The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, August 01, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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"hospital brevities
Brook of Council, Idaho, had
II removed laOt Thursday
able to return to Ma home
Bran of Nysea la a patient
d here laat Thursday.
Mahel Rodrlgues of Ontario
pernlod on Saturday hut la bet-
tor I
tho aaM City Council ahall thereupon
appoint softie, competent person an a
An ordlnanoa declaring the Inten- . oomralawloner, whoae duty, after tak
tlon of the Common Council to cauae : tag the necessary oath to faithfully
to be constructed a Trunk Rawer to
ha known aa Trunk Sewer Mai S, de
fining the area to be served by aald
aewer; describing thf route along
which It la to be constructed; girlng
tke oatlmatea of the coat thereof;
levying a special aaaeaament upon
the property benefited thereby; pro
perform hla duties, ahall be to ear
fully and equitably apportion the en
tlra ooata of aurh Improvement not to
exoaad the amount of the contract
.'.warded, between the different pieces
of prqperty adjacent to and benefited
by aald Improvement, and thereupon
said commissioner ahall prepare an
vldlng an opportunity for property aaaeaament roll, giving the names of
cant and prnpertv owner does hereby
waive any and all Irregularities t,r de-
described real property. to-wlt
The Southwest On '-quarter of the
fenses. jurisdictional or otherwise In , North wast One-quarter. Section
rgll and Leslie Jackson of Jam-
had her tonslla removed Tues-
Hater Helen McUulgan waa Ofot
H on yeaterday for appendicitis.
Ouy Davis of Payette, who
I operated on a couple of weeki
was able to leave for her
ke laat Friday.
Dee Yaaae waa a Klvervlew pa-
It admitted here Sunday
lies Iva Horn is a patient who
to brought to the hospital from
syette last Saturday.
The student nurses of the hospital
Id a picnic In Arcadia grove Mnn-
ky and all enjoyed the holiday Im-
lensely. Their only regret was that
ich days do not come more often
111 the calendar
Hlatere M. Teresa and M Dolores
M In Maker Monday to attend a I
treat held there at l ha academy nf
t Francis
owners to proteet agalnat aald pro-
poaed Imprevement: providing for the
manner of making proposals to con
struct aald aewer; providing for the
manner of making and collecting UJm
assessment therefor and declaring
an emergency.
LOWS: SKi'TlON 1. That a local Improve
ment ahall he made within the City of
Ontario, County or Malheur, State of
Oregon, by the construction of a
Trunk Hewer, to be known as Trunk
Sewer No. 3 of the City of Ontario.
which said aewar ahall serve the resi
dents and property within the follow
ing deacrlbed beundaries: Com
mencing at the Northeast corner of
Lot Two (I) of Section (3) in Town
ship Eighteen (18) South. Range
Forty-aaven (47) Eaat of the Willam
ette Meridian, thence running South
to the Southeast corner of the North
east Quarter of the Southwest Quar
ter of Section Ten (10) In Township
Eighteen (IS l South, Range Forty
seven (47) East of the Willamette
Meridian, thence running West to the
the owners, the description of the dll
ferent pieces of property assessed,
and the amount of benefit asaeased
to each of aald different pieces of
property, which assessment roll n i
the proceedings to construct the sew
er for which said assessments Is lev
tod, and In the apportionment of the
coats thereof aald application shall
contain a provision that the aald ap
pllcant and property owners agree tr
pay said assessment In ten (10) an
81.. In tic County Court of the 8tote ol
East Oregon for Milhour Count.
To Eva A. Vanderhllt. Roland W.
Vanderbllt, Vivian C. Vanderhllt, and
to i II persona unknown or cancerna4.
By order of tho above entitle
soon after the appointment of such pllcant assessed for the a
commissioner aa It ahall be praotlr- of aald sewer No application shall
able to do ao, ahall be returned and
filed by such commissioner In the of
fice of the City Recorder and there
upon any Interested person or proo
erty owner who shall be dissatisfied
Township la, South Rsnge. 47
Willamette Meridian, in Malheur
County, Oregon, and all water right
connected therewith consisting of
twenty shares of the capital stock of
the Owyhee Ditch Company.
