I in lot .1 to i ao will tho irtadi . ao lock son, a in thod, ach tally tttot0 &rgtt. Wm X 1 1 FAIR BOARD. PLANS PREMIUM REVISION I'OI.I M I'M I'll sllN I'll HOI H NM l, I MllllliinN BOARU TAKRH i v R'OM w nil ni 1 1 i;mi ihi. ASSISTANT SECRETARY NAMED (in. ill- l' Itiisiui s- Men ! Hi' iil! 'I I miii In lln I'lirlliin of Work I nili I D11..11011 or llouiil He rtOMtJ W lira I ulleil I poll. ilumii for the Malheur Counts Fair, will. I: la '" !" bold I in i une or ii Fair Board meeting hut Frldaj BYaalag ah. plainly Hint, the l.uslne nun Bad w.hii.'ii i i iiiiiiio bora b it dro ii this 1 1 1 1 ' di oootlom tho inul val. " liilnm . 1 1 - 1 ti ! a determined, thai nltl inul i pi. mini 1 it i i 1 1 Tin ' i. rained iln ui mi 1 in imnli ' I I'lmni.' this -Ii ,1 irh nt n. 1,'luil ol in. 'hinl i.:ry iir . .,, School 'I H lioi'Ki 1 ii .I in 1 I,. run la uorfrtiiag rai plan 1 1111111' r barooaa ith bu' i.sMlBtina In the detail work Iln - . M. 11 llili'l' lll'lp 1 ii ,i, , 1 n 11 10 Bold ii' rntr naw , 1 11 .1 1 1 n , whh h BOOM I nn n .ind two lis M 1: UaltOfH 1 . . . ,' 1 rotal Both or of hoi, nn': H a Km' and of 'he 1 I lilts,. pr.-KViit ,ny three -xei' aaalnHt the propot !.,! I )- . It I lull f ,. ,e p proDO.1 and ,lnl mnlniouHly I ONTARIO BOY GUARDS PRISONERS ON ERONT William lllmkalii Writes ,,l K, .ores lu llu.lli ..mi' llun la , Lines Drum Oterlieail. In a letter lo liin aunt Mihk I Smith, W'illluni Hlaikaliy. wlio Ik now with the airplane fighters in the uat-i He zone, given au en.elh'nt ai-cou.it of what the boya are dolua ' rio- day the letter wan written rooai lilackaby ald he had iu i been relieved of the duty of guarding two Huu priaonera He deiluied Hi Hp.rll of Hie army, ami his own reel ing as "fine" and thai he waa euhy iii k lire near lite from That be waa 81000 to the froul wl.en Hie letter waa writteti dOal from the fail related in.,' eauip waa dark every night on ae louni of iiuu aaaohlaaa flying head lie tald lliat tliey could t.uguiKli the enemy planes from tho-e ol .he alll.'K by tie sound of tlieir motors lie., II t'uriy of l.aUraude BOOOOd thru Ouiario bound tor Vale to edit Hie Knierprlse while bia aon attends the traioiiig camp at Kugene Andrew lackey who liax beao 111 for the pant few dayt u able to be out ONTARIO, Ml I IV, I 'HIM. win A II Yf4 I.KAVK Hilt A Un r - trloi t m In - in' flj Inn rhon 0 i oma in Mo' i H tin- Hum .' 4 Tliut was H gW Hon pfil to tin- krgtta tliln week by a laad lag m bar or tha v o T I I It Ik Jii Bight, for hln. . nan al tin' i'II.i l'nrk has fl.. .i' lli time, lull Hie aug- la tlmalr, boa arafi and will no tlonbt ri-mh- Hon it des-or RADER SUCCEEDED BY ADAM ON DIRECTORATE sVIhmiI Klecllon Moinlni li.ts s,t Utentlun MrfnBnctt m, I'i -1,1. or ill ,n II ii.. ",l onl n, Mr l: bi doellm I'IInIiii-in Will. Ii I by 1 J. V k 1 iiik a hard pro! In oHmr a ni' to dl Iio wa i rutin i:u s i-i -. u I lvlNi. -I MMl.lt Iti .mI i.i's have i ik thai Mun iin rin my inul Paul Mct'ullooh ara to thka a trip on BOW "I I'mli' Sum m mer ehanl nhlpH from Seattle in . VorK, and pei'hapa BaTOOa lO I toie thai thl algjBod up lor arm t aa di ib bai """r '" ..'