The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 12, 1918, Image 4

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m Ontario abcto. thcmdat, skttembkb ia, ibis
"Nn.V, Jack, Hint In n crnckorjack
Iden." exclaimed Ton Stevens, tin his
chum Bui shed i vj iitiImk his pinii to
hrlng Rath Hun. HI. M, Tom's sweet
heart, to terms. "Ill hat If she ww
audi an advertlaeraeol she'd anewer it,
Just for the mischief of dolim
tiling o.l'l."
Tha nett dny there nppeare.l In the
Blcnnoct Buiiiiner Newt minimis the
"Wauled A young Rcntloninn with
B (mod reputation errald like to
apoml wlili i. uiy In tha sum-
nil r Colon,
A few ilnyi lull t In T ni's morning
mail viim n larga an al pa from tha office enclosing three lei
lei In mi- wit In hi- ..-ill.
Thi" Bra! two bo opened were un
Int. reilnK mill from km is he did not
kuow, hill Hi" lni one huh (he one
ha Wanted. Beth hhd wrlttdo !
it anu n v. ry formal imi. b
actiy III r- in, bill it i iva Tom tba
Opeillli" lie f I -I !- I. Tom, ullsui led It
and n few du.i lull unothar h Her ar
rifed. This wns supply hmnenoe fun
on Tom'a part, for since hu propoool
llelh lluHeiil..i bad treiiied til lit very
coolly and nmv, iillhniiKh unknown to
herself, lic wik i re spenillni: with
ha bad ild "lien she refuse! lo he
roine engti d io Tom ti it she ranted
"to liuve n (food time I, id not he Hod
to liny one imin !" Well, she miivI.v
teemed to he Iiim Inif n pood time floln
wllllt Tolll rollld Illlike out. Ilmiccs,
tennis, cntinclua. hivIiiiiiiI.ik, nnd I tha
olln r thluirs Hint (to with a good Huia I
at the heaeh.
After their enrresionience had gone
on nhont two months Tom rtc.i.i 'd It
wts lime to tiike definite steps, so In I
bu next leiii-r la aakad if ha mold t .n
and no-ei the young lady who hod riven
hlln so muiii plensure HiroiiKh III.'
mer. One week passed mid then an
other, and Tom derided to write niriiln.
Tba neit morning he found a short
note, aaylng that a meeting would he
lapossllile, fur aha eipocted to lenvo
Tory ahortly.
But fortune always favors a true
lover. There waa to he a dunce tit Hie
Casino that very evening, and Tom
knew that Heth Intended to k. Tea,
ha would fo. too, and see If things
could not bo Mtralghtoiicd out that
Tory night.
When evening came Tom dressed
for the BUMS nnd nlm gttpptl lid" his
pocket two of tha letters Jl.lli lunl
wrllleti, Inrliiillng the Inst one. The
daneera were nil husy filling oul Ho-lr
dnnee enrds when Tom pot there, so
he Immediately hegnn to till his own
put. As he iippriiin lied Bath she
Inr I allghllv iiwny. Inn Tmn, mi
flonnlerl, prflfnUeTl Tfnt to notlf? her
movement and politely aakad for her
curd, lie took severs! of her daneen.
Inrliiillng the first, those at Intermis
sion, nnd the Inst. Poor Beth, what
could she do? Everyone waa wateh
Ing her, anyway; for they knew that
aha had refused Tom onea before.
When he returned her card she bowed
lightly hul siild nothing.
sTixrw CROwnim
(Continued from paga 1)
on he laat turn after allowing speed
nil the way. Tn a sharp finish King F,
after trailing the field until the
Intermission Tom mnnnged to straight away, took the heui BJ
get Beth out Into the conservatory,
nnd then nsked her again If ahe would
mnrry him.
"I think you rnther ought to. alnce
you hsve l.een eorresponillng with me
pearly nil summer," snld Tom
"I hnve not !" exclnlmed Heth, nnd
! her foot; hut she
remembered Hint she hud correipond
hand from Payette Girl In 2:15
Payette. Olrl Winner.
