tAOS I THK ONTAJUO AfUBCH ONTARIO OAfiOOK. fattttBlMY. JTVVW SO, !! !" ' FULLY ALIVE TO THE NEEDS OF THE TIMES Bending every effort to the end that our Great Army of Patrons may always have the things they want when they want them at lowest prices consistent with high quality merchandise our buyers are now in New York and other centers searching for the Newest and Greatest Values for the money to be found for now and fall trade. You make no mistake now or in the future in tieing up with this concern, which for TWENTY ODD YEARS IN THIS CITY HAS BEEN GIVING THE PEOPLE OF THIS SECTION THE VERY BEST FOR THE MONEY FRENCH OCCUPY CHATEAU THIERRY Cornerstone in Line of Far thest German Operations Is Taken. Wllb ilif French Army In ti Chateau Thierry, the lururriiuur of tha lint of the fanlir.i Unman nil Vance, fell han lha French occupied the city, driving the Uermaua before thtm The t-uvuiy baa begun hie mirti aartbward under heavy preeaure hum all aldea. Krench. Americana and lit H Uh all participating lu the thruat Which la puahlng the Uermana back. The German poalltou lu lha vicinity f Chateau Tbleny waa doomed from the uiomeul their dlvlalona racroaaed tbr Marne. Kianco American troopa tarried out an u i l u( uiuveiiirut fiom tba. aorthweai at the aine (Ime which j gaade It abaolutaly urccaaary for the amy tu withdraw On tbr malu battle (It-Id bclweeu th. Alenc and the Marue the Uermaue I ggalu have baeu driven back a MtgM ! arable distance Thay have beau puab ad back over lha Solaeoiie Chateau I Thierry mail at aevarel polnta uorth ( lha (im.u South of the river under thr agaa hlaed preaaure of Krench tiuope ad Vanilug hum the weal aud the franco American forcee wbu followed tbr u my uiioae tbe Marue and wbu are Sow pushing liiiu uorthvtard, the (Jar-! full back rapidly. HIV 8.8. THK MARKETS Portland. Ualt Sii while fe.-.l. ., ngf Barle Standard Iced .". : gag ,l)n Corn S hole. IIS: I NM I !. .', Ha) Timothy. SM per tu:i. alulla. m Butln i mm. i li Kgga Baiuh, 4nc per Joicu. Volatile Jlil. SMS per hundred; Hew '. par pound Poultry ii.ii. :'i .1 . . . tirollara, Ntllli'. illlike tilling. J(kj. Saattla. Mutter Crcami-iy (St per lb Kgga Kan. li Ha I" i il Poultry lleue heavy dreaaed. 3; light Itoi broilers tin ruiialara. dreaaetl ISc: ducha, live ;lu. dreaaed Sic, geeee. live :'7c. dreiiaad Sao. Ill V u Oarman Crown Prince Calla for Help. With tile r'reiuii Army lu trance ' PYederlck William, the Uermau tut penal crown priuce. baa been obllgad tu call for help from hla cousin Crowa Prune Kiipprechl of Bavaria Gar man divleluua from the army In tba ninth have beeu hurried duarn to pro let t the weatarn flank of tha defeated aimy which haa been driven hack over tha Marue and ejected from Chateau Thierry by Kraut o Aaierlcap troops BOYER BROS. & CO. MINES BELIEVED TO HAVE SUNK CRUISER Waablugton - The navy department announced that the dead, tulaalng and nnai c oanted for aa a reault of the alnk Ing of the Han lllego number (Z. Three men are known to be dead. 47 an- mlaalng and 11 are unaccounted for. The men unai t limited fur are be lieved to have been on leave. Herman ml nee probably raueed tba end of tha United State crulaer Man Diego off Klre laland. Naw York. Our i liotikuiiU nut hundred aad three aurvlvora ol the San Diego have been landed at an Atlantic port. Kaar Admiral Palmer, acting aet retary of tha navv, atiniiniii i-d Tha closing aceuea of tha San Diego aervlce aland out aa auolher romance of tbe aeaa, another tribute to Ameri can coolueaa and bravery. Men waul to thalr atalloaa aa to drill The uaa lalu aud hla axacuilvr officer wera tha laat to quit. Caplalu Chrlaty jumping uei hoard from tha keel wbeu tbe water were about to aurk lite ahlp under. M.