1 mi -- ax.ex.xtan..-, IMMM,,MMMMMMM -.-- . t i -i u . xxn ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY ft, 1918 NO. SATURDAY, JULY 13 TO BE ARMENIAN DAY ONTARIO TO TAKE ITH HMVKK IN aii roa mwirimi kor ntahvino victims of KAIHKKIHM. BROCAN AND IRONSIDES LEAD Ho, llerlrt Livingston Isaal l.alr nuui Hewdquarter to Be Op i for Conventace of People; Solicit or to Polio l' Campaign. Saturday. July ID. will be Armn- BvM Day In Ontario Haadijaartara rtl !" op. ihmI hm iii t: campaign lor i lit i "ii i public Tin- oommlttM bollard l poaaa Is becoming a Inn d-n on i 00) mil gal i h- will coin- iorw.ini 'Oiiiit o I i t llo.v tin- cunip.ilun flat Ut a committee will follow lh volun lav and solicit fund. At the meeting mldr. .1 I'tldno eveulug at Dreamland by Dr. M. U. Papatian and J J Handsakar a con trlhullon wa taken and Ontario pledged approximately $H26 Thla la Inn h hturt for the city No definite quota haa bean established but the .oiMinlttae hope lo raise more than i ...... - llcogaa tiOadki Count). As usual, llrugau and Jaiuleaon folks are to the for." In this reii-M movement. There In We evening over $00 waa raised rtonalda hu already MMMN over ISO To handle Ho- local campaign a committee consisting of Itev l.lvlnr- ston, chairman. W W Wood, II 11 Cockrum, II It Rouglana. Albert Clrrlstlansan. J C. Mcfrelghl and rj. K Aiken meet Monday evening. Further tleulla of the campaign will be given next week. I BUT W.i.S. Ktlll. I.CMHNOHAM MAUK gl AHTFRMASTKR IN I . S rioioi , Svlss I'odJtfl Ml the Home- In a leii. 1 1.. his father i.ud lool.,. r Ull, Mx,,, Quartette Tliere will 1st Earl l.ndiugham, ho is stationed,,, ,ull()r , hautauqua and other feite aow at Hi .mil ton. IS 11 promotion 10 the rank (old of his of yuan 1 master. Klrst-Claaa, in the U. 8. K. , He said loo that he liked life in in" destroyer flotilla, and as aiixioux tor Hie coming of the day when ih would be transferred to the fighting Hi; Y WS8 Mlsa Alice Durmau relumed Home j S ediiesln noon iiiiiu rortlanii aftir a visit of several weeks there wlltl her friend and former smIkkIii. Miss (jwendolyn Newton Mis ii . ndolln returned with her and Will 1-11 here for a hlle. Word wa received l ol. 8. F Taylor a few days ago from his sou. Samuel Taylor, that lie would Ijg 1,1 Ouiarlo to lslt for a fe days In the near future lie is at pre... ..... li.a In Markay. mano wni.r on ins. eay here from llulle. Moutana I o accompanied Miss Anna Hulllvau by her son John spent the lourth in Natupa the gueet of Mrs. SiillUun - sister and brother, Mr and Mr II Hunter, at Hie DOWO) Palace ') LIEUT. CAMPBELL Lieutenant Douglas Campbell,, ef Caliternla, th f.ret Amelcaa trainee asiater ta be badly weuadeo n battle la Pranc , - ' WB-s' S a, k L Jw Bar M bhl -4H aaaa ' j 3j saaaaaVSaa 'jlaaXaaH !w-jla5 ' aarBDKwB ' Ja wKJR BWaaar K--I Krl I aatsBBDy YEAR IN HKRVICK RIIK TO ARTHI'R MOORK'H UKIf.il r Sergeant Arthur Moore, ton 'if Major Moor, and a member of the first group of volunteer to leav Ontario In April 117, arrlved-ln On (arlo Sunday evening on a 16 day' furlough. That tit year In Unci" Ram' army ha proven beneficial to him 1 evident. Ha I 20 pound heavier and hli condition would add little joy to the Potsdam bunch Sergeant Moore has been In the clerical department at Kelly Field almost continuously since enlistment but has been recommended for trans fer to the urtlve airplane branch and I awaiting order to take the exam ination. He haa, however, enjoyed one trip In the clouds and declares, "It