The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 20, 1918, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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3 Hit ONTARIO A ROUS ONTARIO 0RK0JON, TIU'ltKit.t . , JUNK 110. 1911)
Large Masses of Infantry Used
in Attempt to Break the
Italian Line.
By Herbert Quick
Member Federal I;, m Loan Board
Ion the
In I
let i
Ola aii'l
win ,H iiuve.
teetrteM ere striving, to ie
li irmii tin mountain pimn and
Cross the I'lave river ami alti the
Venetian piali
I win re tin riKlitliiK I" of an
nlliuil) sanguinary eharsi
rlslly enilt of the sleSgO I III In
tht) llr.ntu Willi v unci M Ml
In Hk' Initial struggle tin .
euccieded In rapturing SOVOfOj rrnnt
Una positions In Iln- imiunialii ri
friun Hi" llrltlsh ami alsn In niHaiiiK
the I
Counter attacks, however, hate re
tori'd all tlin ptinlt luin In tin iimhiii
tains. In. liidinr territory in a depth
Of ISM yards iilnng a .'.Mm yard front
captured from the Hrltlah.
niirlian Army In Kraure.
A limit tun Herman shoes treats raid
M the American firm line positions at
the Milage o.' X.iray. Ill llir Toll I sei
tor Sunn, of tin' eni-iii Ki't Into Xi
Tray. Inn nnm oon din in out. At
Other iiolnta t Hermans tM badly
The attack licit n at I ncloik In the
IDurnliiK utter an .Mr.nieli Wolelil
toinliardinciit. 'I lie licunana advai
Swiftly to tli.- attack, but were inct
by a heavy fir.- I turn- who pen
Irateil XlVfOJjp were forced h 1 1 1 t
withdraw and elaewhere the enemy
waa mind. t.l repula.-tl In hard tight
lug laatlna more than two hours
In Its
i Inst which wa
V- should hn I this new
til futme
m. He ini
i Into International
i.iii of sinking BMI
la baaed I
OD till lllllllllT.TH III., Mill Unit "ill .III
i. li no tales " It waa t
l BJ it. ' if men. wnin
en ana rnihiren. who. having DM
milled themselves to small hosts in
the niien sea after their ships were
torp. ,li d. were uieri'lteaHty ruled
with gunfire, and . xtermlniited to the
last niiiltlril noil
nm the minders that main the IihiiiI'
if Hie Kalaer, hln advisers and niln
loot Theae outrages were n-i i.etrate.l
on neutral vesseli when all that civ
inen warrare gave inn Hermans n I
n In to iln even 1th the merchant
vessel under a hoatlle flag, waa to
top ii at aea and make It a prize of i
To kill the flvlllnna on hoard, even
under a hostile flan, waa MtMal Imt
timiilllKHlcd mitrdei. ml H..--.. nmr
dera van In unlet that we
might I"- l' lliiunr the
ladling , ll
to doing
i should hi' after
winning our free. loin in our own
revolution and eHiahllahlnK a union
on th foundation of liberty in the
hloiiil and leara of out war betwaea
tba states, to k tl in I le under to inline-
rai v ' Wf kIioiiIiI have basely yielded
up our hiithrlght iik Americana.
Sin h n (bought N Intoleinlile I'eara
at am li a price would not he peare,
Imt ' 1 1 1 1 '. a pr.paiaiion for a future
rewilt against aiilijiiniiinii li, it.-r
i of war, l.elier war forever,
th ,i H
In-never the time coiiien for aew
' h. let iik I' 111, Mill. ! that we
for our lili.iii. tomorrow.
ear or twenly eum from
now, but for our fi.ediim imlav. Not
lor tin in-lit lo live lii the rulure, but
for the rlgbt to make a living this
Herman oppi.--.lon had begun to
pin. h iih before we entered the war.
If we hud nut declared war, hut had
light, not I
or next VI
In ii
I n.". allotment M eft .
Consisting of r. comfort kits whi.i
were wanted within two
would hare beta alnn. i Imp
to have even attempted to fin thl"
nt.l.-r iii tin- l(i.. ( rOM ii
all the workers have only had
mi the aurgloal work within
the uiimi time, in ii,. lettar he
ev It waa suggested that II
hMiihii of
thin "
of the w.i i i
.Mi tj.utiM ui opstu aew miuj ,
l sTtll dd "'Is work Hut il
there are any nthera who desire to
help tlndr iisslslanre will he appre.
I. iid Theae may phoi ithor Mrs.
0. B. IMiiKliam or Mrs -
und tnnke arrangement,, win, them
The allotment of 2H0 dish leeoll
and 70 diah cloths waa filled at
almost the last minute and haa now
line u parked and sent
8lx large boxea and three smaller
onea of suppllea were shipped Satin
day night
CrttMf nWi
NIsesrefM ares
!" .res.
