MMMlWMMMMi fte dhtfenria l&rftit. The Ontario Democrat :xn ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 26, 1918 NO. 80 IPUINE 10 FLY AT HAY PRICES SUBJECT OF FARMERS' MEETING LYNN DINGMAN ON CRUISER SAN DIEGO ROUSING FAREWELL IS GIVEN ARMY RECRUITS JOHN PUftftOY MITCHEL ILHtUR COUNTY FAIR INGKMKNTH HF.INH MADK ID KOKF.AT i:lllltl lln HY l I IToll OK HAKNHH FLY ING SIHKH,IIKTitlM. NATIONAL DAY FEATURE lien of County lo Vic Willi F.iu 't lui In Ftifiillnnnlh Inieresi- Frngrnm of Hports ami (Hhrr MM ery week In the past tliree or Iim been marked by n determln- on the imrt nf the Malheur ty Fair hoiiril to Introduce tonn new at the annuel expo Itloi la week InnoviiiixiiN are Iwg In er. The flrnt Is Hist of huvlnr; viator here to present a series- of in. mull as the army men are I Inn nwr day Arrsngem this exhlhition war partially e by Director r J GellsgN e In Taeoms last week. He ted negotiation with the Harnea Nl of Aviation located at laik"- Willi , Jusl outside of T.uii::i n hi return here he presented proposition mad In the direct- . and approval waa given at once , miipietion of arrangements i but i he filer here. Hduret tonal Day. her it will he FducatM This will In reality be one of , biggest day of the fair in. m ny vlawpointit tin this day the ks and girls of the County will be e whole show." nave for the pro bed airplane flight They will. e the athletir program with ev- thlng from a foot race for Un it to pony, races for linO. Imy ami la. Then there mill be contests ween the rural in IiooIh. contests wn rural schools slid the (Tlj le schools, contests for M I 1 1 ool pupils and an ull round prn- in that will furnish rompetlllon ire anil variety to snl lnf v rren i ..iih lupei latehdem ol tool. Mise Kaye t'lsrk, l to be In rge of this program snd Is git lug mailer her attention this stiiii- r. The directors hsve offered for the events that will make the contests worth while to rhe snd girls snd make the Fair Lilly Interesting as a educational Million Bl'Y VV.8.8. ;al g. a. r. post IIVES UP ITS CHARTER I. King. K I Rutherford A cOregor, " I It. n . J H I'ln'i und Tliouiua Ration, Ibe last of vetersua of tits Civil War who In Ontario have derided that their number haa become a II to surrender their cliurl.-i I- llove-y I'ost No It. Q It . lo uf filiate with the I'osl al I'ay Idaho ill go l to attend (hi aeaglOB inert- and bus Identified witii tlial nr uue oi tin- oeiarto veterst a ii.nliig on att.iidihi; the N'slloual nnpiucufcsnr ine u. A. u in IK-HI IllOillll . HI H. JES CONTINUE AOVANCE orient Jains Made in Soissons and Rheims Salient. rig. Important gains kj ii- ill Aiuerlrau Italian and Urltisli ih in the territory . umprisiug the sous Kln-iiua salient are reported lt .initial coiuiuituicatlou Issued Ue war of flea. tbe double pressure of the lueriean forces betwetm the snd the Maine and the French who crossed 'lie river between ny and CliaileVKS. the Germans driven back beyond the Hue "I I malu and Mout St iausu Thierry is widely freed lo Utirlb tween the Msrue and Hhelma tb lug was eureme'y violent. c British and llsllsu troops at nl vlih indefatigable 'iifiiJ' and hred 8t Kuphratee ajtd Bouill) made gains in the Ardre valley. ton euod and Mo is Du Hot ft Farmer Mayer Mltcbel. of New York, an officer In the aviation carps, who waa killed In an airplane fall at Lake Charles, L. 251,000 AMERICANS ARE ON FIRING LINE Washington. American troops ar Inally on the fighting lines In BujeBB shout July I numbered 261.000. accord lug lo