ssisa asanas it eases waaasaa i ' ' ni i ' sniimeai i . i aasanan , m,w a p a i-T ONTARIO, MALHEUK rOUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 27, 1918 XXII NO. 25 ALL OF CLASS ONE TO BE CALLED IN 10LY HH Kill I 'I IS IMiKUIiKli WHAT UNJRM to imrhup. to pill VI I OTA IXIII RHAPT ol julv aa. FIRST CLASS LACKS IS HEN July .1 Will Witness Hcpertarr of an If Mil tonal fill Mm .mil July BB, 90, or 107 for One Month. An additional 38 men will leavo Malheur county July r. unO on July 22 there will he OH more cut mined, making IoIhI or II? men to leave the county In odd monlli. by lar llM largest nuinher ho far. . i-alla will entirely deplete Class One In fart there will he : ahortree of II for the Mil of July 22. How i MM this difference Ih m p leni to which Sheriff Hen llrowii add ree(l himself yesterday on Ml return from Portland In npenklng to the Argue from Vale yesterday he declar ed that he had nol determined what what course could lie puraued hut (hot that Rome of the Class Two men might Imi called. He alao mid that there would lie a alight chance for getting the defi ciency from the raclaaairioatlon of de ferred men, alnce that waa up to the District hoard not to the local board He aald that the local board bad re commended to the District board the reclassification of a number of men li the county The call for t'lana One men do not,'r a fire ntarted from a cigar. Me Include any of the hoya who register- ed June 5, 118. whose aerial number will be drawn In Waahlngton noon -n -- ' ------ BUT W.S.B. IHlTIHr: KILMKH IN CIM.TiH N OP HAN KHAXilHCtl Ssaaue Hayakawa. the well-known Japaneae screen actor, a eaat of aup- porting player, aud his director. (ieoi" H .MeHoi.l. naotitly pelll several weeka lu thlnatonu. BjM Krauflaco. where they made the e- tsrior scenes for Hayakawa'a newest Paramount picture,. 'The (all of the Eaat." This waa written especially for Ssaaue Hayakawa by Heulah Marie lx. Tsuru Aoka. .Mr Ha akawa'a winsome little Japanese wife in one of the leading women, while the other I Margaret Uoomla, whose real name ie Uehua Wnipahu and who made a sensation aa the Hawaiian girl lu "The Hottle Imp" with Mr. Hayakawa recently. "The Call of the Beat" la to be ahown at the Dream land theatre on Prtday and Saturday. July 6 and (. Wben the train ou which the fepjsj ware to leave arrived the station plat- - .... afc m M lu knUKUB.d . ior.u w.. ...ruus-u -..u ..., rh nflr town turned out to wave them farewell and aa many of lb boy declared, "We will never forget the time Ontario gave us.' BUY W.B.S.- 3 MRS F. C. AXTELL Mrs. Francle C. Aatell. ha seen premeted to the chatrmanenip el th United lUtee tmploy' Cemaensa lien Csinnuunn. " - -en en asn i -, Mftmj lt . VRVP W Jav BaL !ay A ass. iBm . iim sBHaBalasftsBm aflaVa. Wfc. IH Hbv! A. J. H ii. i To I'm- r i m-: PLANS FOR WKHM M'HINf.s L At a meeting of the Hoard of Hlrectora of the Wiirmsprliigs Irrigation District at Vale laat Friday Engineer A. J Wiley of Holae agreed to prepure plans for the board to HUbmlt to the War Securities committee. He declared that with the data on hand that the plana and report could be completed within two weeka Although no definite contract waa entered Into it Is believed that Mr. Wiley will accept the board'a offer to become con- nulling engineer. With the en- glneerlng queatlon solved It la believed that a big advance step haa been taken toward get- ting the project started this fall no that the reservoir