The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 15, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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' ! , I 1 1 . i'
"W 1-1
aTTBTmsgggga-l I
Col Marlborough Churchill, head of
tha military (ntalllgtneo oacllon of the
United Statu Army ganaral ataff.
W Nrw regulations un
der which th government wmilil do
the selection, rather than leaving It
to the reglatr" ara under consldsra
ii. .ii i.v the war department. Thla wa
illsx-losad by Secretary Raker after he
had appeared ho fore the aenala mili
tary committee to urge prompt enact
ment of the new selective service act
citamllng the aaa limit to Include all
men between the age ot II and 41.
The war aecretary made It plain
that he la aot aatlafled with the sraa
M ayatam under which the registrant
claim deferred elaaal float lea. aa
men with dependenta heeltate
for patriotic reaaona to make auch a
In thla connection Mr. Baker aald
ha waa Inclined to the opinion that
the marrtaae relation will In Itaelf
constitute deferred claaalflcatlon.
What afr. Baker haa In mind la to
lay down a aat of uueationa which the
registrant would anawer and then
have rulra which would take earn of
the classiricstton. He la understood
to regard thla aa the (air and equi
table ayatem.
Major General W. S. Qravaa, who
haa been eelected to command the
American troopa to be eent to Siberia.
With the American Army on thr
Veale Front. --In attempting to dlj
lodge the French and Americana fnin
poaltlona north of the Veale rl
both aldea of Flamea, the Herman
liiuni lied repeated counter-attacks,
without aurceea. There waa desperate
righting In the region of Klsniette.
where the Uerman attarka were re
puleed by the Americana, alio .i.
clinging to the outaklrta of the village.
In the region of Baaochee the Qr
miiii made aevaral vicious altarka.
but the all lee surr, fought tan
The Americana took a few prlaoner
at Plainette aa a reeult of band-to-band
enrountera. After a aeeond Oernmn
night attack the Americana retallat.d
and penetrated I he Oeraaan llaea
ahort dlatance. They reached one of
the enemy' flrat-ald field atatloaa aid
took prlaoner several wounded Q
The Americana then returned to
'iclr icml -c'i-i ulm poaltlnu at S"U
i.m. and restated all attempt of (he
I iiciuv to (llalodge them.
CaauaHle Reported by Oeneral Pare.
Ing Aggregate 4111.
I Wellington -Caaualttaa In the army
vml marliir corpa overaeaa mail' past
lie Sunday aggregated 431, bringing
no- total for the week to 4111 and ih
total lnce American troopa landed In
France to 10.112 Mot of the caaual
tlee for the weak repreaented loaaea
in the flght.ul ou the Marne Alsne
Of the total caaualtlee anno and
Sunday 341 were aoldlera and 17 ma
rtaea, while of the waak'a total, which
Included Sunday Hats. 41M were aol
dlera and 711 marine. The wees'
aggregate of 4111 compared with 1410
taa weak before.
In the 10,113 caaualtlee. total death.
Including 211 loot at aaa, men killed
in action, died of wounda, dlaeaaa, ao
ctdenta and other cauaea. numbered
7711. aoldlera, IMS; marlnaa. 183. The
wounded aggregated 10.174. aoldlera.
04l; marinea. lit.- and the miaalng.
including prlaoner. lit, aoldlera.
1431, marinea. II.
Pinna Reject King III.
Amsterdam The bill providing for
the election of king of Finland waa
rejected on the third reading In the
Flnnlah Wat becauae It failed to re
ceive tha neceaaary five alxtha ma
jority vote.
Caaadlana Will Go to Siberia.
Ottawa. Canada will be repraaaat
d by a military unit of approilmately
400 man In tha expeditionary force
which tha allied government will aaad
to Siberia.
Oau No. I white feed, III par tarn
Barley Standard feed. $14 10 toa.
CornWhole. 171; cracked. 7
Hay Ttaaothy, 134 par toa; alfalfa.
Buttar Craamary. 4c par lh.
Kgga- Ranch 4Sc per doien
Potatoaa New. I3.ei 71 par cwt.
Poultry Hana. SIMc; broiler.
Battar Craaaaary. Me P
Bca Raach. Mc par doaea
Poultry Han, heavy, dreeaed. IfCi
light. 16c. broiler, dreeaed, 41; rwaet
ara. draaaed. t7e; dacha, live, Se;
draaaed. We, geaae, live, 37c. sraaasA,
Marahal Foch followed up hie auc
ceaaful counter attack on the Sotason
llheli'ua aallent by an offanalve on the
ricardy front, where the Oermana
made their great gala laat Man h
The bulge In tha allied Hue In I'l
ardy malted away before the
blned onalaught of the Brltlab. French
Vuctrallana. Cauadlana and American
ind the indication ara that (ha Oar
nan will not only loa all they gain
d in their offenalva In March but
may be forced back to tha old Hlnden
Liurg Una.
