The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 15, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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"J" ' ' !
i u""" "
tflir (Hhtfartit Arijitji
eEO. K. AIKEN, KdiUir nml I'nhliaher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution as 2nd class matter.
And tftrls can be given, we are sure, is
to the Malheur County Fair.wbieh thisyemr
will include a held meet ror the boys anl
girls of the county. It is to be their day. The
entire program has been arranged for fcbeir
On the list of events there are ;ill kinds
f competitive sports; races of all kinds
Plans are already being considered foi
euing for the soldier hoys when they return
from Europe. In the forefront of the propo
sals there apx t Ik did after the Civil
war. lans for the setting aside of govern
ment land to be deeded direct the soldiers
without the lohg process of hoinesteadiim.
Bid conditions ire n.t the same toda) .
There is no longer a vast public domain for
the soldier to step Into and possess. The
fertile prairies of Minnesota, North and
South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and own
have Long been in private ownership, The
lands that are left are cither arid, swamp or
cut over lands for the reclamation and nj
which capital is required.
After the Civil war thousands of the
men Inured to life in the open with advec
tare as their daih food Bought its eontin
nance in settlement in the West in prefer
cnec to returning to city homes. 'The gree.1
era ot railroad muitiine. XV;S J'"' starting
and that drew them on
In the prairie country all thej had to do
especially hi the Red livcr valley, was turn
over the ground and plant a crop. The soil
was ready for the .'id and the crop mw
Arrested simply. Mow different will he
the face of the landscape which will greet
the returned veteran of the (iceman war.
Unlets the government takes adequate
steps to provide for the reclamation of the
arid, swamp or cut over lands there will be
no easy palhvvav for the veteran of the pies
cut wmr.
Hut the government is anticipating the
problem of the future veteran. Secretary of
the Interior, Franklin K. Lane, m a recent
report to Congress recommends the survey
of UM seventeen million acres of t ilia hie gov
eminent land, its classification and prepara
tion for development so that the men fight
ing today will have an opportunity. If thev
so chose, to start life anew when the wa;
closes ill the (frX'St West.
If the Secretary 's plans arc carried out
Oregon is bound to profit thcrebv, Several
million acres of the government land are h
this state. Not a small quantity, by aui
means, is here in Malheur county. The
Owyhee project akmeha n 25,000 to
30,000 acres. In. Jordan Vallei on Willow
Creek there are thousands of other acres
susceptible to irrigation and there is a vast
.ma on Dead 0 j Plat capable of almost un
limited production. In all there must he
he almost 200,000 acres of land in Malheur
county that might well he considered in the
government 's plans.
Some id' these projects, the OWJ hec for
Unplc, have been surveyed and examined
h both state . Hid national engineers. Their
possibilities arc known, hut some of the
others an not so fortunate. Now is the time
when th people of tin county, in ail eeetioiis
should consider plans for the proper pivsi n
tat t the County's claims for develop
meiit. Those who have I ited for one pro
jeet or another should get I tin i to
that the vai'ious districts are represented in
a general scheme I'1"- advancement. This
WOUkl lessen the SXJense and .ull advance
the interest of all
Representative Binnott In i recent
speech called the attention ,,f the House of
Representatives to the vast productivity of
Malheur county lauds. He gave ;i- um in
lliee the ease of C. . M .ill. 1 1 who had
grown as high as !Ki bushels of wheat on one
e of land here, lie declan ll that on the
Owyhee project al 19 1,500,000 bushels oi
wheat could he rais. I in one year. Such ar
guinents are hound U) have the desired effect
if properly followed up. The comunitic
Malheur county should mute to forward this
movement and be prepared, when the tunc is
ripe, to properlv pre ,nt tin claim- of this
section for recognition, a condition long pas)
The hovs ,nd -iris ,. Malheur eountv
hare worked I. ird this summer. Perhaps in
no section ol tin-state have the hoys and
h contributed a larger share in h
nig tin- erop Thev are entitled, therefore.
