The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 19, 1918, Image 1

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The Ontario Democrat
NO. 39
SI MI'ilVF. gniTA BAntB OH
MX Hll.l.lllN V TION xl, IS-
si i; pitll-Altlvo RATINGS.
Circular U-tter lo Thousands of Citi
zens Accompanies liming nml A p.
plicatln.i Blanks sign Dp Before
September .
Malheur county is preparing to
make Its Kourth I.lherty Loan iUota
by 7 a. m. on Saturday, September
I. There la only one weak in
which to complete the wnrk neceaaary
to achieve that end. It can not be.
done unleaa In the Individual bond
buyera make up their mlnda Juat
whpl they Intended to do within the
aeat faw daya
There la no need for the individ
ual delaying after ha or aha haa re
ceived their rating from the local
committee of the dlatrlct In which
they live. Theaa ratlaga are going
out thla weak, or have been mailed
County Chairman J. R. Black hr
plana on urging volunteer subscrip
tions up to and Including, Thursday
Heptember It, and on Friday Septem
ber 17, ataglng a regular Liberty
I .nan drive ao that a complete report
can be made aarly on Saturday morn
ing, September 21.
Tha rating" re made Ob the pr
atimptlve quota for Malheur county
of H;i0.nnn That la what It will be
If the national laaue total alx hll
llona. In other counties of the atata
the quotaa on that baala have gaga
practically ralaed already. Malheur
haa not aa yet atartad.
What u -I.. Now. .
Immediately upon receiving your
quota with the encloaed application
blank, proceed at once to algn the
aame, with a check for at leaat ten
per cent of the amount lo be aub
acrlbed and take It to your local
chairman. Date application and
check aa of September II.
If you are not eatlafled with your
rating aee your local committee chair
man at onca and have tha figure ad
Juated. The latter accompanying the
application declare that an amount
mailer than the quota aaalgned by
the committee will not be accepted,
ao to avoid being left off the honor
roll get your quota corrected at once.
It you think you are rated too low
you can ralae It voluntarily.
In the pravloua campaign Malheur
county haa reached approximately
100 par cent of lta quota It fall
down on the flrat two campaign but
reached HI per cent on the third
The honor of the county demands
that H now sustain the men who are
whipping tha Hun In Frauce and fur
nish the funda they need to carry tha
into Germany. Malheur will not
fall to do lta share unleaa the meu
who are able will but buy tha bond
of which they are capable.
Much U Surprise of faculty Tliere
Are Mora Boys tliaat Olrle la tbe
Hlark Hchool HtudeaU body
School opened Monday morning in
Ontario with an Increase la puplla in
tha high school but a decreaaa In tha
number In tha gradual. A decreaaa waa
expected in tha high aafcewl aaroll
j ent owing to tha war bat avaryona
aa agreeably dlaappoUtad in fact
the number of boy In atleadaaoe la
larger than that of tha girla
Tha Freshman claaa made a good
showing thla year, but Hie addltioaa
Prof A M Mattoon of Albany Col
lage speul Monday hare the guuet of
Mr and Mr Irwla Troxell, and of
Mr aad Mr Baaat-
Sargaaat Frad CaaflaU artvad Oa
tarlo Moaday from Blllagton Field
aad will be bera for tha next two
to Hip nthpr classes wptp most 0
lis these were Ion :.l expected Pupil.
three from the
high Mhoola of nil Of Hip tinlchhnrltii
Including Nyaaa. Frultlnnil gad
r in tif gl
now ISfi 111 Hip Illicit sitinol 1
work in tho departments!
grade schools Htit rtn npxt Mond-i
i systPtn employed hPrp In (!ip
in tha high mcIiooI. The gradi
in. I u 1 1 .- 1 N from tlip fonrlli thru tha
plligth. Tho tearhprt tor IIm various
la art' Spelling, reading ami
r-. Mrs Lucy it M .mil M.
