ro war ontajuo Atiam otnauo ojumon, twiimmt. summ , iei gmygegehejierjggi 4 ' -fjftf4 y v OP To fee. com To fe and com To f -. MM Inr To kr flow Ilia To ma It war ' ago erlilag fro the r. and we fee. ll Mr duty to Inpreoe upon the Amer MM people ik feet IM1 they Mould uMvnr ir eoMtrt fceed to larger MUiiri. that ma uooTf M Offf to of tha Af.Htj) cOMIrtaa with IbT thlaga neraiury ta (heir itiitenan' Jlr if o doubt lk( Um people uf Oteat Britain and tha Allied otuntrlei r Baking untold Mcrlftrei, more Uatl ijiM-tra realised ' ef . "VJhiii lad Maa( Abread "In 1914 France produced It per Mot or her normal eonaumplinn ol wheat. In 1817 bar prmliH Hon war only 41 jit r cant. After ilnhullng lu mount nereiiry for leed. It n aa limited that the Mf production aoulil b but one third of Prance ill. It bVult be renii'mheted. too, tliat Franc hat Iwa.ya figured bar need on I different baili than oura. Tha Prom I people have nerer waatad rood, rami fluently Krime'i normal eonanmiitlon bat baaa prertli ally Identical with he: actual oeceeeltlei Tha ration of tfee French aoldiara baa twlc baan ml and tin' aoldler'i ration la never loa red until tha danger at horn froi. food ahortagr la critical, t'artalii re porta have i.' n brought to thla mini twy that I here la planty of meat In Wane. Theie raporta original it In tha fart that at ona Has it waa necea ary, berauae of tha lack uf gaadjg, to laugktar larga quantltlaa of hr dairy cattla. Tb Immvdlata raault waa c. temporary glut of raat. but tb final raault la I hat today rVance la on a mem riiilon of oik' pound a Both, In lading bona fli-ah." ADSTRIANS ROUTED T IN ITALIAN ATTACK Monte Di Valbella Ctttmtf by Allied Forces and Many Prisoners Taken. EM POTATOES P-gSrWE I I WEAT It a Up to Ua "Oermant I war of atartalloti la i rhalleni Mi al Ol all to Muerlru I .iiiliiieliallon I' "Agalnal II anil luat for Ml Ami-rliae bwrBOM la to aatahllah Ho eiMlrly of nallonP Agalnal deatriit Hon. America a aim la healing Agalnat aatrv. America'! Idaal la ierlie "Wi cannot aurpaaa tha tlaadfaal !. l Hr'ia n. tha courage af Italy tha exaltation of r'raaro "Wr i annoi eirel tha Alllaa la hara lam in rmliiraac. la larHtud Uut fori In battl. though It mat ba d flat, elll not b a (rait aa tbelra "We caa hop ta contribute moal In U.r comaiou caua from our larg i raaourcaa To rail deiperale pri ration. America caa aupply food "(lit lug up wbaat la a Mill thin: couiparad lo tkalr daatk alruggla ll l. ,li our aoldiara ara pleadi.' -karlug. A mil Iklag rat wa caa do It with graataaaa ef iptrtt upperttagj oui army aad addlag wkola kaariil aerilre to buaaelty. It la la America poarr lo dfat foreier tha paaaloa of i ouuurat Now la tb hour a taallag Wbaat II Ibt I. Rom Itallak fortial aupported by hilled troopl attacked Auatro Hun garian poiltloni on tha Italian moun tain rnnit and captured Monte IH Val ball after a bitter alruggl. The Italian wr office announce! tbat more than Mm xuatro-liuugarlaiii were ta kea prliuner. Strong enemy counter attack! were repulied by the fire of the Italian In fantry artillery and machine nun. Tha text or tha official ifatement a On tha Ailago plateau, where our heroic reilitance oo June 14 cruahed Ih Impetui or preponderant enemy torcaa and where In dally acta of brav ary Italian troopl hive become united In action and In glory wltb