The allied forcea forged ahead ao
rapidly In Plrardy that the German
retreat almoat reached the proportion
of a rout In places The whole hot
torn of tbe aallent flattened out in two
day' fighting. The French raptured
the Important town of Mantdldler
Important Oariuau llnea of aaa
miinlcation have been cut Oothera
are under bombardment by artillery
and airplane. The enemy retirement
within the aallent I reported to be
greatly congealed and great number
if men and huge quant Itlea of materia!
ara being mi off
The number of prisoner captured
I luring the flrat three daya of the of
renalve ia very large. It I hinted ai
Paris that it exceeda by far the figure
given out lit tha official elateoienta
Two diviaioiial headquarter, wllii
their staff, ara aald to have beer
taken. Tbe gun and war material:
loat by tbe enemy cunatllutr .,
heavy loa.
Tha tanhe. armarad aara and caval
ry worked throughout the eatlra re
glon, while airplane soared far be
hind the llaee. bom blag tranaport ami
troop niovemente and alao paying par
ticular attention to the brldgea over
the ttomme, by which tbe enemy is
endeavortag to escape Ail behind the
lue the Oarmaaa ara destroying am
munition depots aa they quit their
There haa bean little righting of
meat laemeot on tha Veale river, sl
ept In the nature of raclpiucal artll
ery duels Tha Americans have made
mother crossing of the Veale and cap
lured tbe village of Fiametta. aorth
west of Flame.
Owlna; -to 111 order from head
quarters for an extra amount of
work In the line of hospital garment
It wan thought bent to refuse tin
i allotment of 25U dresaea to ha
Mmplqtew by October I One hun
dred and sixteen draaaea have St
eady i in
The U T V .accepted an their
nsklag of i .ii oomroti alt
lor by lioHdquartera.
nilHhed. filled and shipped on
HCliI'llllle lllllO
Owiag to tsalataoi daaaaa from
the Nntlonnl Headquarters that r.o
work except hy allotment be aeoapt-
il liv Division iliMidquartera It will
be a short USM until work on Hie
I'MHlngs will lie raeunipil
i line every woman la Is)
i -luipi.T !...ii id knit at least one pair
of sock
Hi. null.. ns liurliiu .loll. IDIft.
Mr. A K I'renslnii. pillow
Submarine Slnka Nina Flettia Beat.
Nantucket. Maa Nine Mshlag
ier were sunk off Ueoraja
auk by a Uerman aubatat lue. a naval
boal lui h pat la hare reported
S. Oraara 1.0S&0OO Watchea.
Geneva. ABHartaas expedltlosaxy
ia Frajsce have ordorad UN
i.chaa ftfas Swiae ahraas.
, w bstssa
Mrn Koh Herwln
in E Whipple
C A Hire
HI 00
1. 00
1 "II
I 37 00
OtbSS Sourrea.
N'yaaa llriiin Ins. for Hiippllnaltll 01
nM llranch, supplies. . 61 .'
Three Aniiunl MemberHhlp . I. .00
.. 1310.11
I'olil thit.
John l.amllnxtiHm, frelglil
and expreaa I 33.17
flnlnrlo Furnltin.' ii, .awn
Inge . 31 .00
Van Patten Lumber Co.lum-
lier for packing Iwixee . . 30 00
i D Stlmpson. supplies 34 .11
I 'ohi master, postal cards
and anvalopaa . 4.15
C. D. Htlmson. yarn 101 10
Com. Kit Material 4 10
'. i Htlmson . .
Ill Annual Membership
BUY W.8.8.
IJ0.-.9 04
6 00
lllll 04
Mr. Touy da Vrlas of Nyaaa who
wai operated on a short time ago I
4MW nloaly now.
The little son and daughter of John
S c rlmln had their tonsils reumv-i!
at the hospital thla week
Utile Nena. Frank and Avon Wll
aou had their tonsils and adenoid
removed thla woak.
Horn to Mr. and Mra Walter
enl of Ontario on Saturday. August 10
a daughter Mother and child are
getting along fine
Ma. George K. Aiken had her ton
slls removed Saturday
P 8. Davla of Payette la here thla
weak receiving medical treatment fur
heart trouble
An operation for appendicitis wn
performed on Mlsa Lanola Ijimber
aoa Monday.
Jacob IHirausky enlerad the hosplt-
al Monday to receive treatment for
eome alight ailment.
