OrTTaUUO AMUR ONTARIO OREGON. THCRSDAY. Al'G. M, 1l Summon! ttl the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities he ranked as one of the fifteen ditintunhed institutions of the country for excellence in military training, hat responded to the call. The College ia distinguished not wily (or its military instruction, but DltTtftGUIMKD Atao roa Its strong industrial courses for men and for wemen: rimawt.Kastsaailaa. Faranrr HafMRoaanMi" .. Minina. Pharmacr. and Vocational K hustlse Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Student enrolled last year, 3451; stars on its service flan, 115B, over lorty percent representing officers. Colleg opens September 23, !! For cataloa, no HluitralaJ Bonklrt, and olhir information writs India Refill rar, Camilla, OrSflaa FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3RD 10 , dis( ),: n T M', On All Tuition Paid on or Before AUGUST 20TH Discount Fifteen months $120.00 108.00 Tweilve months 100.00 90.00 Nine months 8S.00 76. SO Six month! 65.00 68.50 Three montlia 37.00 38.76 OUR GUARANTEE TO YOU We guarantee 1 position to very xtudent who will finish our 1 nMl'I.KTK Cd.MHINKI). IHOItT COMBINED, OR STENOGRAPH ERS' HANKINU COURSE OR REFUND EVERY CENT OF TUI TION PAID US. We guftrs.nt.ee to prepare you to pass the CIVIL, SERVICE. EXAMINATION. W.i guarantee to develop you Into competent bookkeeper and srtenographer In as short a time ax It can be done. Don t heeltate about thin matter. A business education Is an abso lute necessity Now Is the tlmu to act . Mall ua your check today for the term desired, enter with a determination to win. and your success will be assured WRITE FOR CATALOGUE LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE w. R.comoas. suaw n c. hkktham rn.ii.i S llll Mas airsa HIIIHK IDAHO Starts easy And develops great power and mileage because of its full, uniform chain of boiling pointa. Look for the Red Crows.' ign before, yori rail. v sf STANDARD OIL r COMPANY . - (Caltforaia) TkWva 7le Gasoline vrQuaW Commercial Creamery Co. Cosh buyenoiCxe&m and Produce $ Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon Your Beat Market tor (reaaa. fag. Poultry of all klndt $ -$ IMPOINDINn NOTH 1 Notice is hereby given that, In pursuance of Ordinance No. 136, of the City of Ontario, I have takrn up and Impounded the following dos rrlbed animal found running attar within the corporate limits of the City of Ontario, In Malheur County, State of Oregon, to-wit: One black horse weight about 1000 Iba. branded H P on right shoulder wire cut on right hind foot, left hind foot white, smeoth mouth; and that I will on tM 16 day of August, 1118, at the honr of 1 o'clook p m , of said day offer for sale and will sell above daecvrlhed animal at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, at Rag" Livery Barn In said City of Ontario. Taken up this 10 day of August. 1118. . Pooled this 16 day of Abji. 181S MARION W. JONES. City Marshall Town Topics Tersely Told We pay 36c for eggs. Ontario lea) Miss lone Leuhrs left Wednesday ACotd Storage Co cw-nlng for Minneapolis, where she win attaad college this winter. 1 o Mrs. Carrie R. Akers Is In Por Innd thl v -mllng tl Relief Corps of tlN Q I R o S rf. Ilolton, tin- warehouse ms'i. wiim ilown from Crime Thurrl tending to .evcral businem matter" 0 Mr and Mrs .lull tt rfaetj Bad Mf and Mr Mum returned I'rldiv aft" 11 lac days' cnmplng trip In Nevada 1 Mr ind Mr V.' I Tumor I t'.niy Motored ti Assies kaa in- weak ami as '! days rlftttal I O I Miss tarataa sfaflaa has iMaa vis iting with friends here I His wc-k , whle down from Mt Vernon. Oregon,, Jo Gwomlolyn Newton returneil to lier 'lonie l:i Portland Friday .ucnliu: after a months' tslt with Alh Dor man. o -, Mrs. Olive Walker and Mrs R A Cook of Emniett have been visiting since last week with Mrs. Wra. Wal ker. 6 Miss Irene Under returned Sunday with Miss Rena Adams from a sev eral weeks' vacation at the Payette Lakes. Mr. and Mrs. V II llrooke and Mrs. Retta Payne returned Wadnrs day from a trip thru the Interior n their oar. Miss Oraee Ashley la another one of the worker at the Osborn Millin ery who have returned to help In the fall work. Mrs. W. R. Lass and son Freddie left Tuaaday night for Portland, where they .will he for the neat fw weeks Mrs. Frank Foster became a mem ber of the clerking force at Royer's department store the first of the week. Ira Mahnti was a Runrns visitor ban over Sunday. o 1,1 V Deaa purchased him an- r Ford Inst wee. 11. Noinnd wst another Bol lsltor In town Tuesday , o Mr. and Mr W. N ll.aeveo of ilol . were Ontario visitors .