I amino amoi omtamo omoon tbtucdat, nut in, itu nrn?i"m-"T-r' paob t SERGEANT PUTNAM f " Bergt. David K. Putnam, of Newton. Mm., reported to hava downed flva Oarman alrptanaa In on day. ALLIES IN ALBANIA ADVANCE STEADILY limno Kalian and allied Iroopa In Albania and Macedonia have succeed il In in rfrrllnp a alngle frniil extend lug from the Adriatic ana to Satnnlki on the i Ki'an . a disianre of some i'fiit mile, according to Ihe laical re imrts published here. Briiisli moiiilors and Itillau dtlroy ra are cooperating with the Italian Iroopa which are penetrating IdIo the heart nf Albania. ili' French and Italian Id Albania bate carried thlr llnea steadily north wsrd The town of Herat, the moat Important polal In aoullieru Albania. haa lalleo It la reported large quaii tie of auppllea were destroyed by the retreating Auitrlana. Official report indicate that the ail auce of the French and Italian la raaablng lurlbar and further eaet Into the iiiiniiilalua and toward the rear of the Hulgailan poeltlnna around Mon Mil Serbian poaltlou neai that rlh hate been raagul) attacked by Ibe Bulgarians, who. after gaining it mo neuter fool bold nn the Serbian Irencbea, ware driten MM BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR Five American airplane which went on a in. mli. ii( eipedlltou bare fallad to return Meuaral rrhiug baa re ported. . Hunch airmen bruught 4102 boatlir mi hmer diiwo during the year andlug Jnlt I. the British pre bureau an Bounced During tb same period lb 111 li ih lost 1IW plane i '. upatlon uf Herat and Ibe capture of iiuauiltlea of war material and asset petaoaar b the adWanerag Ital Ian arm) la Albania, war aaaouaced la an official dispatch from Home British troop la Met-edoata eeee lag! have itarled aa oparatlon againai tb teuiuaic alHaa which duel .Op wtaard aioag Ibe bettlefront and eteutiiall) on (or m with lb iiiuhii i ful .lilts that U being carried out by , Ibe Irraarh and Italians la Albania. ! retolt ef Auatrlao troop in Serb: la repotted from Italian sources. The I agiiliat waa suppressed only after , bard fighting Athra report a aiaillai siate r sflalr In a Turklak garrison In Aaia Minor, wbare it la aald Uwam officer war murdered by Turkish aoldlrr In Albania tb Preucb and llallaus are glvtag the enamy ao real, prrsslag Ml dailv. mile altar mile, and rapturing strategic position and vll lag Tb lataat French affteial com auunlcatiou kow that the I troops bate taken lb tlllagee of Narta and (Jramahl. which bring tneli astern flauk appreciably nearer Lak i arid. ftiiacli Family Bought Oarman Band New York The Husrb femilt. of St. Luutr. bought lluoutmu worth of the tierma war bond which tbe govern laent believe war sold lu thia gJB tr fur propagaada and for the pur (baa uf the New York Kvaiag Mall aad other naaepepor. aoidiu to a aiatruieai taaued b Alfred I. Hang r. deputy atat aitoree) general Baekan Lead In Farm Laane. Viaahiagten .luu loan b) tkr farm loan bask aggregated 11.141.410 briuglug the total lent to farmers aim e organnalioa of the ayateai to flVD il.'