Aw1 i 'n t If ftur III lit bell pi tact tloa Iroi th- Ml I ir i r.ii Hill Die ma i eH Tll III U lb to Us in i'n her -. ... In II. lu rn tr cbl tlin ! hi l I. ir we r r bi iii u pis in ' LI Ibi Th II lh Pis 'i.i bli th. 4 J. II I Vul u. Jo Vr MS Kb uf ih i lui i.r llll .11 I PAOS 4 top ontajuo ajwim outario orwgon thitwat. rxr fi, 19IS ' " sew " Rex all Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THE RMAM, RTORK PHONK PfO. 9 Nyal Remedies Walling Garage NOW OPEN FOR REAL AUTO SERVICE Agency for the Overland, Willys-Knight, and Max well Touring Cars and Maxwell Trucks. We carry the largest stock of parts, ac cessories and t-upplies of all kinds for autoists. Gasoline. Oils and Lubricants. WALLING GARAGE A. V. Wines, Manager ONTARIO ... - OREGON OVER THE TOP AND WIN, is our motto. Every American must do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy I Liberty Bend, buy War Stamps. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK l. IT cook vLU- -w with I PEARL I V OIL J A N.w Pl.c llaa Oil Co.k coaaluii IIJ aeaaniaiwa Aak C.r li tal whu I on. in 9BM.M0 horn... In..pauova, a. ay I. earn at. Uaaaa .1 rawi aw'a today. aV f Makes Cooking a Pleasure A New Perfection Oil Cook Store takes all the drudgery out of cooking. Lights at the touch of a match and heats in a jiffy. Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts. all the year round. No smoke or odor; no dust or dirt. Economical all the conveni ence of gas. 1. I 1. 1 an.l 4 bmtll ana anak i withowt w awla. A ah laai Ja'a ioA. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CtMNmiffa) NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE McNulty & Co. McDowell's Exchange Store znrrzzi BOULEVARD OUUICL 1MCWS BREVITIES1 HOSPITAL BREVITIES The home of Mr and Mm. W W Lemon m the scene of much enjoy ment Ihhi Thursday afternoon when h number of former schoolmate ami friend gsthered there on the lawn In honor of little Mlsa Owendoln Newton, who In vlaltlng Alice Dorman at the present time. The afternoon wim pent In game until o'clock when dinner wan nerved to the mall guests on the porch. The table were daintily decorated and similar decora tions were used on the porch. Those present were Owendnlyn Newton, Alice Dorman, Tiit-lma l.nii kin of i'ayette. Margaret Hlackaby. Phyllis Watson. Margaret Dranc. Alice and Margaret Watson, Alma and Ituili Human, Uils Priming, Mrs H H. Whitney. Mrs. S D DerSbSS ami Mra. W W Letson On Monday erenlng. July 15, bIhuiI MM luinilri'il people representing the ll:iii!l rliurch gathered at ttie home of Mr and Mrs. Amos John-n and spent a very plnasan. evening togeth er. The guests of honor for the Oc eanian were Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Prnn. Mr Penn being In the draft list am! leuilng next Wednesday. Simple r feshmenta consisting of loo oruu n and eake were served late In the even ing. A short tuunlral program i. given. Speeches were made by lr W J Weeae, Rev C'has. Hlom, Mr. Penn responding. The program cloned with a prayer by Kvangellst Hunt eommendlng Mr. Penn to God's rare and asking our Kather to hasten the coming of victory andpenre. Mr I'enn say that he will mil r turn until It can be with a vlelorlons parly. Bryant Ooffey from Nyasa hae been very III at the hospital thin week and .Is but slightly better now. The Orauge Hall, which ban n widespread reputation for Its good time dancing parties, was the seen. a benefit danre last Saturday evening, i which seemingly aurpassed all pre I vlous efforts. The crowd was SSM ni the Urgent ever Id attendance at a dance hare, 95 tickets having been sold. The Ice cream stand and tho wile of Ired tea also made profitable returns, so that ovor flOO with cleared for war work, ncamguard's orchestra, always a favorite, furnish ed the mush . thereby contributing greatly to the pleasantness of the af fair. Kveryone enjoyed a downright SOS1 time although the floor whs ex tremely crowded for every ilatu". The ladle who atood sponsor for the party have learned that their lntn tiou of making Jellies for Invalid Mat tilers does not meet with the appro -ul of the government, so the recelp'H for the dance will be divided up among organisations doing war re lief work . Joe Carter from New Plymouth was dismissed last Thursday after upending a week as a patient In tho Hospital. Mra. V. I. Edwards had her tonsils and adenoids removed last Thursday but was able to leave for her homo In Payette the next day. tat K Bucket! of Payette was a pn tleiil here for a couple of days last week. Mrs. (Ins Davis also of Payette was rperated on Sunday but Is dolnx nicely now. Mrs II T. Mackey, another Pi otte patient, was operated on Monday Mrs. V. J t'leiuo I number ol her friends Thursday after noon In honor of her sisters, Mlnsen Margaret and Aana MeOlvern. who are visiting here with her from Cort land The afternoon was spent in fancy work and music Ixively . e. frenhments