will he ready for tine In the spring HI V W.S.B. BUY W 8 8. TWO FIRES CAUSE OF LOSS TO RELATIVES , nrge Rlaae Holy Inland Claims Portion of Hay Crop Wrtlaew ' day This Morning Mantorrt Home Bursa. Wednesday, Juue I, waa a Jonah day for the Doty family, who live on the Inland near the railroad brldg atub they loat a large portion of their bar crop. Early this morning a fire atari I In the home of Mr and Mrs. Chf ford Sanford. deatruylng the bsu i onipletsly. The biaaa started It! 1. SO a. m. and the itouse smoking ruin by S:tl. Mra. Banford la a slater of Mrs. jBU,.w Doty, whoa home waa threat- Me1 n tj, aftrnoon when the blaze on the Island took tlslr crop. i cause of the S. iimril lire Is a mystery, for it had a great headwuv before being discovered. The family i0 fitt n,d to flee for their Uvea, sn- taping with little more thiui the:r (Dt olothea. Borne furniture waa wived after the family got out or ti, building. I The bouse belonged to T.W. llrou or iduuo Kails and was partially lu ,urj xhe Sanford hail no In-on ,, un their furniture BUT W.S.B. II Mild, NKKVUKM HK1.II Kilt MIW. M. H. IW l i It Funeral services were held We.l- nesday afternoou at lue uiideriaklng parlors for Mr. Marvin Sealer, who AimA al llta liAunltut ! .t eloek 'I'lf- ., 7 .J . day morning. Her deaih was caused by typhoid fever. Rev. Chas lilom conducted tha services. Burial wan made in the Ontario cemetery. Hssel Viola Wataon waa born si Haloes. Oregon, lu April. 117. She ; was married November 29, 111 I, i . Marvin Healer of Payette, She leave behind to mourn her loan her im baud and baby daughter, two sisters, one of whom la lu Alaaka, one brother aud her father, who live In Nevada. - HI V W.B.i. Will Oniario Women Furnish Malheur County Boys Will HM Pairs of Hex k. Hill Hxeaiers. Ila-fore Hepiaiiiber I On the d. iSniKiimenl Infill the Winn -II ol Die I'h.ip ter from Dead f Flat Ontario. Botll iHVard, Willie Seltlenniiil. Valley l. -. Cairo, N'yssa. Kiiigiiian Kolouy and Big Head, will determine s or nut some soldier bov will have freeslng feet, or .stand chilled lo Ho. marrow for Die want of a sweater The call la for sou pulr or and HI sweaters All this mat be flelivereil hofore Seulember 1 II s ft (lit, bjjpnjj yUola ever give ( ,. . . ..,.,... .....i i, Kittam t s the local chapter and It comas at a time when Had Cross interest apps ' eiilly 1.4 ebbing Will Hie woiusa and BROGAN TO HOLD A :! TWO-PLY CELEBRATION While Ontario anil Vale and RJM Ail- Ifi F.schew Frsllvitirm, Nelgli- MM Offer Opportunities. 1 tlrogan is to have a Iwt-plv velebra tlon on Independence Hay The Bea pliable people of the Hrogan Valley are aendlng an Invitation to their neighbors to Join wlt'i them in mark ing the one hundred forty second anniversary of the birth if the Culled Statea, and alao to Join them In ded icating to i im .nubile the big new cotn n'unlly hall whim they have M Iteslde the det'ie itorv oxen-bcs Ud tile patrlolie spe lit which will ner ve r.s the central portion of the pro pi. in, there ban ft en arranged an In tf ruling aerlen of alliletic event; in clu-llng home rates, loot races, nov i ill races ant! -ill thai sort off thing Tlie lirognn prom. mi Ik an afler- jnomi wild evenin : affair 'I'lie "klck- infl ' will apses, nt i p m. ami the wind up MM linn- til inotnlng after I .1 Klier will he o if I he ;a Hie patrlotio' unit the . . til', lucludes u iilg llrog.t i Invites thr whole. tointy to eni.r its lalmy valley In t in ufternoon and loave after lliey . . , ., .... Ii.iivr nail me Mine oi itteir lives a a jlmd. t". W. itrodtler and ,I,a Ken n u are the tn i-iiargi That it will be a good Hin therefore i aaaured. Arcadia I oiks To I'lcnU out at Arcaoli they are going lu I (if a regulai KourtP of July plcnh '.It program will he Informal for It Is kg he a kin I of family affair under the shads of tl. banut'lul trees of the Arcadia grove. Hlg lt el I'm I flrbrale 'lit people of Hlg Head are to hold a t.'g ton. I " t . . ouve an Mpkajrate progrcm nsdy anil e tl t v of music and oilier fselsl fen - will enter ti themselves . nd as many of tlt-r tielghhorn as can ,ti- la-.d. tU K8. An urgent t r: tor nu. Inn tawks r'ril sweatera (a the hoys who will If In camp ill- winter, either lu 1 tanca or In 'In- Statea liu- ansM I, the Ontario (il Cross I'itapter lib it i. an- come a urgent u Mil tor ' eaters BUY WHS Hr: l Al. MllllM.i on AT THK HAPl'Ikjl- III lit II Kvangellsl II A Hunt of hi I. ouls. Mo., began a special Beating at the llaptisi church 'liiesds.v nigh.. Mrs Hum. who Is a specially Malncd musician, will Join lilm lu the wor' . aud have charge of the singlug. V very eoidlal in II .it ton Is egteadsd lil all to come and i.'iijoy the servici -The evangelists use no 1 ricks or clap lrP methods, but bring lb messag . of salvation from a heart full of In.. for manklud and as s result of ran of experleu. I III 1 W 8.8 Different members of Hie YV C T 1 , 'evail.i. Moudu Brim, al1 i in i met at four different pkspgsj In thl TtaJI r trieiui In (Ini.i . a. city yesterday and uaed Hie time q loaaf am . "i t Ittiy BaNall working busily on the rnmforl kltsU) i !.;-. nm they are making for the It.. i ml wli went to ml.r - iiieil. The places uf meeting were al Mis vielt wit i no broth. -r in Baa ad i M lliiigiiam'a, Mra. A. L. UcDos and Mrs stP will renin to their el'a, Mrs II It liilck's ami Mi- II !. home in I'utailo no.ii II.. m.ddb ol I'oorinan'a .-epiembei i tin Kin., ti.i theaa will be guodi iintai to .nol U i n irons im r.iMid. deliver the good? Thai is Ho- 'in lag the dire bars of ih. u chapter Will Hie Oniario Chs) fall down'' Il has i ye present order I Ol ion or the women It I a personal app. luotiier. ami every lle . ,d of a Malheur eoulit) boy lor Die order I barely enough I the needs of the boyr win, have recently trans ''" -county Owe lauarii for Uili Man Tha army autboriites pinacilUe uaa dosen pairs of woolen socks for . STORY OF RELATED lr. I'apHtian Will Oive Ss imil l,e. tnif at Itieninlnntl I ilfla Kven- Ing f AtltiiisHloii to He Charged. No autllence which has gsthcM-.l i Ontario since the war began to learn of the real conditions In the warrlnir countries haa been no well rewarded an that which heard Dr. M. (J Papn lan of Alntab, Turkey, at the llap llnt church laat Sunday morning. Dr. I'apazian will give a second lecture at Dreamland Friday evening nntl those who lulled to hear him Snn dn are doing themselves an injustice ir Hoy are not present to hear the ntury he has to tell. Dr. I'spaalan In a gifted Pratoi Ills style of address is del Ig it tf til i i" point and the grip .n which he held Ills Sunday gsdlsgi Wan a profounil irlbnte to the fa hla appeal. in - oiirae he Is aided by Hie won derful advantage he posse sonnlh Itnesslng the crime of t- menls so he haa a real story to Mil, He announced Sunday that he would elaborate on his Sunday address on Friday making In fact practlcsllf i entirely different