The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 29, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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5IlF Ontario Argua
GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
nd entered at the Ontario post office for
tistribntioii M 2nd class matter.
Notice In hereby gir.n to the land
Among the song the soldier boyi an reported us
Bulging when they art the nuurch in France is one en
titled: "Where Do rVeGo Prom Herat"
There In spirit in the 'nquiry thus jocularly expresa
ed. There is pathos, too, in the Inquiry, for nianv ' th'
boys will "not oome back." We wonder sometimes what
those boys would think of the manner in which some of the
citizens of Anicrica are backing them up.
What would the boys "over there" think of the Liber
ty Loan slacker who refuses to buy bonds because lie has r
1 iii. i.'Ollll
tations will permit. Of that the public may be assured. It
has been so in the past. The few exceptions to the rule
prove that to be so. If the vast number of cases be consid- owner of tb pay.tte-oregon-siopa
Irrigation District that the Board of
Directors of the Payette-Oregon
Slope Irrigation District have mad"
the following estimates of expendi
ture! for the year 1919. to-wlt:
Interest fund 13,fi00
Power account 22,000
Maintenance and general
fund (Including ditch
cleaning. Interest, main
tenance of power plant
and (lltchet, salaries of of-
Baan, ota IMM
Eatlmntcd delinquencies . 4. .100
Sinking fund 7.00M
ered, the number of faulty classifications will be found to
be comparatively few. These, too, are due first to the lis
honesty of m'ii claiming unjust exemptions and the will
ingness of their relatives and friends to aid and abet such
action by making false affidavits; and lastly to the unwill
ingncssnf the average citizen to co-operate with the ex
emption hoards, advisory boards and other instrumental
ItieS for preventing just such actions. The extension of the
draft law will materially reduce the timidity of the public
m this respect so that the man who gets an exemption will
nndoiihtedlv he entitled to it.
own Kit OVBH mmf koh yu
impounding notice.
The annual meeting of the On- lr ,npry acre of 1n,, HV"'W, "'
..ri. iti ,i, va f it ..ii k.. wheat In the United States would
liei.l MB) Tuesday afternoon at llio
home of Mrs. ('. H. flegulne. Thla la
tin' iiui't Iniiiuttnnt session of the
Among the other n.atters to Ior "" purcimses ot riour and sun
nine before the gathering will bo
Total $;,7.000
and that a meeting of the land own
ers to discuss said budget will be
,,-i.a . .L- m ........ In ....!.. 11..
vlr.1,1 Ilk., the six acre, wblrh I) f I " ni i ne i.ii..iui..b o.n... ... ... t.
Dunham of the Boulevard planted i,rlPt 10 nrk B ' or M"",lHy
thla spring there would be little need September 2nd, 191S
r. m. uaii,
Secretary Payette Oregon Slope Irrl-
gallon Dislrlrl.
and the consideration of plans for wheiit on the six and a fraction acres
the society's activities at Fair time, this week and sacked over 2.10 bn
Every member Is urged to be present, ahels, which will bring him 1600.
.There are other fldils that will brlnit. j Department of tli" Interior, I
BUY W.8.8. more In this section, and Mr Dun-1 Land Office t Vale. Oregon, AugU'.t
Mrs 0. W Thorp of Kagle drove, ham has made bigger records, bavin; 5, 1 i s Notice Is hereby given
toW, nrrlv.'il t IHm VMl from I'o.t- Hire hi'. I liusliels per acre two Hint gtn ZiiiiiwiiII formerly
In ml, wlMN sha Ittendi years In succession. However, 4" Mil,,.) M:,,kle, of Ontario, Or.-gni,.
guest bere of her nepbew and 11 ! -.
Mr and Mrs. W. I, Turner.
Ill 1 V. s s
Kemembar the Soldiers' and snii-
III V W.8.8.
The tl.vll Walked., Klc.
S.'ti.l Int. to tin' Mill's
the skids under Oerman uutocracv
It hi. 'ils your help The devil wnlketh III slippery plaeeH.