-Saturday. O James Rysn was another Jordan Valley visitor In the city aatwitl I -o CIibh. V. Spencer was a Uoisc l.u ! ness visitor In Ontario I -o- Mlt-s Mary Hatfield of Bolst spent Sunday with friends In Ontario. I James, William and Hugh Mgga were visiting over Sunday In Ontario. o 1 v day during Fair week will he tag day for the Soldier and Sailor's Fund. R. H. DeArmond was over from Vale and spent several days here this week I Dr. snd Mrs. WIRIs of Rolse are lulling with Mr. and Mrs C. r I mlth Misses Charlotte Clsgett snd Etta McCrelght were visiting In Vsle Thursday. Mr snd Mrs. Orln Dull snd I'nclr Harney Dull left Friday evenlni, ft'" "ortland I --a- t Roy McN'nlty returned Tuesday evening from an extended visit in California J. J Donnegan, a well known busi ness man of Hums, waa visiting over Sunday here. Leo 11. Schmidt of the Vale Trad ing Co., waa a buslneaa visitor In On tario Tuesday. When You Buy Bacon and Lard You want the best quality that a good market affords. Such is the quality of Bacon, Hams and Lard we carry. Our stock is large enough so we can fill big orders for Interior ranchers and others who must buy in quantity. SAVE FATS TO HELP WIN THE GREAT WAR -- - - You serve yourself and your coun try by doing this and you can do it easily by buying the highest qual ity. Let us show you what we have to offer. A. F. and II C Hover are spending this week In Rurna attending to some I Miss Mamie Stewart was down buslneaa matters. tram Weatfall visiting with her par ents, Mr and Mra. D. W Stewart. Mrs John Rorvln 1 left Thursday evening for Seattle where aha will visit for soma time. Mayor and Mra. W. F. llomau left Tuesday morning on an outing to the Payette Lakes. Clarence Htruun csme over the first of the weak from Frultland and is working here now Mrs. Helen Struthern of Radar's department store la now enjoying her vacation In Portland Miss l-enore Pltxgerald returned Monday from a two weeka' vacation at the Payette Lakes. INDEPENDENT MARKET A. ROBINSON, PROP. ONTAIO, OREGON last week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hlanchsrd ar rived In Ontario Saturday from Buah- nell. Neb., and will visit awhile with friends here. Miss Kathleen caton returped 10 her home In Nam pi Sunday after 1 short visit at Hie home or M' and Mra. C S Watson Mlas Catherine Naeb has returned to the Osborn Millinery after tha summer season and la buay on Hie fall millinery work. F. I, Springer of the Collego of Idaho was down and had charge .a -a. . .1.. --.i . a. Mr and Mra WW Let son are now,"' ' """- ' "- " "r- lrian diurrii Hunflsy. on s camping trip in the moiini.ua i and ars enjoying It fine. I Mr snd Mrs. E. M Crelg returned Monday from their vacation, which waa spent at Payette Lakes. o Msyor mid Mrs u F Homan and Miss WIIiih.Mi ii-iy motored to Poise and hack S.iMiday. o Mr and Mi I I Secoy and Mr and Mrs II C Secoy motored to Welser urn! lav k Sunday. Miss Abhle Winegar is down ttJa week from Igmsaooa visiting with her parents snd girl friends. Mrs. E R Orcutt Is visiting today la Weiser with her suiter and brother Mr and Mra Dave Capita. Mra Hen Rutherford arrived Tues day morning from Cascade, Idaho, sad Is visiting here now. 0 Miss Daisy ttecoy returned home yesiHrilsy sfter s ten days' visit with frlnedx in (latnnta. Idaho. I' U. Sears, the rancher, down from JamieaMin M 1.0 fitp accompanied by Ilia son Mr.. and Mra. M P. Rates and Mr and Mrs. O K Ball, prominent peo ple of Idaho Falls, ware visiting in the city Tuesday. Geo. McClaln. formerly manager of the Holsa-Payette Lumber 1 Kp.iiiilng a few days here while up from Southern Idaho. Mrs. F. J. Havana arrlvi d la Oa tarlo Sat unlay from Outhrle, Okla , and left at once for a visit with friends In the ooultry o Miss Virginia Reynolds arrived Sunday In Ontario from Twlu Falls and will visit here and In tha interior' for the next two weeks. Mr. and Mrs Ivan MuahleU are leaving this weok for liwlston. Ida , where Mr Mushleti ia called by tha lllseau of his father Edward 1'iwriusn returned with his cousin Lssstar Morris Tuesday morning to Oardeu Valley, Idaho. came, where he will visit for awhile. a Mlaa