not Ontario a nor a Ontario reoov, thi'rnda v. hkpt. n, tent .Professional. . . . Cards . . . Classified Advertising FOB ginrK l num boo i 2 lots on Mo take light oar mi iHine Mttat li this week AddrcNH i(HrrRt DRS. PttlNZING, Wl & FOKTNKK OFFICE HOI 0 to 13 and 2 to 8. Office over First National Bank. ilephone Ne. 32 J. Oetarlo. Ora. SAKE Tan good laying Rhode Inland Had, year ol d lions A I no 15 Rhode Inland Red Pullet Inquire at MeOimllst parsoaage Earl Henna LOST Opea race gold lie 18, No .'7(tng, movement Ilia 17 Jewel, No 1H7C542 Utat near O 8 L. depot. Please leave with the Argus and gat reward. 37-2t PIANO AT HAWKIOK. For quick business we will sacrifice a atrictly high grade plaou locatod near Ontario. Liberal terms to re sponsible party. If Interested make Application at once to THF. l'l N I It Ml Mil i Adv. -23 to 28 Denver. I m. w. u. uuwi DENTIST son Bldg. Bee. 1173 LN8FBK. BAOOAOB AND BX- Hl'Mi i'.iy ; JOHN LANDING! tj. 1 F. BKITTINOaAN at Vnek Traajafar 4 Nfc Phone 117 M I 4 m V a 4 f ONTARIO I.MMHII DOWNTOWN OFITt'F.' ha KHRH DRUO STORK MtffVTTV J Expert Say 'X? r wiw I KBROLENB IS BBTTBR" gPwlf because it holds batter twSQhbm iNr fciiipreasion, gifts better lav J e 2!Hp7 I ' Hrotection to the moving T wfTj' Hsrt and deposits less csr- V" M liKBul . .. . ,. , Tt "r'-Raas' lM aetlea, Mas- I trolene la the correct oil (or a u.t ... hi w ...- gXM ' automobile anginas ,., . an u I Kt correct oil (or y oar automo- ' f ) ape. " 'a ' Kt our I.abricatioa Chart ehow- J,;,' '"li!" ! M the correct consistency (or ,, ,,,,. f ' 2Vour car. J .. n, mihm CiAbk J f STANDARD Oil. COMPANY I " -aes areata 4 ,Vj (CalUataia) M SOI VCKMK1T Mrs. Ben Rutherford wlahee to an nounce to her friend and oval that she is located In the flrat house north of Maraden'n machine SSM it' patronage solicited. I'hotir I KOI II FOB 1AL1 B, Clone i. wll til lawn and shade trees and barn. House has two stt.rles, seven rooms and hath. Will consider trndr for property In or near Portland. See W I. Turner. roa estate agent. Adv. S-tf Mini i Bible school at 10 a. in Public worship at 11 a. m. Public worship at 8:30 p. m Sermon subject for each service, "A Itirressful I n W. l Minister. BUY W.8.B. PetOStaJ rhiirrli of the Nasarene, Hast side. lt-- H. L. I Iiuvctk, l.l . r . tinier of Servlifs. "ii 10 a. In. i- ... liam. Mietlng 7. If, p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs 'i .46p.m. Ton are weleoeie to these ssrvlces. BUT W.8.8. ( Itl'lUH OF THJI RLKHSKD SACRAMENT. 8:80 a. m., Los. Mass. IS is a m . High Maaa. 30 a. m . Catechism for the boys and girls. BUY W 8.8. RAPTlHT HI lt 11 Bible S hool. 10 a in Divine Worship, 11am. B. T P V., 8: IB p. at. rvlre. p. m. Prajrr ine.-llnr Wednesday, pm Re ('has. Bloni. Pastor BUY W8.8. t ot;iti:t;tTio i nn itt h. of said day, tit the Bat tranrr door of the Malheur 0Ut) Ifonrf House, at Vule, OrSfja 'ni iml. Mr SJMtsM to the highest hid dtr or bidders for eanh, the following described real property, tewlt: B of NWU of SWU Section 3 Township 20 8. R 4 0, E. W. M. Tnken and levied upon as tht properti of the "iil'd nhove named dt fendiinlM. of n niiicli thereof as ni unary to snllsfy said Jtidgtne-i' in favor of Welner Loan A Tfttsl Company, and agalaet the above namiMi Defandants. with Interest thereon, together with sit coats and tewberseaents thst have or may ae- erue Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 80th my of August, it is. BEN J. BROWN, Bherlff T r McKIROV, Ilepuly First psblioatloa August 2 2. !H Last publication Sept. 19, IBIS. TALLi i-' eqi; extra lare Mj I I M f llCv Xsm r "lHHT L Big Sail Bearings; Betr.r Light notbtr mm pibi-k tTrov Departmesl of the Interior. Land Office at Vale. Oregon, Augut IB. 1918 Notice Is hereby glen I that Mrs J. K Bumwalt BW Malnl Markle. of Ontirlo. c who. on March 10 Hi, 1914. I Knlr n Utill ' sl. Sec. 18 and WHN1 ',, Sec- Prearhlng ssrvlces dlsonntli.uetl t,on ' Township 17 South. 