The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 26, 1918, Image 5

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Town Topics
Ernest Locey returned to Ontario
thin weok from Ironrldee.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Orey of Bol.i
were vlaltlng here Friday.
MT, II. Hrooke left Hundny on .1
tn-li,cs trip to Jordan Valley.
Frank Itrown left Kridiiy night for
hla home In St. Louie after a visit of
MM 1 line with his mother here, Mr?.
A. A Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A Fraser. MJm
Nola DoAriiionil and Kiliiiunil Fraser
motored to Boise and hack Sunday
Mra. Floyd Hagerr and children
from Cambridge. Idaho are vlaltlng at
me iiaretii at tne u Anam noine.
Mr and Mra. FrHnk Kader and
family apent Sunday with friends In
Boise going up and back in their car
Mr and Mra. J K. Payne of Jordan
Valley wore in Ontario over Sundny
Kd Fraaer and Bernard Itader left
the flrat of the week for the Wash-
Ington University.
M, and Mra Veal Bland are the
happy parenta of a 1-2 pound baby
boy born Thuraday, September II.
Harry Chapman, formerly of On-
tarlo, waa again here the flrat of the
week from Rawlins. Wyo.
Mr and Mrt. Frank Zeller left
Tuet,:-y night for Portland where
they will be for aome time.
Mra. W. E. Sleeth of Spokane. Wn .
la vlaltlng at present with Mra. N.
June of the Art Store
Mra. A. Murphy wat a vlaltor lo
Ontario the flrat of the weak (ran
Mra. Walter drama la again at
work In the Ontario National Hank,
thlt time helping during fhe heavy
work under the Fourth Liberty I
Dr. SosaaTe To-Hm
Fet etaaapsi tew-, enlatgw
eSS SS ssaioaa.
Tersely Told
Arthur Coekrum left Saturday
night to attend hla Sophomore year!
at the O. A. C
Mr. and Mm. Frank Young and
children are leuvnig thin week Of
Hood It I vet. Oregon. They will
make the trip overland.
L. Adam and eon, Itlcliard return-
ed Monday from a trip to the Payed.
l.iik, I
0 1 I
Mtk W. J. I'lnnoy vltltod with
daughter, Mtaa Maria Plnney of
Boi c. laut week.
D, H. Steven aa an On-
tarlo visitor for irevera Idays
!' t llrsticr ref nrned M i,la from
llrown and
Mr. and Mra.
A. K.
daughter and aon Harry llrown re-
turned Monday after attending the
round-up In Pendleton.
I o
j Among the atudenta who left Mon-
.t.v niht for th tiniv.r.ttv of fire.
gon were Mlaaea Urayce Sage, I
Rader and Rena Adams,
P. C. Snyder of Burnt wat In (in
tarlo laat week and reported roa
very poor over which ha had to trav
having broken springs on the wa;
Mrt. Nelson Wilbur of I)
waa the gueal of frienda here ov.'t
. . ..
Ralph Maaterao.l ard .luasol I'.ob-
ertaon, of Juntura ape., nevera! daya
this weak In Ontario
c, .
Blaine Olbeoa or Nyaaa waa an On-
tario vlaltor over Sunday.
. (J
Mr. and Mra. John Holcomb of
Bolae vlalted ...Oi frl.nda In Ontario,
JBraest Orarat waa called to report
for aervlee at toon as possible to hi
company In Camp Trtvla. ilo left on
Monday noon't train after spending
1 ..... - m ., j., ., 1. ,..
oul " "w "' ln" " U,J "r'"uB "'
waa given van 111, parents, air. anu
Mrt. A. Oramse.
Or. SaAsTe fsst-Ceser
F-tir the ( Raliev
hat tired aching
If Your Feet Ever
Bother You
It Will interest you to know that this store has arranged, at
considerable expense, to have
A Dr. Scholl Foot Expert
here" to examine feet, give advice and demonstrate that
TfUsmisa ,
DC Scholl
Appliance orRenteRrEIbot7huk
He knows all about feet and how to give
Immediate Relief and Lasting
a-s-t-sbrfirt to Ry fot discomfort. He
vxrrecuon win at thls 4tore onjy
September 28 and 30, 1918
We tap everybody will take advantage of this opportunity to get
Examination and Advice Free
Nine out of ten people have some foot trouble. What is, yours?
No matter how simple or how serious it may be a mere corn
or a pronounced flat foot this is
tage an it tveryooay wetcoen.
