The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 18, 1918, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Ontario Aiunri Ofrf sftKt oltlttKiV Tmiwnu, jvi,v i a, tat
r40ii r
v" ,v5 '
Iat Om brown natt mm, on
cataetery road to Cairo. Sunday
r linlnf Net J. P. BUI, Hnm
Or. H-tt
Commercial Creamery Co.
Ccwr 6u jy era of Cream and Produce
Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon
Your Rest Market for Cream, Egga, Poultry of sll kinds
B I 1 VI
IdK. Pi
Th Pord Model T Ono-Ton Track Chaesia. M0
t. o. b. Detroit, hu boon thoroughly te-ted for more
than two yeara. It la sold you now In the aaeurod
confidence tbat It will asset your requirement and
txpactatlons. Tbo regular Pord rrama. only larger
tnd heavier, the regular Ford motor with dlroot
driven worm sear; wbaol baa of 114 iaehaa and
will turn inside a 41-foot clrcla. It haa aU tha
ilmpllrlty of tha Pord ear, all tha economy la oper
ation and maintenance Oomo la and we'll (Ira you
further dotalU
1 0
' ' - " iiMSssesBXeBaBasseBBaBBsnBBBSsuasi
Pwrcell, faflntlff. va. Edith
11, dettodeat
To Bdlth MT. Puree!!, defendant
ORROON, you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint In
the above entitled court and cause, on
or before toe expiration oi me time
preiwrrlbed In the order for publica
tion to-wlt: on or before the expira
tion of alx week from the data of tbo
first publication of this summons,
and ir you fall to aaawer for want
thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the.
court for the relief demanded In the
complaint, namely for a decree of ab
solute divorce forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant, and for the care and cue
tody of Clara I. I'urcell and Samuel
C I'uroell. minor children of pain
tiff and defendant This summons Is
servled upon you by publcatlon there
of for aix consecutive weeks In the
Ontario Argus, a weekly newspaper
published In and of general circula
tion In Malheur County, Oregon,
under and by virtue of an order of
the Hon Dalton Hlggs. Circuit Judge
of the Ninth JudlclaDItrlct of tha
State of Oregon. Dated at chambers
at Ontario. Oregon, the 11th day of
March, lilt.
Date of first publication, June S7,
Date of last publication. August ft,
Attorney for plaintiff,
Residing at Ontario, Oregon.
Notice la hereby given that a peti
tion has been tiled with the Hoard of
Directors of the I'ayette-Oregon
I Slope Irrigation IHstrlct by one Joe
' eph Jacobs, owner In fee of the in I
lowing described lands, praying tor
the exclusion or aald lands from the
Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation Dis
trict, to wit:
The northweat uuarter of
southeast quarter, the south
west quarter of the northeast
quarter and Lot 3. all In Section
13 (Thirteen). Township 1
South, Range forty-seven (47)
Baat Willamette Meridian, Mal
heur County, Oregon. '
on the following ground and for the
following reasens:
That said district never haa been
able and la not now able, with Its ex
isting dltchea, canals and pumping
plant, to provide water for the Irriga
tion of said lands; that said lands
never have been Irrigated and that li
would be more expensive to the In .-
trial to reconstruct Its system In
order lo provldei for the Irrigation of
said lands than would be Justified by
the annual and added revenue thai
would be secured from said land
through theth, assessment and pay
ment of taxes thereen: that said
lands, from the owner's point f
rtaW, can be morn efficiently and
economically irrigated from othei
sources than the said Irrigation ayi
tern of the aald District.
All persons, therefore, who are in
terested In, or who may be effected
by stlie prayer of the petitioner, are
Used to Prostrate Iteelf in the Sventn
While Tamols Belle
The praying palm tree of Parldpur
about which certain Interesting fact
were published. Is dead. It may br
remembered that this tree used to pros
trate itself la the evening while the
temple hells rang, calling the people
to prayer, and It erected Its head in
the morning. This process waa repeat
ed every day. to the bewilderment of
i In hi n nils of Hindus, who naturally
came to look upon It as the abode of
some "devata" (god). Hundreds of
fered ptijahs to the unknown "devats,"
which all went to fill the pocket of
the owner of tho tree. Miraculous
cures were reported aa a result of pu-
Jah offerings.
