The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 26, 1918, Image 6

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M. !!
Matinee at 2
Children, 6 to 12, -Adults,
Gen. Adm., -Reserved
AH Ticket Plu Tan
One Million Fighting Men
20,000 Hordes Miles of Artillery
Squadrons of Zeppelins
Fleets of Air Planes
Gas and Flame Projectors in the
midst of their "Hellish Work'
The Destruction of Cities
The March of the Legions
Ftc. Etc., Etc.
This is the Boise Show
Going direct from Ontario
to the
Watch the Boise Papers
Showings at 2 - 8 Sharp
vt r
DWFHTHS Evening at 8
1 " J-,, - B9naaaj pa-
!r '. .Bat' ?Ti
f eSawawawaw A
r waaaBal nTa!', v3
Children under Six will
not be Admitted
All Sea s Reserved - $1.00
All Tickets Plus Tax
Company's Own Grand
1 hree solid hours of Music,
Laughtei, Tears
and Thrills
The only Theatre Playing this At
traction between
Baker and Boise
Please be in your seats in time to see
Prologue with D. W. Griffith and
LI yd George.
Ontario, Oregon
Ontario, Oregon
Atteoilou ailed i.. mi ui wvt ,,t
Protecting Nation's Kuppl of .
Milk N Kaaenllnl lo Health
Humane Nora
unload. Ore, dapt. IS Thai lb
dulr and milk sltaattwa la a of ilia
oil serine aad Important problems
confronting tba Tailed States today l
(l.a lataujent of Stat t'onservallon
Cbalrmaa Arthur M Churchill, of the
United Stat a. rood Administration
for ttrraou Mr i Uur. hill quol.-s
from a if. fm speech uf Herbert Hoot
er, la ahlrb lha Kood Administrator
Of all lha food Industrie uf
Europe tbara la aooa which lia la-rn
to slrt. ken by tba war aa tba dairy
produce Tba human rae through
scorer of thousand of years baa de
veloped a dependency upon cattle for
tba rearing of Ita youth So greater
oktaetroph ceu happaa to a paupla
Ibaa th loaa of Ita dairy hard, fur
Iba total loaa of dalr) produce meen
tba extreme ultimata aitlai tiou of a
hoopla In ".datum itpajt the
baarda dluiiniMifd from Ikuuuu t
IPV.Oaa to MM lat Hire iuunth if
jpsllou lu Nurihfrti Kraure a'.
eolataly all of tba .-stile aara takni
afore lb Kellef rumiiu-sioa ari
'll.r liaa been ararcely a child hurt.
to Itif Nor Hi of frame, aad alao la
Belgium, whoa cwalinuad hr.
But oft-ii .lapeudeut duriag all iln
period upon American otidaaaed milk
- Out obllgalloua lo them arr mil ng
ly a mattfr of humanity, hut a matter
Of tbelrmaiutalaanoe la our eouimni
struggle It i wore tbaa folly to
pat nillltoas of our boya in t-'raiicr If
tba cl.lllsu population of our Alllaa
Bra aot alao to be laainialurd In
etraagUi aad moralr with our food
I doubt today whether ilia
dairy production of Kurope aa a whole
la SP par cent of tbe pr war normal,
aad Ibat of tbe Allls la Sv par cent
t Noraial No oae know haw long
tba war will last Tbe enormous
deal r art lun muai go ou to tbe aad
' Aad Hor goo oa in point out'
bold Mr t bur. bill. Ibat at all ouata.
