wra oktaiuo navm, thvimday. is, IMS Personal Mention i 'Mr L. B. Dorr of Chicago arrlvod 'Tuesday to visit with her brother ami later, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge K Aiken. Mrs. Wm Hahn and children re turned Monday after upending tho week previous vlaltlng at tha C. E. Bingham home during a stay in Oa tarlo from their home at Council. Idaho Lee Wllllama came down the flrat of the week from Drowaev nnd will attend thi cond year at High Hchool here. Mr. nnd Mra. Otto Hlarkahy and dnughtt.r ...' Jordan Vnlloy are upend ing too week with Mr and Mra. J. R. Blackaby. Henry Sanda of Payette la a patient at the hlapltal thla week. Mlaa Pay Cheater of Vale wm In Ontario visiting yar.terday. Nilae Katherlne Hunter of Bolae la returning to her home there the tat lor pnrt of the week Intime to atari her aeeond year at the Bolae High School, which hvlna Monday. She haa been riaitlns wllh her Bunt, Mra A S Brown, for tha past aeve-ai week! Mra Mary C. Arnold arrived in on tnrlo today on her return ffom it Kiiding the O. A R. encampment In : Portland and later a vlalt at Mattl and Camp Lewi. She will xpsjhrl a I few dnya vlaltlng with her daughter, Mra. A. S. Brown before returning to RED CROSS BENEFITS BY RECEIVING PRI2E Patriotic Winner In Unlltlng Content Dorintfa Priw yulltlng Art Not l4tet cllre ConUat Clone. l'or home In tlolae. Mr t u v li JH u.'uHjLLian ff"TrH- E u IT IS POSSIBLE to live without music but who wants to? Its possible to live on peanuts alone br' few people care to. Music is essential to . full life. Appreciation of it marks the round man or woman, the sane, he t iy mind which gets most out of living. YOU WANT MUSIC, AND IT ', MUSIC IS WHAT YOU GET N The NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul." Turner Music Store T'.p ronteata In Department rf the qttllti and aofa plllowa provi-d ., erv lively fnd heated one. Kvldont Iy iiirrr are atill n number Of women In Ontario who believe in the good li ' way of (fotllngvour qnllta nnd pillow I y making they ar. your grnndniotli'T dlil Ol) of tin PrtM winning quilt's ilhit.Ml l Mra. Chaa. LochBM of Krtti"anil. It waa enured HI Qoat Quilt In leaign. the dealgn be- ! that of the Red Croae I lie ipM i was made by the women of W hit If. Bottom and donated tij in Had Croaa to be raffled off. The procMda from the raffle, enriched the Red C'roaa nnd hy 5B, Mra naa. wciiwr .'being the lucky wlnnAf. The quilt , waa then exhibited nt the Fair and the jprlte which it won waa alao donated to the lied Croat. I Following la a partial Mat of tin' j Sonera In thla department: Beat quilt in daalgn, exhibited for 1 croas. Mra. Chaa, Lochner, flrat; 3 J. Springer, Moond. ...dieted pillow, A. Prenalau ,lt . the dealgn for thla pll- tt : Spangled Banner o o oral; Mra. Jack i'f j, aeeond. ;all a of plllowa, five In I if. R. And.raon, flrat; ' laaatt, aeeond. action plllowa, three In Millinery A Art, flrat; Mra A .-own, aeeond 4 hand embroidered pillow, Mrr . Brown, flrat; Mra. 8. J Bprio- -, ae-ond. Boat allk quilt. Mrs. L. E. Jon", aeeond; Mra. Orace Welle, flrat. Beat quilted quilt, Mra. S. J. Springer, flrat. Special pillow. Mra Auguatua Tay lor, flrat; and Mra. A. J Lackey. ond. Heat hand painted pillow, Mlaa Flora Smith of Vale, flrat BOOT-LEGGERS COME ! TO GRIEF -ARE JAILED- IMrectora nnd Official Determined) to Put Wbl'kev Vendor Out of Itualnran Here Now. Two hootleggors. one n old ti'i oil. 'tiller, the other n "atranger here." were rounded up lute yesterday even ing and ay pay for the trouble tliev hne inile That them waa aonie a their work going on waa toom !-'.v and the dlreclora of the Fnlr and the ('It; and County offlelnla determined to put n halt on the j.r r. ,dlm- Put titer infraction" of the "Pry Law" will evidently get aomenne Into trouble, but not If Ihe nuthnrttlea can land tlif men wanted. TT If Wnggonei HRPr of ,); Vale telephone la In townn today. i Mr. and Mra. C. i: t:man. Mra. Coleman and daughter nnd Mr Skyles molored up from Holae Tlmra day to apend the day with Mr. and Mra. J. R HaaniUH Hurry Brown U li town thla week ntttndltig the Full and vlaltlng with l.la par-.nta, Mr nnd Mra A. K. lirov n vlille homo on a furlough. Mra 8. J. Jat'ilecon and chlhiren Ciune down We.lr.eaday from Brogun and will apend a luv daya viahtuu villi frhrda hern. Smart Black Kid Boots NO 8HOE IS MORE GENTEEL AND NONB IS BETTER SUITED FOR ALL OCCASIONS vie IP' The Ranchers' Success Depends On the Machinery he Uses You cannot escape handicaps when your machinery refuses to do the work intended for it. Poor machinery is expensive machin ery, no matter how cheap it was originally. While you are here at the Fair take time to see the great line we have something for every need: Gasoline Engines to pump water for stock, grinding grain and operating silage cutters They save labor. McCormick Mow ers, Rakes, Binders, Knife Grinders. Oliver chilled and steel Plows, Sulky Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Osborn tillage tools, Cultivators. I. C. H. Gas Engines, Feed Grinders. U. S. CREAM SEPARATORS .SUPERIOR GRAIN DRILLS. Troxell Implement Company Ontario. Oregon The Largest Implement House in Mdlieur County. -BUT W 8.8 1 7 m tt $7,50 ;i k XI HW $9.50 TIIKRE iiov.t waa a tlm whan loot?''' w a more eaan tlal Item of rorract npparrl than now. Wo loul tlila fart in mind fhmi w aolrrtad thaai heaullfnt fall atylpa In hrlght and dull flnlahed blark kldakln from the reliable makera, "t'tl Dunn" of Rochoater, N. V Woman who demand aupreme atyla will he highly pleaand with theae good and correctly fitting boota. Rader Bros. Co., Ontario Malheur County's Great Distributors of Autos Kessler Garage, Vale, Oregon No matter what your automobile needs may ber from a liht pleasure car to a great big tractor, we can supply you. Every car we sell has a national reputationthey each rep resent fulli money value. for every clollar. i CHEVROLET For the man who wants a light business car, the fully equipped Chevrolet, with its valve-in-head mo tor, electric starter, and aU modern refinements, is an ideal car. It has pow er and reliability. j The Nash Six The greatest success achieved by any car in east ern Oregon during the past year was recorded for the NASH SIX. The number of satisfied buyers may be found in every section of Malheur county. They are among your neighbors-ask one of them how his NASH HAS SERVED HIS NEED. Trucks, Light and Heavy Our line of Trucks can not be surpassed. Among the superior Trucks we sell are to be feund: Nash Truck White Truck Jeffery Quad Chevrolet Commercial Wagon One of these will serve your needs. The Big Attraction of in? Fal: Hi" be ou; Irdctor lemotistratlon KESSLER GARAGE Vale Trading Company, Prop. Vale, Oregon r . i