the Brltlab and Krench alllii. fighting waa re Mwad "At dawn our troopi auitalned bf an lntnr artillery fir and aupported h aorllaa reaolulely carried out by their Hlllei. attacked Monte DI Val lla Biol Kg r r i ,i. .. after a bitter truitgle. In creating it from tin- en Large enemy tnaaaea were laiiin lied lo i (iiinler altack. Imt were' reimlaed In out Infmilrs gag dOCtm a'' 'I In i um I'lilriitlnni of artlller ami machine gun lire from airplane!. The noalthm carrlcil waa victoriously held by ua. "Twenli . nffieera anil TH oldiera of other ranka, helnngliig to four dlffarenl dJtrtalMg, were made prlaunrr. raniinn. Irene h mortara and miinerniia maililne gum were rap tured. Give tha Children Milk. Milk la on uf the meet laiMrtaai loud Winn Ike auaaaa raa poi aar Kar ike ia-r aaurlehaacai uf lha child, ll i aMoiately ladiapau rabla aad il ua abauld b kepi up in the diet aa loug aa paaa4ble Nel auh duel It euuialu all Ike eaaeallal fuuil linania In lb neat available fern tar read) dlgaallaa. bul ike recaai cli uilfie iiiaivieri ahaw II lu be I'lclill) rtik la eerlaia paaallai ptsp ertlea thai aluu reader grawlk Mg tola It la aot enough 4o take off your kai to tha fia; lak off yaur coat aim roll up your Hli.-iaa. aad kamng aia.l' IboM prrparailiiua do aeaaaihiua ua ful for Am, ilia aad ker agmae 4 I RIIULTI gRT VIA. OF POO ADMINIeVrNATION Wrelmiinary Werk Began May r, ity. Feed Cenirel Act paaaed Augual If, 1117. WMKAT KXfORT laiaea Jul) li Ketisated aurpiui far eipart, 11 ( !iki buibeU Actual aklpuieiiia lu Juaa, 111. u wov MbMM im kxfiii: ra Urdlaari rat uu ta two mil lion pouBil luoathly l.aigaal tiagl utunth Iku ar l' uii.uwu iba fiiHe. KXi'OMia Ordinal iai lllHM Iba woatlilt l.aiaeat aieaih thla year SM. mi vim ika PKH K or Kl.ulK iMlaneeeo Hai on year ago. 114 71 a. barral aboleaale I i'reaaul pile t ll Mr Barrel iku I w ki.i.s ikeiwrcu larai heat aad flour mad .i ,i i (Hi iar ago tha diftereaee aa I M l'raai date tha dlfforaaaa la 14 eale l. i.KNklHAU Ta Ua farmer an lag in Market. IT par oeal atorv I baa laat auaaaei ta the houaewife hoping la mar i U par tiaal laaa than laat uoBir And the Aineo have boon M tainee). ALLIES ADVANCE AT. TWO POINTS I'arla. Houlhweat of Solaaoni rreiieh lrooia In an attack m r a from of four and a half mil from the aoutb of Amhleny lo Ih eail of lloulgoherl i allured (ierniau iioaltlnna ami at aoine ,olula aihum e, I tin Ir line (o a ileplh of a mil ami a iiiarlrr. ggtfg Ih Krench official niiiiiiiimeH Hon (Tench iinopa alao carried oul an1 operation on Ih front aoulheaat of Auiirua b) uieana ol ahlih Ihelr llnea , war iiIk I in legOMil U ooil anil the 4 i Wiiinl. the air office an nniiiu U With tb army In Kra i ,' kai i "' i ml i i c. aat uf Hn hi iii Nieppa got llkhl v ami ii iii ' 'i il kiioi k. a hru 1 1 . -Imiihli .ii,,.. foraaril In a aurprlae aiiaik aliiiia a from of more than Hilar Bggg ami Inn lul Hie alaolvd arav I nalnl aoldiara back to an li Bg ileplh of l Mm iirdi. The ofreuilie waa at a point where the eiiemt Ihrual III hinleat lu Ik Mamlefa hallle lu ( florl In cap line lb foleal ahlCi wolllil have opened hla way to llaaeurouck, u." capture of which could hate enlalled the Hrlllah retirement from FBfM TOTAL U. S. EXPENSES BIG ' America Spenaing About t&O.OOO.OOO E ach Day te Carry an the War. ailiiugtoii The goriiiunl Bat