The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 08, 1918, Image 1

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The Ontario Democrat.
liltWMATF.D SO II. I soMi;.
PltF.SF.Vr mill HI II
tend main to tair ground
Hi i i) m vi s i i tut anm m,
H Actio Taken on lirlumlim Najteu
B-I'i'' Tlmt 1'i-olilcrii . lo cu
Hcoum il mikI Additional MkBaHcara,
In hi
lAs 1 No rCKUll of thfl ilelll ernllnnu
follow III,-
casta per thousand, with h mini
P'1" Ol II I"'- Illillllll. -', I four
niisunil at 20 centa nar thanaamd!
four thonaand, l :. oaata ut
DUaand for thn fourth ihouaan.l
ii w r in i mnrmra wmks
MfH .IfiWAtill 4nrw.lau diif...rl JL I
.v.vrll UIUI' c, TIIOI I III- -
tandaal Of tba knitting depart
has asked Unit w a rn in t.
given to the knitter of the On-
tarlo Chapter who have Man
tying knnta In the nocks turned
lately Thle la contrary to thn
rnlea and those who cannot
splice ynrn are urged to come 4.
to Hie rooma to nee how It 1
AUo the Chapter would like '
lo hsve knitter, turn In com- i
pleted socks no Hint a shipment
can no forward It I neceaeary 4
now to new a I ng on each Mat
showing Hie inapt from which
It In turned In Thla In a bits
tank am! If the shipment In to pa
forward promptly knitter i
hoald rapon
NO. 32
OUUael Olios' Imi V(il
I M.lsl IS mi fUH , ,,,.
I ndir IHiin i,,,i ,i,.
I 11 1 1 ill st.u,., ( 1,11,1 v,.f,.,.
NM, Mollicr I lull I mlrr
takes Teak.
lie,,,,,-,! ,,f I oninreli l(. CMaJpnajsa In M llx-l
IppitraUoej Irj Tlnme
If your bahy In underweight 11ml 1
not thriving, or If he r she Ik a per
f'" 1 hnby ihh of course they are In
Parant'l estimation), next week
U tin. Km.. t determine that I
Undar the dlrwtioa of the United
Malheur fount v must furnlwh
PPJM at udent nurse for the
demand 1 mud b I
fenslvc. "ot er there .In I
many the County muat proviih
Hie Arum does not know, but
applications can be secured from
Mrs. H C Smith ai th.. M..r..
The 1918 Pair catalogue la belni; ' UriflMMII after PPW a'otoii
Tbeae applications shouM hi
made out at once. Thle In a won
derful opportunity for patriotic
young women t ,,, ii,,,!.. 1,1,
tiounil ami made resdy for delivery
M the Argus goes to press The pre
mliim IIhI has been very Ihornlv n.
vised and shows increased premium
r the departments r l.ivc Stork ,l.
nuinnal nretniuma for vrii,n. u...i
procram ran fair
Stat- Bureau of Child V J 1,r",nM,m" r,,r v'"'"
inn .uiionai council of Defense all
the chlhlii'ii o Oregon an- m I,
'I "ml mi'fiHuri'ii b the phjraj
ha work bj to be
iin.ii dlktiicta iimi ii" 1
imrt for 1
innng the rlisnges In rules Is that
"llinlm.tliig Ma rule barring rape
IHng. .1,1,1,
KARNK1 OOI M 1 in , ,
AMUCM mOM IVTKI.miii , tl
niMiv, 111
IV w s s,
month. ,.
In tl
school dli
will lake place lit the High gi
of Onlarflo are In , 1, i. ,,.
tiiiii Tin- 1 . 1 . riaing
'" ' 'I'i'-l the weighing 1111,1
urlng mid examining
All effort will tin iiiiwlx 11,1. wb
. ,, - " " ' 1111s wens .. or B
II conls per thiMiantnl up lo I tin,- olw Mm l.aut-llanker ami 1 1 1 unilllee to Hal every child In n. ,, ,
OTOr IOO.OOO KMilnna II.. rv.1..' ...--!. tt .11 ... .. II. Jl.l.l.. ....... . "' ""
'", II hel ol
Unia inn.. 1 ,,,;.
"iiiiiriiH of tl..
ilty Is refi.Hte.1 in 1
or these special pt 1
Coplan of this catalogun, will ti .
Ballad upon appllcalloi,
tiiriea c m Kaaraa or 11 it rjonj
lass or may he secured direct at 11, ..
Malheur lair Only 1 ,l,l,to.,
Hils Section Thle nil I, PoafrUM
AllrnctloiiH I nun All -ildaa.
