OKTAJBAO uBXOO, TR7MMT, AUG. IS. twlft SOLDIER BOY GIVES HOMEfOLKS SURPRISE Il.h Madden Arrived From Training amp At Dayton tMiio When I- Machine Oun In.tructor AYR OWTAnTrO A ' - , Jong in mi nwwiwno i"wa"'l,ww''"''' "" ' '"' " ( I Town Topics Tersely Told I A. K Ilrown of Venator In vlaltlns Jiare Mil week. X N. Btanfleld span! Sunday ami Monday In Ontario. ,) Little Wllnia lamgard haa been quite III thin week Mra. M K. Oaboi from a budlooaa trip to Curl! o Mm. John Nnpton of pant the wool and with Mr and Mm K. 1. I if Knox vlnlteil for a t v. da John Day Mr. and Mm. Cliff Ilei idl r promi ngfMti .if a won born B AugiiKl 1 I . Hunter lirown and Tig wen latere! lit UN Moor. I dny Mr. J W. Ilrown of liulil. Idaho. dayn lent wk with in o Mr. mill Mm. Archo Idaho, were vlHltlng I" ' the flrt nf the week. MIm Hiilh Meade of l" vlaltlng lit prennnt with hoi ncln note MIhh Joyi e Turner Mind Frtc Jlmmi-mon n tinned the flrnl ol Hi 0700k from vlnllli.g with friend In Jordan Valey ! W II Noland and daugh' Margaret Noland were Itolne htinl 00 vlaitor here Thursday Mia lone l.uehrn returned a few day ago from a vlalt at Janm with MIhh Dorothy Cleveland Mr and MM W. II llrooke and Mra. Ketta Cnvno I. rt ToOOoOJ iimm lug for a tour of the Interior Mr and Mra C. K Hlewiirt rrl I In Ontario from Ogden. I'lah. M.mil. and npent a faw daya i lilting here Mm Hugh Allen I again at her work In HnyeT depnrfiuont. .ton nfter a vacation of neveral month ml 1 1 Mr and Mra. Oaorge Dunn and Mm David of Unpen Meno WOfO vlnltlng here the lant of the week Hill Coy paaed thru Ontario tit i first or the week while on hi way to Of from MlHaoula. Mont Mr and Mra. II t) nranr and Mr. and Mr. andMrn J It Forller mm. to Welser and back Friday evening o Mra. P J. Clemo and her lter Mlaa Anna and Margoroi kkOtvera Monday cwnlng for Cortland o Bd Fraaer and it rnard Itader re turned the lam of the woak after a waak'n vacation ,u ihe I'ayeta ljike o viment UcKciin.i of Cortland and hi bride of a collide of day were vlaltlng over Sunday with friend III the Mr John Hi r In I leaving Thurs day for a vldt in I .noma. Seattle and Aberdeen. Wti with relative and trland. W I. Turner became the owner or O Chevrolet a few day ago and oou oaqueutly la upending a great part jf hi" time lu traveling now. Mm A. K lohOOOO left Tku evening for Seattle where Obo will make a alx waaka vlalt with Blece Mra Win Uuckner, foiiuerly of Ontario. Mr and Mr Orrln Hull I a Fri day for Cortland They wl i be ac companied by Curie Harney Hull win will attend the o. a K encampment thara o Miaa lla Buckner la again ol boj work after an lllnea due to mh.iII ox and which woo folk va -ootlon for racuperattng. a Mi. H U Poorman and .on Harrv : It. returned Monday front a vinlt with friend, lu Harden Vail- . Idaho Thev ' ware aco'ipanlad by "'rt. Coormau . am. I! nephew who will vlalt here for awhile ' Mr aud Mr. It A Cnaten and graudaughler Miaa Myrl ltlngli.ini ore leaving Friday for Portland win iv Mr. Coataa who I. an old eoldler will attend tho national oocoojpment ol tbo O. A. H Afterward they are go ing on down tho coaat to California Vl.lt (Or awhile Mien Frieda Jlmmernon of Payette visited frelnda here Monday. i and John Zlmnn wart Wentfall visitor here thla weok. nk Loveload returned h few i ci Iron the rnm h In tin- Interior o mV" Krneat Loony are I III down from Irnnnlde vlnltliiK weak. J. It. RaemuKven left i in ml it week with hie family al poller, Idaho. 0 Mix Daisy Beroy left Friday morn ing for iiii win frtanda at f'lutonla Oregon. o Mra. I Oliver of M Ml I ed Minn La Vine Smith Mnndn -Tuesday of thla weak. MUa Kdna Von BOOOVM In leaving orTOW for I'nrtlaml where ahe make an Indefinite .lay. Mra. Sherry Johnson rOtW layn ago after nn igteoded vl.lt with frit ii i- in California. Miaa Wllmoth Currey In tb4 .iilillilon to Ho- clerical force nl the Ontario National, Q ' Mlaatilatlyn Kranklln left Saturday morning to vlnlt with her parent 00 tha homestead ahove Drewiey. 