THU ONTARIO AROtTfl, ONTARIO, OR., TBCRNDAY, SKPTEMBER 96, lf Rexall Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THE REXAIX 8TORR PHONE NO. 9 Nyal Rem (die The Money Store A modern bank it a great deal Ilk a general store in some respects Tta lines are varied. It oaten to eveTy body and every Una, of buslneaa. We have something that everybody wanta. We do not wrap our good In packagea but we deliver them Juat the name. We do not refer to money Hlune, although that la our prlnclpnl atock In trado. We can render lono service to everybody. Whethnt It Is financing a huge manufacturing "' cern or lounlng Jnltnnlo enough nnn ey to buy a calf, we are here to deliver the goods We urge you to come In and look over eur lines. We can ex you well. First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. VOTE FOR E. H. TEST FOR County Judge An Economical Business Administration of County Affairs Good Roads and a Square Deal THE UNIVERSAL CAR These are economical daya aad so the Ford Car becomea a more intense . Mttjgelty U you every day by raoaoii of the universal service the Ford sup Ilea every day It baa become a large art la the "buaiaoae of lit lag It la a dally economy Yea nave the choice of a variety of bod tea. from tbe eaappy runnbe-ot to the de lave Sedan. FORD (.AKAi.h Ml IATM. -- ajT OarBABaO. OKmOOM. n a. M 'mi. I "I'M f A i rwB CHURCH ACTIVITIES Ml TIIHMST I I'lMIIM'tl fill l II Preaching, "Taste and ' HuniUv Hervleee. 10 a. m., Sunday school lis. in , preaching. "The Upward (limb." 7:15 p. m., meeting for young pen- pie. 8 p. m. Try." We aim to make each service help ful and Inspiring, f'ome and o ship with us. We all need the In i these aervlcea afford In our struggle for God and truth. "" VM .1 Its' mMiik. I'sKtnr BUY W.8.S. Methodist KpNi oiiil ( htirch SuiiiIh Mrrt'lcca 10 A. Mi Sunday leboel 11 A. M. Preaching " Ono Thin-.-Needful. " ff.ll IV M Kpworth League 8 P. M. Preaching "True on. age. We have not been able to pat around the City as ! to give Mm IgJ Invltiitlon to iittend these ilce... I. iii don't wait for thai Come an M Win J. I.iimomhc, Paator. BUY W.B.8. I'ciiKTootal luirch of the Naaarenc. Last side. Kev. H. Mowers. D.D., Pastor tinier of Hrrtirea. Sunday school 10 a. ui. Preaching 11 a. tu reopiea Meeting (.it. p. mi. Prayer meeting Thura 7 t&p.ui You are welcome to theae aervlcea BUY W.B.B. .Villi illi . Ill Id II OK THK Itl.KMHrl) MAfHAMKNT. 8:30 a. m . Low Mass. 10.30 a. m . High Mass 0:30 a. m . Catechism for the bojs and girls. BUY W II. HAPTIMT HI tU . NO ONE ENTIRELY SATISFIED Seema to Be Rule of Life That Man Must Desire Things He Haa Not Got Wherever vp nrc In this world we wnnt in be somewhere else. I huve a letter from I country boy who wiuils to live in the city, "where things are doing." I know his present setting: n phue nherc the mod and cnniforls nf men lire siiiile with the slightest ef fort, iin i.iiipid Mtin-i.nkifi rlUage, in lis pnrklike setting, Hm g tin- niciil isfs rtataa or the mmfani nrc in perfect peine. All tills seems to hnvc inllei on the tiiste or the yeuni: nnin mid lie yeyrns for Hie i -in t nilnus, busy and dirty city. We nil luive vision of the peace n ml l-nntclitlllclll o( tin- i mitllrv (till ol the unmix. Mn ,.ng nf (lie bird, the drone or the been, the ggaea, the griiierul greenery, und iniijho a cow bell tinkling sonicwlicrp. We have sensed this all. aerbansj in varatloa time mid thought It wii" un :nlNe lor lw or three liny s. nflci' wlili h we bo- guo 1 1 gel homesick for the clly noise ''. This la the gdal men Iriildo ; m n c, nbuinl- , ili t ii f I . - l,ml ii ii I nun, I III Hill III I lllllg- Wl hill- 1 11 III,!' I renreii in this ij-inii. wiio wanta to gel iiuny from II iiml ...mi In the ' noise und dirt and sclnVhm-s "f ibe big city. ITnlmlily ibe ntnpltt to which so i ii.nin of us aspire would not I llrelj satisfactory If we MnMumm It. 