.-- 1 -op....... ' ""1'' " cr" Hareaa Plaaoj arroto thai peetod to oalM la ' hfuii avoo ihoold bo no. Kti a i ii.nii'.' ,o taka tho u.er an Mr I'inney BlOO ' Bfd from bU OMI Willluiii of Battery H of the old I'uaat Artillery, thai bO ' In NOU Volk eXpi-C.Ing soon III go OKI GENbRAL FOCH Above ia toe lataot aatoarana of General Foch, toaoraliaaimo of th allied irmioe- J m ipa i tLagb ' --7 aVHnoVMHnv W 9 .BagBBB I Jaae' BEgTjpaOjptogdJBoaHU 9 r'QkBB&BBMBal jW.. ii-g . -- 1 rBrtar w , wyru i MALUEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY Jl HOT WEATHER GIVES CROPS NEEDED BOOST C, millions ol II. m I lelils Mntiitiilh Improve limlnu I'ii Ten D Wheat l.'lil Will II.. I ,il i n mi nun lii'!' mi" wn in nii iml-Hi sinl,-i kiii iliirlin i ITMl us in,' first tuning or alfalfa pro groaaod. Tha crop Is goiai .. ba I ii'it.r than ourly prediction Indl- BtOd .Vol only will Hi" irrigated BOroagO liooiii iFiiuirio. espei uuii HioiiK 'in 'ring ami Owyhee ditches fur nish a Komi arop bat tha i i . i ol grain will be I In' lurg" ' I in IHiIh BOOtlOB for veurs This is ilui' to i'a. I Hint there 1 1 a lilic Incroine In tl pi. Btod i" grata Mstj Baalaila to .lire. One ri"iii nn tha Booh i ti i i sai 'prising 30 acrea It Ik estimated arflll lt'M 10 Iiiii.Iii'Im of wheal to tlM Wlilli' this will probably Mtir i or tha i ' Ma, ror n i rirh toad formerly oaod tot alfalfa, It i. an (ml n i ion in i iio tn balp i in i ba war arhoo l io wheat h, n'l'ii on ii trip thru iiifii nuih 1 1 print, will 0 inul 40 I". ; . la in ! ,: ,. Hi,, Rod R tarn) h flan and 'i 'i' iMiut trorngnv will! Inn 1 vail. ' v ii i. n.ige II is li tho fl that iiiiiim laken iiiIvhiii. mdltioni ii laraln : ink. ' w ii I nii-nt prloo to nun chj alfalfa field down io aood to grain DRY RANGE RESULTS IN SHEEP SHIPMENTS Ilia Owner I'akiuK HI p In l.l.il ... o Hli. in Due llaiol l.o.'s ii, I ololllllo, I mil Iter Io W ;sh- bagjaaSi .k in.' roaall m the uouauall) drj raiiKU OOadllloaa in the in.i iio ill" i sheep are liei.iK xhip ped oul Io sniiuiii' ram;.- in Idaho I'oloiado mid gfaohlagtOOl Most of the aheep ahipped ao (BI have gone up above Council on tha Idiiln NoiHnrn aud will return for winter feed llowevei Claude Wooda la reporied in lie alup ping his rio. ks to KuH.eru Woahlnj ton and one band left thla week for Colorado, and from there they will k'u direc. io market According to reporta received h. m more tnali Tl.000 i lieep have been in will he ahipped out of Malheur and Harney colonies for the balainc of the HUllllnel M gj of til lllg of the Ulterior will Pan practically no I, u crop Kwn the famous Crowley