i r I In i nt ' I 1 finl nil 'U m j!?iav i'il FORD GARAGE, Erbie Hayes Manager, Ontario, SERVICE GARAGE, Nysaa, Oregon. NasfrawasTr-HBBWavaW . . It Jis your patriotic duty to see that every bit of food you buyjs eaten, for Food wilHrinJthejwar Ice will save food You can not keep milk sweet or meat and vegetables from spoiling without ICE We deliver good, pure ice. The water from this ice can oe used. It is pure. Remember too that we buy Cream, Eggs and Poultry and pay cash when you deliver the goods. Ontario Ice & Cold Storage ONTARIO, OREGON A H ' War-Time Responsibility Yours and Ours Nena! necessity lias put n ni' it -.poiisihility on every motorist. Utmost service Is tiemarul.cl the highest usefulness of yourself und your car. vice and economy are your only considerations. Our responsibility goes hand in hand with yours. As t!v ! ubbttf man- UfaCtUfW in Bm world, it is ni duty to BUppI th mi's of unfailing reliability and extreme mileage. i ere more wk United " ij mm an wmmwmmmBi wstm mum i Imulll Save Food Now DON'T LET MILK OR MEAT SPOIL Till: oNT.imo AlUilH nVTAft.n J- th in imking good in thin time of stress. They are setting new mile age records establishing new standards of continuous serviie effecting greater economy by reducing tire cost per mile. Hi i e is a United States Tire for every car Meeeafef or commercial sod every coa dltJoo of motoring. The nearest United States Sales aod Service Depot rill I oerfnlly aid yon in fitting the right tire to your u i-ds. States Tires cod Tires WtM Oregon. Mi itftfllk. 'sW BgaY SBgw i KF.OOV, TRtrmiMY, M nkso, mt8 MILLION MEN SiiO. TO BE IN FRANCE General March Says Troops Are Being Rushed and ' Capacity Is Sole Lii Inning tin- irnvcrntu minimal in imiili' roml i' ( III" lines wiiii tvarj operation of tl in. in iifli'iisii . lAOWD spoil It, 0 n graphic pteturt Mlnglo KlKHiillr rniiipaiitn extending itniii lUii'lms tn Um hcii. wliiri lied linen have neon battered back In tottf MtCOSSStva phnsne. The grest wads of hnhhiiII linn now ISSfSSSSi Hi" slhSS liSSS 6 miles from Hhrlni" to Ypres. . In r cnndlllnn of thin kind." ml. I Oencrsl March, with a gesture a( the map, "where a new lino nan to Ik' aM ami Where (lie attacks of the (Icrman lie heen inaile with nnrh Inrui hk Ihey have, the I itiirtn iitc of gel ting American troops to MM front Ik mure and nnm- pr BUM nl " General Man h made It char thai there la no donht In hi mind or In that of the kitted milltar IgadWI thai the channel ports are the main ii i or the whole Herman effort HONORS AWARDED TO SIX D. S. SOLDIERS U :inhlligt'in - v ird it the lint ill Kul-licd servlee cronn to alx members of the A:nerlcn form In Kri-ne, fnni of whom are dead, wm reBOJ (lencral I'ernhniK Thoee honored wire Major Alexander RSSMMMSSS, V 8. R . infantry, Sergeant dray K Swingle, englneera; Private Omar (irirfilh. am balance company, and Private Krank I (iiililcamp. englneera. all or whom were killed or dteS of w minds, and Corporal Thomaa A. C.uroll. Ini;niir and Private l.ealln M. I .a ne Infantry The addresses of the men follow : Major Itaamnaaen. ttherwood. Or, Ser geant Swingle, Newark. Ohio Dgf poral Carroll. I'lnclnnstl. Prlvataa (Iriffuh. Oadnden, Ala., and lioldcamp. Iriiiiiini, ohm. il Pershing gave brief deacrlp iIoim ni i lie iniiiiciita In which the men dlatlngulahed themselves. Of Major Itaamnaaen he aald "Major Hasmussnn (poathumoua) procuded to hla poi of command, in pile nf heavy bombardment. In order to aava Important papera. and while thua encaged waa killed by shell fire." F0P0 TO RUN FOR SENATE Noted Manufacturer Indoraad by Mleh lean Oemecrate. Washington - An announcement by Henry Kurd that, having been urged to do eo by President Wilson, be would accept the democratic nomination for seuator from Mlchlgau was made pub lic heie. Detroit Henry Kurd, a republican was liidor.e.l for the nomination for rutted States senaior by the SSSH crata of MiililKau In couferunoe at l.ansliiK ilutloOS adop I by the confer '.ncii Hi,- republican state cen tral ciiininlltec In nme ulliiir i audi ,i ill- Humiliation to Willi. Iia and unite with tin- democrats In sup porting Mr ford 'or Hie iilllie Notsd Fl7r Falls 2000 Fset. Kan Aiiinuiii tn Smiling l.leulau ant Pst (I Hnen of Mqmence. Ill . who later served with the British royal flying corps, survived a battle with four (ieriuan planes, and after being taken prixiui.ir, leaped from a faat moving train, and wandered mom thau -inilm through enemy terrltoM finally reaclilug Holland ami safety , suffered from the seoond fai nf his adventurous earner, while i Ing at Kelly field. Two thousand fee' iroui the ground the plane sUlesllppei, jiei 0 Urlen was unable to right It The machine lauded nose downward in soft earth He climbed out badly nbsken and tilevdlug freely. Government Building Outlay Vast. Washington -Building coustructiun Cor the army at hums and abroad com pletes), commenced and projected. In volves a total expenditure of $1,170, 12,000, according to a summary au thorised by Secretary Baker. Open Negotiation of Treatiee Slocked. Washington President Wilson's disapproval killed a proposal In the senate for opal dtsuuaslou of treatlea. .