'r am cmll eae a
cssasf bra.Wy.
'" ! AaV 1,77')
K JlaC I Sfcil?. ii, iaM ' Yili 'U.
-.' flfaW-' JmH, i MlfM aV
My-.-. r t -
rlgbl to take the sin with his fleet, accepted the condition! of life orderad
hut I" lug afraid to do ao for fear he for ua by the Kalaei. we ahonld toda?
nilaht lose It. and being umihle by
fair n ..ii the seldnc or our
product! to his ell.
declared that he would do it hy the
method! 0wr re.nrted to In
war. He declined the sea closed,
and that he would leaf II lu-cd, Dot
hy wai. but h mur.lei
To have auhmiited would have coat
ua dear-Ill pro perlt) I. nt would
have been the hast of our loaa
We should have had to grovel be
fin iln in-ric.-ti roM-riimenl
We should have had to accept mur-
be a imvi'ily stricken iieople Our
factorial would he shut down, our
..a uiicmphned. our people
itarvlng, our fanners ruined In the
povert) ol tboae for wii.M.. eooaagafs
in in the) grow tin n n., There la
Ion and sacilflce In the war. hut
there would have been far mora of
loaa and eaartfeM m accepting the
in-iii. in terms We should have loat
more In iuoue than we have spent
In the war. but we should have loat
aomethlng far moro i mi Wo
should have lust our souls
The members , the Pioneer AUXll
larv ,.t Dead Ox Flat have quill. , I M
old fashioned .iillt of the log nil, in
pnttern which will he raffled off for
the p. mill o the lied Cross Home i i
the , hanees will he sent to Ontario.
Word Iuih heen elved from
jquart. i .-oiui.llin.'ning i he Ontario
,1'hapter and its Auxiliaries nn tin
ineatneas, accuracy and skill
i In making up the nmntlih .
pm tK ua laat month then rOJO)ort
the first one in in i he Northwi
It only Takes a Minute
to send him a pouch of
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Juat Jroo into anv v '
here, give him 10 cent
Gravely, complete in t!e special
Address it according to the official direct mi he
will give you. Put on a 3 cent stamp and Uncle
Sam's Mails will see that he gets it.
Real Gravely it the tobacco to tend. Not ordinary plug
loaded up with weetening. but condented quality. It'a worth
ending a long way, and when he receives it he'i got something.
Give any man a chew of Real Gravely Plug, and be will tell
you toot's the kind to (end. Send the best!
Ordinary plug is false rconnmv. It costs lest per week to
chew Real Gravely because a imall chew of It lasts a long
Even "over there' a 3c. stamp will put it into his hands.
Tht Falrnl Pouch krrpt it I rrth antt t Uan una Gees?
It it mt Html Ciattly uithoul lAi. 'rofrcfiefl StmJ
Eatahliehed 1831
(Thl! li th! second of thru articles. Ths third to bi published mat W!ek.)
KltnM l.oi u mci nut HK
Three small bo i t he a in
house of lloyer Urua. on the Kut
A.eordlng toprlionera. the ohjeit of "f """"" "r"l Tueeday after
The workers at the Red flues
ire now enjoying a hi
eatlon from their work after ruKhlnc
thru wltli their luii month'., allot
ment and while waiting for the next
to ...Hie. Work v. Ill he resumed
iiniiii with Mrs I' It SeKuInn an I nimpleteil now hut will still he till-y
apent the time winking .m lag bfl R (M 'hey ore going to fill
wives for the hoy who ajro k ..liniment or Hi" l i-oinforf
next week. Tltey have these alum i kits for the Ited fross
th- enemy waa to lake Ainerir.iu irls
I I In- tailed, as no Amu t sii la
i- i -,i ii d mil -ii ,
'Ha- American troopa engaged at
cloae quarters the small Herman ton.
thai entered sUvfa Their waa aev
ere righting with haourla and cluhbed
rifles The llermaiia len nine dead la
the streets and six prisoners were
taken, two or I he in oiriceia. on.- ..r
win m was wnuiii.i-d
noon wlien they found the dm :
mi ii nk i a neather
of pa. kagi'H of gooda that uppeal to
hoya their age, and some
should not mi appeal. A list of then
booty iinlinl,- . iiiimiiis of gum,
Cigarettes, lolmno mill other Item
They were apprehended by II i
stater and Marshal Marlon Jones
handling their caae now The
names are not given because or iln
youth und they will pioh.ihi-.
HKHV i: IMll III. I II Itl'tMsK.
v-ii.i l. nn N M r. A. tru. ks in. i lie-, were piped at the i
posul of the allied iirmies and used In -iriinspiirtlng
wounded men during
the recent drive on the u
The VVCT1' I Tuesduy iitt-i-
Sa polio doing its work. Scouring
?or u.D.rarme Lorps recruits.