Vnlentlne J could not hold ill
pnee he set In the opening niitnlie
nnd the best he eould do was fourtli
In each of tha last two atnrta. Pny-
etle Clrl after tnklng second In the
first tWO stiirtu look the lasf he.i
id villi mi unknown young man she Krom ,,K gin), ,, winner of liie
lliMed gullllly.
"Tag, dour, you hnve; see?" And
Ton held out the letters he had In hla
'tdi, how did yon get those lettersT
Why, I thought I wns correspoiidliiit
With ii lonely fellow who knew no one
lure. Tom Stevens, you are the
meanest, meanest hoy I" And aha
broke down nnd cried.
'I Us was too much for Tom. He
t io) Heth lii Ills arms and kissed the
little wet cheeks, murmuring:
"...irest, I didn't nirim to hurt ymir
fecllnga, but I wns determined to make
you love me. I couldn't live without
you, dear. Can't you say you love me
liow, Both) swecihrnrt?"
" is. Tom," whispered lleth. "I've
hud all the good times I wnnt, and I
nun1 ,voii now, all the time. Tom
Tom's voice was husky when he
next spoke. "My own Utile girl." and
h" bra) and humbly klaaeil the upturn
ed lips.
After tho dnnee they walked home
through the unlet streets happily
planning their future.
Copyright. 11. by the McClura Newspa
per 8llllli tie.)
Coenakln Brought High Price.
A coonsl.ln trapped In southeast Mis
souri recently sold at CM73 at a Ion
don fur auction. N. Cohlsmlth. head
of a Cairn (III.) fur compnny. sent a
shipment of aklns to London and In
luded a particularly pretty, connakln.
lie requested that It he mild to the
highest bidder nnd the proceeds
donated to some war rliarlty. He was
Informed hy cable that the pelt
brought f IHfl, the money being given to
the prlsoners-of-wsr fund.
second heat, making the Sumnmrv for
the even! I'm, Me (Jlrl first; Kill)
lllrd second nnd V-ilontlno .Tr. third
and Prize II fourth
I Ian II Take- Hot Ileal.
In the first heat of the 2::0 tr.,:
the old favorite, Dan II. M Jaci
driving. .took the wire after I gfOtl
!.... with Mnnnlster, Hie rTutchtB
entry, and Brant K. the C K.
Illbhle horse The time was I: SSI,
mi K broke .it tho start and M.
Kllllp had n time getting the n
hack Into her stride hut she .
strong at the finish, fighting Mit.
ni tor for second money
In the second heat of the 2:30 trot
DM It. tho last under the wire, took
the hOOl for both Kr.-mi-i K mn! M
nlster both brol.e BBdtf the Rin
Mnnnbler perfornieil bailly In the
third bent, and agnln got into Hi"
rink leaving the rare bfltWBBB lltiim I
K nnd han II. who won all Hire
heats. The time for the second best
was 2:Hn and the third ;!:3.-.
BUY W.8.8.
I'olt 8AI.K One Doughten I'o i-
lo digger, one Thompson potnti)
( Continued from page one )
yesterday afternoon In the taking
the ladles' race, riding lied Croat
Molly. H H Tunny's entry
Hhe rode, as she always has, n per
fect race, taking the pole nt tht
and h.ld the bad from the fir.-t tufa
to the end Mrs Blaine MoGee on
IBe Howard and Mfss Bcrnlre Meier
00 Carl Paine gave a pretty fight Io
the second money. Mr MoOot
nltg by a h
napoleon's Horsea Trained.
Bztranrdlnary were the precautions
ttken that Napoleon should never ip
pear at n dtaodvantage on horseback.
The empernr trtt not n tlrst-elnss
horsemiin. and his bOfOM were alwnys
thoroughly broken in. Here Ii i..
avrlpttnn of the methodn empli
'"I'lu v vvrri traJnod to remain per-
fectlj steady under tortures of evn
rlption; to recelre blows about tho
head: drums were heat, pistols and
ern.Krv fired In their ears, flags
Braved before their eyes, clumsy pnek
nges, and sometimes even sheep and
pigs, were thrown between their legs.
