I mmmmmm'l I n... , i MM9tflLJHaJK3CjRRjK9CDK9BEE I ONTARIO AntttTS ONTAMO OWBOON. TWFMI)r, AfTO. IK. ll "Jl ! ! 'HI ! .,!,,. . II I.I,. When a man gets to wantin real tobacco comfort and lasting quality he can go straight to Real Gravely Chewing Plug every -time. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it W jf Jff! Ont"ty ot f i to much longer tt cost iWfPMra re cAoss thmn iJry Wg P. B. Crav.tr Durih, Virginia IVlIM MM PfJ The Money Store A modern bulk la a great deal Ilka a general store- In noma respects. IU llnea ara varlod. It caters to every body and every Una of bualneaa. Wa have something that everybody wants Wa do not wrap our goods in packages but we deliver them Juat the ante We do not refer to money alone, although that ia our principal atoek In trad. Wa can render aome service to everybody. Whether It la financing a huge manufacturing con cern or loaning Johnnie enough mon ey to bay a oalf. we are here to deliver tbe gooda. We urge you to come In and look over our Usee We can nerve yon well. First National Bank ONTARIO; OREGON. Farmers, Insure' Your Crops--You Can Not Afford to Take Chances In any one of several of the best i ranee companies in America we can protect your year's labors The Cost Is Small WE INSURE HAT AND GRAIN IN FIELD, IN STACK, IN GRANARY OR BIN. 0NTARI01REAL ESTATE CO. S. F. TAYLOR Ontario, Oregon. OREGON NEWS Nine At a conference with the capitaliza tion committee of the war Industrie laivrnrttr k1, Rr,nlve Slnnott waa In IF GENERA! Nltnto ,ornM"1 th" th a"""0"1 ' vi ui.ni.iini. in i wifcrv i nav . ,mrnnMr .. IM mrm Springs Irrigation project and tkat (ho PHncipl EvsntS Of thS Wesk outlook Is good for favorable action , . on the bond Issue, though no definite Bristly Sketched for Intor- ,cUoiI b tmktn now George F. Rodgera. shipbuilder of Astoria, and former mayor of Salem. wanta to uae convict to build aliipa. In a letter received by the etate hoard of control Itodgers atatna that ho In ustlsfled that free labor would not object to convlcta working In tbe Tarda, and he atatea ba la willing to give full pay for their aervlco The body of Walter H llrockman. the largest owner of cattle In .Vallowa WM found near a trnll on tin Snake river, where apparently he bad fallen over the cliff Lying nenr hlni waa hla pack mule. also di ad, and some of hla horaee were nearhv Ha i at work on the trail and la be lieved to huvc met his death to tally The IndiiRtrlal Accident conimmalon will have an eatimated deficiency of 1110,000 for the prneent hlennlum, ae cording to a aupplemental report filed with the atate tax communion. Ki nendlturc for the flrat six monthx against the atate'a aharn of expnnse make an expense of StlO,000 likely for i in hlennlum, aa against an appropria tion of $250,000. Various timber owners and lumber operators, asked Oorernor Wlthyoombo to suspend the hunting season, which opened Thursday, that the danger from disastrous forest fires might In minimised. Lumbermen believed that tbe hunting season should be deferred until rhanccd .llmatlr conditions re dee the liability of forest fires. Tbe governor, however, decided to allow the hunting seaaon to open August IS regardless of the protest The Initiative and referendum nam phlet for the general election contains 14 pages, the smallest Issued In the history of the Oregon system. Six meaaurea am covered, including eetab llshment of normal adbools In eaatern and southern Oregon, a home for de fective and delinquent children, prohib iting commercial fishing In the Wil lamette and seine and set net fishing In the Rogue river and repealing bills covering advertising delinquent lax lists and coat of legal publications In event the legislator-- listens to a recommendation of the Industrial Ac eldsutt commission to make workmen's compensation compulsory. It will cost the stale but IMM74 la to conduct that commission during tin n- u Mm mum On the other band, if the rec ommendation is not abided by, lbs atate'a share of the accident fund for the two years will ha fl.300.iXN Theae facts are brought out In the special report of tbe Accident commission Juat filed with the Bute Tax commission. Henry I,. Corbet t, of Portland, sub mltted his resignation aa chairman and member of the atate council of defeases to Governor Wlthyrombe, to boeota cir.