,.,. i.oine imp giimering. win no
Ceil compelled to pay income tSXeSf Where should SHfll the lpron , nffi,.. ,nr , vr I Mr Dunham threshed Ills cron 01
a citizen he placed.' What kind l a man is he? Where
Should he go from here '
It is generally believed that Ontario has a Dumber of
meil among Ms citizenship who took the position in the
Third Libert) Loan that they hail done their share by pav
ing income taxes. The arc not listed among the Dolltl
buyers of that issue, and that "rives color to the statement.
Where (lid tllev IM1 ill, iimlicv ill t-1 i , . 1 1 th.. I.... I aesslons of the 0. A. H. She Is Hi... hush.-is s Dot in mat who, on Miir.-I. in th, 1914. n
to pav income taxes f Did they not make it directli as
the result of the war I Of course t In diil.
What aras wool worth before the war 1 Not more than
JO cents ami when war demands sent wool to 50 cents was ors relief fund
Hot even cent of the rise lietweell I'll ami -" dlle to the war. !
due to the shedding of soldiers' blood i The nations at war
needed w.o f..r their soldiers, the demand increased th
Inriee and the wool men rightly enough reaped their profit :
nit since they did profit from the war, it was nothing hut
justice demanded that they pay income taxes. But that
does nut measure their lull responsibility .
The fact that a large sum of money was earned to
compel the payment of income taxes is prima facia evi
dence .1!' alnlitx . and that is cquivilent to obligation, to buy
Liberty Bonds, This war must be financed In those who
have ability to do s... If they do not th merely Increase
the obligation of their less fortunate fellow citiaena.
What the mere payment of iicoine taxes compared
with the price that millions of men are paying when the
lay down their lives.
One of the iiianv cMimneiits that are made sonneming
such ciiscm is that the men who take this position have no
sons fiijitiiin in Krauce. They evidently expect other
men's sous to do their fighting, and other men. too, to p.n
the hills while they lie hack and take the profits and sell
righteously think they have done their dutv hv paying
taxes. 1
The fine has come for a show down. Such men should
be shunned hv i'v right thinking man or woman. The.
holihl he made to feel the Weight of pnhlic d isapplii V.l I.
They are slackers as much us is the man who guea on strik
in a ship yard, The public should mark them well.
BUY W. S. 8.
Notice li hereby given that, In
pursuance of Ordinance No, 23(, of
the City of Ontario, I have taken up
and Impounded the following descrli.
ed animal found running, at large
within the corporate llmita of the
City of Ontario, In Malheur OoWtty,
State of Oregon, tewit:
One 2-year-old spotted ateer, mark
ed with underhlt on right ear, brand
ed M8 on right hip; one 3-year-old
red cow and calf, cow branded with
hook on left hip, waddle on right Jh
ninrked under bit right nar, overblt In
left; red bull calf marked same; MM
8-year-old red cow branded 1
lert hip. looks to ho 71. on left thlgi ,
marked crop under slope in right ear.
overslope In left;
and that I will on the Slat day of
August, litis, at the hour of I o'clo. u
p. m.. of aald day offer for sale and
will sell above described animal si
public miction to the highest bldil'i.
for cash In hand, at Kagle Livery
nbrn In ssiil city of Ontario.
Taken up (his 17th day of August,
Posted this 11th day of Angus',
'lty Marshal.
BUY W.8.8.
Commercial Creamery Co.
Lash buyersof Cream and Produce
I'lace: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon
Your Bmt Market for (ream, Effjra, Poultry of all kinds
pi 94 DISt'OU NT 10
With tl uactmeiil of the extended draft law, and it
is a just law. how are many mm DOW eeiupt going to be
classified '. That is a serious question.
In the first plan tin supreme consideral ion must be
the nation's need, and not the Individual 'a Men must h
classified aeeording to their ability to serve the land which
has protected them, and which has made possible tor them
1o prosper, as the great majority of Americans ;ne pins
still have a lony way to gu before we reach the en
joyment of plain necessities. There is et a wide field fill
the utilization of Women's efforts in the Tinted Stat.
'I'l .11 .1 1 a 1 ....
