- MB ONTARIO AROYV ONTAMO OKPOOV, THITWOA Y. .ft XT 4, tl payor r paa . ,.i . JL POtl BALM Good paying business! lib a good Ford truck, for $160 No mora capital boommit; no m nirlantt needed. Phono 80-w, On tarlo, P. O. Bos MS. al-tf RKWARD OrVKRHD. tenant Loot On brown salt com, on cemetery road to Cairo, Sunday morning. Notify J. P. Bill. Nrsa, Or tUt $ Commercial Creamery Go. Cash buyersof Cream and Produce Place: South of Post Office, Ontario, Oregon Your Best Market for Cream, Egg, Poultry of all kinds $ $ BTRAYKD OR HTOU8.N. Two saddle horses. On aorral, 8 year old f aiding, aUnda II bands, brandod a lasy "Ham on r)(lt inoulder. One pinto, rod and white bono, glaaa oyo. black man aad tall, brandod ffjMB on left stifle. Pindar receives fSS roward. A. MeWll llams, OnUrlo, Or.; phone 160 SI BUY W.S.8. FOR RNNT. FlvfUroom house cloao In; nlca lawn unci shrub, lot of shade. Ap olr J. W. Brhloes. Phone 87-m. 25 BUY W.8.8. Poll 8ALE A fine driving or saddle horse and good huggy. $70 takes both. R. J. Dlrknon. Ontario. Oregon. 28-lt 0RE60N NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST HRMasaatoaVaa I Principal Events tf the Week rlefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Reader. AMERICA MAltS bUUU Further r--.iM,-t ion in stock of Wast Coast lumber mills by 13.818X184 faot la raportad In Iba bullet In of the Waat Coast sssoelallon. Tba exoees of ship- mante over production during the post Heover't Nopet Alt Exceeded flee weeks aggregate 61.17(317 fast AI.IAH 8CMMONH. sal THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Ford Model T One-Ton Truck Chassis, $880 r. o. b. Detroit, has boon thoroughly to-tod for mors than two years. It Is sold you now In the assured confidence that It will meet your requirement aad upectatlona Tbo regular Ford frame, only larger ind li eerier, the regular Ford motor with direct driven stem near, wheel base of 114 inches and will torn Inside a 48-foot circle. It has all the ilmpllclty of the Ford car, all the economy In oper-"'"- tad maintenance. Com lu ad we'll give you further dcollt. FORD GARAGE KKHIK HAYES. ONBARIO. OREGON. nfsutn f I I BaaasaBw w IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THK STATE OF OH BOON FOR MAL- iikuh COUNTY. Lester E. Purrell, plaintiff, va. Krilth M. Purcell. defendsnt. To Edith M. Pureed, defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OKEOON, you are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint In the above entitled court and cause, on Of before the expiration of tho time prescribed In the order for publica tion to-wlt: on or before the expira tion of alx weeks from the date of the first publication of thin summons, and It you fall to anawer for want thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In the complaint, namely for a decree of ab aoluta divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and '?nt, and for the care and cus tody of Clara I. Purrell and Humuol c. Purrell. minor children af pnin llff and defendant .This summons la aervlod upon you by publcallon there of for six consecutive weeks In the Ontsrlo Argus, a weekly newapaper published In and of general circula tion In Malheur County, Oregon, under and by virtue of an order of the Hon. Italton Biggs, Circuit Judge of the Ninth Judicial OUtrlet of the State of Oregon. Dated si chambers at Ontario. Oregon, the llth day of March. 1811. Date of first publication, June IT. 1811. Date of last publication. August X, 1818. C. Mr OONAtiil.i. Attorney for plaintiff. Residing at Ontario, Oregon Save Food Now DON'T LET MILK OR MEAT SPOIL Itjis your patriotic duty to see that every bit of food you buy is eaten, for Food will win the war Ice will save food You can not keep milk sweet or meat and vegetables from spoiling without ICE We deliver good, pure ice. The water from this ice can be used. It is pure. Remember too that we buy Cream, Eggs and Poultry and pay cash when you deliver the goods. Ontario Ice (SColdStorage ONTARIO, OREGON The I.en eonnty war hoard Dae re commended that the rounty rourt pur chase aide arma for 7f deputy sheriff Deatruetlon of the Johnaon sawmill at Co(iillle by fire threw 40 men out of employment and raused a loaa of $40,000 Knur aerlons flrea which were burn Ins near the Klamath national forest have been extlnglllahed and two others are under control Salea of white flour may be resumed by Oregon dealers beginning Friday, July S. under permlion granted by the food administration 1 I lllrkarda waa allot ., ml Instant ly killed by hla divorced wife on the Klckards ranch, eaat of The Dalles Mrs. lllrkarda uaed a rifle. Oregon ranka fourth among the Stslea In the percentage of physicians furnlahed to the medical reaerve rorpa of the Cnlled Hums army and navy. A eenaua of North Hend i nmpbteii recently by s directory eonrern shoes sn Increaae In tin population of more than I B00 during the laat two years. Dealgnsted aprure ramp under gov ernment supervision are to work 10 hourn a cIh during July to meet an aakafpaajgf need for airplane material. The Aatorla arhool board received a letter from the rapltal lssui-e com mlttee of Washing on declining to authorise the proposed SUB. 000 laaue of school dlatrlH bond for new aehool buildings The rrsnberry marabea In the vicin ity of Aatorla are now In full bloom. Oldtlmn cranberry growers admit that ih have never aeen anything like the bloom on the marehea that la aeen thla year. The eleventh annual convention of th- Dragon Chiropractic association will be held Thuraday. Friday and Saturday, July 4. & and 8. at Portland, with delegatea present from all MM floss of the state. All men In attendance at the aummer school of the Unlveralty of Oregon will he required to take part In a trark moat to be held on Klncald field on the afternoon of July 4 The contest will be between companies. In. Itttla village of Harbor which nestled on ill.- soul I-, hiiI.- of Hi- i In UM river In Curry count). Is reported In have been practically wiped out by a fire which atarted In the C. A O log ging camp In the neighborhood Approximately 100. or 10 per Sgajj of the 1000 selected men aent to Camp l,ewls from Oregon under the last call are being turned bark by the cxamln era as "rejects." The percentage has rlaen so high that draft leadere are In dlamay. fltate Fuel Admlnlatrator Fred J Holmes hss announced that tba govern ment will not curtail supplies of fuel oil to stsamrrs snd railroads of the northwest About onr-hslf of tin- oil consumed In Oregon Is said to go to, those two classes of users The flrsi completed Initiative pot I tlon providing for repeal of lawa of the last legislature fixing cnmpenss Hon for publication of legal notice and requiring advertisement of delin quant taxee In newspapers were filed with the secretary of state The Lebanon Canning company baa just completed s 11000 addition It) the plant In l-ebaiioii and hat.- added about 1804)8 In new machinery and equipment which will shorn double the capacity of tin plant lot handling fruit and vegetables for Banning purpose. A apt u i n io ill. iiuiiiifactun- and uae ' with Ii5 per rent sub t 1 1 ut and Tl wheal flour, on the pit 1 1 ol hnkei I hold .toil res taurant men of i In state for the sum 'iter Is authorised in notifications sent fjflJB the slat' food administration lb.- state highway eooiiulssioii has from the government that It bus approved the projeci for grading sis iniiea of the highway be- l ' t. ton and Telocaeei, on the old Oregon Trail This Is a poet road The estlinsted cost I $30,808. I'luhihitioiiista of Oregon, aaaembled In coa veot Ion at Portland fetal ui day. aith J. P Newell aa chairman aad Mra Adah Wallace I'nruh aa aeere ndoiaad the Candida. of Oawald and has served to make a Mg hate la surplus stocks. Further Increase of strset railway fares In Portland, to 7 or 8 cents, may be forecast by an agreement reached by the Portland Railway, Light Pow er company, -and Ita employee, to sub m It the Issue of Inrressed wage, de manded by the carmen, to the national war labor board R. Rtannard. of Curry county, waa given the democratic nomination for repreeentotlve from Coo and Curry, and R. J Moore, of Newberg. the demo cratic nomination for repreaentatlve from Tillamook and Yamhill counties. Neeaarhetile Neowlte at led of Pesjs) AdmlnteteeMeo'e Fire. Ysar Proves Valuator? Bywltiv Was Ns Mistake Ceeiftdee.ee That People Will Ceo txnwe Patriotic Ceneocvatien Kfferte Is Pslt st Wsshlngton. W. fl. Ayer, Federal Food Adminis trator for Oregon, earnestly dlrenta attention to some excerpts from a re eent official summary, at the end of Ha first years work, of the lulled atatee Food Administration's aims, methods aad reaulta. These Wcaratj are given belew: Whan the I' H good Adm'.' 'stra in a drawing held hv Beeretary Olrotl u umdm,Mk .