0 Mr and Mrs n M Taggart an, I on Max returned W.i'iie.day from a two waaka outing at Ijike I'ayette A. L Hunter, the wool warehon man. left thin morning after a ron. of daya vlalt with hi family hare - MliHlonary Society of Ilia Unl- lad Craabytrlan t'hurch mart at H'ito road them home of Mr C. K. Becoy thl after-! i ,UPM you nBVe fot lne fr co,. n""" ting of alfalfa up by thin time. It iiiiiiI have baao him job while It Mr. and Mra Lull and daughter jaated unleaa you were able to hire Mildred are leaving thla week for Se-',,, men wUh ,n,t i could have utile where Mr Lull will work In the IWlio a Mlaa l.uVlne Smith left Wednenday evening to spend a .oiiple of week iiniilnc with friend In Cortland und AHhland J H Hlackaby left Tueaday even- ing for Portland to attend a meeting, ot ma niaie t ummltte Fourth Liberty laiMU Th Ulaaford left v ay ev - onlug for Hamilton, ont.rlofan.da. where ha waa called by the lllneea III brother .ml Mr C K Secoy and bOAM and IV K llliighnni and koii tuolored in Homed. In Sumlny and .pent the dm with Mr and Mr. Cbaa Calklnx l.ltue Hlackaby left Wedneadav evening for Spokane lo attend the automobile acbool He wa .worn III to Cncle Sam' aervlce at Vale Wed neaday inoriiliig .i ... wn.,11 w.. ...... .... ...urn , , ..,vw another roll of pa day evening at the homa of Mr. and I , ok ,U(1 w ,,ur ,ud , ,., Mra Allien chrlntlanaen. A largat,am Kvaryona want to read theni I.NIBII ! Wirn.lif .....I ll.a AtAMlnv poaaad gulcky with much laughter and many Jolly game. Mr. Chrls- tlanaaii hlmnelf proved to the aatl- tin'll.kli it M'hM'iiiih llml " I I.JtrA 1m m. ' " " IwOi thing hk growing old Thl de,ntrat.,, came during ao Im- aatanewi m o ,MM - . ... . a i. i ,M" " " ' " " ruhe recruit he ang "The l.,ng Boy" and for whl.l, he waa encored again and again HI tffJJ IMI'tH MHMi MITII I Motto i hereby given that. In pur.uauce of Ordinance "o , of the Clly of Dntarlo, 1 have tak.n up and liiipnuiiiled the following dea Tibed animal found running atlarge within the corporate limit of the City of Ontario, in Malheur County, Stat of Oregon, to-wlt One black home weigh! about 1000 lb. branded II I' du right .1 .miller wire eul on right hind i. left hind foot white, .mouth j mouth; and that 1 will on the it day of Auguat, 1018, at tha bour of l o . lo. . p m , of .aid day offer for oolo and will aell above deacvrlbud animal at public auction to the Iilghest bidder, for caah iu hand at Kagw Livery Barn iu .aid Citi of Ontario. Tnbeo up tbl 10 day of August. 1.18. Coated thl 1( day of AuguKt. 1018 MAKION W JONHM. City M. rnh.il BUY W 8.8. Sawing in neb In for reut ot a)c pur week A I. Mi iwlng the beneficial effect of more than a ear's training In UttoJJe flnm'n mini Itnhert Madden who wai n inemlier of the first volunt' leave Ontario In April I HI 7, arrived homo unannounced Sundny evening urn ;i . ii con.' i.rlee to hi fnlkw win. won not ripe, ting him at nil. entering the array Mr den boo had all klnda of experience, and en o n the life It II . only regret now I. that ha ha not boon ' ' "". At present he Is an Instructor In rnnnery at the VII'ur Wright l'l-!d In spite of I he regula tion el . life In the force ia democratic, he aoya, and the officer. ore a fine troo of manhood ' ut ll one hocomee arcitxtonied to u.iti'hlng the atunta which the airmen do the night of the men whirling and spinning thousand of feet In the air hIimomi makPH one'a blood curdle, nalil bj Hob will lie here the remainder of the week, unleiw he aiiccecdH in gettln an uf hi furlough. HI y WHS dims UMM i it ni" FROM THF.IIt IIMMF I.1MI Ragardng the Ufa of a aoldl Sotucwliere in Kranre Fmmeti write the following to bio Both ar; Bomewhere In Franc-, June z8. lkis r Mother. I received a letti r rr(llll vou lUr oth,r d,y dated May 1H ltl, no ,, nloxht dated May that mut delayed nomewhere I alao re ceived three roll of paper all n k Was glad to get them a 1 have not i.v to read for a long time, t found lot of new In them. OtPM in awhile wa aea an Rngllah paper I have nulla a bit of time of orootOM , boen thara to help hock It. Yen. I 114Vf. plenty of good food to eat ami j Mm getting along fine I am glad the wheal crop I good In Oregon The! ' rr0p are good here In France Tlr will ba lot of grain and potato. Tl... potatoe. are almoat one foot high. I I.e.,,. are one foot or more and Mm tomatowl uooui ,w fM( r mi,r,. ,, (n w w,houl irrigation The men. women and children are out in th. field, hoeln. all Ihe time and i of thdtn wear lama wooden iliiiM i 1 Tll.