1 ... ic .tie -in, 1 iii hi s( litis in ui, ne 1 1 wiin are ea pallle ut per
foi iuiiil: work done l men, who could be relieved for es
sential work, Every town has many suck. The mere fact
that their parents' can. and do, support them in idleness In
no es.iise f..i that condition at this time.
H. the judicious enforcement of the proposed man
power lull ami the replacement of mii essential men in
various occupations there will he no need to st rip the farm '
sections of the incll Heeded to produce clops Also men J
with dependent families will not be called t,. service wlic-
tllev Will Hot he ahle to popell ejnc I'ol theii children
While the see ntllels rflliallUllli t llolne to profit tlercl.
In other words, jnatii e will la? administered.
For example heretofore harhers and moving picture
operators were placed in 1 he eliminated class, for some
''" other. 1 ins order no doubt will be chained, for
the pnhlic can hardly discern the justice or reason in e
emptinK a barber or movie operator while tvatebJng .1
rancher march off to war. Men can shave themselves, and
men exempt hv aye. or women can cut hair. Likewise the:
movie machines can eertainlv I pirated hv women. Il'.i
woman can operate an auto there is no insuriuoiintahlc dif
tieulty in hei ae.pnrinii the knack of rUUUilig a reel.
Likewise there are many departments of other ludust
1 ics that can he cared for by women. In emergencies news
papers can be so operated, and without doubt even s p
eamps could lie operated by women. In some branches the
trained women are not available, but the fad that the can
he trained in time removes the industry as awhole from the
essential list on which men are exempt. The raseot'ev
cry man. therefore, must rest on Ins individual essentiality
to the particular business.
There is no doiiht that when the officials can get
round to all these matters the adjustment will he made.
The draft law will be administered as fairlv as human line
108 00
90 00
On All Tuition Paid on or Before AUGUST 20TH
Fifteen month! ! I 20.00
Twnlve months 100.00
Nina months IS. 00
Sli months 06.00
Thraa innntha H7.00
Ol It tilAlUMKI, lo III!
Wa guarantee a position to every student who VIII finish o'jr
Wo guarantee to prepare you to paas the CIVIL SKItviri:
Wa guarantee to develop you Into a competent keeper ami
Ktenographer In aa short u time as it aan be dona.
I i healrate about this inut t : A business education Is an abso
lute necessity Now la the time lo act . Mall us your check today
for the term desired, enter with a determination to win, anil your
success will he assured.
1 1 vn io niuts.
i the cot n n couat or thi
itati or oaaooN, ros u i.-
UKlit C0VM1 I
Of norm. as i UeDONALD Da
i" Mar) I M.i ointici. aaowa
liHirs, and to all nth.-i liclrs iinknnwi.
If uny, of Douglas C. McDonald. !"-
iossHil. iinil lo all persons unknown,
1 but concerned, Greeting:
Hy virtue of an order of the gbsaa
nt It led Court of data August I, 1 1
each and every of you are hereby
(cited lo appear before the above en-
'titled Court, In the County r. mi
XOTlCK OK SUMO Ms SAM room at Vale, Malheur Cnuntv On
I oi:i: l.osl UK. "" on USI lli rtay of Hciionit.., .
I ll. at 1:00 o.lock p. m.. and ll
show cause, If any you have, arfcy
llelen M. Clem.-ni. Kv.cuirlx ..t the
estate of Douglas (' .M.ln.nslil. de
ceased, shall not lime an nrder of the
II. unci, .,i, Kntrv No Ml '
SKI, . Sim I n ml V- i, S'.
Hon l, TownaBtl 17 Suiiih. II. It,
I u at . dm rn.'d iniiii'.. ..r lot to
to nuike fltuil Hirer win- pruof, t i
estiilillsh cliilm to the In ml 1 1 1 . 1 1 .
de-i i ilie.l. liiinre Heglsler and Hon I
ver. f. S. I.nnil Offlie. hi Vnlc, in
gn on the a diiy of Sriiti'iiili." .