Taken and levied unnn as the nron-
nual Installments, with Interest at the erty of the aald above-named de
same rate on all of said assessment . j fondants, or aa much thereof as mav
which have not been paid as that ai-lbo necessary to satisfy sild judgment I court each and all of you are hereby
pressed In the honds Issued to pay m favor of the Plaintiff. L King . cited to appear before the entitled
for such improvements Said 1011 and against the above named Defend-court In the County Court room In
cation shall also coviraln a statement, ants, with Interest thereon tnsetho. m, nn, ti .. tr.i- -.....
with all costa and disbursements County, Oregon, at 3 o'clock In tho
tW have or may acme afternoon on the 2th day of August,
Dated at Vale. Oregon. August 1st, 1918. to show cause, If any you hava,
1,18 why Andrew Va iderbllt, admlnlrlra-
BEN J. HHOWN. Sheriff. tor of tho eatato of William A. Van.
Malheur County, Stnte of dorhllt. deceaaed, aa auch
Oregon tor shall not be entitled and d I rooted
first publication AugusMst, Islfi. by nn order of this court to aall
by lot or him ks. or other convenient
description, of the property of the an
he received and filed by the cm Ra
corder If the amount of such asset,,
ment with any previous assessments
for street Improvement or sewer.
assessed agalnat the same property
with the apportionment of the cost of and remaining unpaid, shall equal n
said improvement shall have the op- exceed the valuation of said proportv.
portunity and be required within ten I as shown by the laat lax roll of t If
Laat publication August 20th, lis
(10) days after the filing of Mctl
aaaeaament roll by aald commissioner
to file with the City Recorder, In writ
ing, specifically and clearly any ob
jection that auch person or proper' v
owner may desire to- urge again it
such apportionment.
SECTION B. At the next regaTlar
meeting of the City Council, or at
any special or adjourned meeting,
after the expiration of said ten (10)
daya. or at any time to which the
hearing of the objections of said sp
Hal assessments may be adjourned.
the City Council shall act as a board
County In which It la situated The
majority of the owners of the proper
ty ao assesaed ahall select a compe
tent person to Inspect such Improve-
tnents under the direction of Hie Clli I.cster E. Pureed, plaintiff, vs. Edith
l-.nglneer of such City provided, that
application for auch bonding shall he
I veil hy the city Recorder In such
cases where the atiiMint of the assess
ment, together with previous assess
ments for street improvements or
tain real property of the said estate
to pay Hie Indebtedness thereof,
which said real estate Is described M
follows, to wit:
Northwest Quarter of Section
It, Township In South, Rang
47 E W. M , Mallrur County,
Oregon, containing 159 14 acrea,
more or lees.
WITNESS the honorable Oeo. W.
McKnlght, Judgo of the County
Court of Malheur County. Oregon.
M Pureed, defendant.
To Edith M Pureed, defendant:
OREGON, you are hereby required to s with the seal of said County Court
appear and answer the complaint in affixed thla lath day of July, ltll.
(oiii'ty (erk of Malheur
IllM.lw.VA .ntlllml I'tmrl mntt kmiiu am
sewers against the property land ro- . , .. ' n.i
K. or before tho expiration of the time '"," "
malnlng unpaid), shall exceed thai ..... - ... ,
e i .--, i ill ine iiinri nil ill! ii I i n- -...
Main tract of the Oregon Short Line' f equallxatlon and ahall give each
Pentecostal Chnreli of tho Nasar ,.
Her. 8. I Flowers, D.D., Pastor
Order of Service.
Sunday school 1 a. m.
Preaching 11 a. m.
Peoples Meeting 7.11 p. to.
Prays meeting Thura...... 7.
You are welcome to these services
BUY W.8.8.
1:30 a. m , Low Maaa.
10:10 a. m . High Maaa.
:1ft a. m . Catechism for the boys
and girls
BUY W.8.B.
Bible School. 10 a. m.
Divine Worship, 11 a
B. Y. P. V.. 1:16 p. m.
Gospel Service, 9pm
Prayer meeting Wednesday. 9 pm.
Rav. Chaa. Rlom, Pastor.
BUY W.8.B.
railroad, thence running In a North
erly direction alrftig aald tract to
I Snake River, thence running In an
easterly direction along the meander
I Ings of Snake River to the point of be
ginning, all nf the area described
lying and being wholly within tho
corporate limits of the City of Ontario.