(r WRV. ..,. ... . bit old fMllloD, bu, on. , llie,r ra.chlnery I. up to date and come, from th, State. I aaw one McCormack mower that looked natural. They hovoj good roada here too nearly all of th" year but nearly all of them are made with ObM Wall I will ..nil i.i.lll another 11, lie BUU ilia lie i i nil flllir ninne mora Somewhere In France. July 13. II8. Hear Mother. I will anawer your letter that waa received a few day i ago I am well and hope you are the and II I hard to keep them until I get j to read thein. They call It old new So Klbert ha gone to American Lokae and Claude ami F. Id rod are (till there i in getlnlg witne of thn experlein e that I got lant fall 1 , he w ,. .,, lh.r, ' moil everyone la. I goaaa that he w wrt , Dyll ,nd e, me knovk ,,., lle ,, ,.,, ,, , ,.4I1, WIlt(. , l(m , t ,)U tAATtMU i mul anxlou to get tha next roll of pater that you aald you would arnd a I would like to nee that Hat of nautea. n,, day rnuat be pretty hot and dry ouaa in Harney If the neaaou I the dryeat one they have aver had it i pretty col over here ll ho boon j raining a little th laat two day It 'rained two good ahowaro yaatarday The French are putting up their hay now and the grain ia all headed oat hut 1. graao vat and look, good lam neudlng you a .mileage book that nouie oue gave me after we got aero. and they are no good over bare. KI berl can u.e It or you can aand It bj luin Well. 1 will cloaa tor thl tlun aud write again In th near future Ihy, Bmmott. BUY W 8 8. Allwho eon knit or daolro to learn are urged lo do ao now and taooo who are knitting are urged to work faati r ao th allotment under tba praaant ouudllioaa will not be f Iliad by 8ep' OOabor 1. BUY W.B8. Oat yoor fruit Jar eecoud-h.uu at MciKiweli . md Lave ouiaey. TWO HUNDRED ONTARIO BANES TO BE TESTED (Continued from Flrat Page.) ,h cno01 bu,ld,n ,or m,n,,lon The oommlltaaa ware atormad with "uoatlonn relative to tho purpoaa of tha taat. apparently auraa parent, fall ,n lo "nipranan(l wtiat the project wag about. The two main pur a t ..A-HMAH i t. ....- ...iu. '" "" a""m"iv " - l to aecure v further atudy of c,"w """ Problem, and for the "'- "' " lldran a- ommoa u, turntan nui.ei.na ana aav.c- o iutdiiiuiiiiil aviail.l n nrr taa card ahow ucl, advice ia needed Sinoa the entire project la for tha ad vancement of the health of Ihe u- lloo'e children tha co-operation of all -- - ul.....l.l 1 .,l.Uf..llv JmB - -... . ...,...., ,.... BUT W.S.B fJDNUHKi.TIOAI. (Hlltl'H Sunday. Augnat lit. at II a.m. the bon and girl will be Interacted In tba aarmon.aubject "Liberty, the Klghl to do aa You Claaaa" or "Lib arty, the Might to do itlglit Sunday School at in am. 1.0. Mr- i relght HUperlnteiiili nl Herbert Living. ton. mlu later BUY W 8.8. PIANO AT SO llll It K Kor quick bualnoa wa will nacrifice B OfkVtiy high grade piano located near Ontario Liberal term to re Muoaaibla nartv If Intaraalad make J,ul,iie - tOB ,t once THK UK.N'VKH Ml Hit M., Adv.-M to S8 Denver, Colorado. Hi Y W8.8. Hood aacond-tiand work harnoae for tola A L M Ooweir Bl'Y W as 'oing camping? Kent your tent ..i.i. atove at McDowell'. BUY W.B.8. FOB RF.T. For Hant. Hooaa. cloaa In; claao. modern. Inquire Argue office it BUT W.B.8. VOTIf'K MK IM HI l tTIOM. Hapartment of tha laterlor. U. 8. Land Office at Vale, Dragon. Augu.t Kith, ItlS. Notice 1 hereby given that Robert It.ney. of Ontario, Ore gon who. on April tot li. lilt, made Homaotood Entry, No OSSOt. fur 8WV. Set- 8. aad M V W '. NICv, Beatlou 0, Towaahlp IT South K.uge tl Kaat. Willamette Meridian. i'.