Join Now!
OHf !
55!HbW!' this
fit yacJ embleat
IMiWMXiWV oil li
I.LKHKH DKt'tl Hloltt
ARMY TO RPArM 1 NU mux ' prooaoi)
unmi IU nCAGfl a.UUU.UUU gvan ehanoe lo mend their ways.
Crewdir Caplalm Military Expansion
Plana to Senate Committal
Washington TkreO inllllon Alnerl
cane will be under arms In next Au
gust. Hie senate mllllart eommltlee
was told h l'rooal Marshal Uni.ral
t r.w.lur
Kxteiislou of the age Hants in the
army draft will he neceaaan. lleueral
i feeder said, if Ibe preeent rata of
draft calls is nuiunued tie esiliuated
thai all llie men In clan one would
be exhausted loon after next January
Uetieral t'rowder aald thai 1.347 000
ol the l.ilMtt men plated is clasa
eae already hate been called to the
rehire He eellmaled that aouie 4ue
IMIO addiiloaal men fur the riisi claaa
eiil be secured Iroai the aiau who
reelatere I last June i. and that anulher
OV.utKl will be added by His reclgsal
floailuu ol men in the re examinalioa
af the unestivnoalrea now being made.
0. In War far Vliteriaui P....
Waihlugtou The purpose ot the
failed Mtatss to aeud man and uia
lerlala lo Ktaute Until u temporary
laetiuality of tone la entirely oi.r
aome" wai reiterated by lrealdeat
Wllaou u replying lo a message from
fresUtem I'olutaie uu ibr auulveraary
of the landing or the first Amen, in
troops ia klurope
Better Light For The Farm
YOU want elec- Its lighc is bright
trie light on steady absolutely
your farm. But reliable.
you want no experi
ment. Lalley-Light has
been in farm use
for seven years.
It has proved itself
better; low-cost to
run; simple; safe
and clean.
Let us bring Lalley
Light to your farm for
a free demonstration.
Call for the owners'
testimonial book.
Wilaen Henered hy French
Vans I'realdeul VYlleou rx !'
lor tialaudra. of Italy, .ml i'aidm.1
Mercler. primate of Uelgium. were
iiaanimously elected lo tht- Kreucb
academy of Moral and foil Heal
U. S. Leans Mere U Allies.
Waehlugtou The treasury has ex
leasees aew credits el llTs.see see to
fJreet aVrUala aad RteM.oo u JSeJ
Oaaa IbU hecMxght total credits to
the aMIee to SS M4 seO.OOO. laeludrag,
itV. -isH'
I WrM 1"
Jf""r aai.ltiaw
1 iM jeKezi W
r If skHI
a .- I tastes ,
m iauiv I tissiv L.twt w
ei...i to
.'7 l.iiitM iw..s
is hxehei toid.
21 ii.vhs. Kitfl.
Put a Chip of
Patriotism on Your
Shoulder June 28
Pkldge vuiii'si'lf tn buy War Saving Stamp- mi m befoni
It's Patriot 'h Pltulgt1 Da. the rieVV tlif uvtuiuut'iil will
all upou mi tn 4i r . lifw uledip it' l'i alty : m-w proof if
vmir will tn win: ntw evident that ymir dullars as well as
viuir lifarts aiv hfliii the UM'II taring the Hun mi thf
mart rt'tl 1'ifltU of fair Fraiirr.
National War Savings Day
thi that ilav vmi will Ik- askfil tn .in a M rsmial plitli- i.(
War Savings Stamps
War SuuiHH Stamps aiv a ilin-.t loan t'nun mi tt Uiiflf
Sam Nothing t-aii Itsstii their value. They'it- always ;)i
par, They pay von wfll, thmih that isn't half n iniH.i
taut tn you U8 wiiat uiir intuit' v duet for that boy niavln-
yowrowav- "over there." Back him up. caocpfood guiuij
t him. Keep a ooai n him. Keep his flips full of ear.
1 ritlne . Ami shm-s mi his fett. See that he has a "tin
hat." Bin W s x send him nver the top with the t;.-
IfH 'm feeling that ettines frmn knowing you are pledged
to hee that he -;it what is coming to him.
ii t i-eailv tu Hign ,Mir Pledge ,f Patriotism on National
Ww Savings Day. Anil buy W. S. S. until you wonder
how you wi-re able to do it.
You'll pay fi.17 for each W.s. s. rmJuneSsMt ami vmrn
et 4T) for eaeh of thftn.
National War Saving Committee
This spiiff eontrihuied for
the winning ol the War b)
Ontario Pharmacy
fd).l7t,ew.tHM to UreM
ii.s4i tm to