If wa are to aave th children af
Kurope aad oar own children,
tauai baap up our herds uf dairy
rowi. Yat wbat are the facts' Oa
n hatre bad to pay More and
more lor feed and fur labor. Tba
i-oat of milk hai gone, but In many
rasas nut m- aat aa (. ad The dairy
uitl cannot make expenses and t.hry
muat quit They sell their rowa for
laughter Th milk aupply that pi
ao pRaJ to our national health thus
rut off In Oregon especially wa are
i on f routed with Ihla danger at thla
momeai "
Another great danger la tbe fact
that when tba price of milk goaa up
because the farmer must par mora
for feed aad labor, many people stop
using milk, or use Maw. That baa
two dlsasterous effects; It takes away
the market from the farmer, and tbe
only thing left la for htm to sell bis
cows for slaughter , aad tbe later,
when th people wake up aad realUe
how ueceoaary thee cow are. It Is
too late. Tba cow cannot be brot
bad to Ufa again, and tba haards can
oaly developed slowly Tbe sec
ond dlaaairuua effect of cuttieg down
on the auppl) of milk la the home
because iba price goaa ap. Is tba af
fect oa lha baaltb of children aad
area adults Home people think
milk la oaly a drink Ilka tan aad coffee
Hut that Is not iruo Milk la a food,
tbe most valuable food wa have It
Is abaolalely necessary lu the growth
aad health of cblldree. and lo a great
extent of youug people also. A quart
a day for ter rinld and a plat for
pesjp adult u aot too high a standard
foi ater) .. Portland ss s whola
ta uaiug pajtj ibis much, and
ihruuut the Mate the couaumptloa la
lower i lie u It rhoald be.
"la the di'iiirta where mil'. I u !
sparingly, latge numbers of rfcl
are afflicted with n. keta, pell
aad olber diseases snd mini cl .
who do not bave sufficient milk
pre-dlapoaed lu tubur. uloala Mo-t
people would use more milk If they
realised how much It takaa tbe place
of other fuod Kven at aiarh highr
price than Ibuae lhat prevail, milk
la really lha cheapest animal food aad
one of tbe cbeapaai bod) living foods
as have, because It contain so tuu. 'i
I 111. IBVassW 1 hnrdahina oura havf haaia an aaalaw I -
Railway In India Makes Cemplete
Oeutle Leap en lu Wart the
Top of Mountain.
One of tbe wmmsi lot. uwd
linen, the ronatrti' t "n f wish h M pal
the solution of dlfflcull e hi: .in . ring
problems, ta the narrow gangr railway
wiiiih winda its way up the steep HarSthipt Ignorfd. Wounded Man
slopaa af Use Derailing range of lha .
II inalsysa te Darjeeilng.
Isarjeellng la a noted beallh reaort
of lb Brltlah ruler of Inula and the
summer aeat of ttM Bengal govern- I
gneoL It M T.400 feet above see krvL
Its deilcbifnl iiimat aad Use aangal- I
cent eceoery aurrunndlnr it hsrlndlng
a panorama of the highest deaka of
tbe Himalayas make It one ef the ,
moat deslfabl' ptacee la lodla daring .
the hot amain. One of t he remark -
able fruturea of the mountain railway
I tbe rhlmnaftl loop, ajrobahi the
Telt Mother Don't Ltt Thsm
Mifrser Ysur War Work
only eaampaf of Ita kind In two world. ahjBje to the v
The ire. ka, rising al a wleep grade. d sromen who a
luuke a complete diaubl loii to reach
the atntloo on the mountain too. I'op
alar bV-leux-e Moatbly.
Aa porters snd laborers, the (ireeka
ef Salomes are unrivaled. Tou espy
n grand piano or a gigantic wardrotas,
apiwreiitl) promenading the street for
lla owu pleasure, and a search reveals
a small Oreek of no particular phys
ique auppartlag II wlthowt apparent
eaTort 'llatre a ease uo llaall to lbs
hnrdeoa the -as aboulder. iHirtu a
Pre two ssen were erii go up atec
stairs tnrrylug s bugr aafe lhat wuid
have neadajd cranea and pulleys In aay
other!) They are very useful
for road nuking aad on the qusya. r
cvulng a Bled rate of 91 a day.
uv a fourth tmanrv MHO
sty at. v.
HeiS lo rati astMSlBaj.