SBCTION S. That aald Trims
Sewer No. 3 ahall be constructed upoi
the following etreeta, alleys and un
platted land, to-wlt:
Reglnnlng at the center of Wyo
ming Avenue at Its point of Interae. -tlon
with the alley In Block 19. If ex
tended, thane running In a northerly
direction along aald allay to Its point
I of Intersection with Idaho Avenue,
theme westerly along aald Idaho A'
jenue to Ra point of Intersection wltu
, the alley In block 7 5 If extended
thence Northerly along aald alle
1 to the north boundary line of
I the original Town of Ontario aud
I the aouth Una of Lot Two ( I of Sec
tion Throe (8) In Township Eighteen
(ill) North, Range Forty -seven 147 i
Eaat of the Willamette Meridian. ed lndlcatlnE lh, pprtlonmeul
Sunday School, 10 o. m
Preaching, lip
Rev. Earl Manna. Pastor
BUY W 8.8.
thence In a northerly direction
through said Ixt Three (3) to Snako
Rlvor, all of aald Sowar route lylrnr
and being within the corporate limits
of the City of Ontario
SECTION A That an estimate of
,. .i , .,u ..uprur-mini .,. -t. known ,0 ,, iucrder. the de
ascertained and determined by Louis ',, of lh. d,ff.,ni pp. ,
C. Kelaey. a civil and hydraulic en- property mmtmtMd. and the differ.,,,
linear, employed by the sold City ofltunount( ()f h .,,,, c.r,,
Ontario, to be the sum of Fifteen . , f ,. dlf,.r..,. .,.,
I nous
objector an opportunity to he heard
oa to the objections that have been
filed and ahall hear and determine all
auch objections that have hern filed
to the apportionment of such special
assessment, and ahall after each hear
ing, either confirm the assessment.
as Indicated by the assessment roll, or
if necessary to do so, shall first
amend Hie same before such confirm
ation, ao that the apportionment that
ahall be made and confirmed by the
city Council ahall be equitable and
Juat between the different pieces of
property benefited by said Improve
ment and ao that each aaaesameni
charged against any and all properly
aaaooood shall not be mora than the
benefits that shall have been con
ferred by aald Improvement.
SECTION . After the confirms
tlon of the apportionment of said
assessment by the City Council, the
City Recorder ahall forthwith publish
at least once In the "Ontario Argus,"
a weekly newspaper published In
-aid City of Ontario, a notice to the
property owners and persons Intereet-
said assessment between the different
piece of property, aa confirmed by
tho City Council, giving the date of
such confirmation, the name of the
owners of the property asaeased. ao
far aa the names of auch owners shall
valuation of said property, aa shown
hy the last tax of the County. If the
owner ahall before making such appli
cation pay In cash Into the treasury
of said City or County, such excess of
tlon to-wlt: on or before th expire- l ourl-
tlon of alx weoka from the date of tho!
flrat publication of this summons,.
and If you fail to answer for want
County. Oregon.
By Roy Smith.
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the
c" ,or "" "m """'"o " nn , ,,, (.ounty fourt of , 8ut of
complaint, namely for a decree of ob-1 Or0B for M(UllBur (l
solute divorce forever dissolving th,N THK MATTK OK THK E8TATB
.ruuu- u.,., e,e,,, ..u .,., HKT .. . l.KAVITT
Hon as shown by the last tax roll
SECTION 9 That (he issuance of
bonds to anticipate, and payable out
of the collections of the different In-
.ailments of said assessment shall he ,ow '' botween plaintiff and
governed by .and In all reapacts be In I "dant. 1 or the car and cua
acoordance with the nrovlsions of an,0' of CUr ' Purcel1 J,d
' I1baII ! .UIIJ.U. at '
Act of the legislature known as the!"' "" ""' w.urrn ... i.n-,tna --uu of g,th B A ii, d.
