PAO) raw owtajuo amov owtjwmo onfjoox. nrciwoAT, xn.r , iw PAUEf ; t i , i ; i i ' i ' " ' r,Tll H,;-,acr A man may get tired of ordi nary tobacco but never of Real Gravely Chewing Ping, with its pure, clean taste and lasting quality. 1 flftw Peyton Brand Rea! Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Cravmiylamfomnchlongmritcott no more to chew than ordinary plug T. B. Crevaly Tobacco Company Danville. Virginia ! warn The Money Store A modern tin n k In h great final like I Reucra.1 store In Aome re pacta. It linn are varied It rater to evary hotly anil Itm- l luiMlneaa. We have eimethliiR that avaryhoiix v.nnt. We do not wrap our Mats If package inn ' deliver them Just the aatne. W ilo not refer to money alone, alliioiiKli that I our principal mock In trail We can render HM eorvhe to ihti imdy. Whether It I financing; a hue' manufacturing l rem or loaning Johnnie enough MM ey to buy a nail, we are here to deliver the Reed We urge you to come In and look over our linn. We can aerve you well First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON. Farmers, Insure Your Crops--You Can Not Afford to Take Chances In uny one of srvrrnl '!' tin- l"-t insurance iiipanii - in Aiimwum wc can protect your J car's labors The Cost Is Small WE INSURE HAY AND DRAIN IN FIELD, IN STACK, IN GRANARY OR BIN. ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO. S. F. TAYLOR Ontario, Oregon. ,,,,,,. Hot Weather Relief Cool, Healthful Drinks ood TO GET Kill OK THAT KAUOGII FEELING O E f I'NDtll Tilt: vtlllltl.lNti FANS AT Till AND OKDKK A NY ONE or' lilt-. MAN OOOUMO, MTaUaNtDK ANH HKALTHKI'L Dltl.NKS. 80N HAis si. Oliin Sl'MMEK DE1. U.iv IKS 556 OP I T I? 14 U C PRESCRIPTION VI. IjUjCilllVO SPECIALIST aa,aiaajajjf AFTER THE YEARS By WALL AC! A. MARTIN. Bit t; rOupirla!. ltl. kr Watxa W pn iraloe.l "Everything satisfactory. Mr. nil?" "Better llian thnt. You've done wrm- dcrfnlly fine. Twelve thoimnml dol lnri on! of nn Investment of four! Winn' your hllir "Tlu- nmml five per cent on the oris- till: 1 ! M:ll." .lohti Hll nor et imI the draft thnt iinil Jumi arrived from New York by mull, nnd drew mil hi own cheek hook, filled out n blank ami IkM to the broker. "oh. miv!" Iti sincere surprise ex claimed the Intter "a thouannd dpi lar !" "If worth It to me," averred hl Renerou client. "Therc'a a rcatrlr tlon I nnt lo innke- I don't went the public, Mini cspoclnlly my wife, to know of thl trnnsnrtlnn. Of course. Ii vn open nnd nhove bonrd, and unre and legitimate, but I don't want lo be clnod n n speculator. It ptacW we nt n point I've been trying t ri'ieh for yenr. I Intend to mnko thins a little wore comfortiilile for Nnnce. Comfort I'll imike It ltixur. If the dear thine will let me!" It had excited nnd enthused him t" niiike a Mr Ntnke nil ill onre. It hnd wnroied hi henrt to think of Nnnry. They hnd been married for thirty yenr. Their only boy hnd Jnt en listed for the wnr. DurlnR the thirty yenr. hubnnd nnd wife bad been renl worker. For ten yearn both hnd aet ttad down Into a routine eilstencc. With dnyllght .lohn win at hla farm work. Before ihivlllit Vnncy win lip ami around. prejmrltiR brcnlfnst and atnrtlnR the manifold houehold da tte of the dny. Ho It hnd come about that erecting hnd become purely Informal, and com pnnlonhlp unconventional and com mimplnce. He had lone eince forgot ten to klaa her, and ahe hnd accepted the Lick of demontrtlve affection a latent aentlmenfallly nhcurd by irelnR demand for lalmr. She wa firm at tlmea, atern, hut never croa r perverae. while he valued her eter II n.- qualltlea of aaci-lflce and toll at tin Ir I rue worth. But now wllh a 'poaltlve relief frowl the fear of old aje. penury, a n-w aplrlt waa horn In John. Be waa quite Rav nnd llRhl footed a he proceeded to the hank to depolt hla draft. He wa clear-eyed and emlllnR aa he en i ..I ih,. t)Mife. Inspired with ecret plan for cUlnir Naney the aurprlae of her life when the rlaht monient ar rlvel. She a kei-nmlntled uouirb to note hi iiniiMinllv Julilliiiit iiiihhI. "fcetler from Arnold." he announced,. "JiiBt Rot It at the m t office. lie' bei-n promoteil to n M-rcenutcy." "ne jawrwB It. nnd M-on It T am prumi nf the hoy.' nanmetited Mr Itllaa. with feellir.' I' i be n"v. Miller waa here Ml) mCIi Ml etlmnte for plllntlllR the holle." "We'll l-l III- i-nn e.. itell It lo nr raiiRc Ihil." Rhaarveil .vim Mid Naney atnred in hltn. "You're inn ihlnkhik' iif that. re yeuT" ahe Impilr .1 ryetag hho rliwelv. "Why. ye. Tell ymi Nnnce: !' been eavlnR up Rlld n -eumiil.