f mm ontamo Anmm Ontario ofboon, thttrwdat. jjidlt . ibj Aoe i Rex all Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THnt RKXALL HTOltF PHONK NO. 9 Nyal Remedies 9 J . -i-. ,lr Walling NOW OPEN FOR REAL AUTO SERVICE Agency for the Overland, Willys-Knight, and Max well Touring Cars and Maxwell Trucks. We carry the largest stock of parts, ac cessories and supplies of all kinds for autoi8ts. Gasoline, Oils and Lubricants. WALLING GARAGE A. V. Wines, Manager ONTARIO OREGON OVER THE TOP AND WIN, is our motto. Every American must do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy a War Stamps. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Auto Satisfaction Is the Nash Guarantee XZ ' 'myL v ?T Every man who owns a Nash Six belongs to the Satisfied Auto Owners Club. He secures his membership because he knows that he is driving the best car at the price. For it has class in opera tion ,in style and performance. GET A NASH SIX FOR SATISFACTION'S SAKE, and A NASH TRUCK FOR BUSINESS EFFICIENCY ONTAJOO. OREGON Mala r aa4 ttarey OnmIk 1b OHfta, Payette Co., Idatbo Garage i aaaea00Q Liberty Bend, buy ,l'l MPI.VO STATION IN "''WWTOK DEBATE nund from First Pace.) X freely for Irrigation at the lowest ' passible rate which will provide mean for paying for expense, Inter Ml on bond and yet provide a wink ing fund for the retirement nf the lr.- aue. No declalon was reached on (In- matter. Pa Hewer Ordlimnce. The ordinance for the Kaatnllo aewer wai up for Its third reading and passed. The question of Bf of the an ei men t by some of the loti waa eonaldered and their failure to do ao waa conceded. The Council, however, took the position that In. people on the Kaetfttde who live thore are entitled to health prolec tlon; that they voted for the water bond with the understanding that they were to have sewerage; and that their right are paramount to that of person holding proper! v f xpnculatlon. An InveHtlgallon waa ordered in the matter of a aewer from the On tario hotel nouth The present aewer waa built and paid for by the property owners but has lieon found defective and has been a constant source of trouble. The ordlnanoe for the ptirrhaae of the Ontario Water System waa passed on It third reading. Just before the meeting adjourn ed Fire Chief Ixmls Kroessln. Jr., naked the Council to conalder the need for a fire truck and declared that a truck equipped could be had for ap proximately 11.400 Mayor Human fnllewed the fire chief by declaring that with (he new water system anil additional fire department equip ment he waa certain that a reduction could be secured from the rating bu reau which would more than pay for the truck In one year. CHIME OK ARMENIA i It IK.I l TO KAISEK Continued from First Page) Were In Kaiser's Way. 'That the murder of the Arm. nlaua was planned by the Kalaer bj evident by the methods employed. The Turk at flrat refused, but be cause of their democratic principle. and life the Armenian! stood between the Kalaer and the realization of his acheme of aa empire stretching from Hamburg to the I'eralau gulf So long aa they occupied the position they did In the Turkish empire, rc long would th Kaiser's plans fall. Ho he ordered their extermination and Turkey waa the weapon used for their destruction. "for every drop of Armeulan blood soaking Turkish soil the Kalaer Is reaponalble. Turkey I craxy. II la poaaead of demun, and the Devil Is Kalaer Wllhelm II of Germany. Dreamland A ttractions OVI'AKIO, taWBOM miiiiM). Jul) 7 III V I M.I I .In I, Mol Pallir Miimlaj . July h "huoadwai mo.. Uoruthy PliUilpe. IIOIXK It,' HATN U.1 Pari White. Tswlsj, July t. SIX HIIOOTKtt SMM I..M. Mix. Ml IT ifcl jajgm. W.'.lio mU July 10. "Kl sHOOTKK AWa, I. on Mix Pk-toKntpli. IliunsUj. July II. AI.AHAMA TROlHtlMUO htlaatrrl HIm.m llaJKl aad thnlirsttra. l-'rula) aad Haturda), Jul) II and 1J Hi 111 fit KK'KIl "ROaUSU'K OK THE KKUU'tXHM Waa Oxagaad) ills ji. i,i i-, Joa'lthe distinciiou of Mtrojr Hint power Ik (ha firm duly of clvlll,a,ln I. I. v,.. Ne. T t "" i iilv iiinl mini. W i... , ' ""' '" """ '" era mui ngnt Ihe good fight. Likewise we Imve H second duty. That la to he good Hamarllnn.