la the Ufa." At about 6,ooo reet thla old earth looks ike a gnat, Sergeant Moore say BUY W 1.1 MANY FINE NUMBERS ON LOCAL PROGRAMS (IihiiImiiiiim uitoi-a Will Have op- h.ii unlit to llciir N. Phiti Jones. Mnlfj II. lira) nml titliiT otabir. aplte of the fact that it lias not In bean greatly heralded Ontario a Chautauqua program Is to be a good one. i ins is in dies too oy mo per- sonnel on (he program, which hrgln 0 jy 17 allu Pud, jniy f j p, JonBBi w, appears on th opening evening. Is one of the . ..in. d ,r(1 graataat wit. He telle iruili with a funny turn to It and gats ,l meuagi- home with a laugh w,, . laugh Ptnley II. Gray an. I ,, John. Sohleskl. and Kdgar 8. Klndley complete the Hat of lectin ,,, and ,,,,, f ,,,, , -,, lln,i w be both entertaining anl In- tructva The musical feature of the woek Include the Ituth Kunner orchestra; Serenaders' Ulae Club, The Cha'.i tauqua Artlals; Hland's Colleglain ; urea of big summer session aaal sale wll i-tart next week Th III W S H SOLDIER BOYS ENJOY EXCELLENT HEALTH Knooell 4otihooH Writes of 111. 01 I 1 alii 1 stone Houses and K. Ht Caleb Ills Kye Weatlier lleautllul. Mr. and Mrs. C 8. Johnson tills sock received the following Intercai- lug letter from their son, Kiumeit. o Bnde1 (n jrrBUCtl everal months MO 'W have Just had "chow' an I. our physical exercises. Th sun lo shining out bright The weather la Ina der,.,.,,,,! Bn(j i,bv ea of night and nice and warm throuv I. tba day Every thing is built m stoae here lu France, stone Iiuum- aud stone walls everywhere 1 have en iiu lumber except a little thai l.tcle San. has brought oygr for some buildings such as Y. MCA ' Ktciything la green and covered with grass, vines and trees, even the walls built many years ago. I have learned a few words of already. We are camped on green grass and are In our dog tenia 1 suppose ! will have to explain them Tbey are little A tent Juat arge enough for two men tu crawl lu to sleep. No one haa received any mail 0.1 1 expect we will get some soon e'a not much new. The New 1 York Herald ha a branch edition 1 here for the genefit of the sol- idler I sappoa you get all the new i I that we do There haa bean no siek 1, ess since wa laaded hare. Th i.i u vary good aad the climate could uot be beateu so far. There of wild black berries after while Tba paople bare raise Una gardens and do..- 1 hey keep good milch cows. have small farms of five or tan acres laid oat in nusx any shape. Their (fences are all stone wall covered I with dirt and grown over with graH land tin. ' COUNTY FAIR WILL BE Directors Plan on Pipe Line for and Hi Protection Will Clianur Many Pro Hum. An extension of the city water mains to the Fair Ground to furnish pure drinking water to patrons, and also to furnish means for fire pro tection to the $20,000 worth of prop erty on the grounds la the Improve ment contemplated for this year. Means of accomplishing this sr under consideration now. No White Hour Premiums. . . . Wl"ii the directors started to re vise their premium IIhI thai found thai prize were offered for breads. . etc , mil flour t II 1 0111 no Malli.Mir I I woman could . 0111 pete Tor 11 prist violating -eo lation-. -,, in,, prizes are to ! r lien are to lest (heir skill III oik good hronds, c No Ioiiiii tlilo patriotic efio.l on Hi.' part of Hie fair board will 1 ure more interest among the ci than did I lie old prize Assistant Secretary II It. DOMl lass Is now Hating the premium 01- fers anil Is meeting with great to. 'oee giving tisurance of pi.