it i am t ,a TIM ONTARIO AJkfftJB OJTf AJUO OREGON THrRMftAY, itXV . IftiB " "" I i T ' Tt ! T. ! ; t. r. - The Ontario Democrat GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher. PirhlMied Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon, and entered at the Ontario post office" for distribution as 2nd class matter. SUUSCKIPTIONS One Year $1.50 A LONG WAV TO III lil.l What mull does depends upon what he think Offline desire Ip father of the thot. and therefore has .1 lot to do with in Hon This Ih true af a nation, an a unit and tor that reason It la mighty imperative at thin time that eery Amerlrnn llilnk atrnlght The KreHleKt danger at thin time, no fur hk Hie American people are MM corned la that In their intense desire to see Germany crushed liny gel flic notion into their bends Hint Orrmany la oruMlied now Hucl. belief doc ex ist In many mlnda and Ik evident In dally convocation Kino the drive " thla week On o.iv lei.- one can hear kucIi remark a these- "We've ant tin m KniiiK ' Tfegf can't budge Hie allien line ' "llln danburg Ik making IiIk laat big ef fort." We all hope thai these reflect the fact I111 tliey lire material on which In huso aattM, If overtime believed lliem t ! 1 -would be a slackening of war work Interest winild begin to renlii mi Hi" peace iit'iik and what tHeprmtt lin would he made of the KalRor und Hie clown Prince. And nil the whit. (ieriniiny wnulil gMttBM flalilliiK Nothing couiiIh now but winning lie war and every effort hIiimiIiI lie direct ed toward Hint end. Ho far ax i lea la concerned, "we have JiihI begun to fight." mill our buys over Him MAMIE IS OflHB IN NEW OFFENSIVE Germans Btflin Violant Attack on a Wide Front in the Champagne. Iiiiiilnn The German have t rossed Ike Marne at aeveral pieces ia their offanalve begun Monday morning, ec cording to advlcea received here. The main attack, tt la added, seems to he in the Champagne. Advice atate that the attack began en a front of :m mile between Chateau Thierry and llligny, southwest of Rhelm The Herman alao attacked eaat g Rhelm. between Prunay and Malaon de champagne, on a front of IS mile. rJOW OLD tS L0N00N T0WN7 Notwithstanding Antlaulty et Brltleh Metropolis Many Orsst Build for American Judgment Kvldenlly Oermmiv licllcwd that all that waa naceaaary to obtain the right kind of American opinion Kim to buy It. They must hate believed Hint the American sense of honor and Justice waa dead They reduced u a h people, in Hie (Icrmnn material latli level and proceeded arcordlnglv. The remarkable thing ahnui It all la the fact that there Vtfl Svldewtl) nit American of Herman lean-, talnlng their poaltlona lug to make Ihelr campaign i.nssi- The German attacked from Tia l,r t lean Thierry to Maine de Maaalgea Tlie recent roielm inn of the de- after the moat violent artillery prep pnrtment of utlce allowing how the ration," the communique irl "The New York Mall waa purchnaed will .Tench are auatalnlng their poaltlon Pari -A new nffenalve by thv Oer man waa begun In the region between Mlieim and the Argnnne. The attack followed a violent artll ler preparation The Krsnch are us (iernuin money by llr Kdwurd A l.umeley, and Hie mure reeenl stoic ineni lhal. a far weatern newspaper was similarly purchaKed. gave Hie Mr to Hie KtHteiueiii often nniile prior in enerKi'llcally before the enemy a tilt on a front of about n kilometer (4!l mlleal " Main de Maaalgea I In the Cham MOM region. .12 mile eai of Ithelma our entry Into the war by pro tier- Th '""r rily la almost In the center ii'iini. Hint Uermniiv waa nol irvln (,f ,h" "ow drive have for the first time felt theWorre of a great Herman drive. Thlx Hun Is no time to begin to count time mi Germany Thai time will come hci the Herman people cry. "enough " When they are willing to forHwear their I'an Herman program ol world