The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 15, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Nyal Remedies
ma ooaM.
Parent should Srml Young Mm to
rollrge Wo That Their DmMMM
) Niilloii Will lti KiiIihiii Ml.
War Deourtment iiuilmrl
the following announoeno ati
Th detail of the plan prepare I
by the War t:-nartment to offei to
able bodied ullage studenla ovar UM
age of It the oppori unity to enlist In
tha military forces of tha Unli .1
Htatf ami to oMaln training In tha
collage wlilrli will prapara tham for
tha more exact In lnriii of military
aarvloa have now baan com plated.
Tha plan waa firm announced In Hi
latter of May 8 to tha president of all
educational institutions of collegiate
grade, and the detail ate explained
In a circular sent to tha
under the date of June Zlitii.
The purpose of the plan la to p. -vide
for the very Important needs of!
tin. army lor highly trained men fori
officirn. I'liglneara. doctora, cheinlala
and administrator of every klii'V
The Importance of tlila need caAnol
be too atrongly emphasised Tli"
plan la an attempt fo mobilise end de
velop the brain power of tlie rot
Red Cross
Livestock and
Poultry Display
Fast Races
iVderai Food
$10,000.00 in
Premiums and
The largest
men of the country for thoae servlrr
which demand apaclal training. It .
object la to prevent the premature en
listment for active aervlce of taMeM
men who coulil by extending the per
iod of UMtf college raining multiply
manifold their value to tha country.
If, however, the need arlaea for th
aervloea of theae men In the fighting
line, the terma of their enlistment
are auch that they can be called by
tbe President on a day'i notice. But
for the preeant It will be tbe policy of
tbe Government to keep them In
training until their draft age U
Thla la a war In which noldlera are
not only markttmen. hut alao engin
eers, chemist, physicist. geologists,
doctors, and specialists In many oilier
llnea. Scientific training la Indispcn
alble. Engineering skill la needed
officers who direct every Im
portant -military operation and who
control our lines of transport and
cntiiiiiunicatlnn In the game way
i l.'inteal and physical knowledge are
In coiiNtnnt ilfinaiiil at the front as
well aa behind (he llnea, while the
task of saving the Uvea and restoring,
the li of hundrada of thousands
of wounded calla for tha aervlce of
regiments of military physicians Tl,'
scientific training which prepares
a man to fulfil one of theae highly
specialised dutlea and the more lili
eral training which heipa to dev
Millies of leaderahip needed a)
the offloer or administrator are as
sent in I elements of military effi
ciency For tne purpoae of developing men
who shall have thla comhluntlon ol
military and Intellectual training I
new corps has bean creel ad In the
army called the Students' Army
Training Corps Voluntary eell't
ment In this corps la open to all UM
able-bodied atudenta In the Institu
Annual Malheur County Fair
iio-mU). setateiaber l
I 26. Trot or pace, 3
t. i:Mi I'act . horses nevvi
starter; lido.
i. Quarter mile dash; 160
a. Half mile race; 76.
Men's relay race.
t;irla' relay race.
Hoys' pony race.
Wild mule race.
Wednesday, Sept. II
1 :M Pace, 3 heats; )390
I. ISO Trot, S heat. SS00.
Half mile running race; 171.
I'hree-eigbtha mile ruiiutu,'.
race; llOt.
5 Girl a pony r.i
t. Men's relay ret
7. Ulria' relay race
Wild bora r.i
combined Agricultural, Educational, Dairy d Liveatoc Exhibition combined
features and spectacular racing program held annually in th ' ' Rj
tions of college grade who are not
under 18 years of ago. Students
under 18 cannot bo legally enlist d
but they may enroll and thus
military training untjl they reach lin
age when they can legally enlist. ,
The hoy who enlists In the Stu
dents' Army Training Corps will be a
member of the army of the United
Statee. He will bo provided by tbe
War Department with uniform and
equipment, but will be on furlough
status and will not receive pay. He
will undergo regular military training
aa a part of his course during the col
lege year, wilt attend a alx weeks'
camp for rigid and Intensive military
I Instruction with prlvate'a pay, anil
will he subject to the cell of the I'
I for active service at any Km,
Should the- exlrendes of the ntlllt .1
J situation demand It. The poll.
the Government, however, will be to
keep mcuihers of this corps In col
lege until their draft age Is reached.
and the War Department will have
the power to order sin It men to
tinue In college even after their
draft age is reached whenever their
work la such that the needs of the
aervlce, e. g.. for doctors, engineers,
chemlata and the like are auch aa to
make the coarse advisable
The Students' Army Training
pg will he administered by tha
Committee on Education and Special
Training of the War Department.
whleh will f unci Ion aa a aoetion of
tbe Training and Instruction branch
of the War Plana Division or the,
General Staff. Competent officers
and non -commissioned officers will
be assigned to the varloua inatltu
tlona to carry on the work of mili
tary Instruction To auplemeot the
officer assigned by the War Depart
ment three apaclal summer training
campa are being held to train a llm
Hod number of picked student end
.pt. II.
Educational day
.lay, Seiiienilsri I.I
1 Free for all trot or p
I. 3:30 Pace, horses entered Ul
second event on Tuesday, 1300
i Quarter mile dash; v
4 Half mile running race; 178.
6. Half mile running race; II (Hi
Write tor purs1 an
ing relay races.
