The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 19, 1918, Image 5

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Your Dining
Is Attractive
Nothing makes food taste better than to
have it look well, and it cannot look
well unless served in attractive dishes.
We have one of the best and largest
selection of dishes and offer you a chance
you have not received before to make your
table attractive. Buy any one of
our six patterns in 42 or 60-piece
sets or add other pieces if you wish
Come at once and be sure of your choice
as our Popular Purchase Plan puts our
dishes within the reach of any home, then
to, as you know, dishes are scarce these
I A )
II. I.. l-KTKrlHON
Call on the Argus for Commercial Printing
Does Pershing
Speak for Tibu?
w v x m .r
V. 1
r aw
, .
"The German army can be beaten;
the German army will be beaten;
the German army must be beaten."
Ptrshiug coutited on every man, woman and child in An.
to back him up riit-u he said back him up with their souls, their flesh, il.cit
j ockttbook to the t drop cf blow!, to the last dollar.
i ur voting men are hacking him with their blood. Kcry oue of us at h c
in in w ith our dollar! our last dollars our future dollars.
BUY Fourth Liberty Bonds. Any Bank Will Help You.
tbu ivtii
vayjsjotic ciriiTi0 ov
Shiploads of Bacon a Mere Item
in Procession of Food to
Fighters. Civilians
Nowhere has appeared a more suc
cinct reminder of the enormoua re
sources of the American faim and tha
farmer Instant readiness to mint
any war demand! than a brief ills
patch from Ixindon recently announc
ing the suspension of the ration limit
on bacon.
Owing to the accumulation of stocks
of 87,000 pounds of lacin from
Aiiciicn. tbc dlapstch wild, the ration
lug of bacon would be abandoned for
the time.
Since this enormous stock was for
civilian requiiements and probably a
much greater quantity had been uafe
ly landed for allied army needs it
doas not require extreme imagination
to visualise the long procession ot
cargo ships which has steamed MIMfl
with this one Item of the food sup
All tha cargo space of from eight
to twelva freighters of average site
would be reiiulied to transport Hi,
lion noli ikhmuIh.
Daanlts the b irnlag of grain rle
ihe torpedoing of wheat shins,
iiinl aiming I BFBBB In tli" main
fields of (he country, the Am
farinri Iiuh uloiloiiHh pluveil his war
part by producing Burilclontlv I. Ik
crops to feeil I he ulllt'd woild, as bis
sons have IiioiikIiI fear In to the
hearts of the SBSfBJ
Chateau Thiol i Mini in the iMsM
SoIssoiih battle.
Vow r re. nl that others lienldes
von Kiiebliiiaiiii liellevi erniuny
cannot w In b force of arms, aa
those (lermans not dupes of the prSfl
iganda fed ('eiiiuin press already
Knew that Knglaud could not lie
starved In von Tliplti ruthless submarines.
lint fai from being satlsNcd with
this major pait In winning the war.
the farmer has played a liberal pan
In flnuiu nig lit- struggle lat-i spring.
with seed and Implements to Inn.
aud all the pre harvest eipenea of
wages and mulnteiiHiice, not an agri
cultural Ulstilct lii the e i failed Is)
moat or ovci subscribe It quota of
the Thlid Libert v Uiau.
Oregon, almost purely an agricul
tural and stock raising stale, was tha
first III the district to sniiiinn. . in
quota exceeded.
The lunula districts were mil
fonnl more prompt In meeting
(heir assigned obligation than wara
tha metropolitan districts what a
banks ami factories were concerned
With the coining of the Fourth
l.lbeitv l.iun., which will overshadow
uu) prtvloii f inn in iu I irlniiiph of Ibv
I'Blt.d Htates It v two in one. iha
farmeis part should lie lelainelt
aasiar since be now has turned bis
matured cropa Into cash
The Fourth Uli.iu IgBBbk 'ailing
far twice as much as an) of tha
previous war funds, all of who i. were
epochs In i lie country's bailor), will
show the lulled St alas reall buck
liag down to buslaess.
Daaalts our araaasH training in
thinking In uolhlng lass ib.iu sig
flgillei.. the Pun nil l.ibertv Loan Is
a bug sum and will require a loug,
stiong pull from everv ill lieu it n
is to he atroiiiplmheil In tbrev Weks,
from Hepteiuber rs to OrtolM
There Is no more doubt of the fill
flllniein of the loau uu ai'liedule thus
than there la that h. Americau suiiy
will thiow ton llliiitenbiirg sud In
eudorir back acrajH tba Kblne.
Aud as suiely as lens of thnussuds
of the biavaat of iuerli an v.inih
will lose their lives in Hie flerca
combats lu which the Mini will be
fonnl backward oul of Krain'a, IjkI
su smrl. will ihe raising uf Hie great Loan, not I a i ouipliilied
without eveiv Aiuerhau niainhallliu
the last dollar of his rsaaBMNssI and
abating eveiy uuuecesaarv etpendl-tura.
"Mix mouths of war gmoiig
(real powers will bankrupt
worll laid eoououiials tielore
...l 1X14.
Not. iih the A Hi,) Fuwers pia
lalriaa lo eiiil ihe war In Its sixth
aavr, I lie leaal of their Wonle is
Msl e 'uui Koiilh Liberty I.imii sub
sdrintlu g heav) osa oversubacrtp-
nolo, a ' lis vim i lagtB airay
' ai . gaff in m. i ale.
li iiag of i he
oov. a trout If the I ;, h lab
irl) Loan it in..'
uil (lleil cone- IMiniliuk el. I
suiasbing e: - il.ii npiiiar.'
Hi ihe wav oag'l ou stret li thai
I'liuln Liue.l., ,li. i h I i,n l.i a
little largei Us
Evary della'r mikn thsm heilar
buy Liberty Bonds.
Bring "Fourth" your savings Buy
Liberty Sanaa.
Sillleae for Osf.nas or Mliona far
Knack the Halm out af Wilhalm
Liberty Banala.
A little far ban er all fa. tha
The tnrr of James lingers turned
nn angry purple, as he read the fear
less and cnustlc criticism of his own
great manufactory. How dare the
press print such an article, anil who
hud been their aecret Investigator?
Here, now, upon his return from a
much needed rest, the proprietor of
Ilogera' "Ready to Wear Industries"
wiis greeted In blink print by a daring
exposure of had conditions said to
exist In his own grenf plant. The
condemning article appearing under
the heading of "City Notes" wtlft
t! mil by the well-known writer of
terse editorials Daniel Wells.
Even without his bold signature the
brief written sentences of I huiicl Wells
were unmistakable, with a call and
conviction all their own. James Rog
ers decided furiously to call up Wil
liams of the I'ress and Inquire Into the
natter, a prompt contradict Ion must he
demanded. Hut Irresolutely the old
mini's hand rested upon the telephone.
Would Daniel Wells brook contradic
tion? His assertions were backed with
proof. Rogers rung for bis son In
stead, and presently Jim, happyeyed
and smiling, entered his futlier-a presence.
"Well. IsiP he cheerfully Inquired.
The older man thrust the day's pa
per before hltn. "Head that." he sold
Jim, with B aertons nod. dismissed
the article. "I have read ll," he re
plied. "The worst feature of the BBSS
Is the 1 1 ii I li of Hie statcinoiit."
"Truth !" James Rogers wheeled
iiln nl tmwird bis son. "What wmild
you have for factory workers, glass
sun rooms to sew In. or afternoon
ten served In the work m-iin? Tin
To vv health notions t.inke DM h k ' C'l
lege. I suppose, has linhin i you with
the sum, Men". Well, the pirn I bus
run StSBg pretty well during the past,
mill 1 guess It will In i In- future. The
question l. you're miiiinger bore now,"
In tupped the written article, "What
are yon going to do nbout thlaT"
Ills sou sank easily Into a chair.
"I'iii. fit I : t, dad," he answered
Tl hi nun's ayaa bulged -What r
"Renefll by It," young Jim repeated,
"cut oul the thing disapproved, and
begin a new order."
The father stared at Ida BOB SB
though be 'were a stranger. "May I
ask." be snld sarcastically, "what has
made you so agreeable to a 'new order
of things?' Do you reallge that It would
entail the expenditure of large sums
of money my money which later will
; all be yours? That It would lessen ma
terially the profits of our business?"
Young Jim caine close and looked
I frankly hm k Into his father's face.
"Yes, I'll tell von has changed my
I point of view, dud." be replied. "It's
a girl. Just a little brave, sweet sort
of a girl, working lure In your fac
tory. She lias li'lkul to me about It
"During working hours?" his father
Jim shook bis bead. "No," be aald;
"there was no time ihen. It waa as I
walked home with her evenings, that
she brought me to aea things as they
are, and as they should be."
James lingers jumped furiously to
III feel. "You dare to tell me that
you hate been walking home nights
with one of your father's factory
i lil The inllllnuslre choked. There
waa a significant pause. "I hsve also
asked her to marry me." young Jim
quietly resMiuded.
Jsuies fingers turned aud pressed
an electric button. "We will settle
this foolishness here ami uow." ha
muttered. "What la ihe name of this
Jim's face tlm-hcd ".limn." he spoke
the nsuie gently, ".loau liravei."
When Ihe office door opened a girl
sIimhI for a moment framed In Ihe ma
hogany cg-lng ibis), swiftly she came
and waited before the two men Sin
was a little girl, aa Jim had said, bar
blue .yes unafraid
"You rent for me?" she asked.
"To tell you," be hurst out "that
your services here ure no longer re
quired And to Impress BBOB .You lb.
fact lhat any sill) affair between you
and my m will mean his prompt dis
missal fr.nii my family, Natthsf sns
nor at SB) lime unit he expect nnt
thing from me m ii i i BMlSaS abso
lutely and nually you ggraa to give hnn
"I do not know bow much troiilne
vinir agitating remarks may have
caused aiming the workers, but bem .
forth It will be list less for ynu to seek
employment in ant- ot our altnea. As
far as we are coin nM4 vou abali be
forever lleuo-d. '
"I am afraid" said tha girl, her
voice was low. "that will not be pus
aline. Be.suse " wltbaqulcb coui ern
III bee face she went over to the young
er mail "J 1 10,' site murmured, "for
give Inc. dear for deceiving even you.
lb .niise. Mr Rogers ' "lir ctiulinued.