-nn ol ii lin-meni aaf offered to contest- ant. -BUY W.8.8. CRIME OF ARMENIA CHARGED TO KAISER Munler of Nearly One Million Iiino 1111 Christians PIsmiomI ami Abet ted by (itrniany. Hays Speaker. The second meeting In Ontario ad areeaed by l)r M. O. Papaxlau at Dreamland last Friday evening the crime of murder was definitely laid at tha door of the I'otsdam pli.o.. Kaiser Wllhelm. The charge w us drawn In specific term. That the perpetrator of the outrage will suf- fer the penalty, the speaker deflat ed, la no leaa certain, for the sill. will win thla war. lu reviewing the history of the preaent war and Turkey's participa tion therein l)r Puparlan praaanlvd facta that should be known by every American who would realixe the 111 ture of the nemy ae are fighting to day In part the speaker said "Turkey had no Interest in thl war Her commercial Interests de manded that she remain neutral and the majority of her statesmen urged the Sultan not to Intervene "England has always been Tin key's historical friend She pr 1 tactad her from annihilation at the band of Russia lu the Crimean .- and on other occasions Russia 011 the tober hand was Turkey s hlstort M w y-t tbmm , ,, , 1114 advised Turkey to remain .!' of the ring of fire, offeriag aa a re- ward that they would guaraute. i national Integrity. Thla was the greatest opportunity ever made am Sultan, yet he refused It. "it waa the plan of the K. that a Jihad or Holy War of all tf hautuimlaan dgalnat England wou .1 follow the call of the Sultan who lo Calif of Islam Hut the Islamic world did uot rise at the call of 111' ; Sultan aud the world was spared Ho sight of 26U,UU0,OUU Mohaiumeile.i- in Asia aud Africa fighting again England and her allies The Iwi most disappointed ineu in the mmt 1 were the Kaiser In Berlin and Hi. Sultan in Constantinople, kaiser's Pleaa Fall, "What ha Turkey galued in Ulh war The Turkish-German eampui.. 'again! the Suet canal aud Rgypi a flat failure The Aagl- army ha captured I Huudr-.i at thousand.. ... eoldler have tallen in 1. Ikey today Is nearlng stai . .. ...n "No matter h. key will eonie out tenth In Uermaay win, whi.t. .ablu, It Is aaaolui I thai she will impose tuu.i, atraJigulatlou on Turkey "If tbe allies win. aa ihey will t means the political disintegration Turklab uiaruel in Europe. (Coutii-ued on qag I 1 MORE MEN LEAVE EOR CAMP LEWIS FRIDAY Hill lie (liven IMnner soil Kei.titial.i nimt by laical I liiimlttr. llryulsi Organisation to Be hiriiinl. Thlrty-elght mora men will leave Malheur county Friday evening for Camp Lewis They ara the first of tbe July quota. On July 22 another group of will leave. A committee or cltlxens I prepar ing to give the boy a good send-oft. Everyone should be at the station for tha farewell. Plan are now helm; considered for the permanent organ Itatlon of a committee to arrange for lutuie farewells This . ominltte,. will probably consist of a representa- C bo. lie, I untie II of Defense. Had Cross, CltJ DUOi Commercial Cliili. lodges leiift Min llroHti and Hi. or the lonil hoard li calling Ii who had hcen tenipoi.irlh and other who hud nol POtfl uiUJilcated with the loi si hoaid after seeking special service, succeed, d bj flHitig Hie July culls withoui log the Class One men II.. till aeven left In the class, but the wBI he needed ss alternatives. In tact they will probably be need".l bg for tha July 22 men go, for a nun. bar of men in the June list l.sve 1 1 rejected III 'V W VETERAN AUTOIST ON LONG SUMMER'S TRIP IN inland ..ml California Womi Roll. Over Klgl.l.i Yer of Age, Making into Trip to tcllou- sioue Parh. ' - -- - .!.! .1.. .