Bancroft Act " and entitled An Act nff nd defendant This summons la oad. baa rndred and presented
to provide for th issuance of bonds arvled upon you by publcatlon there- for Mttlemant and filed In aald
court hla Final Itoport and Account
Nntlc Is hereby given thai Will-
lam B. Laavltt, th administrator of
for the Improvement of street, ndloC for ooneoutlv weeks In tho
laying of sewers in Incorporated Ontario Argua. a wkly newspaper
cllls, and for the payment of the published In and of general circula
rs! of such imnrovements and the tlon. In Malheur County. Oregon,
.. - . .... .. - -l T .' ..
laying of sowera by Inslallments. The UBaBr "J virtue oi an orqer oi Vale, Malheur County, Oregon. In
same bolng Chapter V of Title XXVI. j " " Datton Biggs, Clroult Judge I the Coirnty Court room at Hi Court
of the administration of said oetato,
and that Monday, the 19th day of
August, ltll, at 8 o'clock p. ro., at
Wanted, a Ranch to Rent 1 want
rent a ranch of not la
aroa nor more than 100
no nu.uvu uu n iitk. - -,. .... . .
properiyi aaasoa. i lie i uy i uiiiii-ii
which estimate of the said engineer ,, h,v t 9omw ,ny ,,
.... uu .., w . . .l7 ..;.,...e . wU(m lrty )30) dayi( of th coJ.
and the whole cost and expense of ...,. , M.lieild -. .HnMmmn.
1 auaiii iiuiii in itirni snail iit- i ini'ti a nil .. .... ... . .
i than HO1 ro". ""I at the expiration of said
with full ""'u " 7 "" '"' '"-'" "" thirty days, except aa Is otherwise
lord's Oregon Low.
SBCTION 10. All of aald work
shall be done In accordance with the
plana and specifications for aald prr -
pooad Improvements, and which plans
and specifications are now on file In
th office of the City Recorder of the
City of Ontario, and which are here
by mad a part of this Ordinance as
fully aa though sat forth at length
SECTION 11 That all ordinances!
and parts of ordlnaocea In conflict
herewith be and the nam are hereby;
expressly repealed.
SECTION 13 Inasmuch aa tho
Cltjr of Ontario has long suffered by
reason of Inadequate drainage aud
sewerage, because r which the
health and safety ol the people of said
City haa been aud Is constantly ro-
duood and endangered, and Inasmuch
or mi .M.UI1 judicial iiismct or the House baa been duly appointed by
State, of Oregon Haled si chambers i Judge of aald oourt for the sett la
st Ontario. Oregon, the 11th day of men! of aald Final Report and Ao
March, 1911. count, at which tmle any person In.
Date of first publication. June J7, lratd In aald estate may appear
1919. and file exceptions la writing to Hi
Dale of laat Duhliiatlon. Auauat k. "ld '' HP and Account and
Attorney for plaintiff.
Residing at Ontario, Oregon.
si i I
Notloe la hereby given that a peti
tion has been filed with the Hoard of
Dlrootora of the l'ayit-Oregon
contest the same
Administrator of the Eatatg
of Bath K. A. LMvltt. Do
Date of first publication July m,
Date of last publication Angus!
IB, 19IS.
Iter right, for term of from one to
years Will pay rant by divle-
nj crops Will rent all alfalfa, or
Ifa and grain property. Have
long experience in ranching.
My to B21, Argus office. Ontario,
on Adv.I0-t
101 w S.B
til I It ( -OI'NTl VOL I N II t It-
le, led upon and equitably apportlon-
provldeil in this ordinance, the aoaoe.
i.w., .,. ,.r,u, .rce. . t ,,.,,, ,, ,,,
property ill said area heretofore de-!
Hcrlb-d SBCTION 7. No suit ahall be
Thai In order to afford the differ- maintained to set aside or modify any
ent property owners whose property audi r to ejl,i the city.
hj t he assessed, an opportunlt t., or P"r"n employed l, U
file anv nrotest anv such nronortv from "'aklng each Improvemant, 01
..Hue, ina;, desire to file against the
conatrui u. ... ol aald sewer provi.l. I
for in this ordinance. Hie City Id
" .order shall at once proceed to
erlff Ben J Brown telephoned i,Hh notices n. the , ,i,i,,rlo Argu.' s
trgua today thai Malheur OJoun- 'WMki. newsnaoer nubllshed In lbs
fumlah five ,',,. ,.r M,ilurli. ,.ne each KMk Ojk.
ad been asked m
larylng or (ollectlng any such a
in ii i or from Issuing Ix.n.l- or hiii
tealltig Hie valldit) th.r. t unless
Ml Nhall liave , oinuielii id with
In n, Irty (30) day. of the passage Oi
the ordinance confirming said assesa-i,..-n
i Provided, that in Hi event
liil.artiiirul of I he Interior, I . S,
Ijiud Of lice at Vale, Oregon. July
llnd. IBIS Nolle. I. Ii.r.l.v .lv..