-u In llfeboata cheered Soiurona broke out tbe Star and Sir I nee aud tha crew atarted alaglug "The Htar Spangled Manner' WEEKS REVIEW CHEERIN6 General March Statea 1,200.000 Amerl. can Troopa Are Now Abroad. Waahlngtuii Ueneral Maltha week ly aiai.-uiriii on the war waa one of victory. The Franco American muu tar offeualve which took Itlieiuia nut of Jeopard) aa aloug a front of 22 Stats) he aalil Approximate! ITSrSSS Aui.ii.au troupe, or il dhieimia. awt-pt Inrwaul along tlna front lu eat h tlivialou, he explain.-. I WtM M ilghtiiia in. ii A full dlvanm Ini lulling uon mill ai.iiua. uuuibera SUBS aWS Tin all SivhyhtM w.ie thv Klrat, Second. Thud anil Kouith regular SfSsJ and tin- 'IWiii) auth and Twenty-eighth uatiouai guard In. hi. nullv how alil4ped troopa abroad nta'i-d wt have iiinri' than l.iiiu.uOO Sona of Norway Loyal. Ureal Kali. Muut. After voting IIii.iiuii with which to piuvhaao aud cyuii an aiubulauct anil give It to the I nll.il Statea lilt- kiipieme lodge, Sona of Norway, ailjtmrneil lis .omen lion here The money will not only buy tin vehicle wntl agjaSj it, but will provide toi the aalary of the driver aud attending uurae. both ot w hoiu will be of Norwegian pareutage. Quantin Rooaavalt'a Death Confirmed. Aiuaterdaiu The Uealh ul Queutiu rail Ig .nfirmeil h) a Wolff Bu lean lueaeage. aciording to a Herliu dlapaliii The remains of the brave young an iu.il war burled wllb mill t.i v iionois by Ueruian airmen near S ai Iht spot where he fell ONTARIO, U-ROAT OPERATES OFF CAPE COD Four Barges Are Sunk and Tug Is Burned By Ger man Raider. in le alia. Maaa. A ehell from a Uer mau aubmarlne lauded Sunday wit hie luu yarda of tbe ahoie here. Thla took place lu the i-ourar uf a one-aided fight between a giant C boat aud a tug and lie tow of four bargea. 'I In- aiibinaiiue attacked I In Ink I Perth Amboy t the l.eliigh Valley rail road, aud her four bargee tbraa mllea I off thla town on iht aoulbeaatern el bow ot Cap Cod. Tha oue-alded battle, laated an hour aud a half Tha lug wae burned to tba waler'a edge by abell flra. Tha bargea ware euuk by gun Rfl Uf the 41 peraoua, Including tl women and five children, on board.- three men were wounded. All account agreed that lha aubnia tinea ahoollng waa very bad Her toipedo work waa no bettei Sb launched three torpedoaa at the tug uutl all went wild The attack waa made only - a few mllea from tine uasal aviation atatioui at Chatham i'hiee aeaplauea attacked tin- raider with bomba. The fire waa1 ii tinned but the I'-boat aubmarged aud waa laat aeeu headlug aouih. Ill V W s s Vicinna of River Diaaater Over ISO. I Peoria. Ill With kit bodlaa racov erad the total number of ileaii tuav reach l-S" to SSI leranua. aa the re miIi of the wreik of the excuraloli llgfjajgf roluuihla HurvUora atated that the hlg ateainer . arrylug ."vim ..ii. on .t return (rip from I'eorla to I', kin. 111. waa driven agaiual a aautllaiik acarcelv 10 feet Mom nhoie .tn. I about five mllea aouth uf Vetiria .luring a heavy fug While haatra iiiiitinuetl to play on the lour n lilt h tuovet! a death trap io ino.it uf the 2no ilaui tr the I it waa aalil. hacked into tie. -p witter, wiiere II Kiiilileiily broke in two ami iininf.ii.ii.l. -i-iiit-i on iht- bottom of the river with ggjfj UM inloi liouat and part ot the i"-i all mini, gaaajgtf I il.ov . Hi,- water Ul'Y W S . ..ould Cut Slxe of Sunday Papara Waahlugtou K. sii u iiona on th readlna matter gggjM in daily uml Sun .iitmn uf mwapapera, a retail fills ur in. il . ami llu- lilm illation ot all waalo Wet u . omiut-nd id by the war luduatru-a boai.t a Baaaaall Player Muat Work or Fight Waahiuglou. BaaebaM playera umai "work or fight " Secretary of War iced thla ruling, which :,! am. nd the death knell of profeaaiuiia ba.