to their i. ward, and me ait oertaiu that the
appreciative fathers and uuitht
heur eountv are more than willing to help
them en.jov tluinselv
One of the best rewards that the lo -
oi competitive sports; races ot all kinds to
furnish fun for the hoys and girls and onti i
tainment for their parents. Such a program
is a good thing all aruond. It serves to bring
out the best talent iu the competitors and
the same time sufficient inducement i
ed to make the effort well worth while. dt
only has the management of the Pair furnish
prizes hut the business men and women of
Ontario have added special awards for win
Beside the program of athletic c i
there is of course wide competition open
the ho s and girls iii all lines of educational
Education is a broad wo.rd when used
in this section. Here it includes skill .
knowledge nt agriculture to a high degr
for Malheur county is the home of the (ham
lion gardeners of the state, and it lias nuni
icrcd. too, girl winners of staae honor. a-
well as lo b.
By setting aside one day for the I
and girls, who in years to conic will he tin
hack I ioi ie of the Pair and in all id her worth-
movements in this county the directors art
doings good work. Educational day should
he an annual event, and we feel sure that tin
mothers and fathers of Malheur county wh"
have enjoyed the co-operation of their BOlH
and daughters during the summer will t
advantage of the opportunity to bring them
to the Pair on educational, and every othl '
day this fall.
According to press dispatches emanat
illfn from Holland and Switzerland, the peo
ple of Germany are at last awakening to the
fact that thev arc a defeated nation. The re
cognition of this fact la not complete, hut i
is coming.
Perhaps the most significant state
ments are those which ecru the preset le
nt American troops in the Western hatth
line. I he .Junkers are now paving the nric
of their deception. Until the great defeat on
the Manic thev told the people thru their
controlled press that there were hut a ft
thousand Americans in kluiopc and the
were untrained fighters. Now the people
know differently Thev must he eel I
that there is a full million Americans li it 1 1 1 1 ,
the lliudeuhiirg line, and that fchej can hit
hard they must also admit. Even the imvv
inspired Yorvvcarts warns the (ieiinau j
pie that they must be prepared to admit t
the war is not v et won, and that it can he !
That is a great admission from even the S.
i lallst mouthpiece.
Reports from many sources indicate
that the morale of the Herman people is low.
The lower it is the better. When it reaches
the bottom, the German army will be a de
feated organization. One of the means
which the Junkers are usitig to brace th
wills of the people is by reprinting "hate
stories and "hate speeches which an
limited and spoken here in America and oth
er allied countries. The men who inaki
tlnse speeches and the papers that prut
tin ni Have no utca tlial tin arc playing the
Junkers' game hut that is the result. When
the militarists of Germany uet poser nniiui if
a pellicula ryily choice piece of "hateful lan
guage" tin l print it and sav :
ovv if you unit fighting what can vou
expect ffom people who sav sllcll tiling
about the German people .'"
I I s Ink the Him first and hate tliciu
afterward. There will be plentv of time to lo
it then, it tli.v are not reformed in the heating,
nnrmo mil civ
It bv smB
I notice ok ii ra nix j of mnai,
I Advertising i
Wanted, a Ranch to Rent I want
to rml ranch of not leee than SO
acres nor mora than 200, with full
water right, for term of from one in
throe yearn Wilt par rent by dlvls
lon of crop Will renl All alfalfa, or
alfalfa and grain property. IIa"p
had long experience In ranching
Apply to Bll. Argun office, Ontnrlo,
Orogon - Adv 80-31
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
CEASED. Notice is hereby given that Will
iam B. Leavttt, the administrator of
the estate of Scth K. A I,cavltt. de
ceased, nan rendered and presented
for aettlement and filed In aald
court hla Pinal Report and Account
of the administration of said estate,
and that Monday, the 19th day of
August, 1918, at 3 o'clock p. in., at
Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, in
nnty Court room at the Court
House haa been duly appointed by
Judge of said court for the aettle
ment of said Klnnl Report and Ae-
mint, at which tmle any person In
WANT TO TRADE A good. un-Jtereeted in aald eatate may appear
Improved 80 acres on Dead Ox Fin', and file exceptions In writing to the
under best undeveloped Irrigation i utd 'Final Report suit Account and
projort; on good highway, R. F. D ;
land across road successfully farmed
Will take Improved town property In
either Ontario or Payette See C. E.