Mean t rottlMI 'iiloa on liar
limn races
Special races made ui lai
night before races.
Ten per cent entry fee on harn
i art
embers off the faculties of the var
ious Institutions so that they will be
able to assist in the work of military
Instruction. These camps will he
held at Plattaburg, New York; Fort
Sheridan, Illinois; and Presidio, Cal-
la, for sixty days, beginning July
The Importance of this plan for
combined military and colleglnte'
training. If we are to meet In the fu
German Manhood
Cheap, Judging
Sella Hur Cher. Jul) 1
P. J. Gallagher, Ontario. Oregon.
Dear Prlend: Received your b
Jane 8th yesterday. I am glad to
bear all hack there are doing fine,
and that everything is runnln.t
anient liiy Now beleive m. "Pat,,
(Pardon the familiarity I. we sure
know the Weat la behind us While
tfie man power from there doee not
reach the proportions of our Kaater-i
SUtea, KVKHY (INK of thoae West
ern men are men. Too bad we can't
put Hits through with our i
foree over here without calling more
men serosa Hut mu understand
when we do start Ihru, we mean to
try and keep the wheel a rolling re
gardlesa of mud and poor roada. The
Boche la finding plenti ol ii-inpar In
those II. 8. bayonets. Mm they don't
know how to fight dean and are d n
poor sports. Whip them' hi
we will If America has to move
over here to do It. We have every
confidence In you people back tltere
In regarda to hacking u up. Wa all
realise yours Is much the hardest and
mora strenuous Job. We always
hate tha prospects of a little QgcHQ-
11, 12, 13, 1918
l. .to I l icld -For
pupils of t tit ai .Hid grad.-.l
Fifiy yard
oud, r.i in. ii -i t
. clothing
Fifey yard daeb, HM. 11.01
oud. "illc To winner. 12.50 la
dli, Ostium Mtlilat
i uo. eat
.' CO lii mi
Two hun
,1 .'Mil bin - t I mi
H bunk
I ol I'll! il- ol lllt;li '
ni Milllut l
s. 1,
ture the urgent needa of the army for
highly trained men, la so great that
the War Department earneatly re
quests the collegea, Councils of De
fense, and other patriotic societies to
cooperste In bringing It to the atten
tion of the young men of the count rv
and in urging them to do their petti
to make It a success.
(Signed) Newton I) Maker
Secretary of War.
Must Be Held
By Recent Drives
ment What little ground the Mini
us loea not gel hi tit
ii the iri, el If tier
man manhood were worth hall tin
'on price of lioga In Aim t It I
the German government won
Naturally it Is enay for me 10 1
boast and feel raring. to step
having dona any front line duly
HUM I have hope- of getting up
I - day and !r to do my Utile Ml
Yet our work here gets monotonous
at lltaaa InatructliiK and training
machine gunners for front line aer
rlce. Kill guess they figure ua fel
lows hero are worth more than on th
front line. Any how. Instructors can
not tranafer to front line service un
less a special cull is made for tin
There are only a few of the old Mi
fit here.
I had a letter from l.j h
nsr today. He la in (',, It. Flrat Di
vision Mi. tot Supply Train II. I
feeling rine 1 en clotted your letter
to him. kinmlng he would enjoy
reading It ver mu
There are no other Ontario hot
Chipmunk' Itoyer la at 8.
National b
I ..i Ciipil- oi nt i hj
in In i- t
Clothing o
.ml in Perot b)
-, k'irls. II on
; ,i tiiio i
Mount' i leases I
rural or grade
Pony '
In It hai
girl, l. M
under i '
I by acliool boy, M '
Algan which la about ten mllet- from
here. (It Is all meters and kilomet
ers over here.) There Is fit.
Isrge tytheilral in this place. I
gueaa I mentioned that before Ti
ls also a fine chaplain attache,! to I
district. The Star Spangled H.mrr
la played and sung every Sunduy in
anarch after soldier maaa at D .10 a
in la flnlahed.
There la always a large imwd of
soldiers at thla maaa.
Well, taps has blown nnd I will
have to bring this to a finish. I am
glad to know a few lines pleasea you
reiiows sun I will make no raali
promises to swamp you with litera
ture from my pen, but will try and
get u few lines ocaatonally. 1 N
would enjo) taking part In a third da-
Heat wishes to all the bojrg utid of
course youraelf.
Slno i
SfIT M 9, I lloMAS.
0, 14S M (1 Hit . A I' O 727.
Amur K. P., France.
Leslie J Akera, formerly of
tario but who la now a member of
tha loiieciot of internal revennee
r i for Oregon, arrived in Ontario
this week Me will make thla
hla headrjuatera while working la
Malheur, Harney, Lake and Klamath
Rev. Earl Henna I in Cortland
thl week attending to some business
matters and endeavoring to tske n
small vaiatlon In the meanwhile.
Miss Heaale Hutherford eatM down
from Cascade. Idaho. Saturday and
will visit for soma time with her
friend, Mia Mildred Poormen
J K Hlackaby left Tueaday e
lug for Portland
Four l)aH l
Instruction aid
Roimb Kitlinjf
ni'. il Co.
Kxkibitor !
Friend of tl