- - -- - - THE UNIVERSAL CAR r o. i . art. It ; that It wm i 'flnjil FORD GARAGE II. BAYS. Mnn.i OVItltlii (Ml i . Itl.tt KI. Strayed, from my ranch, one pair t . 1 1 1 r light buy murea, one weighing .it, mud 1300. the oth'jr llftf brand -ed with laiy K oa right atlfle; SIOSM have colli by them now; BstStOSI have hnen ronched and grown out three or imir mchoa Will pay $'.!.' to finder of team.- -J. Cartwrlgtit, Malheur City. Oregon. :i-.tl siiuiimi h Trouble. lien yniir nynti'in hcioinen clogged Ir overeating, ronatlpatlnn and B torpid liver. .Miur nloniarh la likely to In, I, nl,. v . . n A done of I li. lain a Tahlnta will give you BjSl Kef. They reuao a free movemeui u the howela, tone up the liver and ntreugthen the dlgenllon. You lll be aurprlaed when you realize SSI mi mil hetter you are feeling a day or two after taking theae tablet- TWKI.VK WOHKKItN KIM. Kit. Twelve Y. M C A. war work sec retaries have been klllel while nerv ing Hilled Iriinpn clone to the front MM In Krance Two American women, canteen workers, have alao been killed. (Iiamheiialn'a Tablet. People everywhere speak well of t'liiiniberlaln's Tablets. If you un troubled with Indigestion or conatlpa tlon. give them a trial. You era cer tain to be benoflted by them kok SAI.K Two sorrel mares, 2300 to 12fi0 lbs. Good sound Mfl horses, coming years old Also good 121ft flve-paaaenger Ford Jena Jolisnusen. 1 1 ! FOK HAKE Good paying bualneas with a good Ford truck, for 1250. No more capital necessary; no ex perience needed Phono 20-w, On tario, P. O Bog MS. Sim Children's Coughs anil CoUU. For children's cougha and colds Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy Is ex cellent. It is prompt and effectual and ooiitalna no opium or other par otic, and Is pleasant to take. I)r J S Cliarlebols, the Nairn o path, has opened up an office In the Carter hotel He Is an ex pert In curing all kinds of cliron dlaaaaas and InftrmatlcH OsSsSSltS tlon is free and lutited Telephone 4-W. rilANBFKH, HAliliAliK AND EX PRESS JOHN I.ANDINtillAM K. UR1TT1NUHAM Truck Traasfer Phoa 127 M Commercial Creamery Co. Lashbuyersof Cream and Produce Place: South of Poit office, Ontario, Oregon Your Beat Market for (ream Egga, Poultry o'sll kinds PAOI r - W. i. WKKHK, M. I Internal Medicine. I IKJAR H. HtltTNl It. M. It. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat OFFICE Hi it to 12 and t I Office over First National Hank. Telephone No. 33 J. Ontario, Ore. K. w. a. HOWE DENTIST vMlaon Hldg Ken 1171 Nine former Y. M. C. A. war work secretaries at Camp Kearney hava J. lined the sriny and navy. A ser vice flag with nine stars hangs In the Y M 0 A iidmlnlntratlon building at the niiiitliein camp FOODS TASTE BETTER COOKED -.TOBACCO TASTES BETTER TOASTED Since the day of the caveman, who liked his meat raw, civilisation has learned s lot snout the scientific treat ment of the things we est. Naturally none of us would now prefer to hsve our mest rsw. our po tatoes a they come from the ground, our i off re unroasted. . 4 And naturally follows the great dl covery recently made by I he Ann ii can Tobacco Co.- that tobacco taste better TOASTBDI i l'fr This wonderful new idea simple like all grest inventions wsa Inst used in producing the famous LUCKY STRIKE Clgsrette-mede of tosstae Itufley tobacco. Burley has s mellow flsvor, entirely different from the tobacco usually need (or cigsiettrt It is a pip to.' bacoosnd LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette i liks s ptpe. i RMtM rwiiat ml OVERALLS ftsf- O --. Off Keep Kid Kleen r TV. mm pau-kl. kMkhU. l.rws sansraS) m iav.iad w crsuita I H UsVMP SJSISal HK. SSM CM aaLVr1:, SBmUflgil tat avsnastytjgej i ." all IBM) aal ttsW Italy In I4 .sW sjslslo Al SMIMSSJal ajaasisT m Dtilrk Mvck Matt allW pmvM usetitaiJIajii sissFSt. -L.-I - tlgest v k .-i UshJJ sisSsSS, at C tvoitsra) gsaBWiM sW- rsUN ISfcsil SMIeils SMI list sjs,MBrl $1 00 theauit layM 0SHf J.. IH LumwIIUII II wwi araisB sMasS)a SMtsjary fan rr.4rJX-2?wrr KOVERALLS stf u v ear orr thtji Sjlsagf l..lWII i4iMai.iu ur 1 1 VI SIHAIlSSaCa &, hum nv.o cai LEVI 2TEAUU k CO., Iss Frsxtx. 1"' 1 All. a w a' fa , n t . w7 it,, i.i :i I veiif. 9x Bar JsT mrvVH ' SfttMfft.M 0.1. .1, mn W.bU A NCW SUIT FREE If TMLY atP Imsiwmis i 1