were nerved at the time of the afternoon to those prevent, who were Mra. Walter Glenn. Mr James Smith, Mrs. J. H. Blackahy, Mra. K J. Clemo, Misses Margaret and Anna MeOlvern, Eatelle t'urrey, Mae Piatt and Pansy Mallett Garrison Augustus Tureuiau and Mlsa Clara Carllle, both of Ironside, were united In marriage at the Meth odist parsonage Tuesday evening. July 18. by tbe Kev Karl llauui'. punter Mr. and Mrs W W. Hlntuir and Mian Lillian Lawrence of Iron side made up the wexldlng party Tom Howon In nome way unknown to himself took a fall from a loaded ) hay wagon last week and broke two of his ribs. He was probably over come by a combination of heat anal overwork and eollapsed The V. V. Hlckox family of Klng inun Kolooy spent Sunday at the J A. Waller home. Oraln Is ripe and harveat In now In full blast. The acreage of wheal thin year la very large In thla part of the oitnlry and the rrop li generally SSS Mtlered heavier than uaual and of first class quality. Mr. and Mra Wylle Krakn. tallied a large group of the. neighbor. hood young folk at a lawn party ou iSnturday evening of last week. Man! Jataid to a lata hour and enjoyed aj good I inn- Kdn a Von Keaden has been eleel ed to teach the Kingman Kolunv achool for the coming term Tin. position is probably tha bent paving country arhool in the county, as the aalary amount to $116 per month Virginia Smith of Ontario after at tending the Boulevard danoe apenl the evening and Sunday with Jeau Conklln Tbe girls were aoroiity sisters at O. A C. last term. Helen Link of Krultland pent sev eral daya last week vlaltlag with her sister. Mra Wlllard Hall. Stave Co returned home laat week from Presidio. Cal , where he him been attending the offlcavs' traiulng camp for the past month. Steve was a freehmaa at O A C last year, and one of a buach selected from thst In stitution for the It O T 0 An operation was performed on Mrs. A a Iing Monday. W. A Tureman front Ironside m operatnd on Tuesday. Little John llenggeler from the Krultland bench had his tonsils and adennliln removed yesterday. Ktl Johnson waa another Payette patient to be admitted here Tueda. . Mother M. Angustlue antl Mother lH. Dominic, who have boon vlnltl'i here the past week from the Sacred Heart Hospital In Hanford. Callfor nlit. left the first of the week. On their return they were accompanied by Sinter Mary Marcelllna. who will be there for some time, as the work there has need for more sisters and sense, BUY W.S.S. The Methodist Sunday school ami church held a farewell reception for H. J. Teneemeyer and family Mno day evening, July 8, at the church. Mr. Tensemeyer ha been the effi cient Sunday school superintendent for some time. We regret seeing him leave. They return to Iowa on account of the feeble condition of hi fattier, the other aon all having been called Into tho country's service. They left Saturday at noon. BUY W.S.S. The Methodist Sunday achool held Its annual picnic Thursday in DM Brown grove on the Snake river Bfa mllea south of town. Over eighty people est down to a fine picnic din nor. The day wan spent la gsmei. swinging and beating. All presont expressed themselves as having a good time. AUSTRIAN'S DRIVEN FROM PIAVE DELTA Italians Push Foe to Rivers Left Bank After Five Days Struggle. Koiio Italian troop have roinpi. t ed their operation, v irtorioualy at the mouth of the run PiSVS by liurlinx tbe laat remnant of the attSOfl Auairo HutiKuriuii lone aero lo III.. I.. I' bank of the rivet according to tbe war office announcement iler five day of uuinlerrupted triiKgle," sayt the official lomuiuni cation, "tbe euewy waa eessplttelj driven on to the left bank of the new Ptae.' The .iiirn Hungarian resuiance was battraMl In the area when- Hi. rlvar I'uve enter lite Viirtalu- I'll. Italians puahed forward and raaoSed tbe nab! bank of tbe new Piave from Ortaolera lo th aouth of the rtver and took, 4tS pruaoaaars. After deeperate fighting tbe Italians rapulaed a counter offeneive of tb Austro Hungartana la the dlraottou of Cblesauuova. on tbe aortbsrn Italian froat On the Aslago plateau the statriii.-in ehroniclea a raid by the Kraaok which reaulled to the capturing of priaouer SAd machine guaa Auairo Hungarian attack betwaee the ITreeseia alle sad tbe Breata were repulsed Farmers, Insure Your Crops-You Can Not Afford to Take Chances In hiiv one of several ot the hunt insurance companies in Anicric.i wc can prtitfct ytuir chi-'h labor-, The Cost Is Small WE INSURE HAY AND GRAIN IN FIELD, IN STACK, IN GRANARY OR BIN. ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO. 8. T. TAYLOR Ontario, Oregon. mo The National Summer Drink For Sale at All Drug Store, Restaurant, Refreshment Resorts and Grocery Stores at ISc the bottle or $.125 per cane of two dozen with a 50c per case rebate upon return of your case and bottles. BOYER BROS. & CO. Distnbutyrs for Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho