m0mmmlmmmmmmmmm .-... k- -. THE ONTARIO ARC, 18 ONTARIO iREOON, THXRSDAY, JUNE 87, 1IS I'AOB Oiuiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiitntittnuiiittnitttttmamt'onttttijwjwjtw? OREGON NEWS MOTES OF GENERAUNTEREST Principal Events of the Weok Briefly Sketched tor Infor mation of Gur Readers. bertblp .f ii.-' nrth junto rainbow remnant imi now dim had M haa nmn, but J A chunhin. i" vim den) "f public iiisinKiinii, will n ' nn.llmi'iif until all tba . " hi reporkej '.. as . tsi :...r.iii"in atH Buy War Savings Stamps And Make the Magic Wheel Turn Faster Thft wonderful moving circle called business, which is like a magic wheel, changing potatoes into money, clothes and food, or corn into ammunition, has not only got to be kept going but must be speeded up Von know yir Undo Sum ill n.. t be 1 1 1.. least bit backward about saj i"u bo, if your business uitcrfni willi In iil lie aaya .. do your duty by increasing buaineaa and make thi inagii wheel turn t'a more of a duty now than ever to keep the home bright, fresh and clean; pri ttier, luiihi.T borne m li.'lj) the occupants t" bear the burden of pre ut r Bponaibilitiea. Qood comfortable Furniture will nuUce the Home brighter than anything )rou can put in it and wh be without comfortable Furniture when you can bu, it at these prices and terms. I I i I "i I i a i ' ii $1.00 Down and 75c a Week buy you any one of 73 litickc i I In se Solid Oak, Genuine Sjmi Leather, Auto Be at with 1 .1" inches between tl ligh. A good I solid, well import in d forouly ' $10.85 rf : The Mini".'' Iiiipil tnirtr. QuertiminnlrnR ar'' I i v.miii: moil who mil' Hi.' dmll .linn, 5. formation i.r iw.. i of th i i i'umiit'iini company ha bat n ed. Tim In: .inli. 'i ly tekJOU ll hll.ut 111 III. i I ti. ,..mi in II.... '"' . in'iii , n in artlilty in !' i. r i.' aula national bank ut Si .loir alumni liiKlanlly klll.'il In um I ar Portland Tin- annual cam pi of tho Hovintli liny Adrr-tillal i-hun-li I r Ori'icon anil m.iilli.Tii Idaho i ' I lon- 'ila4 Ineea men la i ii. ir matho4 Una In aaeh nd nially ll of tba "in . an nd lham .17 It. Stmiimrii rumor i. mo itl a If ut c and ll r. ".' ill ut Ire) . ..i thin lel b if 111.' i.'ii. .1 "I Mlinap i aonii . Halm ii. ..liar flocka .luring ll and -prlnn. 'ihho of danger of It xpraad I 1 J at linker and will contlnuo mil II June i lug tn other f lurks in the atata. tba lad' llctook sanitary board ba da- i . .uat. inline again! Hip more- in. ut . any MliiMp In wuati rn Oregon ii iimran. tin.' i" bold until du mi have l n taken. ii. praaanUtiTi Wowlnf wa aured mum of Hie algnal i would tie aent In Mm Fourth Jni. I I J at . ion M, ..ii will play a highly Inn part in Hi i if Jul i Hi" an i , n mill a minimum of 12 wood hull will ! laiiiirh.'il In thi dUIrlct J. I. l .11. II pi.- iidiini i.r tin. iir. Hon iishliigion Rtttaokd . N'avlit i.y. will I.. head m tba Union Paetfti In l II fur I i?: ber Rocker a Tables i i I 1 1 . i . i bad. Sold on Easy Terms w Sh QS i.indrf LP ' Kin m Kind. I Davenports In Tapestries, Leather or imitatiou Kpauish Leather, either short or Imiu length for small or large rooms, ship. tiling thai .iit In- made into a bed within a few luiiui Priced from -.;...