-. , ..... oldest touring autolats on autolats on record, Mrs. Maria Newton, aged It, .0 ' Helena. California, ami Mrs l.ucludu Rue, aged If, of Portland, Orss.o with Mrs Newton s sou. Pro M. W. Nee loo, aud Ills sou John war guests of their hrothr, K .1 11. 1 1 1 thla city. They left this week for .. trip thru ellowtuiie pud lo HI. mi dive, Molilalia, from th.11.ee Kiev will drive hack to St Helena Daaplte their year both Mrs toil aud Mrs. Hue are active. TMJ gite demonstrations every day of heir ability as cook by getting all the meals for tbe party aud doing their share of the work 1'rol. - .0 Newton, who baa 1 harge ol lit aalrouo.ii) departiue.it of a Caltfor. nla college, waa sent to cheliail . Wsshlngtou, lo study the asHpt 1 an. I started from there ou the trip ggraa the Northwest. BUY W .8.8 Mr and Mrs J l( lllu. kaiiy a.ol daughter Margaret aud Ml - Ms Plait left Sunday luurnliiK tor loi dan Valley where they will Mslt the next ten days They made 11,. ir.. la the car - Word has lieati received here by ill brother and sister from Crull orcutt, who left last Monday lu the d.s that he passed sll examliiai 1... ifstt.oll .mil has Keen mad.' .1 col poral In tba medical corps M M hush of Hie Sludchas ret urn.. I Iron I'ocalellu Suud..- night a bar beaa lot .....' day aud liere he purchao-.l .1 ranch which he Intend lo mot. I .1, .all. I . I. line Mr and ill ' Haiti i' Mr Ii .irio i.-.st -.. .... fl un. 1 with .iintor of Vol 111 Ontario Tu4 - Mr and Mr A ator. Oregon, war day. Judge aud Mrs Davl aud . I.ildre 1 were Vale visitor la Ontario Satu. day HHK HIRNS CROP FROM TEN ACRES WEDNENHA '.NOON Fire, said to have caught from nu engine spark, destroyed tbe crop on ten sere at the Prank I, Hardinan ranch south of town Wednesday. That the loss was not greater was due to the fart that the wind was not blowing Neighbor assisted In con. quering the blaao. Ill v W 8.8 - HALF OF QUOTA FOR W. S. S. IS PLEDGED Director llellete. However, Tliat Dis trict Will Buy Fall stlo.0.1,. Worth Itiii'liig Vear't otinlr ose Strong. has raised gpt oount) .,1 ul III quota III 8. bool diiilct No X h... .ipproxlini.tely thai well, too Nyssft and .il.. ure ill Ontario's clagg wlille the country districts, such gg liro.ran. Jainleson, West fall and Iron side slid Cake are "over th Cougty Chalrmsn W F II fter revlewhiK the results suid. "I don 1 mind aaylng, after recel. ng Hie reports that llrogan, Ironshl. . Westrall st.d Cake are certainly in he I nlled States nr course In the dry land fsrm Ustrlrts we did not expect the people to .,.111.. up I., the quoia not a crop. They ran I The In. ... tin -b i they have a hard time to make a li Ing.' The local coui.ulltee headed h II lxon aud the fire men. Is dlsw. pointed at the showing made School dh inn f s pledged ... 112, ouo oi lis HO.MftO, Not all the r 1 were In, however, and It Is believed itha total pledge hIII go to 120,000 I h, I nines beleves thai the .dlstrht will take the .mire 110. 00') during the rag for there . nun who buy slumps r.uuliirlv who aid not -imi ple.lce caid- Mar i Hit ramualxn Ontario had pur. based ,..., more 11111 nan me stumps so.u 111 ir. entire toiinlv Itl'Y W SS ONTARIO'S FOURTH IS BOTH SAfE AND SANE With No I eebratloii Hen 1 111. n- '... lo Rrogu.t, II. K Rei.il. 11sdl. ale, U elser Rolse and Hie Hill l.niario is spending a fjBM r.onii. ih.i. is noilifc.. dolus toda loon or two a small flrec racket bgfj a nut pop oUKgestiug the "fjatsfl "l.l days,'' and her and tln-re a hoi hu- a toy pistol That Is all we haw n. in dlcuie thai this is the itieat. 