1 for three Sundaya beginnlns ixmI : " " . naa inoa notice or inteu- Bunday. during pastor's vaesllon "' '"""" '""" '"rna-year proof, to Sunday school nt 10 ;, iabllsh otaln to the land above IIKKBERT J.IVINi!HT(i Itnsjerines Higinter and Reoal- Mlnlster. T,r- '' 8 ,'"n'1 'X'l'-e. at Vale. Ore- on. on the 21st day of 8eptemhe-. Try ftMsnberialn'a. 1MB. When nii need a good raiwMs Clalmes)! names an witnesses: Mr- liniment for soreness of d N,ry Hoekinsn. v Blsncharl. a sprsl' .u to relieve rlieunmtlr rs Anns iiianrnard and K A pain, try chamberlain's l.lnlmii't Beeler. all of Ontario. Oregon It Is excellent SIMMONS. IN THK CIRCUIT COURT Ol STAT!. OF OHKOOM FOB MAL- UK. Oeorge Olaeaoork. Plaintiff, re. Ar J thur K Dodds and Mabel Dodds, lii'fendsnta. To Arthur E. Dodds and Mahln Dodds, Defendant In the Name of the State of Off . you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed Thou Jones. Register. fZEROLENE 2Jt? Standard Oil for Motor Cars NOTICK IOR l'l III.II'IIION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Bjajgaj Office at Vale, Oregon, August 13th. I kit Notice la hereby given that Robert Rnney, of Ontario, Ore gon, who. on April 30th. 114. made 4Hoaaeetead Entry, No 033B4. for BJfcjNEtt. See. 8, and NWM.WH NE14. Section B, Township 17 South. Range 4B East. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notlee of Intention to make Flaal Three-Tear Proof, to establish lagalnst yoa In the altove entitled rlSfm to the land aboie deacrli,. ,l null ulihln nix ek from the date of before Rnglxter and Receiver. I the flrat put.lii .. i ii ii of tht IsJBSJOS . mw oifi,.-. at Vsle, Oregon, mi the wsnt thereof the plaintirf will 16th day of September, 1918. t for the relief di Claimant names as witnesses, u manded in the complaint Namely a. Wehb, Acel 8 Wltbeck, (leorgo for a Judgment against yon rur tin Hurper, Chsrlee A. McBrlde. all of Mini of $240 00 principal with Inter , Ontario. Oregon i mn tn. in the first day of May. I TH08 JoNKS. Reglater 1917. at the rale f low pr nent rr I . "TMBS8BBBBT"' annum, and for the sum of 7& oorcm, y , sXf Q ; , n. attorney a ieae inia anil togeiner nuts and disbursements of this suit And for a decree forecloaing a ii iin :i demure of Mortgage and O. H. THST, BHfc the sale ut He real property describ- lewlt: au uiidti ided one- kail Interest in the Southwest guar ter of Section 80. Twp. IS 8 It. 47. t: W kt In Malheur county. Oregon. FIVERSITY of OREGON Trsialas far PHSiiay . rac or la War l ol. eejuipi .1 I iin nil i ni i n i and ari nil lie Ii pm luiriila. Special mi. . I.iiw. .vlealiciB l It MlniHii ii l. a mwr. mmI lirU 4rMi ml l,a.k... I,J4 - ...i a. o. i t mrm H www mm. day or Auut, It IS, the undersigned, administrator of the ea i.iie of William A Vaiidrrhlll, lie aBhs atdkarl ear at m Ai ti !. aisa.ll ut LRssjSTi Of Real Mortgagee of Malheur ... . ,T sale, for cash, all of the following .kUI. etaavil OVER THE TOP AND WIN, ia our motto.BEvery x -Ani rican muat do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy Liberty Bend, buy War Stamps, ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK BflBTV IN THK 0ODNTT COURT OF thk STAN op' ORBOON FOR MAL HEI'lt 00DNT1 IB MATTKIt OF i lit. ESTATE WILLIAM A VANDEKRII.T, DBJCBA8ED hy given Hist under end by virtue of an order of the a'io' g which aaid Indenture of Mortgage ..... entitled court duly made and em hoars date of May 1st, 1B17, and is ... ,.,, , ,.,. . on the 29th day of August, 191V the duly recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Malheui - egon. in book W' at page 129 Thi agmmoas l by c Ontario Argus for week- under ,uul