iimulnlon In the meantime every loyal American will continue to bnv War Saving Stamps and l.'berty Mnnds, und Thrift Hi snips and ion ute to the Ited Croas, Hie Y M C. I A and Hie KnlghtK of CoIuiuIiuk and ..tiler agency that ban for Its piirpn 1 Hie successful proHeciitlon of the war or the amelioration of condi tion 1 - hot at the front and their mIIi UI IV W 8.8. f I I MM; I'ltH'KN. I'lil e .li. -ep men Wfll ill . Iiaslllg hay price 011 the streets of Ontario one day thU week and all agreed nr Juki what the price should be I'm . were emphatic In their aaaarllon an. I this was one m the reason thej elted "The guvernmcut hits put a price oil wool, and wc have to wall for Hie money We cannot "Inter on iMea for the price of wool especially wh-m we have to pat present1 wages und present feed bills It la to put a prlr. 1 iur wool, wfe doea It mil put .1 price on Hie ranch era' hay?" The next day Ihc writer w.i ent when two ran. ! an were .liseuas Ing the p-iec of h:i Their couversa t Ion was something like tall "We liin.' urn miM our hut e( for we are walling until the price Is us tablh-i " 1 ilu not feel that one 1 .null, 11 aliuulil gel I luce ur four dnllai - innie per Inn for hi hay than another. 11 n do we believe that the sheep ma the .,il (leiiian should be held up Ini more than he can afford to guj There ought to be some way uf arrit lag at a fair figure." Now these may have been tlonal farmers to take ao s anoed and fair minded a poaltlon, hi, never the leas such ranchers do exist Likewise there are sheep aud cat tle men who uro equally fair minded ao that it should be possible lor these two great Industrie In this section to come to .1 ft Ir uuderxtundiut! Tun sooner this Is done tile belter, inr aj eonoerned Mach industry will be In a positlou 10 make plans for the 11 ture The hay rancher will KM I how much let olopuieiil '.v .an u 11. 1 . r take thla lull and nler. and the aheap man can airani- his liinrtness with uu a urate kim ledge of what It Is guini; to com him to ttiuter in Hocks In t 'il seoelou IH'V W I S THIS IdliM IN SI I s . to Influence public opinion by such ineMinda While free speech and a free prow are the corner stones of democracy, there should he some method devised to assure their freedom and protect Hie public from repetition of In 1 such lactic In the long run. 01 course, controllc.l publications (,. their prostlae ami are powerle to ... great lio rin The public kj n,,t In.. -In discovering whether or not a pin llcatlon la honest In li-v opinion The history of American nowspapara Is ; rilled with Illustrations of this fact For veara It was the popular heliei II. u ....Ital 1 ... itnai poiuirai panics, rallroail cor pm.iHiinK ami other lntltutlou could control publle opinion by mere ly purcliaalng great newspapers, but thai day Ik past The Influence uf inch puhllcatlnns apM fadiil kl , the public knew, or thot It knew who nwiied theni At leaat two dlatinct American force are Ihu Invotted In the new thoae in th" region of Chateau Thierry and thoae near Rntte dit Me nil. four miles west of Main de Ma Igea. GERMANS ATTACK AMERICANS AT VAUX With the American Army on the Marne. The Oermans at dv1tgr' Monday launched a violent attack againat the American position watt 1 01 'bateau Thierry eapeclalK near ux The attack came after a moat via lent bombardment of high explosives and ga shell throughout the night. Ihe American troops sought nhelter wherever It waa available U hen the enemy Infantry appeared the inerl So lias 11 pr.M.i, In the eaae of the Iran .warmed out and met the attack. It la surprising, when we think 0 the age f ltodon, and think of the tower which William the Conqueror built ; of the ancient abbey ; of the Nor man church ; of St. fta rtholomew'a, how mane of London's most prominent buildings are les than a hundred