Homer Mapea of tbe Hoklu.
ntructliiii camp Is 111 wllii typhoid at
10.00 a m Huudsy BSSaMl
11 00 a ni Preaching, subject.
liurclt and Truth '
1.00 p in KNeuIng .ii-rvlcea.
The conference this year meet at
Iduoo Falls op August, IS. Aa the
Is laylug plana to take work
either iu Western Oregon or Wasu-
Ington his work eloaas here with Sun
day August 36.
Tbe folio a lux la a list of officer
immlltaee elected at tha fourth
quarterly toimeutlon' held Friday
evening August . Or Winter the
district hUNiiviiiieiuieiit praaldlng-
Truatnt'M T I) iiarlon. Bdmuirl
H Itiitlor, lr A G. Moore. N i
MoOouagill. Or. W O Hu
and A it. White
Steward A I. McOowall. t'ha
Joliiiaua. Mrs Klfle Akera. Or. K 8
Fortnar. t haa. Hager, A. J White
aide, Mrs Kllllon. Mra. Ina Taggar-.
Bsaaanolaaaa.T O Barton. Edmund
liutler, Mra Chu ilagar, Mrs. A I
Hunter and Mlaa Heaale Morton
Sunday Schoel: Mrs H 1... Fox and
Mra. Kffie Akara.
Church Kaeerda: Bdmund Butler
Auditing account. A. Mclkiweil
Paiaoaasa and furuiture. Ijsdtea' Aid.
Church Manic. A J. WhltasMa anatao
Church Mualc Mui Ullton Doty and
A J. WhltaaM
Trier of Appeals. A h
Earl Hanna, paetor
1 '
When tfia German. ware poiindnag
tha French Iu their recant drive c
Pari, word waa received that ren
fiuieiiients were urgently needed I
Chateau Thierry The Frwid
hard pressed nnd could not hold out
much longer, troops
that could rush In and do wl.
-t needed from the bulldiiiK or
destroying of bridges, looking after
refugee to fighting in whatever nmn
ner was mom needed. Hallway facil
ities were inn.' i tninHport
IS the front and Ihhggl lo.ike I
very black Indeed for the French. Tile
call for reinforcement! nnd the oondl
tions were reported to the Marlnvi
iimiuleiieil motiir ilrhen vehiclaa of
description and by morn
'he :.. mile (rip had been made and
thousands of Marines were pouring
into tits trsashaa Oaos Is
trenches the Marines did not wait
SSOBliRg (ii mum hill went out
and i over half way and
drove them hack at every smash.
Many more men with this same
aplrlt are needed for service in
Marine Corps as Infantry. Artllh
Aviators, Signal men and Mm
Giiniierli At present men who are
QMSjSH At preeent men wlm
and radio operators may enlist for
special duty nnd will he sent Kaet to
enter Klgnal battalion now funning I
for duty In France. Vacanrlas also
exlni for a limited number of auto
and gss engine mechanics for duty
with the Marine Corps aviation and
will he sent to the Aviation hae In
Southern California for duty.
Man who registered June tt It last'
have the privilege of enlisting In the
Marina as have all registered men
whoaa number ara so low they will
not be needed to fill the current
quota of their local boards YsSJSal
nan eighteen year and over may en
list and should not overlook the
Marinea, aa about 1600 vacancies for
oommlsalnnNif officer still exist and
ara open to worthy enlisted man.
Men who are Interested and wish to
Investigate or Join this brsnrh i.f
may dm so through their SSl
postmaster, alaa at the Marine re
cruiting station
.Why not an electric washer on the installment
; 1 1.' i" I'll never know the full it-tion
doing your washing at home with little labor
and small cost till you have used an Automatic
Electric Washer.
I I I I A -.1 .11 - , II I II
Every Aulomntli has our guarutit
and that of the manufacturer
know we can satisfy you regard
ot what you want to wash.
For the remainder of the week vc arc offering
to send you an Automatic for Five Dollars down
and let you keep it upon payment of $5.75 per
month for 12 months.
A set of valuable washing hooks, full of in
formation you should have. Present this ad
and receive your set.
Idaho Power Co.
Commercial Creamery Co.
Cash b Mersof Cream and Produce
Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon
Your Best Market for Cream. En. Poultry of all kinds
-BUY W.i.H
-BUY W.Bo.
Get a Big Juicy Steak
Froma Bunch GrassSteer
We have recently secured a whole
carload of as fine bunch grass fed
cattle as ever grazed in Malheur
County. They were prime fatten
ed when we bought them three
weeks ago and they are being sold
over the block now.
Try a Bunch Grass Fattened
Roast for Your Sunday Dinner
We are equipped to care for all
kinds of trade and especially solicit
large orders for Bacon, Hams,
Sausage, Poultry, Lard and all
meat products.