The curious phenomenon sttracted
Hi. niientlnn of tsir J. 0, Boie, who,
nfler much difficulty, obtained panae
slon of the owner of ihe tte to Inves
tigate the matter. He devised special
Instruments all of swadeshl saSSSfatl
ture and began to take records. He
found that the palm tree fell with the
1 sasBjB
There Are Tim.. When Watting
Little While Help a Whole
directed to appear at the office of thai rise of temperature nnd rose with Its
Hoard of Directors of said District,
(the one -story frame building near
the pumplng-plant located in the SB
qr of the WW 'ir. Her. 2. T. 17 8, R
47 E. W. M . Malheur County, Ore
gon.) at 10 o'clock a in. on August
6th, 1918, and show cause, in writ
ing. If any they have, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed. (Signed)
I'. M. 1KIAI.S.
Secretary I'ayette-Oregon leBfM)
Irrigation District
Kg 29-St
fall. Records ohinlned with other
trees brought out the hitherto unsus
pected fact that all tree ware moving,
such movements being In response tc
changes In their environment.
Sir J. C. Boae holds the opinion that
"Hie whole of the vegetable world. In
cluding rigid trees, perceive the
clisnges In their environment and re
apond In them by unmistakable signs W.
They thrill under light and become de
pressed by darkness; the wsrmili of
summer and frost of winter, drought
and rain, these and many other hap
penings leave a subtle Impression on
the life of the plant."
' Procrastination never got anybody
anywhere, hut." aald Mr. Oratebar.
"there are tiroes when putting thlnga
off a bit hlps a lot. as, for Instance.
In the matter of answering certain,
"I gat once In a while a letter that
la cross, III tempered, snirnstlc or that
maybe aets up some proposition that
the writer himself would have know
wouldn't hold water If he bad stopped
to think about IL
"Now, my natural inclinntlon woekt
be to answer that letter right away.
I c.iiild nlmot his proposition full ef
holea easily and make It look foolish.
His aarcasm I could taawtT much
more hltlngly. Bill what I do now
In my somewhat riper years la to amlla
and say to myself I
'"What's the use?'
"What I do now before answering
such a latter Is to wait a day. to sleep
on It.
"There's a habit that It would ha
worth any man's while to cultivate.
Sleeping on It will Iron the wrinkles
out of sny -sort of trouble, solve for tie
any problem; It soothes and clarinet.
It brings back our courage and our
sense of humor. And then, In the'
morning, when I come to answer that
letter I answer It In n spirit that
makes not an enemy but a friend.
This aort of putting thlnga off I
don't call procrastination It Is Just
waiting a little to give all hard feel
ing time fur evaporation."
Save Food Now
It jis your patriotic duty to .
see that every bit of food
you buy is eaten, for
Food will win the war
Ice will save food
You can not keep milk sweet or meat and
vegetables from spoiling without
We deliver tfood, pure ice. The water from
this ice can De used. It is pure. Remember
too that we buy Cream, Eggs and Poultry
and pay cash when you deliver the goods.
Ontario Ice & Gold Storage
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual meeting of the land owners or
the Malheur Drainage District, will
be held at the office of said District.
at Ontario, Oregon, on August 1st.
1111, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day. for the election of two
Supervisors, and (or such other Lit t
neaa aa may properly come before the
By E. H. TEST, Secretary. 2ft
Men In Australia Have Strange Ways
ef Keeping Count ef the
Each boundary rider on the Im
mense sheep ranches of Australia has
a district to look after, and be has
to keep the wire fences In repair and
aee tbat the aheep toase to no harm.
H III hard, lonely life, in which the
rider rarely aees another human be
ing. Many of the men have strange
ways of keeptafl count of the days.
One rider named Eagsn tried sev
eral plana to keep count of the days,
but always failed At length he hit
on s novel and attractive method He
msde a big damper the name the
Bat Pint of Peanuts and Drink Three
Olasaae ef Milk Before
Recently a friend who had heard
lhat I sometimes suffer from Inane.
nla told me of a sure care. "Eat a
pmi of .ennuis nnd drink two or
three glaaaea of milk before going to
bed." said be, "and I'll warrant you'll
be asleep within half an hour." I did
aa he suggested, and now for the bene
fit of others who msy be afflicted with
laeomnla I feel It my dnty to report
what happened, so fsr as I am able te
re, .ill the details.