years old, snd how many nf them are quite recent structures, observe a writer In London Tit Hits. Of all the buildings which flank Whitehall only the Horse Ouarda, the Banquet halt and the Old Admiralty existed a hundred years ago. The gov ernment offices are all new. Within living memory the house of parliament, the Thames embankment and all It flanking buildings, St. Thoma hospital, the National gallery, South Kensington museum, the Tate gallery, the bnv courts, all the big ho tel and even the present Mansion bouse bate been built, whilst nearly sll the bstikt nnd great piles nf corn menial office in the city sre new, although the thoroughfare In which they stand are very old. A hundred years ago there was no lllch llolborn, no Shaftesbury atenne, no Charing Cms road, no Regent Ktreet or. nl most. It was Juat In the making and no Trafalgar square. Kltigiway and Aldwych are streets of yeatenlay. Moreover. uch great center) of pop ulation mi Putney and Mlntion and llmnpsfciid and Kdmonton eere little outlying village quite ill oimected villi Ijondnn, whilst West Until and WllleKilen had no existence except a name, and plnee like Mhepherd' Rush and Wormwood Scrubs might have been In the hnckwood of Aus tralia or Camilla f,,r all the liiin.u tancc they represented. A century ago, ton. the railroad ststlons which numb, r ghoul '.'.IHSt had no exlsleu-e whatever. asm ! P ' ."' BSaaBwawasaaaswasagBMsxsnswjaMMwssaaBB I I saasMf I , .1 Hern 111 controlled papers and mag.i sine, fur without a doubt Hie . York Mall was but one of many mo purchased and controlled Yet these piihlhiithiiiK did not keep 11 out of the wur The ery fact that ll.e Ainerlcan people hate learned that their nplitlon,. were an little Hint of snd the Germans believed they they could be so easily duped, will re act against the Kaiser and his ere MTJ W H.8. NTAMlltll,lti SHOKN. It will he kimiiI news to many wo men in know that the government .11 Us wisdom lias taken over their shoe problem. No longer will they wear the high ones, and they will not have to pusile long deciding what style to wear or what color to hsn With woinen'a shoes limited 1 . eight inches in height and In mil. ., few standard colors 1 In, government officials believe there will be great saving In shoe lout her That In Itself la sufficient reaaon for the ehange but the saving will not all he .. pllabed in the shoe tops There will be a saving 111 the number of shoes necessary for many women for they will not he buying almes to mutch every dress their fancy dictates And that Is not all, by making all tl, era with s rain of machine gun bullets The wnertcana wore their ga masks ss they fought the attacking Hermans Ksavy shell from Oermsn naval una fall In region far behtod be actual battle area, many of these pro Jectllas having fallen In the (ftj of Meaux. I mllea from Chateau Thierry Iteporta from American advance po Itlons said that the American troops were handling the enemy well" In the desperate fighting which la cnu tloumg BRITISH TROOPS TO SIBERIA .sinforctmaete Dlspatehad Is Co eperste With Cssche -glevake. Waahlnglo. Rritlsh reinforce 1 on ni hsve been dispatched to Si beria, according to official Inform tion re. eued here, to assist the Rub bisiis aud 1 'sacho Slovaks guardlug tha allied atorea from Holshevlkl artlug with Herman prisoners who are re porieit to be advancing upon Vladl voatok apparently wbstever may come of plans for allied and American military Intervention In Kuaala on a great si ale, tin hard fighting Cici ho Riovaka are to be git en bt the allies the aid necea gfl to prevent them from being tlV U.llllarflk Inr.... ..AuVBlia.u straight lopped 1 here will be a sauna ! , "" with released Uerinan prisoners m , .us 111r1.11 uiufie III Hie pro .I11.11101-. nf adwrlUdug shoe cuts, for nue cut will il.i it, lllustrule