lecture. WAR SAVING STAMP SALE DISAPPOINTING People la Ontario Appareatl) Hair Palled to Kesilse the lniMrl of the Campaign. As yet the peoph ot Onturlo lone 'failed to grasp the full Importance of lbs War Savings Stamp campaign. The effort no far made by the Klre- men and the Honor Uuard, wliile they have beeu partially successful. have not met the rnapoaa necsaaary to put Hie district over the top. The quota for the campaign Is equal to that of the first Liberty Uian drive, yet many people are taking Imi a fraction of what they subscribed -then Two in Limit Club. Mo far there are only two Outarluns eligible In Hie Limit club, whose en trance requirement I Hist of a f lnne subscription There should be at least ten in that club here, belle.o the manager of the cauipalgu While the drive Is to lie held in morrow the purchase of the st a 111,0. cover the entire year. Kvery On tariaa should consider the question, even If be or sin has alsajgdj sub scribed, and make au effort lo gej 'I the lotsl to lioilDii for H. hoi.l Dl irlct Nn. I. Bin ss. Mr. an.' Mrs I aiidall tagW tad I doUgbte.-- lira)--e aud Alfut.Mi n luriim) K, I heir i)i at Mit.ii.nill. Their Share of the Socks Need this Winter in France? man in the .irtuy. and ..i It. I I mill e llisn IM hois ii, Mo anii.i lioiii t.o territory within Hie chapters Juri .1.. HoB, SO thai in being askeil In In. ulsli Kit) pair of sot kr Ontario and leaser are bai.llv .dim (or :iu own boys will The ...rn lo furnish tbh toti. will give the iinauclei uf the i a Job for li may be nut . starter. Dining the past yea l Ihure lian been comparatively lew knillii- g Ouiatio i he nut hint, sections bare had more, proportionately, for On tarki women specialised on surgical nigs 'I If il. HIO PIMPS Milt ATKR RKAHY FOR INSTALLATION 4 The hlg pumps which will fur- nlsli Ontario with water In the future readied the city yester day and will be Installed during the coming week. With the ar rival of the pumps Contractor ('. H. Helmer breathed easier, as did Engineer L. C Kelsey, who inln now that the sys tem will be In working order noon. Advices have also been received Indicating that the chlorinating plant will be here Saturday so that It, too. i-mt be Installed shortly. With the arrival of fittings all the pipe on the Kastslde was laid and the first line of mains on I lie Westslile of the track went in today. BUY W M.S. GOMMlTTEfS NAMED TO DIRECT FAIR WORK Hoard I'toi.iU With HeOsisI Sleoi lor Aiiiiual i:lilbilloii Hlarl Work on HuIIiIIiiks anil (Jroumls. At a meeting of Hie Pair Hoard Tuesday evening a atari waa made on the plan for assigning business men to handle Hie Fnir thin rail. President A. L. Cork rum named the beads aud personnel of several of tha coin in It tees for various depart ments. To cure for Hie Improvements and repairs nn buildings and grounds, C. It. Kinisnn was named chairman of the commute- On pro gram events for the Fair. I'. J. tlsll.i gher waa appointed The ootiimlttes on music for liie Pair was selected as follews: Byron Turner mill II O Diui.i . M publlilt , t: I. Aiken. A F Kiddle slid Hugh Allen. Other committees . ill be named later, pending further development of the board's plain- 'litis week es pecial attention Is being given to the revision of the premium list tnaVrl tary Stearns, aaalated by II K. Douglass, haa this mutter In hand. HIV W B8 Irving I'roctor aud Ills mot he-, Harbara I'roctor, arlved In m tarlo a few daya ago and are visiting with thei, cousin and niece. Mra. A. 1 B. Cain. Mr. I'roctor baa accepted a position with the Cos A. Hunt garage Mrs. H. C. Whltworth and Mrs Ueorge Kellogg of Weiaer riuua over i Tuendny to attend Ho- meeting of the Tuesday Hrldge club held at Mm J. It. Hlaukaby's They were gue. ts of Mrs. Prank Boats ' hHM ' MS. il thai day. Mr and Mrs Karl Ills, ks by proiiil parents of a little son. born Weduesday. al Hie home ol Mrs. IMai kaby s parents, near A-l Isn.l. ONBM O 1 J. Dnkliisnu tool. I party of old soldiers over lo Pajeit In hi Ml for Old Soldiers U these were I'm le-H.. . Hall, It V Cos I fit Mild J. V Jaiuf-on Junior Red Cross uud Hie scho I Klrln old enough lo nl Ho- knn needles will i o aid lu Ibis g ..I oi not in session it win be bard lo or) he campaign so ib.n lb gi can be delivered by September I, volunteers will be iau not kult go to Hie Bad 1'ro rooms and arrange for laatruotloi Il la or will be made available I In emergeiicy Is urgent, worn and girl of Ontario anil surroundin ansae. sallies faa do not wain fall the boys al -be innit M voliu tecr to knit and do it now CHEERED BY Vim BANQUET QIVBN in 1 ll.l B FOR MVLHF.I It AND It iv R CONTINOKNTH I'ltl CIATKD. ENTIRE WAVES IT'S FAREWELL l'.iileitliinuiil Parnlsbetl st Ihfain lanil Dining Kveuing Magaalnea Clgsrettes and Other Tokens Ulven. Ontario turned out entuaase to bid the Jim ntltii;ent of 68 Malheur County and 28 Harney County boy who left Monday evening for Camp i'iis Tim gaenonati i Ion accorded thM wan geoond Bat ha that given the first voluniei i' who left In April 1917. lu the isiafatloa there were fhe llflllllo llos. i mil Orriitt. Ilugii clement. I'lf'o Moore, II Nelson, a nil flordou Shufrer l-:ihert Johnson who wan called with I lib. conlngent went to Portland the week previous and Joined Hm part) there. Plsnsfo-tho farewell were mad at the City Hall Sunday afternoon nt a meeting called by fir II II. Whitney and 8. P. Taylor The business dl--trlst waa divided and solicitor gath ered the funds necessary to pay the expense Monday morning. Mm K A Praaer took charge of the chicken bsn quet served at Hie Silver drill, aid ed by Honor Ouard tllrls who waited upon Hie young men. Attorney J. W McCulloch prenld ed at Hie dinner and he snd R. C Van Patten made brief talkn to whh-'i ponae wan made by Haul C Miller im Hie Malheur County boys an. t Q Belle for the Harney boy. The appre ajatlo. of Hie men was aviUent aud the bunqaet and worked for K sut -cess. more than repaid those who arranged llefore leaving the banquet He boy were given Hckets to Dream land for the eieulnt DM e.imj beside they were given partinv fert -enta of cigars, cigarettes Mid mag, i sine. And that In. ppreeint ed waa nol doubtful. BUT W.SH. poim l.AH sivt.FH OUMH TO CANT Jaa. (1. Smith, who kaj mien ea terulned Onturlo gallilrlugs alth pleasing sougs, lefi last Saturday area lug for Kur ue to tske the train ing course for men preparlUK '' -the srint erli.. .1 ihe I'ltlversliy L. M. Kates from the Xlsumarssag raueh mar Waal fall '.nee down as Hie cur Wednt-i dm lo allond In onf .11- ne.b matti I III low I, conduct..! TUaa Ota im-'i l i'u lello, was ih. eat al "'" Irlentls uf'l SiiiiiI.i. A ualoi . n thilirlo v from Veualot. iii on. Monday. GENERAL BOROEVIC utiiml !.c.,ir Berasvic. i mandsr el th Auslro Hungarian tioups which fsilsu IS mir ousnn isn tha Italian Irani. . "' ' -- aLwsr ic. Pie W kwaasMaJH .:Jm ifialffi x-JaBe?sFr?3lJ'. wali.i'Aii Ill V W I S I i ' I