.OOO. The Hpokaae bank made tbe largest galu with 1..'4-'U00. Oth era were Omaha lu4 0. and Herke ley, lal . Hff, tartbguake Felt at Katreka, Cal. kurek lal. Au earthquake shock jf dtalinct tesmii) wa fall bar i 4 W o clock tfiibdat sltariuiou II wa ed to have beeg tb moat piouoaacad dleUfuui.v ar ie4t bar Ho 4kB wa d . CONGRESS ADlim MURE CONTROL BILL Power to Take Over Telegraph and Telephone Lines Given to President. Waahtagton. Congress haa granted PreeMent Wllaon'a request for author Ity to take oer and operate telegraph, telephone, cable and radio llaoa By a toM ol 46 to lg (be minority all republican the eenale adopted, without amendnant, the bouae reaolu tlon granting auch power for the pe rtod of the war. All attempt to amend or modify tbe admlnlatratlon meaaure, wbleh paaaed the houae July I by a trot of 211 to 4, war defeated. Amendment by Soaatnr Waleon. of Indiana, to except telephone and pre wire from the reaolutlou war defeated. respectively, 41 to 20 and It to 11. An amendment by Senator fibre, of Oklahoma, democrat, to limit action regarding telephone to long dlaUnce wire wa voted down, while an amendment by Senator Reed, of I Mlsaourl. dealgnad to Inaur imn atrletad public uaa of facllltlaa. wag twice rejected Opposition to the meaiure wag baaed largely on the contention that no mill lary neceaalty bad been abown and on objection to what waa termed a fur ther atep toward government owner ahlp and aoclallam. CONGRESS STARTS SUMMER VACATION Waahlngton. - - Congraaa started It u miner taratlun Monday. Uadar the arraugemenl. only a few mmbr wtll : remain to attend the perfunctory eee alona twice sach weab. Tba vacation plan. It la undaralood. baa tba aanrtloa of Frwaldent WUaoa. who called upon ooagraa laet week to defer holiday plaaa to oaart tba tola i graph reaolulloa. The three-day plan waa adopted ba- j cause of tb consUtuttoael provlalon again! loager receaaoa by altbar ' bona without tbb coaaeat of tb otbar I aad alao bocaua congr lachalcally remain In session prepared for aSy margancy action. la arraaglng for a mldaummar aca tloa. a formal unanimous consent agreement waa entered Into by tb aaaat to defer until August It further , oaatdaratlon of tb 111 000 000 amor gear) lood grodiu tlou bill, coatamlog : tae amanameai ror none dry war lima prohibition, effacm New Year dt REPORT HINDENBUR6 DEAD Field Marehal bald to Hava gue eaesktad t Itrek ef Apoplexy. Ametardam The ileatb ef Field Marshal von H'Ddeiibiirg la aannuncad In La Nouvallaa, a Ftem h language awapapar publlabed at The Hague. Von lllndenbiirg death, which re auMed from voageailoa of the brain, t aid to bate occurred after a stormt Interview with tba Uernian aaiperor at grant kad quarter al Mp The peror ami tin field merabal are d nlarad to ka had aerioue dlffruw ef opinion rrolug the (Isruiau ef fnale toward Pari Tb nolo I lalervWw between Vn Hldnburg and Kmperoi Wtlliaai took place oa May It, !. Nouvellv aaya. II waa followed by an apoplectic stroke. Tbe aewapapar It lofermatlou waa obtained "from good aoureee lu tb occupied dlatrkrl of Helgium China re Build brilaa. Waabtagtoa (blaa baa been added to tba list of natives building mer baui ablpa lo help dtai Uarmauy 1be skipping board haa awarded to tbe fblaaaa goterameat yard at Shanghai ooatratla for four targe vea aaia of lV.OwO ton each, and took op lloaa for tba building of M.ooO mre toaa. Haiti Oeclar War en Hun. Port au Priuc, Haiti. Tb couacll of stale, actlag la accerdaac with the leglalallve power glvea It aader tbe uaw lialtlaa coaatltutlon, ba unaai moualy voted tbe deciaiaUea of war upon Uarmauy deauaudrd by Ibe prai deal of lb republic boa r-Board Created. Maehlngtea To equalise Ibe price of augar to tbe conaumer la the face of prospects for aa lacreaae due lo a lhrwalud shortage and to sac ur bet ter distribution. President