Kena lllggs; arithmetic. hlHtnry mid
geography. Mm. F. .1. CIpiixo and Ml i
Mae Platl : Physiology and hygiene by
Mlaa Victoria Stuiikn.
Tin' teaching of pptiinanahlp ! the
departmental schedule, t in lessons
being given by Mlaa Carrie H Joy of
the high school faculty Mualc will
lie given by Mr. F. J. Clctnn and Mlaa
Rena Rlgg. lied cross claaacaare al
mi being organlxed and active work in
these will atari anon Mm. I.ury I
i Fox haa charge of the work In tin
seventh and eighth grade nnd Ml'
Maa Piatt In the fifth and alx
rjfJY w 8 8
(locks of This Sec; ii to Jump Si
Two Hour on O lobar SI Will
MaJxeMai . MHamir
Afar getting used ba being nearly
'two hours ahead of the an i Ontario
, will have tha pleasure ( turning lta
'affaire on a aehedule that will place
lit )uat 14 minute behind the soar
: chronometer. Thla will be tho ease
'after October II, That tha data for
the aban-onmeai of HujaajfjJ) 1 ilan
The change Is In be effected by the
ruling of the Inlcr-State Commerce
emu mission and tha Federal Bureau of
Itallrnad re illation which Is endeavor
Ing to stabilize the time xones on tha
varloua t anaoontlnontal lln.s and
bring them lo a unlfirmlty
I'nder the ruling. PoorateKo will
be tha Eaitern bouncry of Pacific
time. Instead of Ilun.lngton, Oregon.
Thus tha entire atata will be affected
Uv nmvlnv thla ajM.lli.ri ..i.m i.e..
to tha weal and by moving the clock
back one hour all ovor the nation we
will get the two hour change.
At tho praaant time Ontario la one
hoar and forty five and a fraction
monutea ahead of the sun. much to
tha discomfort of many rltliena. In
fact a number of Individual have
atartad working their hay crewa on a
schedule an hour later than the of
ficial time
gfjslL7waaw oal 4 ' 4. '-wC as s. s ' ' m UL'
ifljiyTWm ft fill ifflywf Ii IItt '
Uncle Sua: "tMh that Patriotic Spirit rrowt f utter than
yvBJElJONS iwaaasaa ha iHaty has set lite pace for
I ke whole Naliou In Frame the l.nit of Die
V-F -.. -no OR DIE" -pinl whefticr ON th
aaa.fae -over there" or BKHIND the Battle line
"erwar bcrr" la honored above all tilings
Lafa make Ihc 1th Liberty Loaa uVtvc aaav aa
Sixteen III Oo Camp lPMls Whll
Ma Will MM Training nt Damp
Mclhtxvfti I iilttut'iilii
"i! in n ill lie untrained I i -
Ing the five day period beginning Oc-
toher 7th for i
i.nkp. wash. The foiiowinc Hamad
regiatrantN will report In I1
at ft a m Oetobar T. 1918 :
Itnhhle Basil t'lipelniid. .Skull-
.... -. . ,-." i.iii.i. ..nun
springs; Verne W rhamlipm, On
tarlo; Amell Claude, Juutura; (Jarrl-
Sln A Turenmn. Ironalde; Joe Bros
"" 0UHo; Charlea
Henry Crow,
"laer. Idahe: Idoyd
William Me
Hae Hlversldn,
Parma, Idaho;
Ur.ll. Il.....n..l..
.. nun ,. n. iin , ,-
Yardley. Welaor, Idaho; Fddle J.
ell, Ny. Oregon; Rrneat A.
idy Bolae, Idaho; Clinton B.
cod . rd. Illversldp; Clinton V
'.i- ,t. Jo Ian Valley; Frank Ahlp,
l"o land: rank Milton Yoeman.
A irla. ' agon.
Hlx I ll b ntralned during tlu
five fl - prrlc ' beginning Heptembpr
hi or Fn ' McDowell, California
Tl ' follow' ii.i named registrant will
i ,ort to lata board at I A. M. 8ept-
mber : lh, 1111.