'I' e nub-Hide of a count rv nluco or u ' coiinir) town I often very dull. There ui mi dully seiisnllous, no scunihils, uo In, urn ; hemls In the dully iicwkhi pnpert in loteraai one The bjgh -I,,, i in ii,,. ,v when mi go down to the DOM iifllco for the mull, or barter with the imintry Mure i,n codtlsb iiml UHllchea. The weuther Is the lending topic of conversation; there are no very rich or very poor ' pei -ui- In tin- community . the Himla tloli Ik. miIiiii-, nl ii i nlorless dead lcci nt mediocrity; there me no mil lloimlres In Hmint ilnlr we.illh, no liv eried cmi. Iiiinii, no "ulre," no urlaloc racy or proletariat. The rin ii I i .imllilnns are what the Uleullsts seem to he driving at, yet here Is a boy willing to give It all up for Hie clly Is it Mislble Iiml ease and coateiiliueul pull on the teat, and I hut IIIUII Is belter Slill-tled w In n be In meeting some discomfort anil discour agement III the battle of life 7 Mratlle I'osl liilelllgrncrr. School Books and S cfcooj Supplies for All the Children THIS IS SCHOOL BOOK iiME. Gd the boy or girl started to MhAol proper y equipped. Tlicy cannm do their work without i(iiiniient. The bettei they nrc equipped tlie better reiull tlicy will obtain. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES ARE CASH DO NOT ASK FOR CREDIT. boo! I t Rookj for Vll Qradet, r oils, Tablet, Kan-. Ink. Itulei I i Note Books and Everj tli i 0. G. LUEHRS' PHARMACY ONTARIO, OREGON Bible gcbool, 10 a. in Divine Worship. 11 a ai. B. T. P. V., 1:11 p. ro Uoaael Service. p ai. Prayer meeting Wednesday, Kev. (haa. Blom, fastor VY WS.B. COMlKKO.VrtO.V4l, IHIKIH. WHEN JIM CLAIMED ANNIE Maid Waa terry to Leave, but, ae the Put It It Waa a Matter of Duty. Elite Parker Butler, the weil-kaowa hamerlet, haa a etory la the AmsrUaa Magaalue In which the main character aye: "'Weil, Jimmy had been with the Buriuus six years and Aualr, oar hired girl, had beeo with ue ive yeare. I gums everybody thought abe hadu't any other uaiue at all until one eve ulag whea Jimmy came over aad knocked al tbe back duor ami asked mother If Mlsa Uurahocher waa tin. Hhe wesu i. bacauae ah had goes to the Lutheran church, but after that Jimmy used to come over, and Aunle woald put two chairs out la the yard uoder the apple tree and Mas) woald ait aad talk. Or Jimmy I talk. Ue wuaid talk aad talk aud la Ik, aad ewaj aao tu a white Aunle utiui any. "Yee." aud. after abe learned i, "No." Ho, after a couple of years. Jimmy began to held Auule's Inuid whea he talked to her, aud lu a couple f yeare more Ibey got engaged. 1 gaees they liked each other. "'I was lu oar dlaiag room gas Jj . . leofclug to see if Aaale IwJ pki m. -- .