( m To . I : Hill' Ice and Grocery Bills Shrink Not because you have decided lo buy le&t, but bttau you get the wholesome goodnesa out of perfectly refriger ated food free from taints and spoilage and need less ice. f you have an investment in your porch which you an not enjoying, uae Aerolux ventilated poreh shades. Tlnv k-t-1 tin hot ami out and the f"l breeaea in; keen four sun exposed porehea 10 degreea tMNtlar ni hottest daya. Add delightful, airj', iiit di.i.r roonu to your howi, Sisea to fit any porch opening. Special Prices to Clean up our Refrigerator Stock LJf 'HI r . PorfS tttnd -' Sadcs! 'l'his is mi lintf in curtail lnisiiMs ai-tiMln , lall'ii- is n ;, inn.' In bfiid . ' ii; , :,, , ,- lt ;! id' buaittaaa and a complete employment of labor ao that every bidividual in tbtMoition mn lour ihe abiltti In i'sMiiul in the vaiiiuis appealti ueceMaun ii t-arn ..h the wai uce fully. It's the time to "oarrj on." Buy War kiaviugM dtampa. Then make eur borne iiii'.ii.d.ii . Ontario Furniture Co. H. L. PETERSON :i y r lll ii..' 1. 1. I I lliat tin' II I' A I .11. Ii.inl M ll fan II I i I n I' I ll . I prdlaa to eoniplaiui hi in Portland. . rtary i.t In.' , mho . ih i um, lum obtained a I lw . .I ahaanea Umi ha mu lake i hart' " uniariirtii.il w..rk on u ahipyard na Iron Work at Han Pram - r.nn.Ml w it h a m i i.ma l,.., '.. nn.ii . it . in i rail. ; I Ii l 1 1 led m qn i In p'ir I T ri I tit)(itt'm' lllllHlllll 'T tt- rrrrrzTzrzzzr ::tmtr. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa7X aaaaaaaa4aaaaaaaa Diilltar) Oorai k KinK Aiiii.inoiiiiH com pan) op I In I .. i n N. ii Hi I .mil MuraliliHiil, In . .nil. inpUllin; i iiipi. . Iiik young aotMO dflvan in h tba nirn ' iiniH milk -in i Uk in I'. aui) raaull fraaj .in il lull and tin- . Ii iimI ol lu'.i.l, iu lactiim Hin. i, are b. i ii.iKi.-iis iimt tin in i tK priidurin; farm r I'Miiiint ttftV ' UM proaeiit m l. and wlui'li in i Int until, ii. ilk MV t Ifea kUiikIiIit . 'I ha hlul. . i.l.llln mlwiln.. I,,, i,i,: in hixhwat , aort aj Ki-ii aa for regular i-oi Hun work, und il in. lll. I.,rv l.;. If I'.'...! tn. I'uinmUalon ma) th.-n I., tin. urk ii . oraa aMoeat, a! tttorna) Uenaral Van Winkle di I t., . iti N Hi.- week and I bet -'k :,,, : inn ael lierMiiii- affaatlve, 'I I" I .mint., i nit rtipoi i I of wbii-li ia were tatal Tki bjhmn ara luba Mfjrarall, eortinnd ldlu ll ..i, l.lniil.ni. lumtwr atauuMU'tarlng; ('. Ni I'orllkiid KliipLiHlillna: Mike liar. ! '.ii tloinl. Iiiiiil.-r uianiitm i bariv MaCotrstiek, .miliicIi bun ! r i.iii.ila Inriug V W KnlKbt. batwaae to aaa Oaodla. killt-a m railriMwl wreak the l ma i i . .i .. ii in. war in ' plan vt . ..ml, all. n, fin i VilnilnUlruii.r . ! nr In . . . ..I .li-al'i i nalructiaa tin lei) tko i' ' nal tka aol'l ill in- tiuif ka lii'nait nil. v. llli i r. njnkaj inn. li . i . i .mi irai IM ' i . niie tn ii' inn. ii neml ..i i J., i irdlnn tn a li madi' I a'lnn ll,.- ln. II ih ..I'-d titan n . i .in. I moat i. ih h in-, igh tin , . . . , i i t. l In. . ia. u i ' "I Ull.l um I. lll8M Hi. inn in.i.ili ' i an i npfl.ilitnre of 1 . hanttrad iiiouaaint iiniiar aiii be rod in ii-aolaa ..rn ih mi and1 n triM lion of .'an - '" I n.g fpratb . 1 i Hfl