-, -, , mmtylnm to break tie between the men The Oregon public set let coinmlsalon wired Senator MrNary aaklng lilm to urge thai a repreaent at Ix- of Hie atate commission he placed on tl" fi eight traffic commission A shipper. It waa asserted, would only represent one locality while a eommlaaloner would repreaent an entire atate. The Ijine county court will at once place, on th. principal highways of the county, signs warning tourists and others that they will be proaeciited If weed the speed limit Of 2B mites an hour with automobile II Is deter mined by Hie court io prevent wear of the roads through cxreaeive speeding If It Is possible to curb tba speed Iteada Out or a total of 846 an lil-nt report Of lo the stale Industrial accident com mission for the week ending June 17. seven were fatal, aa follewa: A. Welaen field. Aatorla. shipbuilding. T J Hat). Portland, shipbuilding. John F Casey. Tskllma. mining: II V Ilea, Portland, shipbuilding: Oscar Cornelius. Ilrlgh mn. lumbering. MS Morlns lumbering. Captain M K Williams. Meulenant J W. Knocker and 41 members of tbe Oregon atate military police are In Pendleton. The entire company will remain for about two weeka, under going a course of pn pare them for duty whan the and mobilising Amnrbas food P8 sources, there were three method of approach possible In handling tho problem, these methods of SoatTOi be ing rationing, high prices and volun tary effort The Three Systems. "The introduction of rationing Into thla country would have resulted In aa Inevitable reaction. It would alaa mean a tremendous expenditure On the basis of the rationing ayatem adopted by European countries for certain staple foods. It would require 84,800,000 a year for the printing ot the necessary ration cards. It would demand one official for every 1,484) families to take tare of distribution under thla ayatem. In fad on the European baala. about f 4B.ion Ml a year would be required lo administer the rationing ayatem la this rountr Control of consumption bv high prlcee waa obviously ton unfair to merit consideration In such a country as ours, meaning ss It must, enuservtr tlon for the rich at the expense t.f the poor "The volantsry system, bssed upon oduc.stlon and publicity tthe third al ternative), waa aeleetad beeaiiss of the moderate aapease Involved, aad booause of tho opportunity It afforded to use the great dostes of loyal Amer- to serve their country NeeolU Ineeeseuo "The results of the voluatary roatret Intensive training ' m r" "' " erssoua " sue. or tae isiT-is wneet crop, oases ..I..I - wmll .... ui MM..a Tk.u ...II ..- -..I.... ... I -i wwwmmw II' . .1 ....,,. -w I .l.'J -, ... nw.l..., ... posts as patrols In the wheat country during the harvest and hauling season The tale of luil.0011,000 feet of timber on the Klamath reearvatlon of the IVHcaii Hay Lumber company haa Juat b.cn approved by Ibe government The price paid waa 11.88 per 1 000 fee' Thla 1 1 ml.' lies In the northern Mount Sinn unit, and la directly sdjaccnt lo I.01M1 feet of Umbel In the Crater lake and Paulina national forests bought two years ago by this same company J. I' l.ogan. who has operated tbe Kings Valley Flouring mill on l.uckls mute river In llenton county (or 80 years, snd who more ihsn half a cen tury ago built dams to furnish water power for the mill, has Instituted In jiimilon proceedings against the Charles K. Hpauldlng lagging com pany, of Haleni, and the public service commission, wblcb will test the con .t Ituimuallly of the boom frauchlee law passed by ibe last Itgliltture A price of ft 10 a bushel si Portland for wheat of the 1818 crop, as agalnat I 81.06 for the crop of 1817. has beaa filed by th.- food administration. Al 'owing for the 18 per rent Increaae In M.OSf.OOO buoueta If the prestat taste of saving by the Amelias people ssanateuee wo shall bo ask lo dsilver 8a aar h Wan frees this erss nosslbrp 8as.0sJO.ote hushets of wheat, of which t8.000.ee0 will repreaent the volun tary savings of the Amerlrss people. This delivery of wheat haa enablsd tho Allies to meet the store immediate aad praeelng breed seeds of their peo pie ami to keep up the bread rsiloa of their soldiers "As lo our exports of meat, the re sults of eonoervatlos are even more eeensraoOls The analysis of figures In regard lo hogs Indlt'afee - that we wore 8.000,080 to 7.088.000 hogs short the sonsorvatlon campaign was sterere the war. the average r sstjoet of hog produets waa shoot 88J88J88 fonada pa March, 18U. we eeperted 808.SOO.-ao pounds and ona sag ur way slser with the seeing aad production, la go at thai rote tor as ladefleMe peeled esters 1814. were export l.OOO.oee it Jafa8(8f8 pounds hth hs aura. ar soajaa. tMa wee U u. I 18.8tte.8a4 per month. 