linlal i limed lie hooka for ih fiacal tear Hie Ural roll Haeal year In the wai In the aoirrnmeul tinamial hialury i the year will go down a a period of eipana kardli di earned of a decade ago More Ihan HMM I'O la lha ailual initial aluce lull I. Ill,' In aieei ih miiliiiudr of big bllla imi deui lo Hi eoiidie I uf ih war. la pea' i time ibe gtnruniai apanl l than II IMiO nun (inn auuuall) V ill lln- adiltluni ,il die J .SfvTMHMi. i'i" A inch Hie gineriiiiieiil apeul in (In dun mniillii- ni ar preceding tk flaoaJ veai'. Hi war a coal in linn . In dale haa been l.llw'mm , ar Mitt niea mi diain ahmil f n . oil. inn. m ta) Irmii (lie nation a nliic Ireaaiiiv U. Attitude Toward Slav Defined WoehtagtUHi Qarmoji ami tuainau IgaUlla 1 1 I'lenelltlug Hie f Tilled Hialea aa favoring Hie treedtnu B In laud with' i 'or hai happeui to the (lectin Slinake aud (he Jugo Slav generalh led Secratar) Lauaiug tu laaue a maieineiii daflnllel) au aoiiilfiiiK thai the poaliioii of the American guteruuieut ll that all brauckea id Hie Slav race gMMli completely freed from Ueruiau and Auxrtau rule Wackera Deny Profiteering Chicago .Sharp retorta were made by lepreanuiatu of Armour A corn vtorria it eniupany aad Swin 4 c.impaey deulug Tiara of profit earing made In the report af federal trade commlMion lnvaaugaiora ot ALL WOOL Men's and Young Men's Hand Tailored Suits s. IN OURr- BROADWAY BRAND ARE STILL 19 85 SUIT This exceptional price and make represents very little advance over the price of a year or two ago when wool and labor costs were but a small proportion of what ihey are today. Palm Beach Suits -nr- High Art Make ARE GROWING- IN POPILARITY EVERY DAY. They areythe Ideal, Economical Summer Suit for All Men. At $12.50 We show Hk'h Art Palm Beach Suit in nv.Q. pagne, Gray uud Tan. Extra Trouwra at $4.60 and $6.00 a pair to Match. PANAMA HATS SKyS Our complete lines and latent styles at $5 and $6 are taking better than ever. ALEXANDER ONE PRICE CLOTHIER N0O3H0 OIHVJLNO Mian lluby KVnal'ck of loid.i.i .ill i lialilng with lrltiida liere at S ii linrmau and Job Doapti.i i iiiiiiiiu ill.- luft of Ilia until Oiuatiu where the)' had tteon on liu.i aaw luattera ilia Belle Uroeo and ohiltli n trum W eiai-r are Malting with Mia h ar. Kreal Tekt.Joy :ui.,i and V'red (Iramae i.peni tin- Knurl. Ill IWlllf. Mlaa l-la Hui-kner ho haa ht-i-u Itulta II) fur aoine time Ik huh ulilr i , ba out tr'-n quaraaUua. Mr. aad Mr. 1. J Oiehion, Mri. Jeoootte Bvane. and their father aad mother Mr. and Mra ' mtmuia Uroeo a mother aud (other Mi un.l , uiotorvd to Iloioe today is .Mr Dick Mra White eon i car tu apend (hi Kuurtli ... nnil-uiT waa In i. k'.ll 1 . . 'uiri- liii' wig ; ', "" ,irM .. week atteudiug to K matter. Mra Wm Kelld. . ii u. . """ uaughir.- Mto. I.ydia and Mr nd Mrs y. oung and children .....l ..... air ...j u iiuer mi), Mr. aud Mra. f J. lMMtUk ,.. Bl Y W 8.B 1iroak liiuii...i f'erhaui you bajM . .. ' - ""'i iihiUKIii uf "ku' 'h,"d'-- in .a,.k"; ire in the matter of the '"'"I li you Mill drluk ati ibg" eat raw f ruitO IH take loti oi outdoor exerciae, you ma be ulil. iv fin ualljr to orercm 'ii.-lv lu the iiieautime uae the n wild aud gentle laiatirue .suoag. and taihartiog take too mWlfl water out of the uelem and Ota had matter Tahlela are auay aud f loagoat to U and moat agreeable In affe. iheni a trUU