alines from .tear In e.u If I'ncle Sum can regulate the wo mens shoes h not their huts. ,u,i add. thus, some loy to the men who have lieu puylug for thoae hats? The I usi what Rrltlah forces have been dispatched la not known, nor Is It clear whether the movement I part of a general plan of acUon determined upon in the absence of American up protal aud oooperatlon In an Inter tendon programme HOW MANY ARE TRULY HAPPY Eminent New Verh ahylelan Places ths Number at Abeut On In Hundred. The other night we chanced to ask sn eminent physliiaa of New York city his opinion as to the number nf pe..ple who were truly happy. Ills rather dogmatic reply waa: "About one In a hundred." And this waa not the oplnlbn nf a gfj !mlt, but of a moat radical op timist. We wonder If till- opinion is shared by others. It doe not sn of course, that ninety nine people out of I hundred nre il.eplt tiiihsnfiy. That iv. ild he absurd. Hut tbeie Is no inuiiii mat 11 great many people are 1 quite iiuhsppv a deal of Ihc lime. psfMpa not half the time, hut enough rather to cloud their lives. We should ttke to know the opinion of phyalriuna generally. More ami more people go to the doctors to tell them Ihelr trouble. The phyalcian of today takes the place of the coo-fes-lnual of yesterday. Then, loo, there I the new applica tion of psychology to the Held of uiedl 'ne Ihe e-callcd paychn analysis, which Is so rapidly taking Its place aa an Important part, literally, of the medical pharmacopoeia. This new n--ence has given a wonderful Insight Into our sub conscious selves and re teals bow far that sub-conscious self really dominate our lives and deter mine, the amount of happiness which we really get out of this confused welier of existence. '.iillah AiaaHi'in ami Iimiua m.k r""""" m inia nue open u(a riiis and or happiness, no doubt, for koiiik h men, and womea. too Let Uncle 8am go all the way. bluejscketa are already ore at ladivostok auardtaa war stores There waa nothing subtle about the manner In will. I. Herman) cmicavnr ed to Influence Atuerloan opinion be fore the war likewise there was evidenced u must profound contempt BUT W.8.8. WANTKD Poaltlon by man wife on ran. h, wife aa cook inch liana Apply Drexel hotel, Vale ft BUY WSJ. Kt)H SAI.K CHEAP Oo fart. In good condition. Mrs. John Rasmus sen. is BUT W 8 8 o' tauter Ice rctui is ll.e of crsania. made duHaut war lime la atassflartl flat 00. only, in full accnnl wtUi the rearulatloaa set ihMU by the Nattustal KnmI Adanlsis trattua. Wo do buaUseea oa a alagjlc uUii, alike for eterybody, qUMllty aawl servleo. Mfg. by Mutual Cxream ery to. .Boise, Idaho. Ask your dealer fur Maid o' t inter Ice crvutni. Hertling OecUeee Belflium to Be Free. aud 'a1o.--aartBss.y does sot la leant 1 10 keep Belgium In ant form, CbenooV lor liertllag declared In th relehstaf, according to a Renter dispatch from Copenhagen, guotiag advices reustvad from Merlin "The occupaUoa atvd poaasasioa of Belgium farm Ihe oaly meaaa we have aa a pawa la future Begot iat tons." the German c.haaeeiior B ip.oivd as aating "We do aot In g keep Belgium iu aay form whatever. After the war we waat 1 eetored as a self independent state, subject to nobody We waat them to live with us ia good friendly relation. ' August Draft Will Call 300,000 Man. Washington The August draft calls a," . p-cled to tubal JoO.OoO (or the mouth. A Napoleon Holograph. Pew holograph letter In th hand of the great Napoleon are imtalde Ihe national an hives in the fa mous Morrison collection, the second IHirtlon of which I being offered at Betheby'e. London, airbeared that mis sive which the Brst cousul wmte to the prime wlni sfterwsnls became l.uuls XYIII In this he sternly advises him to remain In sweet and tranquil exile, for a return tn Kramc weuld mean a trudge over iishmsi otxfjktsa ("li fiiuilralt r.ti.