The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 05, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Ready for the Thousands who will come here this Fair week
Jmi ONTARIO gjflr
fWonr W nJ I fV. 0EC-J1J I
Ready today at Boyer's from tip to toe, everything for every age, for our Misses and
Ladies. New Fall Coats $10.00 to $75.00. New Fall Suits $15.00 to $50.00. New
Fall Dresses $8.00 to $45.00. New Skirts $3.50 to $17.50. New Waists $2.00 to
$12.00. New Millinery $2.50 to $15.00. New Gloves $1.50 to $3.50. New Hosiery,
New Shoes, New Bags, New Dress Goods by the yard. Also everything for the Men,
everything for the Boys. You are invited to make our store your down-town head
quarters while attending the Malheur County Fair.
Town Topics Tersely Told
v. n. mapiee reiarnen iwpniHr mi.n .nun niniatim ..r at. father MOUSE. SALE Oh TKAUK
Tailing from n eittnM uio trip m. Ontario, arrlvad In Ontario 2 loin for trad; mk.'
.. . .. . V. . I.. .!,.. ilnrlna ii. Iilnli I . I . I.. ..... . . ...
J IUIII 111" IIIIOIMM uumiii ......... ,.v irin.j ui an eieHlf1(l Bl W II It HIT (liir ''.I ill.llll ArKUK.
mucin all tbe towna o flmportancr In 1 n.le anil aunt, Mr. and Mr dl
Malheur and Harney countlo. lumbar. ' W.B.H,-
Mr w 1 rimma left Ratunliiy cii 1; ,1, of Ontario
Miaa Vera Ne.l. r.i.n I Mundnv , with the cle of 1 7. wan In the oH -v.-nlng for tvntral Oregon ti IM( town IihiihIiI. Ihi week for
IXeirlioen gulikl)
In 1 hi' prartl'
nvanliiK from I'ortliinil wlni- aha Im Monday erenliiK
lan employed tlila aunimer. '
. Mra. Thomaii Hnnlman eft Satur-
Mlu Kduu Von l! iiirnotl day evening for Wallowa' to rtotl
day rr.iiu Portland where mi frlenda and relative.
iiMt eeveral weak. veiling frit 1 o
and relative.
with her mother.
1n1.1l la' i ti.i f..r fi.rlv I ia Pa " ytrllM. I Ir
,!. to, iM,,. on- r. (',.,, A riHL ,,. ,. .,
. i.wm wiin inn Maini'ur iii egad.... ... , , . ,. . . .
.. . . ,,... . . . ,,, (,H ,,(,,, imt March. having pur
Ml Mildred WIIIIuiiik Ih the n. 1 lat night ., ,
1 Ti m. ' ',l :1 llllllllilthm ten llltl'M
of her eouajn Mian 1'la ('.ran, WANTKI) Hlx ineaaaniter boy to , , ..
... here I find diarrhoea prevail v
- A a lirL flip .ilHilaalna la tJr 1 ll..
w , ....... .... wnm w ran. Aiuii fnrl
11 i annul 01 1 ne .i.mre noiei w.i n n. i'iiukiiihh. I ny null
"ih affected iny.elf, eaw
notlo. of Chamherlaln Colli iud
Olarrhna Uemndy, bought a email
hull li and It Ik good.' -Adv.
namet- 1 inunnv
, v X
Mm A McWIUlaar ami daughter,
Miaa Ethel, returned from a vaca
tion trip to Btarkey, Idaho, and th
Adrian, better known Dude a I'ayette bualnna vl.itor on Moim
Kutherford nuffercd a fraclurr of hl "0 1
right arm yeaterday evening
H W 1 'lenient lie ucepted a po
lltlon with the Htudehakrr f'orpor 1
. 1 Ition at the local braio
Uiralnr McWlllla.11. went to 1 A
..koa region on Sunday. C, II H..I11..1. 11, - . n 1 n I contrac-
O .tor fur the water ayalem, relurnel
Jaek Taylor Ir one of the Ontario .Hunday timuiii from Twin Kails.
bora belplna build boat, to aid 111. where he baa the emit ran for Af
"cleaning the Kaieer " Jack la em
Mr. H ; iihiImj . formal I) "i
tarlo, arrived In town Tueada) for 1 .
abort vlall with frlenda.
Manager Mel itoiiinc of ihe I
heur Home Ti'lephone company wn
called to Holae Monday evening
ployed In a ahlpyard iu Beattle.
Miaa Mary He.drlcka of I'ortl.n.l.
one of the new echo.! teachera of IM
coenty, vlaited last week with Mrr.
i! H. Kcbave and thla week an
it the Teacher Inatltul. at Vale.
Mr. and Mr. K II Hehave gMtOI
ed up from McDeriniii cnilu. Il t
week. Mr. Behave returned to hie
home while Mra. Kchave remain. -.1
hay. to vlait with Mr and Mr, t'nn-ipany, motored 10
nell 1 .Suiulu.i
Kev W. M. Brow.. aigued Andr ,na ueorge Maneman of the
tbe paatorat of (he llnlted Hreaby-, w-r Ontario vlaltora Hu.
terian church aeveral montlia ago,
returned to Ontario la.t Haturd.,
move hi bouaehold gnodx lo 1
foriilu Me report that Mr. Brown
on account of wboae health Ihe fam
ily left Ontario. I Improving grad
ually and that they are oomfortably
located near l-o Angelee.