-. We muat feed the hungry tHrlim WtlBM of the Kalwer and Sultan. "This war, we mint understand Ik a war between autneracv uinl ileim.. cracy It la a war uf necessity. II waa forced upon us. Mod helping u we will win "There" are 2.000,000 Armenian-. and Syrian still living. Every one of these Is either a widow or an or phan, made ao by Germany. Amm lea la the only nation that can save theae atarvlng people from death The speaker here diverted to tell of the manner in which the depopulu- tiona were rarrled on. How the wholesale murder or men and women was committed A onalderatlou DN the character of the audience, he de clared, would not permit telling the details of some of the atroclllex Mr. Handsaker followed Dr. I'spit xlan to tell of (he organlxed effort in Oregon to care for It share of the work, and Uev Livingston waa an nounced as chairman of the locil committee. Mayor W F. llomau presided and Introduced the speakers Bt'Y W 8.8. HOSPITAUIBREVITIES John Puaor of Payette left Hatur day after a twenty days' slay In (he hospital due to a serious operation he underwent some tlhie ago. Mra. Kurhy Nally and Infanl son (let Friday fur (heir home at Harper. Mrs. W. 8. Parke left for her home In Vale Thursday. Mra. D. H. Hoke of Ontario left Saturday after having made a iiin k recovery from (he operation he had undergone the' week before. o 1. title Lamar Holllnger left Thurs day after an operation for (he removal of ton i and adenoids. Mra. r. Jones waa discharged Sun day after several days of serious III noes 0 Mre.O. Smith and baby sou left laM ' weak for their home in Ontario o Ed Oakaa of Welser waa operated on last Thursday but la getting along nicely now. I. Idle Jack Snyder had hi ton. II and adenoids removed laal Thursday and left the next day for hi home at Weatfail LKtle Mias Constance ui'hr waa here last one ol (lie mastoid c eek Kiilii. I at mi Ontario was operated on Monday. Bin was RED CROSS NOTES allotmenl for (he knitted for the time between April Id and July 10 saa uouiplotttd Wodnea da) afternoon and a few pair of Kock were l.-ri over to start tha new Hlloluieui The allotment finished i outdated of 846 paira of sock. The yarn for the large allotmenl uas not arried yel but la expected almost any day aa the Invoice came a few days ago. This will consist of 1 10 lb of sweater yarn and of 100 lb of arn, Ihe loUl value of which amount to $S6I 50 Twelve now members were added to the lied Cros Chapter during tin iiioiiUi of June Following is the xta'euienl g Hi.- money received dut ing tha month. W W Ist -. . u $ in p., F. M. Page iu no MrC E Kalb I no Mrs Florem e 'un Hke (for of panalaat. 2 :i Mr Dunn (tale of noodles.) Big Bend Bran, h tor supplier Mra. Rosa Borvln Mlaa Amy Whipple (.00 Nyasa Branch for supplies 102 II Big Bend for supplies 60.65 The Ontario Ked Cross Chipi. i havliiK had the v,n,,,.a.i i,., ,- .... . HI ' . ' "" ' '"'""'"" .i i- m ii wuritrnnnis. itni Tln.ri l ..... i " "III" Ml Joanne Avis Johnston old. attend -.1 I llh her mother Mr Johnaton of the IIIr Itend Chapter. Knitters are In griHl ilimniul Mt the Rod Cross workroom unit all who can knit are asked to register hi the I rooms for work on (lie new allotment which must be completed before the flrat week In SeptcinLci I hone who (Hunot knit hut have the t. pj learn will also be welcomed BUY v 4 ft local ;and personal Mra. E. C. Van Potlen waa called east by the sudden death of her moth er the last of the weak. Conductor and Mrs. Plnney have received word from (heir eon who la' mi mo army oi ins tare arrival In France. was an Ontario Chaa. Shield visitor tn Nampa auMi mi Thursday. Mlaa Charlotte Clageti returned laal week from Vale after 4 week pent there visiting and attending the Chautauqau. Mr. aad Mra. Bart Priest aad chil dren left the flrat of the week to visit with frlenda at the K. 8 I), ranch, where (hey will spend (Id Fourth Another merry picnic party to day consisted of Mlaaes IjiVlne Bmtth, Kuby Fenwlok. Frieda Jlmuerson ot Payette, and Miss Cupp of Welaer.and Messrs Howland.Bmlth. Lambert and l-arue Illnckaby. o - Word haa been received hero by friend of (he birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs Leonard Miller of Val lejo. California, born June It . Mr. aad Mra. Miller formerly resided In Ontario Word has bora reoalved from Mra. W. W Hliitop who left last woak for Camp lewla but stopped on Hie way to vlait with friend In Portland, that aha Is much bettor now and hopes to hTe m"d"' complete recovery bo- fore her return to Ontario Mayor aad Mra W F llouiaa, and children, Councilman and Mr W W Laiaoa, Mr. and Mra. B. M. Orelg and L. C. Kelaey were (he members of another of Ihe Fourth of