hl,....u lr,ltfHll.... Ill--,-, k .. I
aa the season of summer Is now upon -r- .-... v, , . . ,m, Allf,r K Wool.lrldge. ,,r On-
u. and lh lack of adequate newer- Jwob. owner In fe of the fl- Ur,0, Or.,on. who, on K.bruar 9th.
agafor,,MUn Immediate menace to lo'n 0icrlbed lands, praying Bf ., m,d. on)Mle.a Kntry, N()i
the welfare of Hie people of said Cl'y. Ul" "lu" ' -aid land from the 03647 fof njaiaj N .,sKVl
this ordlnano Is thrfor ncaary , ,yan-Orgou Slope Irrigation in ,,-, '. .rWI11,M '
17 Soulli. Itange 4 7 East. Willamette
to Hie Immediate preservation of tl- ,rl"' '""
capable of general military ser- , wo im eoatoBjOaUIr weeks, a ropy of "v "P04''' aaaeaament shall be found
a gramma. t,,H ordinance Indicating that the '" '"' '0 or luaufflcleni In whole
who have at least
)1 education for training as
plumbers, black
lis, tinners etc These wilt re
for special training to the Bon-
Polytechnic school at Portland
toe are open for enlistment up to
Including August t, and if suffl-
volunteers are not forthcoming
Hat time a draft call will hi
to aupply the number lacking
man are to leave on August 15
following have been called to
Vale August 9: Loo Horace
Jamlaaon; Harry Howe, Nyaom;
c Johnson, Portland; J. A.
loock. Portland, William J Hyke.
Itoaon, and clareuce LaRoy BJPjr.
BUY W.8.B.
sale Two good second hand
thing Machine These ar bar-
la at McDowells.
utull will, on the 611, day ol "r "' "" ",r u"-v r""n wnaiever,
August, 1918. at a regular meetlm; " " ""ll:" ,,,-v " u" """' '"
thereof, bear and determine any"1" "" proyi.l.,1 i.., th laryiad
written prolesi against the , on n, '" '"' ''Otfinal assessment, cause a
tlon of' said Improvement that .,.,. "w assasament lo be made and levied
be filed before the day fixed for such "Hssli "hall have Ilka form and f
heariug. ''' "' "" "Hginal aaaeiaiment
SECTION 4 That If after the j SECTION 8 That Hie aggregate
vlnuq of an execution in fore
closure duly Issued by the i lerk of
the Cirenll Court of the State of ore
gon, for Malheur county, dated 29tii
hearing provided for In the foregoing amount of said aaaeaament for said of July A I) 1918. In a certain a.
section ahall have been had, and It Improvement. ,nd each Indlv uluul tlon in the said Circuit Court for aald
ahall have been determined by the assussment shall be payable within Slat and County, wherein G !.
health and safety of the
people of the City of Ontario;
and an emergency exists, and this
Ordinance shall be In full force aa.l
ffoot from and after its paaaage by
Hi Council .nul II approval h) the
the Council this 1st day
of July !!
Ap.i"'d by the Mayor this 1st following reaaous
day of Jul II , Krt)u 0,lni,
W i human, Mayor
Mte i
The northwest quarter of
southeast quarter, the aouth
west quarter or the northeast
quarter and l-ot 3. all In Section
II (Thlrtono). Township II
South, Range forty-seven (47)
East Willamette Meridian, Mal
heur County. Oregon,
on the lullowlug ground and (oi tfta
has i
I Meridian, lias filed notice of Inton
Hou to make final Three-Year proof,
jto establish claim to th land aliov
daacrlhe.l, before Itegut.r and He-
icelver, U 8. Land office. Vale, Ore.