- ftlod notice of Inteatloo to make Final Three-Year Proof, to eatabli.h claim bb tba land above described beforo Roglatar and Kaoaivar. t Ijtud Offtoe. at Vale, Oregon, on tin lth day of Boot om nor. 1018. ( lalmant naaiee aa wlteaaaaa: W A Wabb. Aool S. Wltbock, tiaorgo Harper, Charley A MrBride. alt of Ontario. Oregoo. I OS. JON KB. Roglatar Groceries Specials Melons Fruits Vegetables Teas of Quality Spices of Quality Canned Goods of Quality THERE'S A REAS0N Vour buyer has had over a quarter of a century experi ence Boyer Bros. & Co. DEPABrMENT STORE MYSTERY OF WOMAN PATIENT IS SOLVED Mr. Illilianl liaiiM-n f Denver, t o. utmIo. in state of Coma Here for Man) Dei Wa. Seeking Work. Mm Klih.rd Hanaen of Denver In Ot tke Holy Koaary Hoepltal gradu ally recovering con.clou.ne after a weok'a Ulna From lant Thurnday evening whan the wa brot to tin- in nt Hut ion by Dr Woodward of Pay ette. until Tuaaday ahe lay In a atate Of coma and no Information concern ing her could be found. Two eluea finally led to her Iden tification One wa the fact that ah had purchaaed a ticket from Daavar to I'ayette The eecond wa the proaance In bar travelling bag of a aavlng bank book of a Denver Insti tution. Thru the .lie wa finally Ident! fled a the wife of a Denver engineer and communication with her family woo eetabll.hed In the meantime, too. Mr. Hanaen becama , ,,i..,.i..,. for abort Intervale and wa able to toll her ii.m It aam that aha had heard of Cayette a a good fruit country and dealrlng an opportunity to work In Ihe Irult pai kiuc induntrv ah purchaned ticket ( (,. jd,ho city. Sh declared thai .be haa no rotative In I'ayette and waa nieralv aaeklng employment Dj Woodward bolievea aba will be able to leave tt,. boapital in a abort time and return i. Denver. Tbefirat draft on th auger bank FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3RD lo ' j d I S V 0 U N T up On All Tuition Paid on or Before AUGUST 20TH Fifteen month. ,..,, Ot'B OUABANTU TO YOU "i "T amB,NED' OR 8TKNOOBAPH- We guarantee to prepare you to paaa the tlvit aatnvtrF KXAMINATION. " CIVIL We guaraotee to derate you into a competent oookkoooor a-.d stenographer to M rtort a time an it can b. do7e b0kkr "" I in. t hesitate about thl. matter A bualel-. i ' lut neoeeeltv Now u .. , uu'nes education is ao .. "" ueaany. ro I the nue to ant if.n .. for tbo term desired, cuter with dtL y"r "' l' r win, h deteraluaiiou lo wiu .j occeaa will be assured bT BtakJwoJoaoM WWRITE 'O" CATALOG tB HSISiUSINESS COLLEGE .coma from tha trencheo and tha ! fighting Una. Tha bon at tha front Iare living under trying condition, many time In mud and wator and cold Sugar I fuel for the body and the iKiyn need tbl. fuel. Sugar pn vide the qulrbeet and moat valuable I reaction In heat and energy, there fore when the weal liar I nvere In the trench the ugar conaumptlon by the troop noooooorlly become very high Think of thla before yvV take that extra spoonful of sugar. Kaap to your two pound par month ration, or cut It lower. If you want to do your nhare of backing up tha boya at the from BUY W.oVfl. NOTICF.. Notice I hereby given to tha land owner of the Payette-Oregon-Blopn Irrigation District that tha Board of Directors of the Payetta-Oregon Slope Irrigation Dlatrlct bava mado tha following estimate of expendi ture for th year 101 1, to-wit: Interest fuud $13,500 Power account 11,100 Maintenance and general fund I Including ditch cleaning. Interest, main tenaoce of power plant and dltchea, saiarlea ot of ficers, etc ) 10,000 estimated dellnquencloa t,500 Sinking fund 7,000 Total $67,000 and that a meeting of the laud o era to d lacuna said budget will bo held at the pumping plant In said i trici at io o'clock a. in. on Monday, Bpotoibor 2ud, 1018. P. M Hi i Secretary Payette Oregon Slope Irri gation District M wM..au, - 'VSK'K um