July picnic partlea who spent the day on Mann'a Croak above Welser Mr aud Mrs. 8 l Honuaa aad ohlldren.Dr. aad Mrs 1 1 II Whltuey ami Uev aud Mr. Herbert l.lvlngalon aud daughter apeiK the Fourth on a picnic In upper Idaho Bl'V W 8.8. ACTIVITIES i si run PKEMii rim n cm m n Male Kehoat, 1 a, m Moriiiug Sermon ill II I. Ill Kveiiing I it h in p ni - Hi V W eV8 Penleeoalal Chun 1 1 of Hie NatafOaa, East skle. Boy. H. I.. Klourera. D.H., Pa.n.r Order of Her h . -. Sunday school 10 a. u. Preaching 1 1 a. m Peoples Mooting 7.1C p. m Prayer meeting Thura 7 6p.m You are woloome to theae aarrlrei BUT W.B.S O CATHOIJC tmHIU OK THE HLE44MKH HACHAME.VT. 1:30 a. ni , jow Maaa 10:10 a. m.. High Maas lie t in.. (-'. hum in i the hol and girls. -BtY W.B.B Ml I IIOIlls I I HI III II 10.00 a in Bunds) (School 11:00 a at . church 1:30 p m.. Evening service Uev Earl Himaa. I'aator HIJY W rf.tt HAPTIMT (HIIUH 10 00 a.m. 8uada) Bcbool 11.00 am. Church 7 15 B.BJ f D 0.30 p.m Evenlug service moating AMERICANS AWAIT GERMAN BLOW With (he American Forres on tha Marne Excessive movements Of troops and materials north of chateau Thierry, together with the Itercaaed artillery and aerial activity, form the bail of the belief that American, forcea In this locality may be called upon to defend themselves shortly. For days the Americana have bean expecting the enemy, stung by the da Teat administered recently here, would make a vigorous assault It was partly for this reason Ihe American opera tions In the Relleu sector were carried out. With theae operations completed, the Americana now have the country for several miles in front of them un der (heir eyes and guns When (he expected blow comes thay will he (hat ,,, ,,. pr.ptr)d , m, The American troops sre prepared ' and the Hermans will get a warm re- eeptlnn If they try what the situation infratnn they have In mind. Tha vmerlcans say (hat no mat(ar where (he enemy strikes he la bound to pay dearly for his effort and (he bigger Ihe target the belter they will Ilka It BRIEF NEWS OF THE WAR Am Orleans took 40 prisoners In sur prise ralda northwest of Moatdldter, In the Cantlgay region Between 60.000 and 00.000 Auatrlaaa ware killed la the battle of the Plave. accordiag to an official dispalrh from Rome. The Hungarian premier in a state ment said casualties on (he Itallaa final In recent battles totalled about II5.0O0 men - , During last week American sctlvi ties In France have been local in char acter, but official reports show (hat the Americana at alt Hanea and places have mora thaa held their own Forty-nine Herman alrplanea ware ' brought down b British and French airplane squadrons in one day laat week, according in die official aa aouncamnaU of the respective war office I Miacklng Ihe Austro Hungarian lines oa (ha Aalago plateau. Ihe Ital ians have taken Moat 1)1 Valhalla, raptured more than mm prisoners and have bald It against repeated couater attacks Repulse of vloleal German attacks waat of Soiaaons aud south est of M helms, successful British. I'rench and American raid aud cnashlcrsble arllller) acdvjty In varloua sei or was reported la tha British and French official statements 60 Probably DsaO in lewa Disaster. Bioux City, lows Ihe car Huff building. Fourth and Douglas streets, a three story structure, collapaed and many person were burled In (ho nun Fire broke out in the debris. The building was being remodeled. I Im loll of the disaster may reach 10. It la probable several persons were incinerated, Judging from OOdlUoa of most of th hoilles re covered. Telegraph Strike Called for July 8. Chicago s I Konenkamp, preal dent of H. . ratihert' union of Vue-riia. announced (hat ha had Issued 4 call for a Htrlke of the member of the union employed by Ihe Weai-rn I'nion coniiauy. effective at 7 a ni eastern time, Monday, July Turks Aaked to Bsplain. Waablnvioii The United Btataa government has formally presented to the Turkish goverument (he report that Turkish troops attacked aad Back ed aa American hospital al Tabrls Persia aad sailed the American coa aula(e there, with a request for aa ogpUaalloa Unifuty Makea July 4 Haliday. Montevideo. Itruguay. Uruguay haa made July 4 a permanent national holiday in honor of the United State. BUI w I Mr. and Mrs Claude Haines and Mrs llalaea' Fullor W lilulon. and Mra. Stella McGregor and chll I ran wore Ontario vittor. (or awhile at Arcadia lao oftaraaoa of the Fourth It 0 k d I. 6a