Allen Shoe Co,
Ontario, Oregon
"Watch Your Feet"
Mr. and Mr. Denver Hictox and.
ton of Centervllle. Wash, are visiting
at the A. Qramee noire,
W. W. Hinton Was ill Juntura Tueg
day aad Wednesday of this week at
tending (o aome business matter
Mr. Terry Mopplns and her baby
daughter left Tueaday for tholr homo
'" tlie Owyhee,
Mr anri Mr" George Crawford on
Sunday left for Utah where they will
f ir eonie time In the future and
"' wl" malte thelt
Mm. Ira William and Mm. 8toli
M.Oregor visited on the Fmii
,)encn on Monday.
Mra. (Jrner Frank of the uppei
Owyhee waa operated on yeaterd;,
"l l" "oly Koaury noapitai.
li,,v al"' Mr" l-lvlngaion and tl,-,r
- -..-,
spending the week on I with his son.
"rr Draper In Hunting.
Paul Van Petten left Friday for
Pendleton where he visited at the
nounn-up rrom mere no later
H,,nl "n "' ch""1 Bt ll,e nnlverH
f Waahlngton at Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dibble are attend-
ing the Idaho slate fair at Bolae (hit
week where Mr. Dibble's fathee.C. B,
Dibble of Payette, it tunning hit wel-
known horse, Payette Oirl In the
1.,' this weak.
iJiiioi Mill hat succeeded Claude
' lirlttl ,iaeu M the Standard Oil do-
liver- crew. Mr. Chr.t.auten w.
on. .1 the M.nnv vnuna- (l,lrlui t,
' ' '
Ua ,. 11,1. innni.r ii,-, Kin,ini '.
" "
.my Tn. ulng Corps at O. A. C.
. C Taylor. Jr arrived In Ontario
Monday from the Loat River region
Idaho to visit with hla parents, Mr.
and Mrt. 8. F. Taylor while waiting n
'call for service la the army, which he
expecting aoon.
Mr. and Mra W W. I.etson and Mr
and Mrt C. It. Segulne returned after
a week't trip thro southern Oregon
In their cart. They vlalted In Bend,
Klamath Falle, at Crater Lake and
. -j ,i. ....... .., i...
iswwvaawwa mm rawra r
aoove neman esnie near ntiinti
'caught In a cloud buret.
M get rcUl.
your cnaocs. raksvadvan
SckaM't SVeiia aTttWttr
. frvfat ku ptaun. .
Arthur Cockrum teft the firm of
the week for Camj. I. In where he
i will make a short visit with his bro-
trier and from Mere ha v. Ill re-
turn to ConatllH to die O. A. ('
1 . m. a JT'ZT .,,., . ,
I.aat Wednesday Mr. William Wal-
ker and children were the guest of
Mr. and Mm Monard Van Valken-
burg .of Payette, I In- or. 11 1 hi I ..Ti
the fifth birthday of 1
the fifth birthday of 1.,,,. ,, Fran-
eli Van Vnlkaassrsfl
('asebeer' and flater Mi
I.lleth Caaebeer arrived in i
Saturday from Portland and
for a eek vlalt wit
parent, Mr and Mr Walter Dlni?-
Mr. and Mr Frnnk Seaward mo
ed In Inat week to the Melding place
I town from Cord, I I
they might send their gmall
Ontario Public achool
llttlp .tdnvlilnr UaUn loft M I....
- ,...,. ..,.- .r. .,
for ilnir future home in
I Conn Whera Rev Llvll
fellowship In Hartford l'nivei'l( .an, I
a church In the suburb of the city
nernari; Kaoer and isnmund Kraa-
or who left Monday evening for Set
I tie will he enrolled In the Student
Armv Trnlnlntf f ' ,wt, ,), l,,. ,...
organized at the University of Wash
ington in that city,
, 0
James and Andrew Urahaiu were
down from Westfall during the first
of the week arranging for the l.lbertv
I,oan campaign In that part of tin
Mta Ula Siruther. of Brogan. died
...jj.-,- .. .... . . .. .
nuuvirniy m me nunic 01 ner r.iarer,
"rs rrana aainay 01 mis city. .m,,ii-
day afternoon Bentdn nuneroiri
frlendt and relatives abe leavs her
husband and several ciilldren to
mourn her death. The body wat tt-
ken to Brogan for ir.terment.
rvl of Thaska
Wo wlah to axpreaa to the people of
Ontario and the turoundlng country.
our "'tfelt thanks for the many
B1 neatoyed upon ut In the
,lour oi our aorrow on account of the
de"tn of our aon and brother.Prlvate
Ilewev A Turner IT a A
. -
1 wavia It. turner
and family
John Mci'ullorh was operated on
' w,k ,0 l,,e removal of tonal. a
Bnd adnoW,
Mra. W M I-ooper of Ontario who
u ;w hr.tllvlit i Mu lin.i.11.1 l.t .......l.