Milti.ur 1 '..iint.i rami Sell. l naii
,','r ' " 1 inii or
Interior IIinhikIiIm.
10 Over 100.000 galloua the ratal
III be u.ada by special contra, t
The council did not plaoa a rata on
rvloa during the Irrigating season
'o reasons for mla were riim,
It Hie aystem will not be used this
r and therefore the data by which
arrive at a fair rate Is lacklm:
Id second that a nam mil nrlll he
notarial, U III Plan) I2ih
Acres to Alfalfa, Koutli
More "1" district within the prescribed
f limits and will set an hour Brian H
will be examined If ant cbll.l 1
iomlltcil in meralgbi the parents art
Plans are being av....n.ri for .1,. ! U.ff n"r "" Ting It to th.
planum of 1 100 additional acres at, '"" , ""' for '"""nation when
the K. 0. D ranch south of Ontario r0"TB,nl' folln"a h announce
-BUY s I s
the K. . 1) ranch south of Ontario
Fred J Klesel, owner of the addl
" - "IWIIIII villi III' .
office before the Itllk Irrlnatlna ' n"' "'' W''lr" "" BM "f ",s
bteon which rightly should make the ! r,,,ro" right-of-way. will start ,. ,,
I,. nd machinery this fall to level the
Newer Ordinance Paaaed.
here being but one protest to Hie
alalde newer ordinance as read at
vlous meetings It was passed
r a change was made In the
umlarles, reuueated by VV K I.
Water to Kalr limunitv
A Kraser was present th
etlng representing the directors rf '
hair to reuueat Hiut (b water
ns be extended to the grounds.
ras found that 2200 feet of plpo
Id accomplish this uurooae. ami
Ibis pipe could be nn-.l from
old system. After some debeta a
mlttee cumpoaed of A. 1.. Cock
le 0 Vnal'elieii and VV I.. Til--
waa appointed to make arranno-
Bta for the extension This the
mlttee did on Tueeday and the
h has already been completed.
he addition of an udequate water
era. Including two fire hydrants
be a moat substantial Improve
It lo the fair inumli HaaMa
14 g fire protection and good nine
ng water It will permit Him
board to develop the ground by
ting lawns and trees Plans are
ady being made to beautify the
niida next year
BUY VV 8.8
-HAVK TO H. O. H. Mill HKI.P
land and get It ready for rron next
In a large degree the work will ha
done by tractors Mr Kleeel la fig
urine on the purchase of a big Holt
tractor and when with the .l.lli i.,,,ui
equipment contemplated arrives he
will be able to farm Hie ranch In
I mil a ma style With the addition if
the proposed 1100 acres
I property, Including Hie
will be the largest dev
tin Malheur count) .
While Mr Kleeel Is figuring 011 th-.
development ol I, In Malheur coll
property he is disposing of Ills big
ranch near Parma, offering It for sate
In NO sere farms.
The land which he expects to !
velop this fall la dei Isred to be
rich as any In the county A porti u,
of ll will be watered from the t i,e,.
ditch, for which he owns a, mile water
rlihta, while other portloua may be ('""'y halruieu of the Third l.ili-r
watered from rights secured 1
water in drainage systems
With the development of
K lean)
clnlty w
time and thus many thousands of i.l "" psirloilc. dut
added to thn ' r Hlacksby liumedialel) hea.m
K.iltyliig the local chainnai. In H
ment In next week's Arcus tn
exact time of the examinations -
The Imporlance of thla work eej
not be overestimated for the gtaMa. Maa, m-lmol - - -
lira ahow H,.i i nigii ex I tool la to Have (.10, nasi
Hu, Z , ' 'ry ,V"M -Blultlinip. H..ln P, , Tip
liables dlea each year from prevents- I .. p
live rauaea The Information whl. ',
sum examinations will reveal. It .
certain will gajaej many hablea lire
BUY W.g.8
it. Ilia, kali) u. Head lonely
loiirtli l.llH-ri) lawn laMea
liailtMail l.keHlM
II) -apKilBlel.
Aiiuiiunceiuant was received lodai
from Kilward I'ookingliaiu of I'm.
land of the re-annolniiiieut of all
...t, y loan to that
1 Fourth campaign inn tor the
At a meeting of the Hoard of Its.
mn held this week it waa decided
t.i open the Ontario achoola 011 Sep
teniber Hi th first week after the
Fair. The schools alii operate only
five days a week this year thru
months unless an emergency pre
sents Itself
Head Janitor Frank Handle) haa
bean busy the past few weeks geltlti
tin buildings In first-class ahape in
the opening of school. Kvery room
has been fumigated, every desk In
the school system has been scrubbed
and treated to a new coal of varnMi
The floors have been re-olled ami c ...