Seeoy, or phone I19-N4.- Adv tt-il
Or. Edward A., publisher of
the New York Bvenlng Mall, arreated
In connection with alleged German
ownership of the paper.
Washington. Major General Bun
ley Liggett, commanding the Brat
American army corpa. la In active
charge of that corps on the ranter of
the allied drive In the Alsne Marne
salient, Oeoeral March, chief of staff,
told newspaper correspondents at the
semt-weekir conference at the war de
partment. The American dlvtelona forming
this corps are serving contiguously on
this sector, the control of which la In
the hands of Major General Liggett,
aa oanmesMter ef the first major
Five room house half block north
of school house on Morton street
piano Included, fine shade, $12. B0
per month. Phone 3
shade, tll.BC
14-NI. Sl-tf
For sale Two good second hand
Washing Maciitnea. These ere bar
gains at McDowell's.
contest the same
Administrator of the Kstate
' of Setli E. A. Leavltt. De
Date of first publication July IS,
Date of last publication August
16, 1918.
XOTICK ofhhi:iui I s sVI I IN
KOHKt lost 1(1
IN tmk county COURT Or Tin:
OF DOPOI.A8 C. Mcdonald- dk-
To Mary E. McDonald, known
heirs, and to all other heirs unknown.
If any, of .Douglas ('. McDonald, de-
i ceased, and to all persons unknown,'
but concerned. Ureal lag:
By virtue of an execution In fore
cloaure duly Issued hy the Clerk ot
the circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon, for Malheur .-ounty, dated 29th
of July, A. D. 1918, In a certain ac
tion In the said Circuit Court for aatd
State and County, wherein U. U
King aa Plaintiff, recovered Judg
; ment against E. J. VanCourt, Alice M.
VanCourt. husband and wife; Bertha
I A. Shilling and John Shilling, hus
band and wife, Alexander Bills I It.
Preeton and O. A. Woodrasn, as De
fendants, for the sum ot Four Thoanv
and Dollars with Interest thereon
from the lith day of January, 1910,
t the rate of 10 per cent per annum
mad Pour Hundred Dollar attorney'
1 M.MFI..AM ..nil A mmt Int.. muttnm !
n,..-. ....... ....... .w B- "- i . .... , . . ,, ,
rrance .'. 1 ","lfaw and the further sum of Thirty
nlllllull'i.iirl .iOIl 1......I 1 IIII ..
General Pershing, as a reeiilt of re- . " " Dollars costs and dlsbursemeats.
BT GIVEN that 1 wilt on (he Ird day
of September, 1918. at the hour of
itnrli sinl aiurv et wam aaaus. I.fc..-
cent tranafers of American divisions "-" " ' " '-----'
which had been brigaded with the ?f '" ,ppra' b,"r" th bov
llrlil.h. now ha. l.OOO.ono men under ,U,d ' rt; '" '"" '0"nl'' '""
hi. direct command, the chief of staff room " Y""' M",eur ( "unl"' 0w-
gun, on ine i.nn nay ot Heptetuhci-.
and there
.......K., ..t m.rlr.,.. ,918' Bt 3 : C0 ',lo P "
iv -M-..-H - im. ..r.or h.. 'how "" lf "X y have.
...I.. .- A -i.h. , i,ih "' M element. Executrix of the
ll:St a. m of said day. it the mala
entrance door of the Malheur County
Court House, at Vale, Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
or bidder for cah, th following
MM!!-. :f rL..IHl.u Xt.. I v.... .1.1 J..