served upon you i rll In lx ooneetuii s by ilrtue of sn de rlbed real properly lielonglng to gaM estate, described as ktslows, towlt Northweet Quarter of Section 11, Tare. 18 South Kane ej M . Malheur Connly. Oregon, containing 1 168 84 at-p lag la th. jBuriey. That In i of ald the anderslnrd will on the 30th gRf ,.t lluhlHIK Ii. T IklH Ml tllM l.tilll' 111 10 lafct I'llnlleutiou Of SUmg 10th. 1912, order of the Hon Daiton Uiggs, cir cuit Judgs of the Circuit State of tiregoa. for Maih dated August 20th, 19 1 ii .i publlcutlou of ann ual IKtli, I '.' i C M Mli.ruey for l'lalii Residence, Weiaer, Idaho NOTM . Ol sHKHII , "H KM I IV By virtue of an evacutloa la fori eloaure duly isaaed i lerk ol i ult Court ol the Slate . goa. for Malheur ouuty. dated the 18th day of August, 1918, tu a certain action in the ui url in Id State and Couuty. wherein Weiaer Iaiuii 4k I rut Cumpauy, a cor poratlou aa i recovered JudK meat ugalust Carl Albrecht and An nie Albreeht. I usband and wii ue Does UtMer, haeiisaS sad wife, ae Defends .ii of Two Hundred aad no from tbe Jeth day of October, IB is. at the rate of IB per coat per aaam.-i ad Ttirty Dollar attorney Bee. iini of Fi' 'lire eoats aad dlbur. menlM THBRRFORB. NOTICE IS HBRE BY OIVBN that I will oa tbe 81st day of Septembur. at the hour of BUY W 84s, i. XOTH I ot mI.I Ol - i i, I.Wlex ice Is henhv given that the State I.. ml Board nt ilmBltlrm im gon will receive sealed bids until hi., Newest It is, (or lite tollowiug de 'laud, towlt Ml of He, lion If and 3, T 8 li I All of Sections 16 and 38, T. 21 K i; 44 I All of Sections it and 28, T 22 H H t n of Bsstlons if aad 88, f R l IS and 38. T 3B 8. R 46 E All bid must be aeeo, reiiuiarly esacuted applliation to iieck or draft for at lie tun. of the !" The Board reserves the right to re y aad all IndK ApplieaUoas aad bids skoald i addreeead - State Laad Board. Salem, Oregon, aad marked "Application and hid t aae state laad O. O BROWN. C.rk Stale i.aml 1 Dated at Selaai. Oregon, Augat 88. 1818. First pablicatioa September B. 1918. Last pabllcatiou October 81, 1918. riawtlt 17 InchM hw( UlnahMwM V tnattM hlih LIGHT engine is hroughout with brill bearings. other farm litrht- t engine is so equip- 1 rings help it to give better light by helping the engine to run more smoothly. They save fuel and oil. Thcv cut down friction and wear. LaHey-Liht brings better light bright, steady, safe light -to every farm. It brings power for water pump, churn, separator, and so on. Wc will be. 'unonstrateLalley- Light free on your place. Call for the owners' testimonial book. HUNT'S GARAGE ONTARIO AC.KNTS OREGON THE FIRST DOTY OF MAN L, A beaatlfal advertisement appeared, la a recent Issue of the Sat urday Bvealag Poet, by a large automobile company. Illustrating the toar greatest event la the life of man: GBvTriNU NAItltlMt III ISO ot it MOMS m H FIRST BAIO iii i ma rot it w iomoiui.k im rOV CATCH THAT HIM KNDID POINT, Mil MAN This big automobile firm spent 110.060.00 for a single page lg a single magaslno tn advertise to millions of people in lrr City In the land that the Flloi 1X11 Of A MARKIKDMAN IS TO OWN A HOME. THAT A HOME SHOULD fOMK BKFOKE Ti MOBILE Plan Yoar Home Free. We build It with Western Soft l'ia SEE- AL CHAN CE Ml KS MAN 11,111 ONTARIO. ORBOON. Manufacturers of WESTERN SOFT FINB OUR NEW DIRECTORY will lie issued in August, ctliHiw u to obsp0ff6fl (iiaile before A.uiruBl I. IF YOU WANT l'UOI'KK l.lrtll.Mi OKA NEW i'HONE. ADVISK IH AT O Every Bell Telephone is a 1-onjf Distance Station. Malheur Home Telephone Co. $ I Commercial Creamery Co. Lash 6u7f?rc?of Cream and Produce I'lace: Booth of Post office, Ontario, Oregon Your Beat Market far Craaat, Egg. Poultry of all klnas $ )ffig. Bl V aiSS BL' V SSI BU V Mi BUI - I ' I ' N j m T i