"Nuiie of the animals were deemed
sunn lently trained tin tho oniporot
could. wlHiout the least dllll.'ultv. pull
them up short at full gnllop, which
was his favorite pace."
Nuts and Fruit.
The government Is not calling upon
ns to give up all of our toothsome
dishes, but to I cononilcal In the
us. of those commodities which are
scarce. Nuts and fruit have not been
inl.ooed. and those will be found to
i dd much to the dishes, nnd espe
cially to give to our daily bread a
in-a and verv delightful ilavur. t'ao
ple't Home Journal.
sorter one John Deere heel puller
also one potato cultivator. 8ee
Itnsiniissen, S mllea west of Ontnrlo
Address Ontnrlo. I! K D 1. Adv.
BUY W.8.8.
mi;tikdist kpimcoimi. hi m ii
Sunda) Hertlcoa.
10 a. m , Sunday achool
11 a. in.. Preaching. "The Church
at Work'"
R p. in , Preaching, "The Ooldcn
Taking Notee.
Winn you lake notes lot them DO (
brief, sharp, In Opt, order, so n glunca
will k'le yon a bird's-eye view of !
your wholi- Hcheme. for instance:
"John J. Jones ex-mayor .IW nuto
ina'l. ii H. aj, im Wabash 1.
health 12 horn Sprlngtleld. I).
Cornell Country t'lub; liolf Cluh
giui iiini wife, Mnrin; children, Mary.
John. William .Sunday 2 Trinity aft.
Kvergreen." Mnke your copy fast, de
void of iieiidwmMl like "that" and
; "which." Pick your own shorthand.
Kor Instance, "Kw tm all gd rae em
aid prty," or "sldr. htlln, dvsn, emtlg
trnsprt. Kar. btleshlp. artln." A. 8.
Paine In Pep (Cleveland).
School Books and School
Supplies for All the Children
the boy or girl started ichool proper
lv equipped. Tliey cannol ! ili-ir
wtn'U withniit equipment. The bettel
they are equipped the better results
they will obtain.
Kfli.M.1 Teat Books Bar All Qntdea, Pen
eils, Tableta, Pans, Ink. Rukta, Kr.-is.Ts,
N'nti' Bookl Jiinl BJveiftbing for School.
Oarage, hen house, both movable,
also gasoline barrel, 18 gal. oil bar
rel, hand wheel rutlvalor, range, nil
atove, cook atove, beater, washing
machine canned fruit garden in
coaater wagon and other articles
Phone Mlt - Itev W N. Brown
I he summer vacation Is OTOT, roll 8AI.K One three plate else-'
8chool begins next Monday. This Is tre rBnBe, hut slightly used. Is good
a good time to start In with new xenl M new Address Hox JOB. Ontario
for Hie Kingdom of Hod Rvery- omshii
boih lordlslly Invited to attend Ihes-
Boiling Points
aaa mumUm Bafcai fa ba
pi. ii ii irwy rami ronitnuoua, uaMoraa
chain giving ( , dspandahU powar.
Leek for the Red Crown sign.
WM .1
roll BALK House. I rooms. I
i lota Hood location. Make i aah olfe;
I ii. mill :ii)7. Hotel Moore for t day.
i- r Jwyie Gasottne
O. H. TK8T. SI'KCI l. At. I I
Fourth Annual
At Weiser, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
September 26,27 and 2 8
3 Three Days of Wild West and Frontier Day Exhibitions 3
The Best Talent in the Northwest will be seen in
Cow Boy Races, Cow Girl Races, Pony Express Races,
Roman Races, Bucking Contests Steer Roping
Bull hiding and Fancy Trick Riding Pony Express Robbery and other 'Stunts"
Great Big Wild West Parade Every Day of Show
1 c tars of the Pendleton Round-Un and Thirty Able Riders from Idaho and Eastern Cren nr
Entered. Last Year's Rouncf-Up Showed that Weiser's Exhibition is Second to None
of the Northwest. For entry blanks or particulars, write
J. W. GALLOWAY, Secretary. Weiser, Idaho