Clilnuinl iiiiiueH as wltneNSPH Mi
Mm. Milkman. A VV lllanrhuril,
Mrs. Anna S lllanchard and
Beeler. all or Ontario, Oregon
TluiM. Junes. Hei Isi.i
n rlrtao ur aa a in fyr. -
cloaure dull a) tiie flerk of
the Circuit I'.iurl of 1 1 1 . - .-tnie ,,( On
gon, for Mulli.ur Caxuity, dated Hi"
19th day of August. I I s In a certain
action in the said Ircu t mirl 'or
sato state and Count.', wherein
Welser Loan Trust Cemipaajr. iiu-
above entitled court, directing and
authorlilng her, as such Kxeculrlx. lo
sell, at public auction, for eaah. all
(the Interest of decedent In the W
,.r .l,A l, .. .. n ,n a n .. .
poratlon as I'lalntlff. , ,. V ' ' " ' -- " "
Si-at ..aJaaf Carl AlHr. ,, . ,: J M lh"ur "" Or
al. Albrecht. husband n,l wife, """j '""-b' 2B "" "at
Kdv.ii. I. ..a i... ., i 8 ' " as right of way.
... -.. . ...... ,.H... J l.llllll.
I'l) I'erlM.g H.Hie
III, Mk. HlNl
II i tISITHAM Irian..!
husbuud and wife, us n.'l.iiilunti. r(n
the sum of Two Hundred and uu
100 Dollars, with Werct therc'i
from Hie IIU .I;,, f ),irr in,;
ut the rule u It. per nut .. nun i
ajid Thirty Dollars attorney i..
and Hie further sum of Knurtaen and
80-100 Dollars costs and dlebur. -
HV (ilVKN thul I Hill uu th, g ,:iy
of September, at the hour of :)I0
a in of suld day, at the main en
trance do..r of the Malheur I'minu
Court House, at Vale. Oreg,,
at public sin (Ion Hie hlgheiit h..
d.r or bidders for cash, the follow In
described real property lowii
8H of Nv, f s ', laottaa :;.
Tovmi-M,, ; , if R w M
Tl Hi ai .1 levied upon as tho
pri..",iy r ii. Hald ahove iiimu-.i i
WlluesN the Hon (leorge W Mc
Klnght, Judge of the County Conn.
of Malheur County. Oregon, and tho
seal of said Court, this lib day of
Aagaat, linn,
SEAL i County Clerk.
WM. K I.KK8,
Attorney for Kiecuirlx -lt
L jaf
Suiniiiuiu all the forces and rciourcri of the Republic tn
the delcnar of Freedom
whurt the United Suin authoritiei h.e ranked at one ...
hlteen dutiiiKUolied imlilulioni of the country lor citrlleiice iu
aJMtiry naming, h.t roponded to the call. The t II
JittiiiKuiihcd not only lor its military imtruciion, but
DitriNoulsaao aiu voa
In ilroug laaWtrial courtet for men .uJ lor wemen:
la Af.sut.w.ff. Cofacsene. Iiim,iiii. twuur
H.-Mf K.u.. .,.,, MIm. PaMeucy, .d
Vu.iih,B.I K J
Its wholesome, purpusefultludent lile
lit dernocr.tic college spirit.
Its tuccculul gr.dualrt.
Siudeiii. enrolled Lit ve.r,$j: inn on iu icrvice lagi, U58,
over limy pcrtcni iciiracaliag oaVari
CelUge opens September 23, 111
fiii i.ulge, at. IllatiitttJ aoukttt. mi jihti luituatue. iu ih Heai. , . CeivaUii Oitfu.
I uitue of an execution In fore
ataatjra duly lasued by the Clerk ..f
the circuit Court of th. Stat, of Ore
gon, for Malheur .ounty. dated Xth
of July, A. D. Ill I, iu a certain ac
tion In the aald Circuit Court for said
State and County, wherein U I.