Wllaou ere atisd tb sugar equalisation board, un recouimendatlou of Food Admlnistra lor Hoover. AIM Owe U. g. Bia Billkan Waablnglou tireat Hrilala baa granted an addiuoual civdll ef 1TK, uoe.oeo b) Ibr treasury deperlmaal. luakm the tuial lueu to her la data, l JU mv ussy aad Ibe let I ursdM IB C. M. ejjpWAB I Charlea M. Schwab. Emergency Flt director. gansral, who I on a tour of Inapection of Pacific coaat shipyards OVER 1,100,000 U.S. SOLDIERS OVERSEAS Waahlngton. American troops titer aeaa and on ahlpbnard en unit, have paaaed the 1.1 00, linn mark, according to a statement of General March, chief of ataff Thia lepteaaul an lutrcaae ol more than 00.000 alnca laat wk. Three army corps of from X26.0OO to 2(0,000 men each have bean definitely urganlied from American dlvlalous in France. Major General Hunter Liggett, com manding the 411 (the bunaeti dlvla iou, national guard, baa bn detailed aa temporary commander of the first run gang Commander for tb aac ond and third have not yal been dealg natad. The Ik dlvlalona comprising the corps, couslatlng of four regular, nine national guard and five national armt dlrlalooal units, probably will com pose the first army which, with sup pleinriilal aim) troops auch aa heavy artillery, will total a million man Inatead of one field army on Janu ait I. lain, aa orlgiusllt planned. II now appears probable that two auch aimiea will be operating In France lit that date, hacked by full American built and maintain- d supply lines The great projri t of establishing the inci lean a rm v aa tb right flank of the bailie hue will then be within light HEROES PARADE IN FRANCE Many Natlona Participate In Celebre tien of Baatile Day in Fran. Paris lleroea dlstlugiilsbed dinn. tb war In all the entente allied ar ml participated In a monater parade lb rough the street of Paris lu cele biation of Hasllle day uiil. n Iroopa from lb first and aecond dltls loas recently riled In army orders repreaeuied the Culled Slates sunt iue ileiai'hmeiil look part III Hie cap lure of I'antlguy. other were at I'ha teau Thierry All Ibe Auiernan ualia had ben in Franc more than a year Tb Amen rau expeditionary force ware sho ered with flowers by Prancb girl The parade waa reviewed by Preat dent I'oim aie. who waa accoutpaulv I lit Ueuaral Perahlng. Tb Auemau occupied second place lo Ihe culnmn Tobacco Ration Peaaibl in America. WasliiiiKton tlovernaieul control of tbe tobacco Induatry may result from the heavy requirement of Ihe allies and the American military forces a broud Kaitonltig of the linn Iran population la balleved IB be a poasibillty Wheat Veto Buetainad. Waahlngton Ihe house sustained President VV llson a vlu uf tb agri cultural bill. A inollou to pass Hie measure uter the veto waa defeated la T. THK MAIKITI Portland. Oaia No. 1 white feed. $41 7. U I Barley Siaudaid feed. I I c i ion Corn Whole fifi crack. I I7. Hay Timothy . 141 per nu,: alfalfa $L'a io Butter- -I'reauie.-y. tj- p , II, Kgg Itam h tHi p. do n. Potaloea Horbanka. Ji . hundred, uew, 3'44a'v. pel : Poultry Hen. H ivi !:. duck, young. IBt BeatUe. Butter -Creamery. 