Information given by General March, chief of staff, and other stem hers of the war eoencll at their weekly onfereno with members of the sea ate military eoosmHtee. The situation along the weatara front, he said, has developed Into eon eleiaod "athWtac" by allied fore complete surceee being obtained. Tbe moil important of these minor raids, from the American standpoint, was the atlack on Yam The sttsck on Yam was carried out by the Ith and 28d Infantr). supported b llir Uth. 1Mb sml 17th field srlll lM. sll ol iln- H illusion under eon masd of Major General Omar Bund) The success sttslnsd there has been completely coneolideled. subsequent counter attacks by the Genusus fall Ing to cause the slightest witlidrsssl from the territory occupied SNAKE RIVER CLAIMS FIRST VICTIM HERE While bathing with his brothers In the Snake river Sunday afternoon sbuot half a mile down stresm trim. the railroad bridge, Frank, the 17 year-old sou of Mr. snd Mrs I) c tirlffln waa drowned Ills body h.-. not been yet re. iv h. riling lo the ,i. counts of III" tragedy told by ihe giroihers to I who cams there soon ufierwaril.Frnnl who iouIiI not swim attempted to dive isa a still pool snd ess csuglit hi iidcllow lie roe 10 Uie mii thro times aud his brother Francis, who likewise could "oi swti-i went In his rescue and would have likewise Ills rescue ami would have shared Ills fate If It had not been for Ihe llllr I that Kilwlu who could -wini and . saved inin Fd w in made i i effort to save I In- oldest Imy '.ul gOgld ml Soon after Hie w-.ul ol Hie drown lug became known eaareJtiug portuM tanue.l and Hie river near lie ggoj was dragged withuiit argil Ran chra below the plac - were notifie.l ., were the gathoriifcaa at I Welaer who grg watching "ie stream helloing that Ihe imdv when l gg lo the mii tine will in- located down stream HI Y WSS "WOULD QHI BUT UNCLE SUM WAS SHORT HANDED" l' l Gallagher who oslied Camp Lewis last week brings hack a good I aiury uii a .111111117 muni; who recently joined the aruiy after years riding the range in the laierior This partli ular bronco buster had always enjoyed the reputation of m r It ootiuued ou I'sge I CONDITION OP HAY t'ROI'N IN VARUM KMM.ITIICS DIM. CCNHKD AT I I M.ill CHOP UKMiW AVKRAGK. NO DEFINITE PRICE FIXED inm-n-ii- of Opinion Is Tlint Price should He In NethJorliHMl ,,f BIT ! BIM ler Ton Many Ranchers Want Hay Graded. That alfalfa hay should sell some where In the nelgliborliood of $17 to $18 per ton was the concensus of opinion expressed at a meeting of jover 100 ranchers who gathered at the Boulevard Grange hall Wednes day afternoon No definite pi he iwas fixed, however, hut n commlttoo was authorized to consider the mat ter further, and, if they deem It ad visable, lo call further meetings to der Hie Juestlon The menting Wednesday was a rep. I resented ve one with men pr from Dead Ox Flat to lllg Hend snl from the lloulevard to Vale anil Jiimtjeson Practically evary seel Ion Hist grows hay waa represented, tho ftlM meeting was called on short no- Itlre Monday. K. C. Conklln. chairman of the jeommlttee appointed to call the mert mg was msde chairman of the gath ering, snd I, I. Culberteon of Dead Ox Flat waa named secretary The first matter conaldered was that of hay conditions Itepori warn heard from the following ranch ers and all united In declaring that range and hay cropa are below nor mal save In this Immediate section ichet Lackey, W. L. Hihsou. li H Tunny, F C Oxnisii. J. H. Heeweard. Hherr Johnson, V V lllckox, and othera. L. L. colbertson of Dead Ox Flat and C K. I'eck f Kingman Kolony each reported on the proceeding of the meeting held last week In OaaaV wall aud explained tbe basis upon which Hist gathering reached Its con clusion to make prices varying from (17 .iO to fix per ton. vsrylng on Hi kind of hay. They preaente.l the 'Igures pn pared by Harvey Allred commission nr of fsrm markets of Idaho to shov. 