Mll(lty beUer now
11. IliggM, small ton of J lull,'.'
anil .Mr Dalt.m illgga wa another
Ic'tomy patient hen- Inat week
Mra. F. W. Cnnfielil underwent .1
. 1, s,, pera.i,,,, I.,iM. I,t I mak-
Iiik a kooiI progre a . M . 1
ed' I
Milan. Bertha and I.eo Hall of the
iiouUivard were operated on for the
removal of tonalla and aduol.l 1., 1
1. line iiernert Judy waa a patient
fof 8evcril ,,- her f l-yefi.
r ,... , , ,.,
" "" "' lM" """," " "" iif,ii
Mr. and Mra. tharle Ju,i. 1
Dwlght Sanford had his tonsils re
moved Saturday.
Mlta Berenice Schoeder from llr,.
gan had her tonalla removed the last
Mrt I). Lent way of Baker was a
patient at tha hospital for a couple
of days the latter part of the week.
Mra. Carl Karup of Payette waa op-
erated on for the removal of tonsils
and adnoldt laat Thuraday.
Baby Peter Smith wa. taken to the
. . L.
nome 01 111s parents in wntario 1 ues-
. .
nay arier neing a patient here tor ten
Albert M. Fog. formerly of Stn
Anionio. texae, out wno nan oeen
vlaltlng with relative. In Payette up
to a few day. ago. waa operated on
Mrt. Wm. Byrne who wat operated
on the fourth of September waa able
to return to her home In Payer n
Mra. M. r. Taylor of Ontario whni. fnr . . .
wat operated on a couple of week
ago waa able to return to her home lu
town laat week.
DC Scholl
Appliance orlfoneatyRrEvartfRxtiTkxiGk
Watch Your
DC Scholl
Applvmat or Rtmetf Krtury toot Twubk
Watch Your
Ben Trigg of Vale who had been
rcel-ing medical treatment for an In
Jured foot waa able to be dismissed
a few daya ago.
Mr. and Mra. A. N. Fowler are tha
proud parenta of a nine pound bojr,
horn Monday, September .
The Ontario (hunter or the Red
1 1 "is desire to express their alncera
appreciation to the Kabekah alatera
0 ft tfg, So 2 for the aid
,.,S1. ,,,, , mUUuK 10 their traamiry
IM amount of $285.19 which waa ob
tained thru the giving of the
Croat dancoa during Fair Week by the
II, e chapter also desire to acknow.
edf,. ,,,,. ,im,tions from the follow-
Ueheknhs. Mentrlee No. H2 $285. II
VI VI' t .. , A AA
jjouievara war Kumi z: no
Mra. Oene Mc('o. proceed rrora raf-
rie ,,r centerpiece 4S.6I
Miscellaneous aala of fruit at Fairs. Ill
Nyaaa Branch for aupplles 493.11
The work on the surgical dreaalnga
in .-Kn Wednesday morning In tha
workroom. The flrat allotment la
thl work, conaltlng of abaorbent
pads, muat be ready and shipped by
the 15 of October,
The headquarters of the Relglan
Relief Committee wore opened at tha
city hall Monday morning and dona-
tions of clolhlng will continue to be
received np to Friday noon. A ton
n,i a halt of clothing waa given t..
' J, ,; VKr, '""Vr.
inete destitute people or r.lirope. Mrt.
w ,, ,, ,,.,, , ri,i.lrnin ,f tha l,,r.l
W. II . I limey la chairman or I ho local
committee while the other members
are Mrs. A I. Sprnule anil Mra. Hetta
The work on the Refuges dre
,p,.nd,dly Thete however ara
ony ,, ur 10rt ord o( 550
rk,, whlrh mvn ,B by tp, 4
of the weak.
ya Fnaad
Two red thoatt, anmarked, came to
my place. Ova mil. Wool of Ontario,
August it, lilt. Ownar can have
tame by paying for thlt adverttaement
I Frank lavltt
Adv. 40-41
HkU tb. tUiotaatty.