-eball for the duration of the war tuaamuch aa but a amatl percentage ol ih. piayar. are not of the drgil Ma am w.a.a. DEPARTMENT STORE OREGON ALLIES IN CONTROL OF SUPPLY LINES e-ltti tha Ameil'Mii Ariniea In - The Kiaui-o-American ad Ih .on vanre rontlauea evtiy where from Hole aona to eaat of I ban au Thin 1 1 iiulchyle-liiaiiau haa been pane traled, plating the railway and lha mala highway from Chateau Thierry to Silainea under allied control aad tbua inkling to thr dlfflrultlea of the Ueintau leilrameut from the Mama. Ameilcaa and Krench Infantry are acriaia the Marne In great number!, In-avilv rrlurori-ed L allied artillery, which effected the paaaaffe without op poalLlou Kren. h cfevajry la operating northaaat of Chati,u Thierry, far la j advance of the Infautry. American Held guna are firing on Solaaona. whllg iln Kianco-American ' Una haa been gtralyhtened aouth of that tlty until practltally all the main highway from Holaaoiia to Chateau- Thierry la la our poaaeaalon. Tha dlatrli-t aouth of the Marne and eaat of Chateau Thierry la entirely cleared of Ueroaaue Two badly rut up regluieuta ware left aouth of the Marna In the Uermaa retreat Allied avlaiorp bombed the brldgea acroaa the river and their eacape waa Impoaalble. Indian acogta who were with Per -mug lu Meilco. played a prominent pgvil lu tha acout work lu the river regtau. BUY W.8 8. WOII.D VI T lit T I HCIM Sl WAS KllllllTil WDKD (loutiuucU from Klrnt Page) mnial Independence, ami for qulttln : every Job he ever had the flrat tutu Ho. honk "called lilm SOWS i.or.liiiK to Pal'l i.ny tlila hu. , waa u.Mgne. he remount liviHlon anil Hi. out on Hie flenl vvlih a liuiuii nl nun t ruining artll- I. rv horaea when mi.- ot il.,- animal hrok aud ran He waa ordered to hung the. horae hack When lie lin oe.l the animal he handled il rath.-. roughly and the St rxtaiit in limrc.- 'ailed him down' tartly Infuriiiini- him he waa handling I'ncle 8am horaea alii mo n ilo- i.inne j t tha aatlTaaaU i.n.r ,t nun- hla huitkit-H were IUddia l.nu i,, Uiej had know i rlgroey when on.' t,r them aaked him Why. lout vou unit. Jack, alter u :.ll down like that'' he was greet.-il " ""'Piy iroin re.ruit ' "I would unit the Ilium, Jul,. 1,,,; they're ahorl liaiuli-tl here ." in v w a l UOl ID HrST HVSi II Wauled, a Ranch tu Rgflu 1 wuut to rent a ranch uf not lean than Ml ra nor more than 200. with fuil right, fur term of from ana to jthrea years win pay rogjt by divis ion of cropa Will rem all alfalfa ur alfajf aud gram properl) Have had long exparleuc la ranching. Aiply to B31. Argus office, Ontario 0num A,;i.J, hi y w Ml UN III I lllHUi I.IHT M tt M I AI.IKII pUNI (tout limed from l-'ln.t Page.) ember call II will t ..nary to go into tha daferrci riSgWi Thar gr of coura a nutither nl It . n .. I o will b rot laawiflad from ti..- I .1 IIkIh on account of agrlt nliii.n, uiil other clalma. Tha numli-i m nmh ruaea cuii not he determine.) n 'Malheur County, ' lie amid, "kjaS uoia IS18 ciaaa me In priiptiriiou In lu population than any ntHtti countica I In Ilia diatrlrt Thoee men ware gf 'ati'iietl Tueaday anil It ih iroin tlu-iu I the ugUMl .