The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 29, 1918, Image 8

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Mr. and Mm Hay Wllnon end gori
Joe returned lent Friday evening
from an extended auto trip that took
them thru the Yellowntone. acrom.
Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota.
Iowa, llllnola, Kentucky and lnti
It would take a volume to deecrlhn
the good tlincH they en)oi-d flatting
in the Yellowstone and In Minn-
lake One would hnrdly M
there were enough people In ili"i
world to -n t mII tin- wheal lliey kiiw
growing In i lie Vnrtliweat, aald Mr I
Wllaon. i
Among other HilngM they found
that war regulation are more ntrlil
ly enforced tlirn the Middle s i
than out here Fof example, guti
can not get Into n garage after
o'clock or on Hund No gasoline or
oil could he purclui -eil fter B or on
Mr and Mrs A IIhoii spent the
week here preparing tO move i..
Nyasn. where they will live nt lenst
antll after the war
Ill I S
I,()S'I' A inn ii I en il. Ilglil weltlit
olive drah, curd caie In pocket m
registration curd of A K KennlNon.
(Mil irln I'leiiHe loin" ill Ihltf office
British' continue
steaoy advance
Germans Fight Desperately,
But Appear Confused as
English Smash On.
" ""
f JL .
22 "SLW I
W' Mm4I naaeP iLm.
iffiErtaV Je
The attack waa o Impetuoea It
the boche running A heavy enemy
barrage pat down on the railway,
hut the Americana held on
General Mangln of the French army.
commander of the allied forcea oper
atlng between Solaaona and Rhelma.
W (Hi the llrltlh Army In France -Field
Marshal llalg'a flghtlnii aruilea
have achieved further vlctnrh a 1 h'-y blow after blow to the atag
goring enemy, who In aome places,
wh aa the Thiepval aallent. waa re
ported to be In a atate of great cop
faalon Thiepval Itaatf, a mighty poalllun
atop a high hill, from which the snr
reiindliir. country lor miles la under
beervatloii. has been occupied, and
the British line has been
between (Iraiideourl and l.a llolaaelle
Moving swiftly In some place and
crushing stubborn opposition In others
the Hrlllah are attaining along the
whole extent of their new Si. mine line
-from the region of Arraa to south
ward of the river from which It takes
Ita name
With the American Armlea In
Krance The American troops ad
vanreil their Hue a 'Mini of a mile M
a front of a mile and a quarter limn
dlaielv east of fit driving the Her
mans from the railroad and rapturln.
what has been an advantageous bmI
The boche had dug In along the rail
roail aklrllng Hie south bank of Hi
Veale and had stahllalied numerous
I machine gun n"iH. The Americans
we In a dip south of I lie main Hols
aona Ithaltns highway. Th had In
advance acroaa open country toward
Hie railway
A atlff barrage waa put down on
the railway at ft a m the lnfnti
starting their aili antuillaiieouslv
yuli k I thei ioiiei the highway and
i charged across HJM open space In Mi.
1.1. . of a tat'lMf niaeliine Baa flro. '
Notwithstanding atrong Oeraaaa re
Inforeementa on hath wlnga of the
battlefront. the Rrltlah and Trench
foreea everywhere have beaten off the
enemy and continued the victorious
The enemy has loat wide atretcheti
of ground numerous towns, and thou
sands of men made prisoner and large
quantities of materials and guna.
The Hermans are launching stroni
counter attacks agalnat the French
letup, n the (Use and Allette rlvera In
an endeavor to hold back General Man
gln'a armv which la threatening the
entire Herman front In thla region
With all Hi It fierce righting and
notwithstanding the fact that the Brit
lah at many places have fought ovci
open ground agalnat an enemy pro
teoted In "pot holes" and strong point'
of other kinds, the Rrltlah loaeee ever
where aeem to have been extraordln
.itlly light This prolmhly la due to
the confusion the German find reign
Ing behind their lines, aa they are
lighting a losing battle, which for
them hourly grows most disastrous
In the Vnsgea regions the Americans
I arc keeping up their patrol activity
against the eneniv. The Americans
have homhed Herman point! behliel
III.- line. Thlrt) eight hoiuhs wee
j dropped from airplanes on Conflau
I Saturday and ten direct hits wop
I scored. Considerable fighting lu ill
I air also la taking place.