-r sur HNiiaai , adsv res"). For this tehement warning Mr. I". Babla paid t-t.'lu, and at a coot, ulent and authoilxed Interval the letter will go lo New irk A descendant of Jo seph Bonaparte, at present locognlto In London. Inspected the letter aud was represented In the earlier stages of the bidding Another letter by Na poleoa addressed to Josephine, saying that the sun itself may grow cold be fore he forgets her. reached 1.10. London Mall. On Crying In the Theater. Bo, avers Nora Bayea. In the A can Magaalae, in her owa words : "It Is a commonplace of the theater that the public want, above all thlxuss, to bo eotertalned But that Is very far from saying that they want to be amused. Humor Is by no meaaa the easiest way to reach the human heart. There are those who will tell you that the public would far rather laugh than cry. And when they do you can just tell them to tell It to Sweeney The American public woold rather cry thaa laugh aay day. Where in It la ant a Ml different from the public lit Australia. India. Ituaata or France. The secret of this Is very simple : If you can make anybody cry, yon make them forget themselves. Tmo minute you make them forgot themselves) they are being entertained. If you can set them to thinking shout your blues Instead of their own. they rw laaen completely out of selves." TV Cfcoace of Thaw Who Matwvottnrorn aawl laadissg two tor car tUstribwtors ZEROLCKB. Th maiorlty of motorists uoe ZxtttOLKNE. 2EROLBNE reduces teeer and tree more oowor berxmse it keeps Ma lubricating body at cylinder heat. Oieea loss car bon because, being refined from selected CsHfomia asphalt-bees crude, it bums clean and goes out with eahautt. ZggOLgNK I dw eervest stl for mil ttv ml MteaHMI '' ' th orrat il far row setsmnhi'a. Ost ear ?uhr4eaf' ehlrt saewlax th car rar rsasfat'Scy fer jrsr tar. At twWi aHroHSl aa1 Mlanilmrif Oil Oarrraa .VrarAna STANDARD OIL OOMPANY Caliarmla' ZEROLENE TkeSumUidOUforMottrCan Cenoat "V-Tyaol Tkes, the T".Tyaj " Srkd at. I'S latarnsl oaietta aagktn, rauir a oil that kahtslfslakrWum jaaNtlM (t ef tlneer seat, bars class la tk eombvarkM ahs bera seal geaa sut wttk aahaeat. Zrlan fills thaa r.jlr. manta sei fully, aeawae H at oorrmMti rmflnmtl fritm aau' Saat la'ISiali aaeaaMsaae aiwee. ?t tM . If. TKST, HI'FI IAI. At.KNT THE UNIVERSAL INSTRUMENT Thirty years ago tbo telephone waa a luxury Today, through personal Initiative and private enterprise, It has become a nooaaslty within the reach of everybody Where once a bnel aaas bad hut one telephone with a limited talking range, today that business has service with a range throe-quarters of a conti nent broad, and every branch of every baainsae la linked to ov rv other by an Intercommunicating telephone system. The telephone ties earned its rdbponstble place and there are unw v. oi)0. 000 Bell telephones la thla country, over which go 21,000.000 tslks dally Every Bell Telephone? in a Lokr IHgtanre Station. Malheur Home Telephone 00. The 3rd Payment On Liberty Loan Bonds Due July 18 Amount 35 per cent First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON The First Duty of Man A beautiful advertisement appeared In a recent Issue of tho Sat urday Evenlug Post, bv a largo automobile company, Illustrating the four greatest events In the life of man: l.KTTINO MAHRUCt) III RM YOt'lt HOMI Hit I! HUM HABV BUYING VOl'H l TOMOU1I I DO YOU t ATCM THAT SPLENDID POINT. MR MAN? Thla big automobile firm spent for a alagie pays la a single wagaslao to advert lae to mUUona of people la every city la tho load that the K1R0T Dl'TY OF A MARRIBD MAN 18 TO OWN A HOME THAT A HOME SHOULD t OMEBBFORE THE AUTOMOBILE. Wo Plan yoar Wo haUd it with Western IMbo. Soft AL CHANCE LOCAL MANAGER. ONTARIO, ORMJON Boise-Payette Lumber Co. IDAHO Manufacturer of WBBTKKN SvOrT PINK 6-11 to SO