'hat sheep on January I, I II I. are xtt per cant higher than for the librae year period prior lo t'nv war: i 177 par cent higher. Notes 31 per cent higher and dairy produce '8 tut oent hlglier In othu- words said Hist the consumers of hay hud, on an average. Increases 141 per tint while n.iv Itself had in .used but 1 I ' p"- 'lit I' Baffin tain Its average with 'he other- ilu declared that Qw MnJM ramher- h d i.eierin .ie,l io it. BUM ih. price 117.60 for fancy hay. and to vary the pnea. neeordln. In joveriiun .1 i.nidarits of (" 'I.' and mnssure went A lengthy dlacBMion foilui liil. i, any ptesact look part "in . ernilig Cm prop i I me art it. i .ring ban No decision v.i s arrived at as to what time should be sdopted. or what the government regulation In this regard Is It wax agreed, apparently, however, ' thai g difference of at least $6 per ton M made according to Hie lime adopted r this was discussed the quer tiou of prices waa directly taken up Man) of the ranchers srgue Ills' smell and slock "minions shoul I be taken Him ouslderallon ao Hie hay industry will not ilnt Miieu out of business, sml g ol iters sdvanced the arguuieni that the eBOfg sliould be iusp' 'and graded as oue means to Hi t en, i f m Northrop of i id ' Flat. I'ele Teiiseu of Ciagelt of Ontario, F c i i, J H laaweard, W I. Hiiison, i'Ii.-i Lackey, i I. .Cull sou and II M Tsggan fduacusaed various p eryllilag the ranch, r lias l.. Just before leM lug Hie chairman was uuihoi. appoint a umuiiltee of ' aa iiout eai '. of Hie diatrlcis to consider tba mat ter further and io take Into . ousMer allou alt Hie elements duscuasod and others that may be called to their at tention to keep the rstnlieis ini.u I ed as to their decision, or call an OtanW Rtafeting If deemed advislabte. ONTARIO BOY WIRKH OK lilt RKHCI'K FUOM Tf)RI'KDOKD SHIP AND HAKK AKHIYAL IN NKW YORK. LOST ALL HIS POSSESSIONS First Reablent of lily to Feet Direct Kffert of Horrible Submarine War fare Haa Horn on Ship Tun Years. Mr and Mrs. W. T Dlngman. who lira Just west of the ctly, received a telegrnm Sunday morning from ih'it son Lynn A. Dlngman. who was n member of the crew of the U. A. cruiser Han Diego, of his safe arrival In New York following the torpedo ln( of the ship off F'lre Island. New York Young Dlngman al Hie same time wired his brothers In I'uehl... Colorado, for funda, for he lost every thing ho had when the ship went down, 1 ft minutes after It was struck hy Ih" Cermsn projectile The Ban Diego on which young Dlngman haa been stationed for the past two years waa hit lest Frldsy evening while steaming Just off Fire Island, only a few nitlaa from the en trance Into New York harbor. Bhe Is the first II. 8. ship of any slae io so down aa the result of German attack I'rai tlcally the entire crew was saved thru Hie self control exhibited by MM officers snd men. -BUY W.8.8. MEN ON DEFERRED LIST NAY BE CALLED SOON Member of District Hoard Is II. IH UKUsl l.lkel) lo See I lass of HON FOianslrdJ. Walter Fierce, the Democrat u Ibm for Governor was lu Ontsrlo en routaJo Vale where ha addressed the business men s luncheon and t ijI evening waa at lirogau Mr l'iice deilared that he waa not campaigning at this time but merely aeceitlng lavltatloua to address business men at Ihe sine time to take up matters earning the admlnlatrstlon of ihe salacllv .ervlce law ac a menibe the Dlstrln ltosrd Mr Fieri e declared that tbe dlfi t an one of opinion which have ai between the Malheui County lo. .1 board and the District Hoard '... in a large measure been due to a la. k or specific .Information .icing IrHiisuiiu ed from the local board la MM dl -dnci board lie deilared howetct thui ojl I ne dll'ereuces would be iroiivd mil "I believe, be oald.'tha' Hie Auk usi call for Oregon will lake all of Ih. 19IS cass men ami dial (or Hie S... (Continued on Page I ) FOR SECOND TIME IN YEAR BRIDGE ON FIRE Ontario I'liarinai ) , Too. Has sin.ili lllue l'lial I aualil Jusl in In... lo Head Off serli.u- In. Ontario s fire department BBJBWBI ' two calls witliln 14 lioura this weei- i'i . Illsl oil uir.-.l ahoul I" I day eveuiug i.inl BBBl lbs fire lishiei d ihu to tin- Snake ri.-r hrlds. UKUish .: In .ike that of Issl war near tin pot tills a bellerVtl I -lani"! .inks . tarda. 'Ililee i . n about tliree o'clock irom Ih" HI lames Irom so old (lames . auiiiil i.ii "Id pi' re r. .poll.' their way to Hie paper st'ick mi II balcouy The employ. ihe.ll reel ton ..r ihe I" lor. i I M however extinguished the hi.. hiorn Hie fire depsrliiixni win. summoned reached tit si eue. No damage was done but the alore hs.i a narrow 6E0. C. TAYLOR p gSji 1 I s-avjaWsa .JfaaV. 1 safl George C. Taylor, president of the newly organlied American railway ix prsss company. 0. S. AND JAPAN TO ENTER SIBERIA I ." don. --Tbe Japanese diplomatic . il lias agreed lo Hie American proposal for Joint intervention by Japan aud the tutted Slates In SI- ! 1.. He. says a dlspstch from Toklo. A J.'... lamsilou will be Issued aosurlog ' liussis that the sntsnte has no sa greeslve designs In Intervening In SI berls, the dispatch adds. It is probable that a I'll' I I "lumls slou will accompany the Joint exp.n ih. u. II Is staled A I', kin dlspalch to the Times says I Ibat the character of the coutemplated allied action al Yladlvoetok haa cauaed li.ely aatlsracllou there The allies. It I la believed In I'ekln, cannot do better j fm ibe moment than lo aid the Csechti- Mlovaka by occupying Yladlvoslok Thus siivpoiled ibe CMBfeg an ii" caad gajalnst ibe Reteaevlkl. BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR The big nffensHe III. h the liet mans launched rail) last week along s mile front sssl snd west of Hbelnia from Chalrsu Thierry to esstern Cham pagne waa lislled by the silled srinbs and Ihe whole Germun Hue la Ibe great Alsu. Msi ns Ith. mis ggHaBl was badly shaken by a powerful BBBBMl offeaalve uf the Frsnco-Aiiierh an irixip Ths Fieinh snd M M attack, ahhli was stsried wlthnut tit. usual preliminary arilller) bombard m.iii. look (he Germaus rimipleieh in surprise slid Is regarded sa BW "' the moat brilliant pleree of work in the war Striking over a Somlle front from Fonienu). Jusl north aj the Aiaue to the sw'ior uf Chateau Tbleri y ih. A met nans and Flench were able to advance their lines to s I'epih of 10 miles in some places before Hie Ger mans lecovered from their surprlee end offered effective reelstsnce. In fast did ihe advance progreas that His silled lumps weie soon astride sevsrsl of the liupoiiaat roads uf supply far the Htiuisn armies, particularly Hie line running from Hulaeuiis to I lialesu 'Ihlerr) lh initnliei aj t.lsiiners taken Is i.Miited to kg rgffl Isigi and a gnat iiiiuihei ul suns ami a large iiiauilly f wat material Ml laMa Ho hauila ol Hie allies !h, SBtlrS I." llllle file lillig from Suisaotia In ! I. IBM the al lied I roups are ftahtl Lg niiiisii.ii. thai in.'. - utai Prrn (HulU all the sains ol Lbs ' drive souih of thi Main, um bi i hi. iti. d mil chaieu.i iiii.m which reprageuu Ihe point III Hie iMlltli line wh lleiinalts huil ill Iffl i. Ifci li Sfl lg .t in I'arls has Is . n le.aplureii h entire soutbi m bank af I Main, having at l.ntes. i'l.iuh ll'i'lsh and Iraopg ai now bai . ng .usi ol Kit- mi- I" Itttl I30DLUMS iti.iK NIKA'. SCHOOL -DAHAStPiHiPthi! i ding in n p'.ri reci -sa school balldlng v.a ad raceniu b) dlums K llgllBBfeliil) damaged Hie properly in an amoui i estimate. I to '.- tlOO'i Whoever tliey were the work w..a malicious They let the water run until the school piano waa ruined and the velliuga aud walls daiuagtd NHARIil OKK IH'MHtl l M.Ms HKIR AND II HI i ( ill SV Mi: HOARD TRAIN loll CtMl' I I Wis UKIIMSII.Im 1918 HEN EXAMINE!) TUESDAY llaniiii Followed In i ni- I'niiy Kliovra Selected lei-vice Men That Ontario tpprariate- Hirlr Hervlcn. Nearly 100 Malheur and Harney county BBfl boarded the train hara S iln." day i renlnr nnroule lo i'smp Lewis, at men. nn lavke. Washing- I'rlnr lo their depnrl urn they warn glyon a rousing farewell Tin locul sommlttaa iuni irn m ed n blK time fot them mid Hie pcarnm was car iled nut c.iinpl. i j On Ihe evening before dsinc WM BlfBB at the Ford ujb for the local liya who ware to go lo .He the n"l day to be In ducted into Hie N'at.nnal Army ow IttK io Hie lain arrangements for Ih'.s event only a small number of Hie were presenl On Wednesday under the illieclion of I lie committee headed by Col H. W. Taylor. Dr H II Whitney, W II. i i y.iu and other who colleolad the r inula, and served by the glrlg of the Honor Guard a hiiuiiiel was tendered Hie boys at the Hllur ilrlll A com mittee headed b Hugh Allen ar ranged for the musical numbers which Included vooal solos by Mtaa Rene Adam and plsno solos by Mis. II McK llrowge W K Laee fraalded st tbe lisiiqnet sml sfter a few remarks Introduced Rev Herbert Livingston, who .1.1' ered a short address lo the boys Knllowm the bannuet the-BWSW were Hie guests of Ontario at the pi i rormsnro of "tlvni Hie Top' st .mhin.l It .. ii fining dims for the celebration That Ihe crowd .-ul. ned Hie performance waa beyond dispute, the applause was desfenlng at times and mil a small part of H In the least waa thai given the O -gon Cldb'a VYiculi Ml... which wns bidding farewell lo one of Its mem heiK, A f Itlddle who was one of the men in Ihx M tlaV ur Couiity quota. The In., respnndeil to iu tea and only UMl tncessli' couiplellng Ihe picture ended their performance HISTORICAL PICTURE DISPLAY AT TOGGERY iiiiiiiher or Matorti ii plottart i i.ettiK si.i.v. a lii the windows ' I Toggery Hill a Store They lire .1 llcales of pictures which IN BI liaiiKilig nil tie walls .' Her or the I or KaJ ' "i ny of 01 II locali- itB ' II II ffl i , irl . attraciiv. ' i II liaUcia S Ki . w u prist. id ahlp w Him in i li- i... .!.) i, ,. I. in. i '' II n fin in I" ' ' pit in. till. i like II i, ffinwn iuhy-ocrth ;SYOFWfDBii id mi i.. . Lyell I .1 in It.ik. I i ... to ..lilt..' iln, it, Mi I.).-!1 n.ii . I when I u ' loss' .1 i the .inl l.y- iln Ih.. - ' ' P parents eelobxaU lor one is in Fran, e and BOU la with I'ncle Main -I I , '. I hi- lip- elp ive in Dre b to - a nd ft I