. uaioinary auuual repair, made.
A floor Is being put in the infill
Ished spine In the high school ulitil,
will provide a auiall hut badly need
ed gyniuasluni. While ihi. room will
hoi ne larae enough for an Int.i
The M,e ,,f the tihlaholn, , ,,,,,,
''Hi. M 11 bai always been known.
to It. II. llrown of Harney mum 1..
J H Seaward for f 16,000 show
more MaphaUcally than snytiim,.
else what Malheur County Irrigated
fnrms are worth
Thla sale waa consummated last
week and the transfer waa completed
hoitl) afterward Mr. Brown tak
the ranch. ith the preset.'
There are ISO acrea In the piece and
the price per acre therefore was
The sale brings to light another
Interesting fad concerning Malheur
county landa Despite the fact Hist
this ranch lias been cult hated fui
many years ll la richer today Hun
ever It was. For more than 13 years
the annual crop or alfalfa raised on
this ranch has been from 1000 in
1300 tons. In other words at ore..
em pricee the crop In una year is
worth half the purchase ii I, 1
If there In anv teeth... ..i , ..
-' ---- '
8am a domain that can aurpass thle
record local iiuilun .11. . are of the
opinion that ll uiu.t be a gold mine
Directors P. 3. r.'nilaahar ...,., l..l.
of Hie Fair board ar.
1 lour
11 hoi ,,a ai-.
and foil.. . aennann.
ich lurrcr iiumbei .,r 1
n mill 1 ,,,,
'""' ""f hereaa will he brought bj
lor the ralr ths'i evej- before
lhe Darnel and Hie Hamewny
strings from the Welser country are
mil the Suae ailing will
I. be on deck to gin them pa
petition, while 1, -trong renreaeata-
tion of Barney county horaenn n
will compete and exhibit here this
year owing to the abandonment el
the annual Harney Count) Fair thla
year Burkaroos and riders re,
Warney are planning also to atlend
en masse end the entertatnmenl
along thla line promises to be the
beet In Hie history or the Fair.
There will, of oouran, he the u.u 1
number of apeclalty races such an 1
male race, wild horse race, Itoinnn
race and relay racea which Proved
Interesting last year
Following Is the speed program
lor the ajeajt
Mr Cookiuabaii, suholaallr sanies il ahoiild unoiile
During the War 8lamp drive In
June and July, about 3300 people
.milled themselvea of their oppor
t unity to buy War Hlaiiipn. a prelf
September to
1. t:IS. Trot or paoe, 3 beat:
t. t:30. Paoe. Imrsea never tmrMA
starter; $.100.
3. Quarter mile dash; $60.
i Half mile race; f
Men 'a relay race,
lllrla' relay raoe.
Hoys' pony race
Wild mule race
W.-lnrMla). Sepl. II
Ii the development of the notified the chairmen that be wouhl place lor some Indoor phyaical train good showing for our county mi fui
tracts east of the railroad It l ""' require a letter of acceptance for Ing and military work during Hie im.i us numbers of kajeejeg In concerned,
le that other lands In Hist v. '" was taking It for grained n,.,: weather. hut their eotntilneil pledges amount to
will folluw In the course of liey would not decllue to perforin' HCV WH only $110,000. when we should hato
ml Ibua mail) Ibouaauda of ol ' lU' pal 1 lot ii ,lui , Mr pa Hedges MUII iluilrilM' ODI,IN,
dltlonsl acrea will be
wealth producing lands In the vicin
ity of Ontario.
BUY W.I.8.
lilt. 11 SM'MIMtl. CAItKTM
merry parly of blcycllala lour
to Vale Uunda) or ration
of them did The early con-
of Joe Meaaee, Paul Ihtubeu-
Itonovan Poorman. Kidou
er and Jainea McCrelrht Tm
thla aide of Vale Bldon's and
machines developed enalue
Ihiea and refuaed tn go any fui
They urged the others to gnj
they would soon follow. In
th ItlllM. ,11,1 I...I allnu .1.1
." ..... .l.I.l,lll,- ...
..1.. . .. uremenls taken prior to August 1 r
Ight or the two stranded on the
I " - - .1. , 10 "let the suits can get here lor the
to disturb their aoml iim km '
ed themealve. lo the utn.o.t "fU"ia' "' CUu"
In I V VV K M ,. t
TO 1 u.iir FHl'otNlAN
At a meeilni or a bunch of the
High School boys held last Krhl...
evening they selected Hie material
and placed the order lor uulfnni'i.
with The Toggery The unlforma are'
to coat $13.61 complete The bejel
may be measured any lime now, ami ,
the officers of the organisation .le
aire thai all the boys get their nieus
ureiuents taken prior
various districts Into which Hie oouu
ly was divided of their reapi...
ment on that baals The local oem
mlttee chairmen are authorised 1,.
appoint their worker
HIV W 8 8.