-illiiR. I've hnd a little bnalneM ulndfall, and I aee my way clear M MM "ii the vll InRe lot. Il' ronr rlu'ht. alrl, to have It Utile better and ealer. You've done more than your duty all theae yenr. and I wiinl to ee you have little comfort and happlneaa." nr faded cheeka (towed mo mentnrllv. The linen of her face aoft ened. He had not called her "Rlrl" for twenty yeara! Hla hand realed c revioeiy upon her arm and ahe quiv ered. "Id like to have apme of our old friends to a aorl of party, aoon," pro led John. "We'll have lo ro oat more than we do, when we live In town, you know, and Ret Into the new houae." "Ifcui't go beyond your depth," ahe aid. "Ill not ; did I evert I'm tblnkinR of how miu will enjoy having a little frmii the irrlnd. and a hired clrl, and the rlRht kind of clothe T(M . ain't a ynuiiR h ftm twM hh, hut yen're a atrnlRbt aa an arrow, m.d. 1 alway held, wua a pretty woimin ." "Nonenae!" derided Nancy, but the compliment was tweet to her. Tin n a week later, when aome doien oV more frl. nda paused aortal evening at th old farmhouse, and John iLineed Iwlee. brlRht ami uprightly, with two of hla boyhood flames, Nancy -eneed quite a pang of jealousy and l duly aiartled at the growing hli;h spirit of bar usually preoccupied help meet. one day aha rested a band on. hla shoulder to reach over and adjust a window shade. Her cheek waa tempt ingly near to him. Ha uttered a i-huckl and kissed ber. Smack! He draw Uck with a tlaf (tog cheek from the linnet uoua slap. Boor soul ! Innate modesty prim dta daln of sentiment through twenty yeara had mad bar take area tb cob genial .iliite aa an unwarrantable lib erty I Then, overcome with a mighty revulsion In feeling, ah buret Into tears. He caught her band and pulled her to hla knee. "Ileckon I deserve It ueglectlng you ao long. Nance," ba said in a low. Intense lone ; "but that dear cbeob la Just as velvety to ma now aa when I courted you in 1886, and I love you ten time more!" She hid her face on hla shoulder with a sigh of Ineffable rvst and trust. Her ll rested Un the still tingling i he.-k and soothed H met the oM l"e woke Ilka aome new spirit of delight In brr lonely soul. HEINZ 57 VARIETIES We have just received a new shipment of Heinz CANNED anu GLASS GOODS Something Very Choice Let Us Show You. E. A. FRASER HARDWARE AND GROCERIES Kx Mayor Mltohal of New Vork Killed. Lake Charles. I -a Major Jobn I'ur roy Mitchel. former mayor of New York, waa killed at Qaratner aviation field hare whan ha fall MO foot from the airplane In which ha waa ridlag An examination or tba wracked ma ehlna developed that ihe aafety belt waa unfaatened at Tba time of the accident, causing Major Mitchel to fall from hla aeat aa tba plane went into a mis dive. Major Mitchel waa aa officer In the aviation section of tba algnal corps and baa boon training at Oaratner field. $ Ni r:;w.;p.ness . A'. A a - a. ft, V vrian-ADirk iiiMnav vsi n Commercial Creamery Co. Cash b uyermi Cream and Produce Place: South of Post office, Ontario, Oregon V our Bent Market for Cream. Ejrgg, Poultry of all kinds i Om ml a arhai a ImlmrwmU A HUi m Dtmtml mmtn As. How To Develop Good Teeth YOUI teeth need u'ist' iluily. Jjy mastirating the hard and rougher sort of food they can beat be aaarffcaaiaewlia, Hi sad oltaav t...l. .1. Rare aad ahroua aoda which raqulra ihorouah caearlajf halswa thaw na h. wallowed, era aspselally sood. mm4 aa. Aw itWna bui for aaWtfa aiaa. 1 1 bclp tu e4reulatl(Mi ,,f a eauarau d rluii broatuea uauuu autj luriiii.u rU4lrleU m aarlas aad eiuauiia thr j ao aaa i ruuai is pre v Idea larouiiaa laraer leeia. eo hnuldhe alloead aa '' eaiy at racular kuurr. A child saould batauabt toehee his food vary lOurouahly. Ptoism- iraialaa aad rare ef lh l,,ch la rhlMli.iud ealali llah taaoiuihe) aillapprariaU Is afior irsan. A faa eilautej taeew with the tooih l.ruh are moralaa aad all,i a vlalt to a aood d.olUt at la torvale alii aave lei. of .. mtmfmrmfttm and health wnlrb williurl folios urslavi of aha OMiuth and Poawiaeaegaae "St aOaalat txaatlaw. SaalaaOrafaa Save Your Time and Strength on Wash Day The Auloaiatlc fchxtrl. Wber la one or the uraataat labor sat lug .1. v , Ii rhajiuea tiio all day drudgery of uaxli ilnv Into a HMfMI ' M.IK '111 YOUt UatM 11(1 Ml l- ulouiatl. Ueclrlt aTaWbawl MM to auit you. Wash better, faatar, Two Valuable Books FREE TWO COMPLETE BOOKS OK FORMULAS ON WASMNQ AND DRV i LEANING. CALL AND GET THJWE BY PH 8ENT1NO THIS AD AT Ol'K OFEIt'K ' ' Easy Terms , IIVL IMMJaAR. IMJWN Blt!GS ONE OF THESE MA-C-H1NK8TO YOL'R HOME. rvn SEVENTY-EIVE 1'EH MONTH KEEPS IT THERE Idaho Power Co. I 1 1 i