Resale Morton was over fro 11 her work on the draft board at Vale Mrs Fred Sage nf Mel. inday and spent Hie day with h-r Nevada. Is visiting at preseut with mother ,Mrs I.. M. Morton bar sutler. Mrs McPhereon Mr and Mra. F C Wilkinson. Mr and Mra. 8 C Davis and Harry Uas satt, all well kaown people of Jordan Valley, speut Sunday In Ontario. Miss Gladys Euitsou left last night for Twin Fslls, Idaho where she will be for some time ia the future Mrs. Brett and children returned to thel home at Arrowrock Dam the first of the weak, after visit lag for awhile with Mr and Mrs . C. Smith Mrs Dude Rutherford and cl.ll dreu ana her sister. Mrs. Bsber, left last ii'ght for Prineville where they will make a severtl weeks' visit Utile Ksthleen Fltr.gerald of Pay. ette Is visiting with her sister. Mlaa tLeaore Flttgerald. during the air sence of her mother, who Is In Port Ian.. Mrs Homer Anderson la "xpectatl to return the last of tho week from Washington, where she has heen vis iting with her mother for several weeks O Mr r.nd Mrs l.'iii Adam and Mlsa i KUiuiT'l gQiftfg Sundhy fio iJkr JasasT'waf v'UlWkJhtm-i of tha uiiii'icr. Mr and Mrs 11 R. Williams and hi!, lien relumed last Thursday after hn Ing heen 101 Hill In lime on n tQOf sltW Orsgon In their . Private Rohert ssMtH laW Tues dsy nlgj.t lor the training nip at Tiayton. Ohio after spending his ten dar' furlough with his mother and hrothers as sSw J Rev. ami Mr I aa Walker anl baby daughter Jean arrived In thlr Ford Monday from I'nlon. nnd spent a few daya visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Walker. Mrs. Helen Clement Is leaving Sun day for s visit on the Owyhee With her will go her small granddaughter, Helen Wisdom, and also Jesse. Mat McCrelght. a Mr. snd Mrs S. I) Dorman and Frank and Alice and Gwendolyn New ton returned Thursday evening after an outing of several weeks spent at the Payette Lake o- Miss Vera Neeb la expected to re turn this week from Cortland where she has been spending tha summer with her friend. Miss May Oilman, formerly of Ontario Mlaa Sarah Painter Is visiting hare for a few days with Miss Hortenaa Walls while on her way home to Walla Walla from Rurna, where aha haa apent the summer. Mr. and Mrs K A. 0 1 and granddaughter. M'ss Myrl lllngl am, left Friday eveirng for i'ir sin. where they will viu for awMiv and then go on to Ca'Hoinia. Mlaa Alice Venable of Rolse Is' vis iting al the W L Turner home at the present, having come down with Mr. and Mrs. Turner when they re turned In the car yesterday. Pete Madden, who oame down from Juntura last week to visit his brother Robert, decided to work here again , and Is now back at his Job In the In dependent Meat Market ( -o " '1 C. A. Smith snd Edwin duller re turned yesterday from a camping trip thru Hend. Prineville, Prairie 1 n and mauy other places near those points of Interest. af Thos. Logan waa down from Bro gan yastsrdsy looking for s aoaaa to as he Is going to move hi fam ily down here this winter so thai tho children ean attend school. Mr and Mrs. W 8. Parke and son of Vale came over flunday and spent the day with Mr snd Mrs H L. Mc Donald. Mr. Parke Is leaving In a few days for Camp l.ewla, Wash. Mr. and Mra. Henry Williams and children and Miss Cla Grams want uu to Kingman Kolouy In the car S.iiiirday and visited several days with tka V V lll.kox famils 11 lie iiiggs visited lust weak wlili Mlaaaa Mamie aud Myrtle Stew art of the HoulHvard When hIib re-turn-, I Sunday evening Miss Myrtle Stowsrt went up to the ranch to vialt awhile. . j o Carl Rsrger. Walter Ebert and Ituhcrt Kohluson are leaving this evening ior Flier. Idaho, where they will work on the new tank which that enterprising Idaho illy. u now put ting up. II I. Poorman ami Joe Wilson left In their car Tuesday morning for Filer, Idaho, where Mr. Poorman will start work on the plumbing and heat ing contract which he made some time ago for the new high school building there. Mrs W W Hlnton and son Charles Harris returned last Thursday morn ing from a couple of months' visit with friends in Washington While away she visited her son Irving Har ris at Camp Lewis ft Mra Jaooh I'liuzlng entertained with 1 kulttlug aartv at her horns on Wednesday afternoon Those pres ent were Mrs J D Hiiltngsley, Mra. Van Petten. Mrs D M Taggart. Mrs J H Hlaekaby. Mrs Frank Rsder. Mrs l.ou Adam, and Mrs. Jacob Printing f 1-