Maa ( Kftimm Tswawk
lawafsaO) SSisAuts van ksaaliaa.
vdki an Mm
Mdfvulik BnUwb ahead
nod CaaehoMevah iroepa have attack- j
ad th aWtahevlb Nad Oaard an thn j
Vasun river front, and have drive
she enemy knew for n d si la BO of It
miles Prutoners were taken and haoy j
was captured by tha sllasd forces
an? a mtma
Kati sis naswi Sarlws
et uas ases av Sylas
User is la w sis ciytag
su a awnw
Pet vwr bay wis la Iks fiafci
Uusd fsrT hat Ou sad Risai
Seas, ihaii l.. rare Sorasaa i .
Is) s Mask
aaas al I Many,
la sssw ta assks aaa Pre.
a win laa Vassery,
a atesat!
Pasiiau- F
a hospital somewhere la
Franc a wouudad American ha writ
ten ta his parents
w are going through hardships,
hut the boya are tabJag hold in the
and oM Am arias a way "
What a mssngs ntr those uf as
who bav r amain ad at bouse1 What
ajgnj uf man
are In lb bom
guard, carriiug oa In th thousand
aad oao way that th eatgoncies of
wnr bave brought upon us
We are going through bardahlue"
We can believe that, when r
anil the dnuaOee charges irk -r
boya have aeon avaklng a i tha
and the daily laagthrsiag iausut
Uata wkloh are resulting from tkair
fearless devotion ta tbe hasl it, at M
aat before tksm
W know they are gateg thswugh
hardship ebon we (top to thank of
tha hundred upon k aad lads wkc are
wouaded and who for the tinsa be
tag si least aead care and attention
Of course that are goiag thtvuga
hardship those taays froni yoor
ha nod mine Hardships are a
part of war abe are Ike Inevlisfcie
raanli uf a sink uf war And when
war is waned by an Mas. an tallied
hi ail th fiendish deviltries la
whosb khe Uerasaus fcavr ladulgad.
ehnp are the Inaaoauabie lurtiua of
asory aahssnr aoatlriaatiag
Mat hardattpa era not tbr unrt ef
the war than) setekers of ones u
thin Man mens ebont 19hnSy ar ben
tha laehjadli m lb dMy'a work
' Tho hoys at iskMul hold M th
SMd sd Amertoaa etny.-'
louM oner h a settr
ef hvelng want at
thar be s mere
ths motUs of
pan We haf known little if rl- enuthern Ntflroe Credited With H
H. ,-, lit ntartd Thi Delicacy en
the offennjr of our bo, . ut Ita Way U anolnrity.
done nothing as t And wis. I ere
Is the rhalMnge souadsd l Wd jo ar bear of hoe ike? If
The good old Amaru i. wa. g all " " awn In the southern
that Is nsked of us w hnl h that "' ,tur United Mlaiea of An
, way '"ii bsve surety heard of It. and per-
i Vou must frame the answer, mutb "IM J-" "' eat It, loo. fur this
j ers and sistei ol tho west Yuare UkU urigluated la lhat part uf the
M an Important part ka the reply r"rH. .
' which the nation will make to tha '-" " In the day before lha
buia oversea Titer Is not on of n'" "f. hen great plaalatlou
us who would not spore bet nun If duurtabed In the South and uiub) we
ak could es e apaie soma re were owned by tha planter- lb
other mother's so the pain aad slatea ir usually sent out lu work
I hardship . ayual boar Mi are nat all "lay lu the Belds sod gieu a luurh
j asked to do that. We could not, to take along n lib them for Ibeir mid-
t bough w wowM. day meal. Wishing aomrthhst !' i
Hut we .an Make kia part saatti ta eat. they acqalred Ibe Irkoit ul
hrr . ana av with bin) tk iagh ( a butter, geoeraKy of aartuaeai
1 ' - '2 b '"'a H'uipietely "' water, with a little salt a
af our ..i lily ' In and linking H npon their bees oa
The is no ksbger aeed to sdaiala lha boi toala of a 0re which .!'
what L luortt laws I Thar to t.uilt. ll wa lb a use thing ahkS
an anore seeoastiv par uoiallag out Ihw womeu lb their homes cuiifcro o
rwaooas tor psrUaiaotlui la It Tbto Ihe heanh before the An. only.