-ww- mm W .mil Mil (,! I 4vhaa I heard m mother say. "Ii. aale ! ta the kitchen. mm it ah wag aarry ahoat aoatethiug. h.. men inula FOR SUCCESS IN BUSINESS Interacting Llat of RsqulsiU Which Men in Commercial Occupations Sheuid Have at Command. In a recent laeue American Msg asn draws up an Interesting list f reiilltes for tarlous lomuimml ci uualloua. Kor loMauce, It Males that the bend of a dvpariinriil should possess tu follow lug: Keeu sens of Justice )iuplh. Isilflllnrss. mr taey, Irechsbietieus and kuow ledge of bullish online. The hookk.r ueeds ueMi . Aiiiiracy, shu. pr-isa tvrsucr, eooreiiii'utloii and utatbeinalltal ability figures. To Iw successful la going after new hualueaa, (he tisilv solici tor should have: Tact, cvurteey, verbal ripreealou, personality, optl mlsui. sslt-coulldeuce aad kuow ledge of human nature. An auditor la la danger of proving a wislli. aad a fall are unleaa he puas eases lu marked de gree: Love of detalle, peraeverauoa, patlene. Judgiaeut, delllierallou. cslus- accuracy and aoalytlcal ablUtg, Boilii Points are vanoruu'ng points. In Red Crow gaio.ina ihry form e t -mtinuous, uu.lorm cliaici givmaadi .1. ndsbU nomr. Look Car (lie gutd Crown sign. R grfm wSSk&s "I" TAHDAKD OIL COMPANV ICsidaialaJ O. H. TBaVT. hl-Kltl .yi Automobiles DON'T DELAY BUY NOW HUD80N SUPER SIX VEUK SIXKS ' BIIICK SIXE8 DORT rOUl Now on hktnd and rdssdy for delivery. Don't delay; priceH will aure advance. Eastern Ore. Auto Co. V. B. Staples, Manager Ontario, 0reg : T Ma aurry M go avay. too. Ma'am, hart It te right averjt.ody aboueJ get married oace or twice.' " '1 haow,' my mulber nl ; 'but I dea't know what I will ever do with out yea. A ante.' "tw thea A Date eeeect aad thera were a cooaiea. w I went on." Maa aad wife waat poeilWas oa reach Ooed refarenoee. Address T J. Conger, Ontario Adv. I t recta Concerning Med Crane, lb INH4 au '.iiivruaiioual cwuieiruco f 14 nalloaa .as boid la Ueurva, Bwllaerlaud the outcome of which una the Treaty of Oeueva, knowu as ibe Bed Oraai treai.v. 1 his treat) proud gel that hoepttsl formation, and their pereouuei ehouid be treated ae gem truls; (bat each iiMllou signing the, treaty should liatr au association of volm.ievis ti. aaelat and eeppleuient tin medical service of lit urnij , that tin emblem service common to nil neiiixi- -limild be a red cruee on e llrlil of wltllv 'I hie emblem, which Is ibe Baring ling with the colore to- I. Was sihijileO in receglilllm. -t the feet thai ihr Hed fnew s f. ii.i ad at tielieva. dl(4ei land SAVE TROUBLE Ksui hers who lime mn lilm i uiust keep them in repair WK FIX OAmOMXi i noinmm lltHK.HIM. I'l Mi's ii loMiniius til kiaiU MmdJmWBV Hi Hpeclallae on I'umpa and iiasoliae Kugiaaa. urn l'i i.e. tie Kigl.i NJUtSKN MACHINE SHOP 5O000 ORECON KiAxyAriwi aWmml ADMV i. m-Ml ne was Puaglad. An old inloi'1-.i msii sieppvit Into Hie bid, sun National I mil. urie ituy rerun. ly. ami pre sen led cheek M ha esWied. II was Use wiuilow of the itiM.,uat rag, and ibe clerk banded back S Chock. "lake It to the opposite window. he said, and went on with bis woik. The old man examined the check ear flaaty. thoa ho sralhod ea. Ahoat gee nmaevaa late the Mack af M "l-ecj'h haeo lo aa op thas nml ajgrt -ttppeette.' ' aelsl trMoaofaav to all tha 'af Jhe Qugle (Jvll i all ike f. " . r t. li.rk of tkc Bcpui.! I i i I1 t tii in n i I I irrdom THE ORfcjCON ACRICULTURAL COLLEGE wki h r loin, d i,. have t.. iked -nil.' af ilm alirrn di;.iiguil.cJ ,i t if ilw teuuiry tor tticlkair in nub.siy u.iiuMg, ki i..(vi,a.l u. Ike ill The Collcgs it disiiaguisked aot uulj at military iaslractiaa, but Dun ...I isam aiao roa tu strong isdain .1 rouisc ior men snd tor wemen: leAco .. . , fct.gitcn, yioy rlwwisK,ui,'i .. . MiU4, r1.riA4, kt4 VCUUSK! I .. k lu wlieaMomr. ( ludrni hlc. lueWmocrsiK .client tmni. lu iBiiirnmlui gi!uauc leadaaU enroBad last r"i iaHl our on n unreins flsgt, l(g, uect tarty accsal rrprcM-oiii.c 4u. CaMlgji lHl SeaAomhor U, lU ,i. isi omn ni. i. intan.. Cwtois u.tgta. f