First, let me say my friend waa
right I did go to aleep very aoon after
my retirement. Then a friend with
hla heed under hla arm came along and
Baked ma if I warned to buy his feet.
I was negotiating .tlth him when the
i ne i-ounty tourl of the Mtate of Australians give to s cake of flour dragon on which I was riding slipped
and wster with s seasoning of salt ' out of his akin and left me floating In
ii Sunday and It Into seven midair. While I was considering how
parte. Each section waa a day's al I should get down, a hull with two
loeanrc, and the slices lhat remained hem Is r. i ,..r the edge of the well
told his, the number ef days that i ml suld he would haul me up If I
must pas before .Smidsy came sgslu would first climti up antfrtg a Windlass
For aeveral weeks this method never
failed bliu. Dnforttiuately, one Tues
day be fell In with a fellow rider who
was very hungry. Lagan stinted him
elf In order thai Ihe ravenous one
might be sstli-tled with thst day's sec
tion of the damper. But It waa no
use. The hoat aaw the knife cut the
boundary line and the hungry rider
carve Into the almanac. He could
its nil 1 1 no longer.
"Htop. now, atop," he yelled, aa he
'lilt, bed Ihe reiuslns of Ihe damper I "
mil glared st his visitor. 'There." be o
Oregon for Malheur County.
CEASED Notice la hereby given that Will
lam it launefjg, the administrator or
the estate of Beth E. A. Laavltt. de
caaaad, haa rendered and presented
tor settlement and filed In said
court his Kinal Report and Account
of the administration of aald eatate.
and that Monday, the Itth day of
August, IBIS, at S o'clock p in . at
Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, In
the County Court room at the Court
House haa been duly appointed hv
Judge of aald court for the settle
ment of said Final Iteport and Ac
count, at which tmle any person In
terested la said estate may appeur
and tile exceptions In writing to the
Klaal Report and Account and
contest the same.
Administrator of the Batata
of Beth E. A. Leavllt. De-
publication July IK.
for him ."to H-. I was sgdjng down the
mouatulBalde ihe hranetiian came la.
and I asked him when the train would
li my station
"We passed your ststlon over 400
rears ago." be aald. calmly folding tha
train up aad slipping It Into hla real
At this juncture the down bounded
into th. ring and isilled the reaterpole
out of Hi- ground, lifting the tent aad
all the people In It up. up. while I stood
the earth below watching myself
hi of atght among the . louds above.
went on, "you've eaten Tuesday aad I Then I awoke, and found I feed been
you've eaten v edn.-adsy. aad now you ! asleep almost, ten minute -H. B. .
Date of first
Date of last
IB, 111.
publication Aiigtu-t
i II l los TO HF.IIt.
in the Ueuuta Ceurt of the state of
oregoi fag Mill:, in county.
HV . II. 1. 1 AM A VANDKItllll.T
To .: .i. .but. Koiumi ay
Venderhilt. Vivian C Van. lei bill, an.!
to i li nessjoaa ii.iWik.wii or canci
i. in '
Hv aoige hi in. above entitled
court each aad .ill of ou are hereby
cited te appear bi.fore tin entitled
nun in the Cnun'.y Court room in
ii:. i nun limine, at Vale. Malheur
I Oregon, at 3 o'clock In the
afternoon on the ZKth day of AugtfM,
mis in afcoa; cause, If aoy you have,
arlli Andrew Va iderhllt. aduitnistra-
or of the etuato of William A. Van-
derhllt, deceased, aa such administra
tis shall not be untitled and directed
bj ..n order of this court to sell cer
tain roal prop"ny of the aald aetata
to pay the indebtedaeea thereof,
Hiileh said real eatr.te la described as
rollews, towtt
Northweel Quarter of Section
Faesj i i i South, Kange
47 E. W BJ., Malt, ur County,
Oregon, containing IM.84 aerea,
more or leas
BJlTNIafS in honorable Ueo. W.
McKuight. Judge of the County
Court of Malheur County, Oregon,
Alth the anal of said County Court
l this lath day of July. lls
(Seal of County Clerk of Malheur
County County. Oregon.