Irom the interim last week in.
tarlo, where aim met hi r I
in HeiU'. , vtho Max on i 10111 diyi .
furlougli In 111 1 amp Pike. Atkui.
Dr Hedges
H h
iian since r- '. I 1 in i It.
gvlng Vale late In the afternoon
again passed Eldou and Jim
IMaorted that at that time Hiev
their wheels apart. A few miles
rrleer foumi
waa a lawyer he tual Hiuiled aud aaid
""" - iiaea Mr .. m ... i,,,,, ,
Tliey will put you where yon can i-...,. ,i..rii, n,. ,....i...
. , . "" "urlng tlie ioiuiiik - ., ,, . e, thru O11U.1 lu
erve beat. 'lira i'iMn,,. iu 11... ,.... ...
Wllaon, atiorney and Ma) or
nt N'vaaa liak Mnllaleil lo tfatil ll...
jather side of Mallett Jo Meaaaa'Huos Mr Wilson who has s 1
Paul Dauheublrger's wheelK ! chant tor drivlug sutoa eudea..
at tor reoaire and their nwii-iiuAaM a i.ia ta h .au.ii. i.,h
walk 1.. -A. .1.-1... .... ... ... . ... .
-. . -.""I iu b" iii imi ine recruinna
ry ioois Hon I'ooruisu came
Unlarlo alone and at halt
nine the other two arrived l.ate
ke evening J. C McCreiglu ami
Fortier were celled to coame t
rescue of their respctive sous aud
boys reached home el lt;46 p.m
eu Joying an eetleee day apent
er the hot aaa among the sene-
nd rocks fifteen mile
The boys will try the trip
the touting Sunday.
aad Mrs. John Hoke and chil-
1 are over tutting this week baa
vith Mr and Mrs Ueo ll
In a card trom Itay Wiloi,
ed thla week by the Argiia lie telln .,t
lhe Joytul trip he. Mrs lYUttaa ,1,1
Joe had across the continent Aside
finill a nine dsv ilalav in Moni.i, .
due lo a broken hearing
went beautiruliy
In nil be said that lie had travelled
3031 mi lee. In itinera to othei
friends he deilared thai risliiug was
fine and that the Middie Meat w
"S4)tne 1 oiinlr.
Mr and Mrs Wilson MgagsM 1,, ,
turn to thin necttaej of the VVesi In a
month or six weeks.
Mrs K J I'leuio and
Misses Margaret ami An,,.
are leaving ir Porilaml 1
wnere 111.
One principal isuhu ol the ,1. ih-n
between our limit, and out plmlges,
Is lhe fact that many of our pluto
crats considered the War Stamp busi
ness tor "s hool khln mil)' and were
holding up In anticipation ol the
III.. 1 iv II, mil ,rl thla fall, we had
Mrs. Hugh Allen returned from "'"f ."'"- "",",'r ' "'""
It,,, ,, KI....I... .h !... .., ,,u,,' ' " ''"vera ol 100 alamps.
ol Mi' Allen Shoe S.ore .ale,,,,., " " ""',l "",
during the wee. -m , liu.el.i tat
real aucceae Mi- III,, I., '". $ M
retuin i.ip rron, Barns .lib Jodie ""' "w
snd Mn imi. on Blgge la their c, "", r"un, 'l'""1" '""
iilsbed Iieui Iv a Inn, ili.. I tor the
1:30 I'sie. I hoala; $301.
t:10 Trot. .1 heata; $.100.
Halt mile m i n I nt ri
Three-elghtlii. mile runnliiK
Ulrl s pom race.
Men's relay apt
Olrls' relay no .
same to Ho
War Slump
funda go to
Mr. and Mrs Stewart. Iiiriuir.i
the Hi! or Ontario bin more nccnil) nl
llolne II lied III the B) K III
friends tor a louple or days 'hi
limit club, but dldii 1
Auyway the catitpi I lirougbt lo
light a lot or dandy . orkem that
1 .nl 1 before been active in niU' b
r Hie war work; among Hie schoo
w... -... iney ... .or ..., , prki, ,, (.H rh( of
l;;1;;; "IU - ,, . r.,
most a. live and Inlellliceut people ..