1 lay of) he yeat tin mo h atis Moat everyone In loan to Coiuuill Ho IliahgWtg 1- oui 01 101.11 Mai.) ' wont In IfraCM, other 10 .,,,. .,n, BJj liend TaM evening ,.... . , .. n At. ...lia II111 pernaps Hi maj..ni .If 1 he lamllles ami TMpa .,1 nMBlMog mill. 'I in pi' -n I ..-il"s In the hills Taken ull in all. II . f 1.0. Ontario's tourth is I. oil. ... BU. J I o Mr and Mrs Irwin Iroxell a,. children Ml and M.. I. I 'relglil. MtM KH.l It, M' II ' InS-ll. .Hid Kdgar . "' fnaml a j.ii pariv ol pi p IIIIIU' tba fourth in thi Ironside . .rtl was r. Mr H Uhitworlh I- aa 1 i.-il Pgl 1 I.. .. tl . Hoi -, n e .1I0I tin 11 Is ami 1.0 . Ontario. and Mis Jim Coihiui ai. ! 'lug Ho- last of the week for Call loriiia In re Mr 1 ounor I. a 'd a poattlou antl where Ihey In'- -nske tl.atr fui . Mia Dorothy lev eland Was Ing here til pant weak from tba lu tein,. PUMPINC STATION IS SUBJECT FOR DEBATE mm - con -it CK01 trait I 'II ANON f CONSTI;, ( Tln PLANS Ot KR PRtrTI I' ll i:oinecr kfxhi . sewer ordinance ai, roved . iMiperty Owners Protect AjcaJnvi (srn Water IMtrli. mtlng Oft Irrigation Supt iaa Water Rate Con older, I. hu ,, It, ,, Tot (he ftral time tu the past two year Mayor w .ilD wa calld upon to break 1 1 1. ..1 . at . hsiom ,.f 11 . . .lCU day evening. Ills vol... loo, determined an Inter- .(liest of J A Draper, im iu th mtntf for iiihilng ol u iplng gUtli tliui he he peimiM.,; i proceed will. the construction in 4 ...inn. r not it. puo-d l.v Knglm-ei Const Kei i) ' l. Tj aAJTW d.-i hied th. q I fa I the englMdr. The motion to grant Mr Draper requeat wa made by CouneUn.aa K. Van Pettao. alio look office thai evening, awocoadlng Ray Wilson , Those who voted 11. favor of the llou ware Utmac.lmaa Canheld.. i'-tten and Rn.iaot. ; those agalnt were Councllmen Corkrum, Lelaon. Turner and Mayor Home 11 Hi.rlag the debate ( ounollman Coukrum declared that consiru probleuia wore mailers beyond hi personal knowledge and It waa foi expert Mppajia that Mr. Kelaey wa I hired and he could sea 110 reason for taking the matter out of his Innid ICo.i.icllmen Canflald aud Van I'., ton argued that the method -ought be used by Mr llreper would make no real dlfferanoe. Engineer Kelaey declared thai he bad but one thing to say and Hit "Thai If the I oiuirll Is lo uilt contra, toss to cot. Mi body and overrule his plans there w no need for the cily lo pay lor I a. . 1 oushler Water Rales. I in- puu.p tiOUM quaatlon as Inn one of many which Hie Comoll Idered. Karl. It. the session ll. seselon Hie mailer of s si.r sup inlendent kas up 1.0 ooualderatbn and also that ol wait rate No Unite actio. 1 was tsk.-i. 011 , : I -r I. 1 , the water comuilliee was hisiru to proceed to hire a supci lul .-u.' Ill) Mill Tap M In or.hr that a uniform ran lie charged lo all p..l:..lo th- Coin I decided thai the 10 ilsclt fUI I the water pip. 1.. paUNMI pioperty property lilies tor a The mailer ot rates for i.ter in large quaninie- 1.. Iba m.c. . .-.hoit 1. 111- was discussed lint no an taken In 1 he ma i . : 01 . !...!. Ik ; nil Ir . gallon rati ' oth tor i against ineiertiiK iiail It as uii.irt 1.1 thai C I .nillil li'oiiiinueii on page 4 1 GENERAL LIGGETT ... it, ill. . I iggrtl. ipt.i'i temnianilti el Ui ew American ligr ing unit ot tw army .erpt raca.o., termed in Franc ir ' o jxt-' BnxJM HI oMannBMnnnnnnnBnnnnnnn