Austro- Hungarian relnfnrcenieuis
have arrived mi the southeastern end
of the weatcrn front, a number of sol
dlera from Auatrlati unit having awM
captured by French patrol In the
Woevre region.
Germany Protest te Spain.
vmaterdam Herman v hat energet
lis'ly piotesled against the Intention
of Spain to replace sunken Spanish
tonnage by Interned nrmn ah'pt
according to an official atatement la
' sued In Merlin
American Caaualty Llat la 13,974.
Washington - American i aaualtle
i In the groat war announced by the
wai department to date total 21. 174,
of which L'O.tiT were In the army and
I In the marine There were J4M
siualtle reported the past week.
BUY W 8.8.
When You Buy
You want the best quality that a
good market affords. Such is the
quality of Bacon, Hams and Lard
we carry. Our stock is large enough
so we can fill big orders for Interior
ranchers and others who must buy
in quantity.
You serve yourself and your coun
try by doing this and you can do it
easily by buying the highest qual
ity. Let us show you what we
have to offer.
Boys' School Suits
Now! Don't Wait
Don't Delay
Fortunately we made our purchase of
Boys Knicker Suits
a long time ago bought them and received them under
the old freight schedules. Bought them of stock cloths
materials of which the manufacturer has had on hand
for several seasons, insuring quality insuring make and
insuring delivery. Thece purchases are here now and
ready for the boys
$M7.50, JP.50, MO K
BOYS' Long Pant
High School, College and Uni
versity Clothes
In Fancies and Serges
A remarkably good selection Consistent prices Splen
did quality Stylish cut and make.
$10, $12.50, $16, $17.50, $20
Boys' Hats, Boys' Shoes, Sweaters,
Mackinaws and Overcoats.
For Far Less Than You'll Buy Later
One Price Clothier Ontario, Oregon
nvm, :Jnf
". 1tJ Hj WUtHJej arf ABw" I
Rfi v2aHf ' 3noaiKrslfi , Jm. m. . iA
Jv rli it MM mwmmmmmmmwmmTimmwMm Km I Ij rwaaflKi J" mmmmmmmmmmmmm9m
WTt . igJ- rVTsaaaaaW J f. ifR" aKlTflt i aaT'ltal j
H 7 IKSf 4W Mmmmmmm Wt mmmmWMw ' W taaQ TaW
PSSBSbK 'mmmnr'f i" aVl UDPs 'BaWBr9aV '
. r. sw .B BHaaaeMk aB wb. m
V VBKBEfJCOQxl Bb'w gBBB. m aaaV
Pled altn a virtual eaaaatlon ol
raids on London the increasing rtum
bur or bombing raida Into Germany, af
which there ware 21 during the paat
i'.k hi u.-i he deniorallalng, showing
Ch i main iliat ahe la unable adequately
io protect har air frontier.
LuaiUnia Ownera Held Not Liable.
New York- The Cunard Uteainahia
aompauy cannot be held liable for leee
f Ufa and property lu the torpedoing
of the Luaitania by a Heraaan aubaaa
rlne, aooniuig to a declaiou handed
down la the admiralty braneh of the
United State dlatrlct court
Ruaala Facea Starvation, my Hoover.
Maahington fccajte atar.aHoa will
a raje in aev.ral area ol Kuaala during
the wlater, due to a failure oi the
I'Wraiiiiaa wheat crop, acconliug to
Kood AdmliitKirsinr Hoover, who haa
returned to U'a.ihingtoii from Kurope.
Her,- Is
itlU.-hllliuir Mtmm Ik . a
Ca r;zz zrT "mok'n, jok,,, -"rt "
Germane Fertifylnn 0 Mil.. Back.
Aiuterdam- The Hermana are for
tifying a line between Oiuant. Bel
gium, gad Dlvuet, juat acroaa the bor
er Id France, according to a report
itec.i .j : . Qtvuet U t) Mile dt-
reottjr edft of Bapaume.