" lhe County mid their work Ik
li Slid Mrs Ktiiiir) Hill pad credit to 1 1,.- conimunin anil In BIT
uiiughter. Ml Delta, and mother ,.aM. t. cawnnlt) rallied
ami iiiati I lamia and Mra ,,,, ,eiiionalrate.d
Julia 11. ,r.. returned to their Itensi
minis lln gum
nier at Hal I
Ml ami Mra
matrvt - - . .. ...
. vw. ar. 1 .mn lu ... ..- ....
' " iuiuk "" ii
D ,v 8 lwts to visit her buabm, I
Mr. and Mrs C Ii Plnney reeelv- ,,,,., (lll Mgo lu ,hi () ,
ed a letter a few days ago from U( y 4
their eon who has been on' K -UUWM,r BDll v)
tbe firing line in Frame ainee the AUea Stausaer. or Via lease,
ttnd of June aad the youui man is vUitlng at present with Mr .. ,1 M
Beneew email fta aaaxnoa ailCet &, I lie ossi w Hiul h.
v 9mimmmmwi. weeaa ss. wVJF ,.w-.j , .. Ml naVHlaau U. . . . . .
M -. , , an .-,. m in--! ai I .lMWok IlkIM nuMk ' lev ka. I II ra.klil-1. ut a.
are keeplag the Boche amovl !M, .,, ar . ... ,, ' .
- ,,. - - I eaatwi unir nnu tier UWC IUI W Jl 1 '
it It 14 a,arLaM
Misa laeole Childera returned Sun
day from a visit with her 1
Mies l.ualle Blaca nt the reach ili
a) home in I'.iok in after .
of weeks' vsi alion at
l.aUea. Mi also .
. Brogan, accompanied ihem
mrt kin 1 Aker nl
1'iirllaad wr visiting here lor a rev
towards home. He writes that "il Is
the life and the farther I go aad the
more 1 see of ll over hare ibe hatter
I like it The tallows over there cer
laialy don 1 know what ihet are mlsa
king their liome
Aker's house
ill Mr- 1 ai 1 e
8 F Helton and Thos. 1 urabuli ,r
Moorevllla wtr Interior vlaUora in
town Tuesday
to il llle u
Hist their heart
ami pocket book, wen- hoi Ii open to
il our gin 1 1 nun ut
The work ol the loiint) 1 hau, f ,
aea exceaalie loi .mi- man hi
'lldli . In. 1 It I -isui.
ork and . , 1 ., .
St en I avi 11. an
tiuile 1, iijiiiIi. 1 ,,; .:,.,. ,, 1
i..M at all. but with 01 . , .., (.I,,.
I.- liKalril 111 the ilrotllli S. .1
itid cauuot be blame tin ,
iilollc ami wain In nelp nl. .
ply .'anion
Progan, Cake. Janneson. Junlura,
Harper and Weslfall made in,,. ,u,.
lugs, so did one dint i in u, ilia Bam
aud one oa the Owyhee, many other
did Well The districts in win
three largest towus are embraced
are the dlstrluu that fell down bard
at in War Stamp pledgee, Nyas.
Wild home race
Thiuxla), Sept. II.
Kilui ationsl diiy.
IIU). Septe,., IB
I Free for all imi ,., pajae) $gpe
t. 1 1 30 Pace, Inn d lu
second event on Tueds) ; $304.
I tjuarier mile dash. $10.
I llulf in 1l- 1 11 n ii t n i ii 76
I Hair mile ruuiiiiiK ritce- lo'
Write for iui . I rules regard
Ing relay NM
Amur in, ii Honing rnlea on l.
aa raeee.
Special rmi" nMMta up laAM
Kutrlea close night beiore ra
Ten per lent entry fee on hsrn -
e.nt Five lo enter, ;l to start
HOI. II Ml list. IT tl I
The annual 'I -titule do
Mullleur I mini) ill In l.eld at V.
on Sepi. ,,. and A according
to an announce!! enl le Hit
by Misa Fay CI I , , I y sop
tan dial or thank
in w
Word was l
Misa Dean Oroutl fro ll mi br
I'rull, ol his ,.i,iii, , i ii,. i .,, ,
serge ,i,,i oo,,,
.' in Dr. lo is siailone.1 at I'tnn
in liis nrea lit ttui
I Ii, the in, lllcal l i ; ut I
IP, Utnoagli leat
oiin aha ago he made rapid
ii" ' racelt iuy. lhe rank of
pi.r.l a fen dm. after urilv
Mr i ml Air- I rank 2-llar return
d Ihh ii.'u. a fishing
i i'ayt lie l.ukos
showing belter Hub Vsle u ..
Nyaaa Lad Mtll 10 $:. V l.,i V I.
end tl ' II fur i .Oi.