-. tlve Immediately William f Woodward, of Portland, waa named to succeed Mr. forbett. Mr. Corbet! said his selection In connexion alih tbe Military Tralulng Camps' association made It nsrsaaary for him to resign. Ills new position will take blm on in section work through tbe ramps of Oregon. California and Washington, and will consume much of his lime. More than 100 pouuda of surplus honey par ooioay Is the record of soma Or an Agricultural college bees la testa carried on ibis summer. The reeult Is attributed almost entirely to winter rare by A. I.. Uwgfti entomolo gist, who made the teats Other ool onles. similar In every way but win- motion of Our Reader. The Oregon Interstate fair will be held In Prlnevllle this year, October 1 to S. Inclusive. The Sitka Spruce company, of Co qtillle. la establishing a new shingle mill In the Ptshtrap district. Preparations are being made by the labor council of Coos bay for a mam moth celebration In North Rend and Marahfleld on Labor day. 81 none members of the Oregon Agricultural college faculty have with drawn to enter government service since the declaration of war. A sawmill owned by John M. Robin at Swan lake valley In Klamath conn ty waa destroyed by fire with a lose of between fio.ono nd $12,000. The prune growers of I'olk county have formed a green prune pool. The minimum price paid for the green fruit will be 314 cents a pound delivered at the Dallas warehouse The Iowa association of Oregon will hold Its annual picnic at the atate fair grounds at Salem August 17 and It Is expected that former lowana from all over the atate will be present. The Oeorge Perry sheep ranch on Rock creek waa purchased last week by John J. Kelly of Heppner. consld oration named being 146,000. The ranch embraces 3600 acrea of laad In Morrow and Oilllam counties Oregon haa been districted Into 33 divisions with a community labor board given Jurisdiction over each dla trlct to prepare lor mobilisation and distribution of labor, chiefly of the an skltUd rlaaa. In war Industries A new magaatae for Sunday school werkara la Oregon, to be known aa the Oregon Baaaay Boh ool Outlook, will bo pabiwfeed in Portland under tbs tagptees of the Oregon Sunday School Aenootalltm, beglnnlag la September An Imasenee ran of Chinook salmon I the Columbia river, which began several days ago and la still eaatlnu lag. haa made It probable that this season's pach will exceed that of laat year. Caunerleo are all working at capacity. Work haa begun on the constrootlon of a fill to replace much of the trestle work adjaoaat to the big Oregon Klec trio railroad bridge over the Ssntlam river between Dever and Talbot, where the railroad crosses from Linn Into Marlon county. In the mountain district about 30 miles south of Camas valley, a double tragedy accurred when two man wore taught by a falling troa. They warn llelvln Murphy and Hobert Benham. Murphy was hilled outright, and Men haaa seriously injured. Only one fatal accident, -m sf a total of 11 Industrial raaualtiea. waa reported to the state accident commis sion for the week ending August I. This waa the taae of Joha M. Parana, who aas accidentally hilled la Port land while engaged In the shipyards Through Intervention of Saaator Mc Nary a modification bag been secured of the order of the railroad admlnls t rat in prohibiting reduced rates a shipments of exhibits to the state fair. All exhlbita aent to the next slate fair say be transport rd In one direct loa free. Oregon'a fourth liberty loan quota 1) win tic double that ot the third loan, according to Information MsMawad In a letter to Oovernor Biggest Stock Ranch Bargain in Idaho. 510 ACRE STOCK RANCH Composed of the finest soil in Idaho with a free water right of 600 inches opens directly onto 'free range. Located on the State Highway, nc mile from Salmon City, the County seat of Lemhi county; where there has never been a water or crop failure. About half the ranch is fenced with balance with rail fence. vi, up o cr. In one flepi ,,r the b sF summer and v. posture v.i h iien spring water -or mock thi 5 far rou.id tho osl nnce gl tne ranch almost all In crop This r.