"I Lave nun j been re Ling kg
uu luspii lui una I "in aBIle Tin
leihlshie tlloliii- I foni
be lighted." She a i..i I, n
transforming smile "Imi ami in.
1 am aure, are going IS help in. right
Thouqht Theft of Iron and Coal
From France. Land From
Russia. Would Pay Bill
riannlng woild trade domination. ?,
not actual wen Id rub', as the nutcomB
of a short six mor campaign la
Burops, (iermanv i f ads
outcast from anm ad itioos,
her people laipovi In I, sot honor
Irrevocably stallion In Hie hi od of
lielgiiim. and facing a fulmn a4
fathomleaa Ignonilnv l di arsBBs
"I will make room m 'lag
people by taking some mre ol r nnso
I and a few thousand I ; isrc uiLea of
j HuBita." said Ihe Kb mi- We will
sat the iron and coal I vn thorn
i Trance for uianutari irai winch wa
' will aall the conquer I isipulatlon o
. KiiBSla, and this, be- il indemnltlaa.
I will more than pay I ie war. Kug
j land will not dare SflaB In, and our
merchant fleata will soon crowd bar
from the world trade routes.
I If tba United HLUei does not
a. qulescii. her mannfai Hirers will gat
no more of our dyes and cheiiilcala.
her farmera so more of our fartl-
Mi. mb. Ami we will alao take away
from her all South American com
Now, BCKWI t'u i.rav'ea of a mil
lion of his vonng men. tba Kalaer la
beginning to see the sun ael on tba
smallest of his aiuhllions. "Koch will
never cross Hie Ithlne. ' la now tha
Herman wad hv-mil Herman cities,
shrieking BBW 111 tin- visitation Of
allied ami AnnTlian all plane homhera
rv mil n mine ol ibis haiharlty."
Such crlas are echoed In the ghostly
laughs of Hiousands of llolha anB
pal In l' uu in i.ondmi and I'arla.
The lihlne villi he crns.eil. and
inlngne and ll.illii will wince ba
neath the shells of Allied guns.
hive million men In France. " crlas
Vm.rlca. Hemeuiber llelglum and
end the war In 1(11."
To America and her five million
fighting men In Prance will coma the
gi eater gloiy of the world war. But
that end will not lie achieved with
out the sacrifice of thousands of
those men. nor without tha moat,
earnest and united support of thoea
of ua at home. Where wa have givsta
valiant efforts to war work hero,
indue we moat tbruat our slioldara
deeperatelv against tha wheel of war
preparations from now on To no
one person or class la It given to do
a greater share lu this wai than any
other person or claas Kach mtisi
do his iitmoaL
I poo no one class leals a greater
reepoiiBlhllltv than upon the Ameri
can farmer, who with his wives aaS
sous and daughters constitutes una
third of our population Ha baa tba
first and great responsibility of pro
vldlag food for tba nation al home
food for tha flghllag man abroad and
food for aajg allies In the battle llaa
and their civilian population.
uglaad wiib millions or aciea of
parka and hunting grounds lonterlad
Into farms can onl raise crops to
feed her people hair the year Franca,
with even mat. In untlium aad
naarl) hair her fields overrun by
armies does even less
Willi her g aln fields extended by
millions of H ies of new land, merl
cs U reapondlug lo Ihe call and allied
hunger will uev.r b. an allv (o Oei
maiiv MlllOBI ol dollars of Amu
en a huge war loaus are coming h,
to Hie (m in. i In iatiueiil for b.s
g i u in ami K'm k
lie fkiliKl. fill Ills rilllire boi'iir
and tiaiidlng in the SBlaSB, muat n
that aveit IgMBB "f this sum be i an
pare g nlnvesled In wur li .
The Fo iftli liberiv UkSB now
ua. oallB for bul a portion or absl
sinerlca must f,A In afre: is In
Hie nail fen mnii:li ll mast In I l
siibeil I'l'ini'il. i ml ovei whalmlugly.
" iiai the man w I o is not for us la
against as' Is . ,,w as when
It was i ll ten rest Hflaa ago
If Vol inn a hi dollar bond
hi ii von 001 I. Ii Kl a rive biin-iii-d
dolls; i mid. mii are not doing
our roll il'il- as tn Vmeikaa.
"As luspwlor," James Rogers re
peated, "do yoa maaa to say that you
wore seat to laveatigala uty facto.
by Williams of tba Preen?"
Tba girl crept close lo young Jim's"
aide. "Why, no," she aald, and laugh
ad) eofily. "I came myself My w u
I. Dauiel Well' "
If. B. --am BBBBBG
(Copyright, isit. n tba Newspa
per Union i
' I'li'ilu fa i uf the bin
dB po.i '- ai.'ih tuhxiipeit lu tht
I . ili UaWtlj Loan ait rnlillrj.
AM EMU AS Hum thowd
'f Without U.