'gon. on Hi 38th day of August,'
claimant names as witness
l( l( Itohlsou. of Payette Ida
Howard McKluuuu. of Payetn i ,
ho; Ppari Iran, of Ontario, Oregon;
aide nd la not now able, wit I '"' Moignn of Ontario, Dragon
! - -
rili i oi sin km i . -t i l
l (lltl CMSHI lit
Cti council that the conat ruction f thirty 130) davs after the coutirn,.,
Klug a. Plaintiff, recovered Judg
luenlvJigainat E J VanCourt. Alto M
aaid sewer shall b proceeded with, Hon of said a,easu,ent by the Cllv
the City Council shall fix a date not Council, as hereinafter provided Af- VanCourt. husband a nd wife, Bertha
less than one week from such time ter the explr.itlon or aald thirty (to) A Shilling and John Shillings, hu..
for a meeting of the City Council at davs said a - ment shall bear Inl -i hand and it. UoioadOl Hills. I H
which proposals of contractors to do est at the rato of eight per centum I'reeton and ii A Womliuau, aa Do
th work and furnish the .material ,s per cent i per auuuui, and shall he fondants, tor Ibo sum of Four Tin, un
necessary for the construction of said payable end ,-foi cable In all respvets and Dollars with mte,.
Improvement will he considered and as ordin ty City taxes Provided, from the I lth day of January. 1910,
tho contract for doing auch work and however, it shall be lawful for Hie re at th rate of 10 per cont per annum
Inline ditches, canals ami pumping
plant, lo provide water for the irriga
tlon of said lands; that said lands
nave bean Irrigated and thai li
Mould he more expensive in ine in.
trlii (o reconstruct its system Ld
order to proyldo for the irrigation ol
said lands than would he Jusiliied b)
tho annual and added ,eveii.
would b secured from aald land
through thelh aaot-ssmeul and pay
msnl of taxes theruoii, that aaid
lands, from the owner's point ol
vlw, can b more efficiently aud
u. onomically Irrigated from oilier
kouroa than th said irrigation sys
tem of the aald Dlstrici
All persons, therefor, who are in
Noll, e In ,nr hy given Hist, In
pursuance of Ordli $, of
the City of Ontario. I have taken up
aud Impounded the following de
acrlbed animal found running l
large wllhlii lha corporate limit of
Hie I it of uOtaihi, In Malheur
County, Stale of Oregon to-wlt
Drey tuare shout 30 yearu old,
weigh about lion lbs . branded l'h
A ou rlgbl hip, R on right should. ,
aud that I will on Monday the fifth
day of August, 1918. at the hour of 1
lerested (0, or who may be effected 0.cock , f ,,,,, (Uy )ffer fof
by th prayer of the petitioner, ar. , ,,, wll, mll mhnvt. (lBwrll,e(,
directed to appear at tho office of tto anlujl. ., liui,ii,. ., n., i n.e l.i.h.
Board of Director of aaid District
(the one-siory tram budding a,
the pumping piaut located lo tho SB
furnishing material will b awarded, specllve owner of any property so and Four Hundred Dollars attorney's ' qr of tho NW qr. Sec. 3, T 17 8, B
nolle of which meeting ahall be pub- .aaseaacd for auch Improvement in the
Baked at east once In a newspaper sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($35 09),
published In the City of Ontario not or more, at any time witbiu ton (10)
tons than throe (3) days before such daw after notice that such assaas-
i . . .
men have boea levlod. Is first pub
Hshed to fllo with the City Re
moating Such contract shall not be
awarded at an amount In zcon of
tho eetlmaie of th City Engineer
filed with the City Recorder Aftor
tho contract to construct th amid Im
of th City of Ontario, a written ap
plication to pay auab assessment In In
atollnianU. and sneh written applies
t ahall bar boon awarded. Don ahall atate that the aald sppli-
f and the further sum of Thirty
Dollar osts and disbursements
BY OIVEN that 1 will on (he 8rd duv
of RlOtoiuber, 1911, at (he I, our of
11 9ft a in of said day, it the main
entrance door of the Mali
Court House at Vale. Ore
public auction to the highest bidder
or bidders for caeb. the following
47 B. W. M , Malheur County. Oio
gou,) at 10 o'clock a. m. ou AugaM
lth, 1918, and show cauoo, lu writ
lug, if any lliey have, why th prays
of the pctltionar should uot be grant
ad (Signed)
Secretary Payette Oregon Stop
Irrigation District
No. Z9-31
at blddei . (or cash lu hand, si Kagle
Idvery Hani in said City of Ontario
Taken up this 8rd day of July,
Posted tills J.'.lti day of July, 1918.
City Marshal
U1 I
Five room house half block oortn
of school house on Morton street,
piano Im lu.led. fine shade, 111. (ft
per month I'hone M-tf-l 31 If