-i I Ih will be filiod. "If there be re i,,-( n nny mh I maili tin the .iaiwlf lent ion of tilt II fi'.itn 31 to "1 by reaaoii of alio hjg -iipatlonal hhiim fur ilcii-in riaaairicatiuu tie Diatrlci I'o.tnl thru tti appeal agent legal uh if. .nl or an Inilivntuiil will he glnd to - Inforniuilun . miceming ape clflc liiHtaiut-- io it iiuliii-ii til- 1 ho governtiieiit Ih i he i.iw ahall he nil I iiii.iieinreu f'lii.ii'i iii.il jualiy anil that la the board i purpoae ami gff owuld urge the cooperation of the pulilb to that mil While he wg3 cm campanlng. Mr Pierce aalil, ho waa willing to venture tin- , iniliciioi- ,!,( he will be Ore fOU'a next ii ivcrno. Ill Y J I'lt'i M. K MIS ATUIV The 1 I Civil Service Coniuin. alon aniioi.i ,, . tliavl u poatofflec clerk exauiinatlon will hg held at Ontario ou Auguat 24. mix to CMtah IImIi an eligible reglater from which aelectlon may he made to fill vaiui. cloa a i. Iliev may incur in I lie poeltlun oi clerk in Hie Ontario, Oregun. poatofflco. Both men and women will' V , ""olu"J' overcome It ;i ba admitted to thla examination; age y ,D th' '"nt'n the oiort "'" ' '' i on date of examination Application lilank,. al iirn.a "" '""V ba aecureti from Daniel A (ir"'l. kagaj secretary. Mnurtl uf I' s- '''v" rvlie Kxaininerh, goat. """' '"'H'liiie OgUrlo, Oregon, or l,l' "'''' ' ' ' i" Klevtutl, I S Clvll,,Mem (rU1 Hervi. . it.- .,.!, 1 PoalOfflM Hinlil '" Scuttle. Wasliiiitii Ml W S S OaaSaf) US IHISKH Wor.ls ajj lutilt- when wc tiv bj ml. win ggpraai oar flgaj srulinnl,- , the many I. i.inls win, Mi kind! . gj to ,,. tnflf BJ yo thj gad beautiful floral oii.r lagg iluring our hei'e.iv.mei.i n, ulao w i.sl, ,ialll ,,lt. ,,.,,.,. giria fur their effl u M.,,l , , if if . -.rv i. , Ha) kSk of you liuve Just smi, MoaJjdg lu your time of urcateat net,' MU AND MHS r l BTOVEII and Kamily. MB AND Mils Kl) I1K1IKV POK 8AUC CHBAP-Uo-Cart i good cuditlon. Mr. John Haanma aaa. BUY W 8.8 WANTBD Poltlon by man and ran.h. wife aa cook, mu s rancn nand. Apply j)rexe hoi i, CHURCH ACTIVITIES Pentccoatal Itiurch of the Naaareae. Kaat aide. K. H. L. tlowwra. U.U., Paator Order of ttarvtcea. Sunday nchool is a. m. Preaching Paoplea Moating 7.U p. 0). Prayar maatlng Thurg 7.46pin You are welaome to (heae aervlrea BUY w.a.a. I' till 1 1. II I Ml IK II t, THI III I ssl n HA ItAMKNT. S.'iO u m , Low Maaa. 10: SO g. a.. High Maaa. S.30 a. m , (atashlam for the hot a iln( ,ri BUY W.B.8 BAPTIHT I'll I III II Bible School, IS a. m. Divine Worahlp, li a. m B. Y. P. I'., :1B p. m. (ioapel Service, S p. m Prayer meeting Wedneaday. p at Bar. i 'haa. Blom. Paator buy w.a.a. Ml till. HIM IHIKtH. Sunday School, 10 a gj Preaching, lip in Key. Karl llaniiu. Paator BUY W8.8 Chronh- OoaallpaiitMi. Perliapa you have never thought eg It, but thla dlaorder la due to lack uf molature lu the reaiduai matter of Ukg food, if you will drink an abun dance of water, eat raw fruita and take lota of outdoor exerclae, you I oe UU en,l,' lxHvea. Htn,nK '""1 llUrU c,nr"ca take too m ?'' Ut ' t'' "J,"leiu nd mk ,, matter wore. ChamborlaiiiH TblB,,"r "-"X d plaaaant to lake. Ud ,u"Ht MrBebl 'n effect. Uh.. BUY w.s.a. lull st IK For Hale-My Oakland car. prl e 100. uo A u w. ml. Ontario, in. auu BUY W.B.g. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR Vinerican irtmpe algtioutd in a vec tor of the VoagM rogton carried gag .. ' raid in Willi h priaonera wero taken tn Ih Mritisli purtlon of the weal i em hunt 1:.' (Jeriugu airplanes wt-r.- low ned .mil T.i dnveu out of i.uiiroi during Hu- Pat week, It waa an iiouiiitil Kifly two Hrltiah - i re reported mlaalng. ' 'align and American troop nwnpt forward on a rour mil front hetween ill,-r Hi ttouueaug aud the river Somnie aud peoetraled Uermau poattioiia to the depth of a mile and half, capturing the village of Havel, V'alre wood aud other vital poiuta be raaa llaanel. van 2. Bl Y W 8.8. ,aaaU--M--MMM,Ma.a-aMMMMM.------ -- .. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar aaaaag