-winh 1 .111 he made to raise 1100 to 1600 tons of hay We shall sell this ranch for 1 per aero after the crop Is harvoated, aa we are going t diuwolve partnership This la the beat buy In Idaho. For further particulars write or wire. Fred L Viel Care of Sims & Viel Salmon Citv, Idaho hy. otnbe from James K. Lynch offered in tin- usual manner, made no San Francisco, governor of the federal reserve liank th- iimta 01 tin iest eampalgu waa f 18.4b6.txiu 00ool Hot Weather Relief Cool, Healthful Drinks TO OaT RID OF THAT FAOOBD FBBUNG OBT UNDER THK WHIRLING FANS AT THIS STORK AND ORDKHANT ONB OF TUB MANY COOLINU, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINKS. SUN DABS AND OTHBR 81'MMKK DBL- OOO On T IT17TTUG PRESCRIPTION . j. IjUJLIjlLitO SPECIALIST M0B000BCO0SO0t000O00 111 til la-el on It 1, . al gaj ' -. '.mated at 11500 and for the daparb don at f 30,000 Plenty ot stures, pl nty It) of protet 11. 111 make hi formula The Mucc-ssful tol led In a douhl 1 iio upp, 1 pun rilled Hh smrja. the cold ami sgolg At least live state luatltutlons will fum tate i-oard before ibe end of the ,iui 1 he totst necessar) lll be iou, ii'iihabl In the neigh borhood or 1112.0111) Thin estimate la baaed on figures iu recent reports from the tusillutlous In the hsuds of Boaro iar tioodlu, of the atate board of coa-ii-ol The rooulresaeats to coiuplete ,'letod for State b,. prooeat bleanlum will be about aa Labor Cuiinaiaslouer Hoff's biennia: i,,l., Bta'e hospital for the Insane, resort ffgl.OOO state training school for boya. Wherevet practicable women ell) bo 1 $Mjoo state tuberculosis sanitarium. oa slate highway work In the $,0oe Industrial school for girls. -aids of the state expeudsd fit, Sll.tU t Iu salaries aad wages durlag the first ajg moutbs of fait, for I.1M, 7!7 working days, or ga average wage for all classes of employment of f .' 44 per day. according to figures which have Just I future. -rid 1 eg to stale High may Kbik They will be assigned to no ilons pf leap acting cheeking rock hud similar liaoa of en -Ordeis have gone forth to engage aa ntativ women as poaolble an 1 laae wen fm other service. -overuor Mth combe believes the atate military police eaa be cut down U, two-thirds Its present elxe on the flrwt of the ftmr. aad that by ll. legardieos of whothor or not the war aontlnuea. It can be cut to half Ra p ran eat else Accordingly he declare that a less than faai.ooo aaa be topped off the fadd.Oop which Del. i. ban soelmated wiU bc for the orMsalBattOB durlag the neat Meaalum. This would leave Il7,0t for the aaa of the polioe. IttOOtl, peulleulisry, fSi.OOO Faea of the atate treasurers office, ting thooe on laherltaaces snd on latoreat on depoolta, are expe Iniresee oier 100.000 In the next two . years, bringing their aggregate up to I ftO&.oge). according to a statement riled br State Treasurer Kay v. lib the tax commission xpenaes for tbe oft ice tor the two yeara are eatimated at f6. MM. The Public Service ooaatnlaelon, exclusive of the atate grain Inspection dspartaaoat, eatiasates IU expaaaag at fPT.lt. wilt fees of ftowO from log 'Mom companies The Mate Weather board aahs ttttotti, minus fees ot fit. tot. aaa the bureau of aaiaaa aad gaol ogy fhO.OOO The Floroace (ritteodoo Uoaae exaocta f 7M0 from the sute aa fart of receipts UUllag f 10.MO. ' -SI 000000a))000000000004000000 Try the SILVER GRILL For your noon 35c lunch aNCLDINO SOUP. BNTRBB. VBOE TABLBS AND DB8SBRT Special Club Breakfast FROM & A. M. TO 10 A M Service . . . Cleanliness Reasonable Prices ONLY CAFB IN TOWN MBMBBR OF U. S. FOOD ADMINIHTKATION TSSSSSS 'SSSSSSSSSt' ' " smsaasaaaxsaassssaaaa fi --w-;-- .v. .jj THE UNIVERSAL CAR Thaae are economical days and so tho Ford Car becomes a nn-re intense noooseity to you every day b of the universal service the Kurd sup pllos every day It has I.. large part Iu the 'business of living la a dally economy You have th. choice of a variety of bodies, from tho snappy runabout to the do luxe Hedsu FORI) GARAGE DUMB MAFaW, ataausgvw OaTBABJO. OatBOOB. I SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSjaaSBaasBBSBBsassBBBBassssssaaaaMsMasaissaaasssssBaBssaa ' " am 1 1 n- is s - 1 ss saawssssssas lawassw "esi Job Printing Argus Office 1 1 k iay ITl-all