88ow sep ore esportktg at th rate of leW.ssM.oas pouSMt of hoof pet month and with the roertlBustlon of oner asr' TMsuIm M tjje nam tho aeOeiopmeat or stvo ha ess ahipe. th Wisi for United Htatea senator and eorge M Brown for attorney general. Itepieaentatlve Hlnnott has Inlee- lur-ed s bill authorising cltlaena sf Malheur county to go over luto Idaho o cm timber for fencing and firewood. I mler ili preaeni law a settler living la one elate cannot cut limber for do meellc use on public landa of another Mats To provide for the welfsre of the men empioyed In tin production of snraee for airplanes in the logging -amps and sawmills of western Ore (ou aad Washington, ths war samp umniunity servbe section of ths Foe Iteh commission it planning an ener anipalgn In co-operation with Jte staff of Colonel Brtce P. Dtaque. -ommandlng the Portland beadquar era of the Called States algasl csrpa eailsn and nredurllos thsre it no the freight rate on wheat from the tWanoa te sasathpate a ateterial reduo- .i to I'oitlaiiil the farmers wJl . aso -itntMl sal Jt till receive shout l rentt t bushel i 8jVt4H asWenofvf Nttdtd i i lor ilnlr wheal than they did In the paat aeaaon The new crop will he si least lo ii mo buahela larger than thai or 1817 and the added Btsggtss that will go lo the grain producers will be ilsiui "i over what they re- 1 1 load Iggt tirade on wheat and rule covering corn giadliig are allien. Id in a few particulars in a now ajgdkg ksanai kj ill' service commission lug the grain Inspection depart lit. io i In new order will bccoim Jul) 1 ' The principal change relative o m in hi gradee covers hard red spring est Jsp greet elfea IgSas oa aha part of the tlelteS That oifeaalve must lacludo euppllee and foad Wtta te the site of our trnr, there la a nocsssary deereaae la one prskdeetlve oooecily Narveale assy t-'itd to vary with saaaoaal cendt tens spa ' The only tafs procedure for us and) f i iilaa is t't provld uraioae reen.. .to.-ks of staple loods. both here and In Kurope. to meet any suit- geuns which msy srtse la a lalap peiioii ol be war to have lo step its a ci II leal nhaae .if If ! tird-r In sat -d.cai -hid, under th- preaeut rules, ,., .u.phaele spee agrti ultattJ Is subdivided Isto four rlaaae. but I nroduoMon. might he fatal te our final new rules will be divided tun ess There must ho no letdown la tba program of eoaaervatlos until the new bar. est fleer teats) hy our tueeeaa aad by the tparit of devotion end self soerkftee shown by ths Awerlcsn poo pis ws mast go abend more than ever nanvinoad of our reepeaatbUlty to theee who right with us aad lo these aettriaati p eaglet who look to ut aa the eeay soorso of the food supply itruo Into hut throe rlasaee. tin - being dark noil hern spring, northern spring and red spring, the red spring huiupbei k ,:tade not in uae being eliminated. There accrued to the atate of Oregon on Monday 8118.088 11 from tbe United attatee good roads fuad, making a total of ti, .' U'4 ..' to the credit of the stale from that fund. Noae of It has yet been used, but projects have been np in m ui i ailing for an estimated total of Htt.fft tf Theee prelects will not in affected hy the recent saaouuc hf the United Stslea hlghwsys ilisi oursglng new highway un Ii rmklugs. as the prej-ts approved are deemed to be "vitally important i ward the winning of the war or for 'vciio'ut of esaemlai cominodl lee." The federal aid road ml pro I ded a tiind of 878,887.37 for the state ..' Oregon in 1818, double thai amount for 1817 and treble the amount for 1818 H.-veit projects have been ap on. In five of these t. del si participation U io be 88 per float, hlle In the mini pariielpetlnn Is for s stated amount something less than 88 per cent. The preect cover a total of HI miles. In Prnaee and InglanS "The Amertoaa lease Missloa lust boms from London, waa apuoialed by Pveeideat Wilton te make a alady of ana It'iona in aeglseS and PYaaoe Of Ita uissteeu st am Sees ait sre from the Amerteoa Fodaraiioa of Labor. two af whom sre women. The etbere tearaeeal every souisl etemeut of ths Amerteoa people 1 bis mlttloo mads a csmprehesslvs ttady ol c-ondltlona te the Allied eounseiea. snd hofora tenvusg London lor Amerma. leaned th follow mg etalemeat legardiag ast) eoadtuoas gstare leading is Caglaad all mam bore of the committee have visited a number of ciUes snd uilervlowel s large lumbar or pe.pb- i ding the aanxt aitsaiiuu, aa well as other mat - a asannnjmaajaTaant