ranch of Hie Mal heur l.ivea.ock Company baa do wuier for ita Irrigated lands Nor of the Interior rauchea will ba hay to apeak of ao that a hay lliorlaa in that. country la a .ertaini' tha fact that there waa an tin., large amount aaved from In- wlul I IWI1 OK I KNOWN VI VV KKI'OKTKH laUB NSs V ixical police officiate were notified thia afteruoon that the bony ol a m in waa aeeu floating down tin rivar. Marshal Junea aud Night i t'oUceinau Heniaou are watching lla arrival bore Andrew Hobinaon returned today from Cow Valley where be wont io punliaae cattle WAR SAVING STAMP n . H Malheur Musi i;w gajo o,oea Durlua s, ln, I lllsltj, I o. M to Hut SHI. .Mill Wonll. i Cohan ol Paadloton, c 1 1 1 - .-. niiiii ' lal Di . aW '. . ni v 1. riark. apaclal Kl.'hl OommlaatoBor, Wu kriaga lumpa, "1 in Oatorio to oofor artth B Himinn on iln- rim. I hli Up ill he that POOahoa 11 rliniax or Jiiii- It, 11 bahlod In tha aale Of atnnipa. Miilliu.'i nniiitv Is Ii. . hiii. 1 aad thru' is groai no thai every one got tln'lr boll 00 a lliil. fiistrr iinll.v. H om wav Hi u Mr 1 hit iv oxiiii'ssi's it Tha Count) organisation in fust baeoailag a grooi blit imii'hiiie and aceordhu to m- Hoiiiiin Ih tn b goarod ror oalj 1 a "IiIrIi and IiIkIi.t " atalhoa h gaota hi plaood il 1I1 School lllsirlil ralKi- J40.000. II I axon local dnili". inn II i.iixoii. nn at , nun .,. ,u ad a nieeilna Tliursdiiv to hai, .11 u n in ling iiiuisiiay to hum 'ii the Io nl vnrlnim mom 1 1,., i,,,. Mora win,.., rating Biota I : '' s Jaekaoo, ami b. thn i in a in i ed around io act 1 bo mar ooaatj ba ..i , . ....... .... ...or Will do ll.'l pal I !!. Ull Io lip the hand ol ' i I in lav m iio i 'us is i (Ive huu. i I ! ' i bora dlsplai-'d In Hie leadera llila ion will I . nss lh top, I'Ul ' woman raual pi' t'n 'iis.'h, In i , a ferl.il.i annum' H .-a. I. iiiiiim I he year. the boat o. I'n. i ri . pnj I p. I .1 niiirierly. whi.h 8 .ily t l I p.i cent i.i di h I- ' ita tush l, nn n. Ion lo pay inoiilhh III! lie. ne hi to ba ooaatod nils tuna as , I. her for ,,i BOURBONS RE-ELECT i'l.in tnvreaatlve i ampauii to lia , Heino, i nl us I oiiiiIn .luilife Name Iveculhe Demo, niiir t 'ODIUll number of the DOUOt gathered ii Vale MoodO) lor tha In I polili, al gatborli I of the gnthortag ooa thai i foruiui orgontsattoo This did mil lake Hi.-in long TUB flrat thing lhe did was In re el , I J It lllaikuhy of Ontario, eomii. chairman ThO) .hen mud.- i: Howard, aecrelary, and It H iiiond cenirul coiuiuilteeiiian for the State ci.iuiiiii tee rlBTtag eleiled .iiricera and p. i fapfad their orifaiii.iiioin. Hie i ou Uliltueu.eu .Ii--.ii. -I Ilia, which wa -neareat then hOOIti means ol plaolni one ol the p.. I ll III Hie I'ouiiU l on ' The pro.ii.iiem e kiihi thl dlcatea thai wilh none of thOll Ol lundidates oppo--.il a i ! Hghi I- I" he made to . !-. 