4c per lb Egg Kaucb 44c per doaeu Poultry Hen, heavy, dreesed light Ibe; batdJeea, 4e; ra dreeaed. Mk. diasaua. live 10c. dr lac; Every Provision Made for - Vamtf SdMter Boys Tbat Undo Sam leaves nothing un provided for the cogafort and care of the boya in tbn great National Army la the view of the situation of Theo dore Moore, who writes of life as seen from the detention camp where the boys war vaclnated and med ically cared for are being assign - ed to companies Klhert Johnson write telling of his expected transfer to the Mexican border, and James Mel). Koe given an Interesting view of life aa an array baker in Camp Kearney in a letter to Mrs. ('. M rinnr-y Theodore Moore gives the following optimistic view of life ss a seldier: July II, mi. Dear Mrs Pltinov I am a real soldier now and can say that it Is sure a great life. I haven't felt the need of single article yet. Uncle flam is a wonderful provider This la a large alty, thousands of men are qunrtered here of all clasavs of society and I believe it la the cleanest, healthiest place in Mm world. We have not had uu uncom fortably warm day since we have been here. There have been close to one hundred thousand men turned out at thia emtio and only one rase of typhoid fever and Hint was bfrwBfht In from outside The whole m are hasSd upon system nud discipline There is nothing left to mirk out for .Itself Allowance Is marie and BN Tided for every emergency In pliiln iIm we are almoltiiclv g right land well taken rare of. Our iiiarntlne will lie lifted In I I few daya and then we will he gUowwd 'Saturday and Sunday off slid inn go in Seattle or Taroma Tb moat appreciated way the I home folk can help ua Is to write to jus Heading letters has never been Known to bore anyone In the rm. If we are made to feel the BBBM folka are Interested In ua and anxloux for our welfare, we will he sure to be 'bark again Sincerely yours, THBODORE n MOORK American Ijike, July I. 1111. Dear Mother and Father: I will" writ you a few Hue this afternoon to let you know that I tun lining to lite Meticim tint. i.i v i ire already .to go now We ure going to . aiup Kearney, i'hIIi It Is below lais Angeles and near the ocean I wish 1 could hate stayed here awhile longer Only one mote week and I could hate had a pass to I'ort land Mm I can I go sut where no . We hail some very strict einln.. lions this morning I passed with I good grade. Vg may nol atari for "Sutiiewbere" until hi, in, lime lii the night mid then again we may uol start null morning. 1 received the sweeter this Ba M I think Ii Is a nlii one I am going to keep the two of them awhile u are allowed u Red I n. -weuler I one from home, to. If tte me bjgg on. Well, I will iry ami MM t,,u knm. when we are going. Some any we gfg gg east hilt I (llillk tte ute glllllk to i amp Kearnet. aa a 111 was piu-icd oil the liiillillll board to lo i, ferred to Callloi ui.i 1 will ilo i lor lliie lime, tills fitnli- tun ajl well laflta ol lo" and Ileal wishus to ull llskn . I It.- suit. laaaWl Camp Ke.illley, Calif Inn 'Mr. (Juerln, Dear Kriend I re.-elt.il your letter the day bei. id it and wus glad to hear from you, I am well Hid hope title lllol os im il, I ii in masting bread now, or trying to. si li.nl I am I' how I like my Job lllie I Bg M ' 'thing I don't like g Ho- night worl . they do all lite, baking nl Bight, and It I hard to get any sleep thin ihe da) on an oiuii ol' Hie nol-.- anil h.iii re put tins' up a tie Baking eohool but I don I know !,- Will gel to go lo it III Hot I hi hi'. 1 1 1,11 lit. sua duly hui no me knows w in n I .- Ihe ,t..t Hiev are ilrltln-- i:..