Court i By Hoy Hmlth,
want to slice the beat of the asoroin'
off Thtirsdsyl Nol If I can stop It,
aenny! I woa't be knowing the day
of the week!"
Bwiaa Tey Barometer.
Familiar all over ihe world la the j
Bwlsa toy burometer that gives notice
of slorm or sunshine by the spfiear- '
ance of a little man or a little woman .
outside of a miniature house. If the ;
gsfoepect be of fair weather, the worn-1
an cornea out; If of storm, Hie man.
The toy la really a fairly reliable
weather prophet Its uieclisiiUm la,
of i.iarae, ex -iniple, the two
Hgurea acting in resremae to Hie
twisting piece of eatfSJt, which eon
tracts In dry wea liter and expands
when (here Is moisture la ihe air, thus
tin nint; the little platform on which
the uiauikius stand.
Lack ef Mitten's Hair, te 1
"hat la reported i. he i,,.tor
Johnson's lock of Milton's hair la te
be sold by Messrs. t'uttlrk In I.ondea
this in. mih Johnson, seeordlog lo tra
dition, claimed that hla lock of Mih
ton's hair formerly belonged to Addi
son. Johnson relieved Milton's daugh
ter when she waa In distress and II la
thought she gave him Hie lock in greet.
tilde. J
The lock waa subsequent I v divided,
one lislf being given to ligh Hunt, and
It Inspired Keats' "Lines n Seeing g
Lo.k of Milton's Hair." Leigh Hunt
shared hi portion of tho lock with
I'.i ..wiilug. slid Ihe portlou he retained
- I.,- irir.ii Home yearn age
it -- hi t i i'itiioi, wad Mid in Lou-
York for
umrly H.tsJO London Mull.
Ansae Maksa Safe Gusas.
A coiiipaii) 1 1. aim. Mel, i received au
order from batlallou headquartera lo
eenil in ivtuiii git lug the number of
i inn-, la front of his sector of
trench. He sent In Hie number as '-'.
II li. rung up and aaked blui how
he arrived at thla unusual ttgure.
"Wall," he replied. "I'm certain
about the one. because I counted bun
ayaelf. He's hanging on ihe wire Just
In front of me. I estimated the two
thouaaud. I worked H out all by my
self In ray own bead that It was
healthier te estimate 'em than to walk
about lu No Man's Laud and i-ount
em!"-Australian Soldiers Mags sine.
A Loving Ward.
A lovlin; word a alwiiyx safe word.
li may, or It may not. be s helpful
word lo the one who hears It ; but
It Is sure to be a pleasant memory to
the one who apeaks It. Many a word
spoken h, ua Is afterward regretted!
but no w .rd of affectionate apprecia.
Hon lo i hicb we hnve given utter
ance Anils a place among our aadly re
mem tiered expressions. Linking back
over our Intercourse with our fellow
workers, we msy regret that we were
betrayed Into a harsh or hasty or un
loving word of censure or criticism la
this intercourse ; and we may wish
vainly tbat we had the privilege of
saying all loving words that wa might
have spoken
A" Ovation.
'Never got ain-li au ovatiou
in my
o, girlie r"
"Toil know when a young man lifts
his hat lo a lady every young man who
baiipens to lie with him does the
of couree."
i. lefSj hewed to me from the
aiidnl of their i in. i. hiss club aud SOU
fouug men lifted their ha' a."
The Balm ef Pergetfulneae,
"Did you ever bre.ik a proiulaeT"
"1 try in. I lo do anything
rrplled Heuator Sorghum. "If a prom
ise has to be dl.ipoi.ed ej I dou't break
IL I let it tad awagr."
Boleenng I reel and Steel.
oideririK iroe with steal, ua a
flux ..inpo .! of eqi:al parta of caal-
Iron niings aud calcined borax. Pat-
I verts thla black, glassy mixture, aad
spread the powder on the seam
for soldering steel, melt In aa
earthen veasel three parta of boras,
two part of .-olnpbouy. one pert of
carbouate of ..i's.h one part now.
dered hard oa t.. which three parts
puUertaed glaas sud two psrls of steel
flllnga hare been added. Hun the
atelied mass on old sheet Iron. When
..inn. i. k in pieeas aad
griml hoe. Apply to the surface to he
joined a few iinuutes before uniting