King u I'lalntlff. recovered Judg
ment against K J V'amv,,.,i in,.- u
'""",' '"' " "'"'-I' laaWai us limy Vum unit, l.u.batid a 11 d wife; S.rtha
b "' " ""'"' aald A. Ibllllaga and John SalUlaga, hag
In favor n W'elaer Loan ft Tru 1 1 hand ,,d v. Ife. Alex Ir aim I r
ompany, i.. .galiiKt the aIiovh 1'resfim and li
naineu net. iidants. with intere.i
Uiereon, together with all cost ami
disbursements that hav ,,r aajg u,..
1 rue.
Dated at Vale. Oregon, HiIh -on,
' I August, 111.
By Sheriff
T, C M.KIHOV, Depui,
Kirs publication August 2. lS
Last publication Srpi ih I . I v
Shorthand and Typewriting
Civil Service Preparation
Hookki .'i,
Boise's New Business School
Our standards are the lilgheitt Oar courses are thorough aud pra. -tioal.
VV. guarautae good aarvlea or refund your money. We re
ceive more calls from the best ho-I.mi firms In this locality 1..,
traiaed help than w. can fill. Snidenia trained by ua are holding
respouelbl. commercial and civil poaltlous Liberal discount uunl
August JO. Writ, for UforutaUoa.
NOTICK I ok IM ttl.lcvnuv
Daaartataal r the 'ataolai, u. s
Und OCtlaa at Vale. Oregon. August
ISth. ltlx Natlaa is hereby given
that Kobert Itaney. ..f Ontario. Ore
lion. v.ho, 011 April atlth, l'JM, made
Hoiu, .,;,, Kiilry. ,, Mill, for
HXK',, nex
A oodmau, ai
fenduuts, for the sum of Kour Thous
and Dollars with interest thereou
from the 1 1 Hi day of Jauuary. 1110,
at the rate of 10 per cant per annum
and Kour Him Ire.l Dollars attorney
fat. and the further auni of Thirty
DsUara osts and disbura.m.ota
HV HIVKN that 1 will on tbe 3rd dav
of September. IIU, at the hour of
11:11 a m of aald day, g the niaiu
euii.ime door of tli Malheur Count
Court lloiine. at Vale, Orevfoa, sell at
public auction to th. highest bidder
or bidders for caali, the followiug
daacrlbed real property, lo-wit:
Tba South neet One-quarter of tb.
Northeast One-quarter, Section Six,
Township in, South Hang., 47 Ka 1
Willamette Meridian, In Malheur
coiino, Oragoa, and all water right
. inn,.', i.,i tbarawlta .oualatlng of
I, and U. wu.
NKi,. Section '1'm.n.i,,,. 1 1 o
. , wm " I w...l-l',,wen, ""- "' '" "' ''
-..,.... . 1 iuiiil, (
-- 1.1. u mnim of InieiiHoii 'o mi,k.
Kln.l Three-Year I'roof, lo aaUMasfe
'lalni to H, iU(, ,,,,, JeM..r.h,
ISth and Main Sta.
Formerly with Boise High School
Telephone 2K
oerore KegUter uud R .eivni C -i
Und Office, at Vale, or.gou, on ;. ,
10th day of September, lall.
Claimant nm. wimeasea x-
A. Webb. Acel S Wltheck, Sagrgj
Harper, Charlee A McBrlde. .,11 J
Ontario, Oragoa.
THOS lo.NKS Kegiater
Kor Hale or Ka(.
Kive-room furnianed boua. and
Oso Iota, on Kaat aide. .Ie..p -i
Evorythln, it. good ondltiou t-.-i,
tor terms Addrea. k... 1. ..
.-... , , , wuiarnv
or phone a-K Ai Mto,,
Owyhee Dliuh Company.
Taken uud levied upon aa the prop
rt) of the aald above-named de
fendant., or as much thereof as may
be neoaeaary to aatiafy sild Judgment
iu favor of the Plaintiff, O. L King,
aud againat the above named Defend
ants, with intereat thereon, together
with all coata and disbursements
that have or may acrue
Dated at Vale, Oregon. Anguat 1st.
BKN J. BHOWN. Sheriff
Malheur County, State of
Klrat publication Auguatlat. IIU
l-aat publication Auguat lltb.llll
m 1 W 8.S.