Ing the 1st. 3d. 3d and th regular - " described real property, towlt
riiB.i.i hall ntl (.u.-m mm i.mAm at ,1...
....I Ik. tSth lh I,l .,.,1 llrf ... " "- ..-! a,. ...- u, ii-
tlonal guard. General
nouuceil that It was the
The Houthwcst Oneinarter of the
March an hov" ,n,1"" ' ,''r'- directing and ' ,"""" '"-'-""
March afl- Northeast One iiusrter, Sei t cm Six,
4M HiviNion authorising her. an sue h Executrix, i ,. ' ' ..J
-a Jiviloa Township 18. South Range, 47 Bant
iou.1, me, and defeated th. Prussian . PMlc auction, for cash. I Meridian.
guards during the present week.
the InteVcut of deoedeat In the W 4
..nh-rk.tlon of American of ,u" WH of Sec. 9. T 19 B. R 47
In Malheur
County, Oregon, and all water right
troops during July broke all records. K w M "' Melbeur ounty. Ore-
connected therewith consisting of
letabattw rf ila eakital ... s . S
... !..- .u...l H .. .. K- ... ' " -" ' "
It waa announced omcieny. more man - ,-"- , . . ' " the Owyhe Ditch Company.
SOg.ann . b.v... been .hlpisM. " J " '" " . Tak(m . ,J(Kl M .
graast iota, embarked to the K,"7'h" "u" w; Mr erty of th. ..Id .bov.-nMp
end of July baa passed the 1.200.000 Klashl. Judge of the ( ounty ( our. . f.niUnU or ,, . , ,
m.rk Th. prevtou. high monthly Ihaur ounty. Oregon, and the BWM(lry , ., Md Judtmwit
record was for June when 17O0, " 1 "our,, this 8th day of ,,,,, f , . J, "
men were sent oversees. August, l ll. . .nd aeaiw.i Hi. .u. ...... ... rtaa-
-r-.. -...w.. ...
ants, with Interetrt thereon, together
with all coats and disbursements
(illicit v 1. 1. jin nuiiilici tour is coining al
M-hctlulf time. The task is to be bigger than
ever before, hut it should he more vasilv
comlinlieil for American have become ac
customed to buying bonds now. Aud what is
more, wt have a million and a half men in
Frame. Thev must he suiiMrted. Mow is
the time to yet feadv to make your plans for
doubling vein- orevioiiM imrehases in
tn liitwrtv lioiids.
U. S. WAR LOSS OVER 15.000
Sunday Casualty List I. L.nfeet Y.t
Washington. - Army and marine
corpa casualties reported fro. over
seas during the week ending Sanday
Increased 1480. compared with 1099
the week before Total caaualllee re
ported ar. 15,196. Including Sunday's
army list of gtS the largest number
yet reported In a single day and ma
line corps list ot two.
While as rag no flgurea on casual
tlee In the great allied offnnsiw m
Attorney for Executrix
Count clerk.
MKH I i:
i ovsiiut-rioN-
1 olt HI OH.
The Coiiiuioti Council of th. City of
Ontario. Oregon, wlU receive aealed
bids at UM I'm Hall. In said .
to eight o dock p m. on SsSSM
1919, for the furnishing of all mater
ial for and the eonxtrin Uos ol Trunk
Hewer No. I according to the plans
that have or may ac rue.
Dated at Vale. Oregon, Auguat let,
Malheur County, Stute of
First publication August lot. 1911.
I&jrt publication AuguM z9th, 1911.
u ,l snuilfln.HAn I. - - J - a I
which America, troop, are pl.ylm - ' "- '"--- IN THK MATTER OK T.IK
iiictmiis part, the Increase ' .
urauiic ciiKiueer, lu.v on Hie In the
office of the city liecorder at aald
uil aouy Rata und
due In pci to this fighting The la
crease for the week waa List. The
corn 111 Increased only it
for the seven days
CITATION TO ill tits
In tie (ounty Court ot the State of
Oregon for Milluur County
l(llulMl W.