- in a. i oi ig Ho" haw i l would todld III I ' ' ,,e may i " "' today :!'' trag i ' her a.. Wat! " ban mil torn o.l.l to, . ,p t pl... le.l ( l are two big HiOttlere. a rolli i .katlBg nuk. ptnil halli ud a n town right in lip where we 0BB go wlien off duty v can get off etery riatuula noon, Bel back at 1 I Sandst night i'h boys go lo San IllHgo I IbbTOB t liei-n I but am go I 'dov.ii Samrday II I gei off 1' only II milea from hare. I wlah that you were here to e the town with me. We sure would have some fun together I have got a couple of latter from Ray since I have been here. I aaw float Island, where in wa In training, when we stopped at Oakland when we were coming from Camp Lewis. With best regards to all. Your friend, JAS. Mel). ROE III Bakery to. (The rest of thia Interesting letter will he finished next week, as spure dones not permit Its completion now.) BUY W.S.8. 41 TOMOHILK TURNS TUHTIJC KII.I.INO DKIVKK III Nr III VV'.ir.l U'.tu tiw,&lwa.l I.mvk t... MbbJ. ' ,t wa t. mm tnw.iiu IIDin UJ IIITTIIlin this week of the death of Lloyd Rob luson In an auto accident near Drew hey. The young man wa on his way homo from Burns driving his own car when the accident ocurred While running at a high rate he crossed a small bridge when the force of speed caused the car to turn turtle, plunlnii the driver under II and killing him nstantly The accident took plate foiir miles beyond Drnwaey, where hi home was. Although lie had never lived Ir Ontario Mr Kohlnson waa well known among the mi miner people of the . m . to whom his death came as a greit shock - III V W 8.8. ii l.eeity. an attorney irom mi yon illy wa In Ontario Friday and left the iievt day for Vale w'tere in mid 'lime legal bu-ilness mVlere to attend to. P Mbd0bM4y jiajg Hot Weather Relief Cool, Healthful Drinks ooo i " i i i HI HKT Kill OF III T FAUnKI) FF.KLINtl O K T I N I) I It Till: Wlllltl.INO FANS AT THIS STOHK AND OIMIKU A NV ONi: OF THK MANY 0001 im IIKFIIKSHIMi AMI IIKALTHFI I. KltlNKK. SI ' IIAK8 AND OTHKII HI MMKII HKI. ooo r Or I IT17T-IUG PKKscKinTON . i i . I i I r, I IVn i i i i i i i c r r m m, w m-m -mm -m-m m -m- Own an Automatic Washer In order thai you may hava t hee tfiHt automatic devlcee have arrangad a Special Sale During tin- next few nreeka ;inJ oni' eaj u-ims durinf thia cHmpakn onlj enaWk ou to buy tii.Aiiioin;itic Washti-out ol what you save III washing eacli w.t Two Valuable Books Free Twocompl te books ol f'o i -11111, ;.- and Dry Cleaning. IVesenl th ail ut . officu ;ilitl v't tln-c. Remom ! A payment of r tn Elactric Washer tt) your hoiTM I ith for twelve inoir.ii in ' Idaho Power Co. i Canvas bag between Payetta aaai Ontario. Monday morning. Coataigoj lady' and man's wearing dtmaral. Reward. Return to aVn fmg rooming house. Il-tt BUY W.8.O.- Laaae Back Kellajawd. For a lame back apply Chambwr laln'a Liniment twice a day and aat- aage the muscles of the beck oyer tax aeat of pain thoroughly at aach appli cation. Dreamland Attractions ONTARIO, OlthX.OV Sunilat, Jul)' II, HHKIil, SAM I .' tiullt Wolll i. I'm In- News. Monday, Jnlt -.:. "MY I NMVBRII i tIKK." t''mil Me ,i h. Kiurth KpUmle "Hhuw ol Hate.' I'eaxl TA hit... TueMlay. July kM. "DK.HT OK HONOR," I'eQt! Htlanil. Matt A Jeff In "Mslierlrss rwit.ma. M iilm-Mliii . July 114. ")VKU TIIK TOU." itiiui (.in Knipajr. Ilrat ricloitrnpli. T1iui--iIm) . Jul) kU). 1 VSHIVF aVlaUnr.' Mac Marsh. KihIm) uU K-amJU), Jut) 'JO unit 27. " liAMI of PROMIHB." Illlll. Illlike ' IIIHFII INTO M)VK." b'm t omnlt . wi ty I 11.VI.I.-II - eJ ) ' : i r el, Ivi inj 3rt ivc Jul ht to a nd t I ge)aaBaagBBgBBBBBgB ) Br 17. d B.