Francia Marlon Pearce. Wnlaer, Id
aho. Franklin Kdward Keele, Payette,
Id v , Thomaa Mcfllvern, Rlvarvlew,
Of , Archie Arthur Allan, Jamleaon,
or.. William H. Blair, Toledo or.
ly la Roblar. Walaar, Ida., care of Mra
E. N. McMllllon.
BUT W.S.8.
Mothers. Wives, and Sisters of Men In
Tlio Hervtre To March aad
Boost Bend Hales Matunta)
Saturday Is going to he a big dav
in Ontario. At I p. m. the mother,
wives, and sisters of man now In the
a,-.,, of Unrle B.m are going to
take part In a Liberty Loan parade.
Arrangements for tba display of
parliotlam on tha part of the women
wore made In a hurry thla waaw un
der the direction of tba W. C. T. II
acting for Mra. W. W Lataon of the
Woman's Liberty Loan Committee
who waa not hero to take charge. It
hoped that all of tha women organ
laatlona In the city will be represent
ad In tha Hat of marcher
preme oMrnsivc against the encmv In again gu
over rbc top FIRST will convince Ihc Onlrai Paw
era that we're At.AINST them In the fa mun ml
ornve (l our Boy that we're WITH them lo the
(ml dollar.
incle Ham IVo,Hii,.l. ok Ust ol
Scnrehliig IJulrln Mrst to
Mailed on Soptemlir-r 18
Promt Maraltal General ( rowder
" minnum cd b vtolpgraph Hint tha
mailing- of quaatlonalriaa to n-gi
trant betwaaa tha ngp of II t.
inclusive. Is to begin September IS.
nndcniiiliiun for nine daya at a mini
mum rate of ten pnr-ccnt per day or
. .,... -i ii, .'i .in, ,ii
more exiicdil lously. If
hoard deem It advisable
oesis.rsuis in mm county netwePn
the age of 19 and 3d, Inclusive, will
oe rsupn on in rpinrn question -
iti.i ... j. ..
.,.,,, -n ,. I , I I I I I ., I I I II I N Hill' I..... l -
,. , .www..
i. ., ....
1 1 K I CIll. 11)1 If lillllin i ill a s
slstlng registrant In filling out tln-lr
iiiiestlonairea tha l.egnl Adviaory
Board of thla County, consisting of
J. W McCulloch, W H Brooke and
Geo. E. Davis-, haa appointed the fol
lowing aaroclate members; Ontario;
W. W. Wood. P. .!. Orllagher, H W
Swagler. 0 McGonaglll. W. E. l-eea.
G I.. King and C M 8tearna; Vale.
J. A. Harlay, George W. Hayes. It Q
Wheeler, C M. Cran-Iall and II c.
East ham
Wnatfall, Andrew Graham.
Dave Graham, and Daniel
Gallagher; Malheur City. C. II Mnr
fitt, and George Bodflah; Ironalde,
Ray Duncan; Cake, C c. Quackan
buah and G. H. Patterson; Jamleaon.
A. It cox and J I. Popa; Baulah.
W. B. Tlllotaon; Itlveralde.F. H. Van
Wyngarden; Nyaaa. J. Iloydell, J. H.
Wolf, Frank Hall tmlK J. Eurrough;
Jordan Valley. D. D. Joalyn and
Aaron Huffman; Rlvervlew, J. E
Any registrant may call upon any
member of the Advlat ry Board for
aaalatanre. It la not necaeary that a
regiatran' call upon the member of
tha Advisory Board residing In his
precinct, but may call ipoti any mem of Hie Board at any point In the
Grant car. must be taken In ,
out th? queatlonnalrea, aa the Inform
ation furrlahed by tha answer In
the queatlonnalrea Is tha baal upon
which tha Government acta Inmaklng
lta aolectlona.
-BUY W 8.8,
"Conalder tha waya of tha ant and
be wlaa."
you can uiavut the Se-t.!"
Oregon fanillli'H are onrnesth
im i-,l lii he, cl Oils old bibllciil nxloin
bj tha t'nit.'.i Btataa food a4mlato-
tr.ulon. which glvcH warning thai
III he a great shortage of . mi
" A 'getnbloa on the market thla
Win tar, and that several Parti
",l,l,'s wl" '"' p""
itie government has reserved for
iinny nml navy uses priictlcnlly till
tin- entire output of tha commercial
oannarlaa h maaj lines." aald
Tin mum Farrcll, chairman of the
food Administration's Prlca Int-r
prointlnn Committee, and there wl'l
he only a llinlte.1 ninoitnt and acnut
variety of can nod vegetahles on t-WJ
mnrket. Tomatoes, com, pena and
sirinir ill. I n u , in. , n, . . . ,..,
... , ....
I '
and wise families will enn or drv suf
ficient supplies of these for thel
nP,N ,1X ,, ,ells While It l
,,nw ,,, ,H, f(ir ,,, eannlng of pea.
' .. , ,.,.. .. ,, ,,,,,
! if.........
i. ri.--u M . !-
In iirf'son. nun some suing nenns :ir-
still available. The tomiitoe can be
rniiiied at home, and Hip string bean
and corn can he either canned or
dried by simple methods. For dry
ing corn and beans should he blanch
ed in hot water or steam for from
five to ten mlnutea. then dried In tli0 .., Bnn lhreml,n . itorm. Th
sunshine or In the oven until frne
from moisture anil crlnp When used
later In tha winter they should be
soaked In water before cooking, lo
restore the moisture content, and
tnejr wlu found to b, eqUa. if not
aun.rnr In the unnnl nrnitunt "
BUY W 8.8.
Millions of miliar. Worth of Livestock
latave Malkrar mnl Harney Coim
t Annually.
From September I, 1117 to Sept-1
ember 1, 1 PI S there waa a total ot
131 1 rarloaad of sheep and cattle con-1
Hlgneil over the Oregon Short I. In.'
'pmaat. can not be cloly ascertain
nd hut must have reached more than
five million dollars
The shipments were divided among
tha various station as follew: Vale;
. i i ii sin. tj. ... lis. in....
,J p(M ., I V , I I w I fV " , . w
.Ida III ; Ontario 170; Crane 416 and
Juntura 117.
Of course, thl la not all that waa
shipped either from Malheur or llar-
ii.. tt9 i,,i M.'i-i.unl I tMkMit nf tile
atock from Jordan Valley, tha Owyhaafroni '" ou",de "" ' . th "
region and Nya a wall a the Dead
n- slat rmlim 1. 1. ewlss there wss
no doubl many shipment from thelof ,,e wa
county that were driven to Bend and Th ''"' " ""
other point, from Harney and from -nd Tunn" "lr'n OB T"-'dy -'"
the lower Harney and Malheur re
gions to Mlnuemucca and other Ne
vada ahipplng poluta. '
The total, however I sufficient to
Indicate that thla region la perform
ing real service In feeding tha allied
armaa and the nation behind (hero
. BUY W 8.8.
Miss Victoria Stanka Will Present
1 1ascs fr IWuisTii of High
School Oiils anil Grades
Physical training alarta next Mon
day morning al the high school Mb
Victoria Stanka, formerly or Atlantic
Mlna, Michigan, haa iharg of the
work which Include the teaching of
folk dancing. Swedish exercise, aes
thetic dancing, games and military
marching drills. It I. thought the
courae will prove a popular one for
already thirty-five etadenta have en
rolled, i
A Baaatliig of the puplla waa heldf
yesterday i w-nliig and explanations oi
grades or credits, and discussion re
gardlng the suite ware glvau These
will he tbe plain basket bull suit and
suitable shoes aud slocking. I las
a will l.e had the flrat and aUlh
period in tha day In the gymnasium
Mlaa Stauka haa wide experience lu
the work aud has placed plans hater
the high arliool students coiicet ulii
tha ayataai of carrying out the exercis
er which were received with
iuaiu. Mis. Sunk will also have
charge of the teaching of physiology
and hygiene in the departmental
school which start Monday. She will
superintend the game on the play
ground and Introduce regular claaaea
in folk darning for tba grade atu-
PAi i in, t.uti. M UM xins hi;.
M. It l I l lll
.lit . I this i, isr HF.iT.
,... ... . .... .. .
mi- iiiii' oi imkiti xx ins nut ksron
Conical Willi Ji'p Iwiwrence See.
nml mid Marie) McCulloch Third.
The Ninth Annual Malheur County
Fair paaned Into history Friday after
noon, lust as the rain cloud haaan
tain did not iiiata-lall.c, however, so
that Hie weather man In no wlaa
marred tha great occealon
The crowd, which waa a record
breaker for a laat day of the Fair,
waa treated to an excellent program.
It equalled any of tha three which
preceded It, ao that Interest waa main
tained until the final act, tha wild
horae race.
Payette Girl proved that her win-
nlug during tha aarly daya of tha by
' taking lha flrat two heat of tha Free
i for All trot or paoa, losing the laat
'heal to Valentine. Jr
The 1:16 pace waa won by Nora
' Minor, who fought tba heat out with
little Alex.
Tha feature gaaet of th after
I noon waa tha finals in the buckaroo
conteat with Harlay McCulloch, of
Little Willow, Idaho;' Jaaaa Law
rence of I'nitx and Dirk Lane of
Baker aa the contestants Handall
Sage. Edgar Rutherford and Tho.
Iogau were the judges They picked
Lane a tha winner with lawrenoa
econd and McCulloch third
The woman aaddle horae race waa
won by Miss Alfretta Sage riding H.
I ". ('ro''" Mol"r .w"h
Mlaa Bern Ice McGe. second on Lady
May and Mr. Blaine MeGee third on
Comet Cook. Mlaa Saga really woa
the raoe In Hie flrat 60 feet, Jumping
iiliii aha held to Hie finish, with
Mlaa MeGee riding at bar flank moat
noon was ins luirai ev-i run ii'-rr.
The horses made the mile and a halt
lu five seconds better than any pra
vloua record. The Hayue atrlng
won by leaa than a length.
The balloon Jump which haa thrill
ed Hie crowd on the two previous
daya waa equalled by Prof. Snialley'
leap Just before the wild horse race,
but ot course the crowd was ready for
tbe double drop aud weak haarta
were not threatened aa the result.
I. .Mowing the closing of the grand
stand performance there waa an
auction of exhibits at tho main build
ing hli k netted the lied Cms a aub
stantlal sum I'mf I'ouklln of
Nyaaa and P. J. Gallagher or Ontario
were the auctioneers by V. V.
lllckox of Adrian.
Ill W.H..
...o.s lo Keprc-eut The O. K. L.
Al Maliilsineiite ol Wa Meitlug.
P. A. P icney, roadtiiaater of the
O H I, with headquarter here left
Sunday morning for Chicago to at
tend Hie convention or the uiulutaiu
eiion of way men whlvli will meat
there Mr. Pheuey I. to represent
the Oregon Short Due ayaleiu at tha
Uok over your slot k of old cloth"-,
and pick ut what you can spare for
the French aud Belgian refugeee. A
call haa been lr-oalvd by the Iocs
itt-d Cross Ch.ipter which must be
fill-d soon Kurt her details will ba
sImii next week
In hoaor of the new le-iiicm In the
faculty and for the parents of new
pupils, ospeclallt i hose who have br.t
their children Horn a dlstauce to at
tend tha local aciiols, tba I'areut
Teaelier. association will hold a re
ception at the High Schon auditorium
next Friday afternon All Hie par
ents of the city are urged to be praaant