Mr Kilna Urlffln. who haa eg
the Autiimer attending the aagel
of 1 "Ity "i waamngioii.tiau running a threahlng r
-cIiimiI al .rieattle an ,. aoin.-ihlnn hlg
home Monday eveniug
Mia Mayuie Bnge of the High
u auimncri-il ill h-r
Inline In Norman, Oklahoma, rea
. evening
J M Orrell of Barren VeVllfJJ
year ago was well kuowu in Ontario,
the circuit rourt N
1 lie
Mr V K Wnllijei
Wtacmiiln. who in.
ge atatea'a representative at
aegalon of tbe W It 0 'unil.
arm.. I Sunday to
, eier .laughter. Mi
ever, wa detained in P
bind for veveral day and will not be
1 ouiily ComiiiiaHloiier John W
waa In town Monday evening It"- j
glng the dltchi' on the lteiialon of Iween wnr overflowing onto he
the new miiiilelpul ayaiini of H1..1 highway and ped mad ant.
.It 'Ihe road nveraeer haa no chance In X
t keep the county highway In ahupe. .
Henry Klarkwell arrived from u Mr Weaver believe that It e
aide buying trip In the Interl .1 necMaary lo
it and at the Moore. '"' ''Ighwaya or iber. will he '
0 I. lulling inatorlul in Igei h.,
Mr and Mra K v s..giei Kp.-,,i i apring If slila la a dm
III weekend kg Hole. 'uniy 1 nun Mr Weaver Hani- to
, . aee eome action 1."
v Mexander, manager of t J - -Ontario
atoic of the Alex in-' T'P O Nell reuched Onliirh. M.m-
llolae ami retui'i '"r afternoon from IuiiMiij. Ore.
aey an. I olhnjr Interior polul Mr
veil i veiling ail of hi ill." p
holdlllgx III ihi y
lo getting Into the aervice along
hi three hrothera 'Inn nt Uie.' ifelZ
now with the vlciurioua N.u I
arutea over tberg lu a reoagii
one of the hoy lold Of aleeplu.
ground .lie day 1
I "tt are ell i.n
on their tall." waa the pal
Hon which young O'Nell a.
altuaili.n lloth he and hia hro
ma I.. Ik II mIii kaaltaaaM I
Ml n III 111 ...III Ml.ri ' ..'
meiober of the family la in 11..
Hi s s
Wiiniiil Woman t.. lii'ip
whsIi '
They report that the demand for l.i.
and allege In their aectlou la goo I
and that their prune crop In aogft
thing that meun ..
erty bond 1
1.. M. Walker wan In lowu
day till week .rta that
threahlng la progreaing, "but." add
he. "if Hie from Hue trench have
more trougle for a 11111 the .1
on over there
!, """''I
It's the lasting quality and rich
tobacco taste that makes Real
Gravely Chewing Plug cost
you no more to chew .tli
ordinary plug.
Pey(Qn Bram.
Real Grav
Chewing Pi
10c a pcuch and worth it
P. B. Orweajy Ceeagewy VurgMeia
'..r ..
Don't Forget to Attend
The Fair!
When in Ontario you will want to
see all the sights.
Thru it will ia mi lor vim r timr and trouble i" our bin ,u ""' Sl'' "l:i1
M.inil Htore, 11111I liMtk over out utock "I HoUaeboU timl Uiiih-Ii ami l-'aiiu Suji-
uliflN. W li iv lliillL.' Ilfl'f in it - k I'li'ln a OarpH titrk In a ::...'! Til
In iiviiifi'it nf tlii it w ill niil 1 ;i k m - In lit time foi yiu to k tbroumb our
StulV ami Mf tllr Wi.ihIcis It is tllr HP nt rnlllilitr ti'k of its kiml in Kaitl
Buy luif ami buy nlit. Havi' money here to buy WMM, aud Liiaitv toiukt
There are for you
iuv ami mm'iiiiiI liaiitl . Inm lii-ilf,
W.hmI aiai Still S h, Kitflii'ii
Kabiiefta, Huffi'tn, ('bum tin
lliniii". Tabb'K, botb Hqiiait ami
naiml; Mb ' . HteSUtU
Talioiits, Mali .ml I uiicli I'
Hear the Pathephone
.III llitl HIIH-Ilt Will. s.
was nnVfii iii thr I of tin I ml
I'd states over all i.tlnrs liy n i iiovrii
il )i 1 11I inii-ii'.
Wei n- 11 BIG DISCOUNT mi
I.IN'OI.KI .Ms aud IJ0L1X0 II...,
We still have a lew AxmiDftar Bugs.
No more till after the war.
'Buii hen
hijj W.
and buy right. Save
S. and Liberty Bonds.
n ion ''ii
agBBBBBBBBgaak 1 '
A. L. McDowell's Big New
Ontario, Oregon
; .. frA