Is the day whoa hat to hoar Ita call lu Urn bituia. they usually ai.ird
M as laser hto kenrUeat enpuort al.out a lrc,pohful of butter, lard
bar hhkh Is the dass aot Par or bacon dripping. They uiteil Just
tbrooah the ugh water to moiatru th Meal, f
Pwnrth Uhstwj la. last v tnhe that Ihey could spread It oat up
l -the good aid avayi na way their tius or board.
M the vary ana, ywu ton da la . liteV on. ao a Saatheru womaa
avnhe that sdvaaee a aamklag too says tba while people, Ibe psaatalle
j hay aver there aha owners, made a al toller dlah. with
nntp1 vartstiona. and liked It -! d
They added or, rather, substituted,
milk for water, aad added be k lag puw
Kaga One Hunarag Year Old. d,r ",,d ,uur ahoi teolu. uiiwil lha
A straoge and waa ane at North- dough inomughlt rolled If oat, cut It
Bllertisn. sang., recently. While work- 'blu dlsmoulahafil pieces aad linked
sen sawing through a large eta " ' ' asen. lYsrlallan aV leuca
ir- thf cam across la th very heart ""a-
of tha tree tve dried up starring sggn. I '
Th aan wore Ik Indies fro the ea I -
lernal hark, aad from the concealrlc I The Dene Oriental,
ring II to eeuiolf.l that the must I At a dinner lu Kdroborg. an K. t.
hi.. hewn depooUed about 00 hun- iAtoga, Baron Klchuchi. prluclpal
dred yrers ago. It to surmised that Toklo nnlvarntty. was a gooM-
i l.eii thf tree wss young a pair af nwhua avwaent told the etary ol a
lefla lo l mad their beet In a ravily fbrotsnnaa who wont to his deni :'
hod for susse rwasun the eg wer with an arhlag tooth aad waa naked W
roraaca. ana lo coum of Hate the the woatd have ana; he rnplld thsi he
areui:.! th hollow. ..uld. hat should Ilk to cowtit hi
, moaey firot. everybody tougSad but
ra and Their Bgaw. . '"' " Siiilnhnjn aitawapled
I V osss
of tnolr
asans aeaaeaa or aaaaaaa - - as I
Boa a Basse! w "
I gfjg thane ef us at hawae
A -1 . wMoh teat
.shsnnnnhv . - ' IhaMkdk aawaT aSAS- " . ttnws.
DiY A gnWithwn aadkt hoys ban can an The Pwaww. are assc aotrotwd
m aa . BaAb - - 1. .. k.. ... swss es r-
DhVlD I gBBhssl lo this OOunawad aolSlar a akaikwwaas
Tas-sav anllianV U.-r-r-vaf gsuwJLE YOUR ""- - "
1 -.-- - AJtsfwnt now TTZ?-1 '
- . - gat wa ahh 10 uhe haM M tgjp
Mpima tha Job aa to tha artagjed foi
ble of hto race: the baron sapjalned
Mspaanive. Others tried, hat aha baron
said, -I do pot
In tha manner of disponing af their
aasay specie or frega sxhttdi r-
I markabie pecuila title. On of lha
! nvoat twriaan. a tree hyac. aattTe of i " airataag.
farnguay. nmhe Ita want In a bank Muuvod the la to a III II
oxrhnngtag a pond Tha lower eaaha "" "
of a aaashar of toarsn new 1. I d not
ad stood la that poMUon hy a
af thnnly -- asu.
wltk a
tetiers gave rapt atleatla. What 1
ao not understand,'' ha weaRa. "M
aot why tho aVtlinai nabt JTanl M
dM. bat how any Istlsnut should not
he m nad air. Whaa aha VnM, kjhl.--i
a. ..av as . TaaaVawUBn - at uas am TeLaw hkasaa tafa
waws-anwnw. b, asjaj gg bbbbbbbi gajaay sanj gaw
Ma pocket." tha tough wan on the