk set for lln m Whaa they sii.i Iptlons ,-.l -im In Hie J'i ' of lliu committee tli ran I ilr an i in i im.h i t pi i.i ii it The following In liio Ihoeit rcceite.i .'.Uoe Ihlng th ..ora- ling i hose who either auh Mill. He o evude tr.kinn ihclr gg ajrt o i." It ev cowmlltee tn names of any rttltrm who. t '" so. have . im I tli a,l Ilk' OUI ' l'1 1- log h'H fair ... '"" ne Natlou nxiige. i bo dot to o l.h duo I t.i I' a tn ludttfei Ull 'letit lo luty of th i.. i it . ill In- iton nt ihoaa v smcksrs aBl b th..' teresta of tl Baiting bers of i d i,a.. in . i .inn. I! or D the B i . l.urvlew . n COOK I II IV W HM H ggs leglsteiud, ou n,n who r who h ' ' -' .man voters who bavs chang. d their names Sli (