1 II I iced Judge lien Mi Ivnlulil llefore . tho no. Hue i. airman BloekOb) BBBOd ll lowing a -i. .nine aaURBll lor Hie campaign V. C u. and C MoOoaOgUI Diilarn. I: Ivera, Vale; J A Kenned) 111 limit. Hull NfOaai and Harry l.oouy, Jordan Vail, . c it KuiIboii this week ahipped 115 bead of line bunch graaa ateera lo market Thev were -old over tbr aralao al Hrogan and averaged 1 15a pounda each They wenl g lop price, too Hi i,ih.i win mii 11 in ACTION ' lis in thai Ho-. Raynolda, son " Ml 1 Mrs 0 II 11 1 iioIiIh. rortnorly of this . Ily hut now 1 i Th, PaJtoi a -iTionsiy iroaadod In notion Tha noMBga ama aaal Iron ban to Tain KiiIIm Tha young bum 4 aIi ii,. born arorkad ror tha m m COMMERCIAL CLUB TO HOLD WEEKLY LUNCH toravj inn in Oatorio i Bavtaad loin in I ,i't-loi 1 hi'i- Moxi'ioiii for th Mill I'lllflll of I Ollllllllllil IlllCII'sls. ' ll'l'll llllVl1 .1 I . ,, ... in- nir to ho i urn I . ,,,u!l , , , ,,,,, ,..,.), ,.,.ft i . ' in" ,.,, Welni dav u, nt , HIK. INTIMATE LILl of THE KAISER IS REVEALED ,C III I, ,111.111 jllM'll,l liikcti II, Hellish ,(. i in ol .,,,,' VI , ,,i Moo w i 'i Ix.lls. i W Mil Mol le I in. ml lo the Ann iii tha i. .in. nn i laken I : i, i tha motion pb lurt imlilslii. Kup.il i an oi iha B i in., si igii n nlo. dirt I nnl motion .All III III. pUl.n oi llelllll. v, blob labi - the p. ' latoi mi" Imperial I'ala. . ,,i,. , I i .i .- . , unci! on Oen 0. T M. riOgee, of Uio Bntiat, army, head of all Oritiari war muaatona n thio country. GENERAL BRIDGES i TwA r JnV f FW F. W' Tf Vf aw & Tv ti('wwmmmr&k f-sJ Tgo KJn-T f Jggf Til nT JMr M'J t flLaLnnnnW mJBtk IVsJuor t jQm. , WATER TEST ws Will I -I I . BOABU 'i m is Ai I- PHA1 PRKVIOUB) si nL in WELLS ENDANGEREP i'.iER laaagarona OoaadMlaa Kaaaarand 1 . i "iinrll Vara We'l - no Hhown I11 Tivin Ii rO AValii M:iln l:n-glnt-N Io (iii lii I'm. ii,- or W'al I .... H ample .rororrod Joaa " .. sIioim' I 11 (mil. 1 1.1 . 0 nut i.l' 2,01111 i.-r 1 1 inul on ..'i iint gM lorni ntlon. Rohtai In, lloli, s.'.reinry. , slut,. Iionril ol l. ltd .iliovi' 11 port, 1 1 nh shnwa twloa us hud 11 Inn I, 1 ml ooodKUoa thai 1 ' ri'ii mi rr, mi , ai "i aa mil i thru a wnrae '" '" ' ,:'' ' "'"ell " ll;"""""" ' xperten ,i w,, Hi. a Hon , f i i polled In had em,. ill. on lli. ni ami '. III" s,i,. S,,, I Nni onl) i bal ,. n ..i da p- i in . r0 i I I Co Hull 1,1 I line 16 mid 'ii" I I iftl on plan i PHARHACY WJSTS M KARIKF I . Wm s Walsou Is tuei" nl I in I. s,,i.i With Btonbi ii. mi "m 1 1 Voliiit Vl.-n lu sci vice ti ihorauv S W Hi; oil. pi ol, I ' ..1 I. .ml wlih I: will up the orgaui.uiion bun. I ii'i In riglil boya. . - oi 1,1.1 ii - and all in I i ,i In Hie I'hrt-- i .1,1,11' , bo) i' ' wants to - bo bl game get ..Ho, ic.il.oll anil ellli-l Ihei. iiuuiher oi rating men have ii i -n. la.ely and are eon.e.npliiiu.v Ml the aei nor bno .tiro d C i r, lira Bog. thla map lley lnr Mil atva ired nal aunt irth UT I Bill- '