To Eva a Vaiiderhlll
l It Hall. The route f the proposed A T.7. . , " ' """",u "
8ew.r 1. a. follow. Begin,.., M,?-"rMt' V'vU" C Vuderbllt. and
th. center of Wyoming Avenue at IU '-JrT Uak"Wn "' :":'"-
Wilson Urge Suffrage.
Washington Ki.. of the flu
aaa h Anthony suffrage amendment
to the federal coustltuUon Is caarac
terlsed aa a "great and now critical re
form" in a letter written by Preside t
Wilson to David H.lrd, th new sen
ator from New Jeraey, ask lug the aea-
atur to vote for the ameadmeat.
iHilnt of lull-rue. 'Mem vilth th. all.)
In Block 89, If extended, them
nig la a northerly direction along
its id alley to its point of lateraection
with Idaho Avenue, thence westerly
MIK 1' UlnV
It appears that alter all Toistov's nrt.
diction of a strong man from the East who
will Win th.- war is to he fulfilled in AlexatK
der Kcrciiskv. The once deposed leader of
tiie uiisMaii iii.ilc is ireMtnng for a raj
.c.i.aiaii. . mi tli I Red hv teal
iv! of !;
maj till the time of Ins Ufa,
Moit . uskv .
vials - No. 1 wait feed. $99 per tan.
ilarley - Slaudaiii feed. 994 per ton.
I Whole. 175; cracked, 974
Hi. Timothy 34 per ton. alfalfa.
i i i.-m . 4a par la.
Kggt Kaiic.i 44c par doaen.
-, sa3t per
ileus. Sa24c: broilers.
Butter l ream. -r lb.
Kgsa Ranch tUe par doaen
l'uul try lieu, heavy, dressed, So,
llgbl. tic; broiler. 3(c. rooster,
iaed. IT, ducks, live Jtte, draaaad
Hy older of tho above entities
i each and all of you are hereby
1 to uppaar before the ec titled
court iu the County Govt room la
the Court House at Vale, Malheur
County , Oregon, at 3 o clock In the
afternoon on the tth day of August.
1919, to show cause, If any you have,
why Andrew Vaudrbil utninim.
iMyarttsxeat af tba latertur. V. S. tor of the eatate of WU1U a Vmm.
1 Office at Vale, Oregon, Jaly Iderhllt. decaaaad. aa aueh .d.i.axM.
33ad. 1918 Notice is hereby given tor shall not be aat.tled aud directed
that Albert K Wooldrldge. of n g, ... ,.,d.r ot thu court to gall cp
tarlo, Oregon, who. on February 9th.,iti Iull prop,,, f the aald eatata
1915. made Homestead E.. ,0 w, ,h, ,(lUk(MJJ)aM the,,r.
03947. for BNBK. NW HNE,. which said real aetute U deanlbad W
NBHNWH. SaatJan 19. Tt.wn.hlp fn.w., tewlt:
17 South, Rang 47 Ka.t, W 'ilium.- Northwaet Quarter of Section
Meridian, haa filed notice of Inten 81. Township 1 South. Hang
lion to make final Three Year proof, I 4T K W. M.. Malheur , ,,,Btv
cu cwhihwii ciaim io ine land akove :
iloacrlued, before Ragtster and lie
elver, U & Land Office, Vale, Ore
gon, on the 18th day of August,
11 44,
claimant name aa witness;
R. R Robtaou. of Payette Idaho;
I Howard McKlnaun. ot Payette. Ida-
bo; Pearl Crane, of Ontario. Oregon; Morgan, of Ontario. Orogon.
Oregon, containing 169 84 acre.
more or leas
WITNBfB the honorable Oeo. W.
McKnight. Judgo of the Coanty
Court of Malheur County, Oresoa.
with the aaal of said County Court
affixed this Utli day of July. 1919.
(Seal of County Clerk of Malheur
count. Couuty, Or
'Court )
By Roy Smith.
Bag later
Ma, goea. live. 37c, He