The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 13, 1918, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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Hob i -
aJu ontajuo ajjmjcb oxtaiuo toataeON, thx-jumi, tvmt i. 101a
Broadway Brand
Men's, Young Men's Suits
Blue SergesFancy Worsteds -Plain Grays
attractive and concerted models
Palm Beach Suits
Seven Splendid Models in Champagne, Cream,
Light Gray, Battle Gray, Tan and Brown
SUITS in regulars, young men's, stouts, slims and extra
large sizes all at $12.50.
Special Showing Summer Shirts
ECLIPSE BRAND-Neckband with Double Soft Cuffs
all soft styles, with military or flat collar attached
Full showing Summer Underwear in Standard Brands
Porosknit, B. V. D. and Wright's in all styles.
I WMN ki HK.tll MM
(Continued from Klmt Page.)
person (n the i , - r 1 1 handled
bscsweOl oqark attaada KTAOINrkai
Uh- of Mr. ud Mrs. A. h. McDowell
I of Ontario, waa operated on for ap..
ipendlcltls lam Thursday and la get..
tine alone fine now.
C. R. Kirk, who bad been receiving
medical treatment for an Infected
arm for the past three weeki was
able to leave for his home In Payette
Frank W. Wheeler, one of the ac. .
cldent eases, left for Payette Tues
day, after being here for ten days.
J. 0, Herftirth, another one of the
Payette patients who wan operated on
a week sgo, wli dlsnns'. Tu- luy
B. M. Jenkins of Lucille. Idaho,
.ice 61 yeurs. I led a! hN hos'iltul
Friday morning, June 7, at 4:16 a.
m HIm death wan. caused by an In
curable ulcer and he was only In the
hopital for two daya. HI only
kaown relatlTe wa a brother, whose
addreaa Is not known but who used to
live In hue lie, Idaho.
Mother Superior M Catherine and
Bister M. Thomas have Just returned
to the hospital font a business trip In
the Kaat.
II a m., Sunday achool.
11 a. m.. ehareh.
The erwnlM Us "MM "' dUh
continued thruout tba hot waattaar
Rer. Herbert Uvlmjston, Paator.
Washington. Oeneral Pershing par
aonally commanded the racant Amer
ican advance which resulted In the
capture of Cantlgny with heavy Oar
man loaeea. ThU Information wu
given to the senate military affair
committee at their weekly conference
with the war council.
Tba council regarded the altuatton
on the weatarn from aa materially Im
proved. Not only had the Oermane
been halted everywhere, but counter
attack! had netted the allied armtea
substantial gains, tbay aaid. It was
generally felt that the allies had now
brought up sufficient strength to bold
tba Oersaan advance.
Press reports of a concentration of
(lerman troops on the Toul front were
not regarded as Indicating the proba
blllty of a German drive In that sector
the committer wan told.
Washington. The American gran
I'MTF.Il PRKMHYTRRIAN ('HMtrll. ,rv henvty drained for allied food
,, , ,, ... . needs, will lie ainph refilled.
I'almer lunn of the seminary at ;
v.i miiai lit tin. iilm iiiiltiir,
t'aldwell will preach Hie sermons
June 2:1 and M, Then If the youn,:
in in Imi t In found to he the mi"
w anted he will accept the pastnrste
for the future
The Ladies Missionary Soclet will
meet this aftarsooa with Mrs. Ward
Caa field
The children's Iiuv progrsm w.14
held Suuduy at the ITesbyterluu
I Imii ' . Ill I 1 U. III. A iMIIllllflll ulle
gory entitled "The tliinli 11 of Uwtaj
Hearts. 1.1.1 given li literal of the
nient showed prnsp t for total wheat
ircluClloii of MWMMM Imshels suli
slamiall) greater than the avi rem
production since 191 1 and nearly xu
per cent larger tban last years crop.
If tba forecast la fulfilled the crop
will he the second largest In Amerlcau
Ittnt or . exceeded only by the 1.016,
000.0(10 bushels Of 1916.
Reports on other grain crops, now
vital as wheal substitutes, alao showed
satisfying gems, with Hie exception of
oats, which siiiisreiilh will fall slight
younger girl- of the Monday school, ,y fcow h m7 ,,,,,,
aioeo oy a nunner 01 smun ciniureii l Th oond,on of the winter wheat
In the minor parts. Those takluKlcrop . iun , w ;, g p,r c,nt ol
the principal parts w.r. Mlsa Mary ! norma, against TfJ per cent Juna 1.
Springer as "Kducail .I.. Ernie ,,17. .nd Hn H ner cent, the 10 year
as "Wi.ilth." MIbm
"I'lci elf 11 nd Miss
sa Tl" Word Of
average on that data.
Condition of tbe sprlug wheat crop
was fi 2 per rant, against 1. Juna 1,
117, and M.7 t ti - 10 year average,
and tbe condition or all wheat 17 7 per
cent, against 71.6 June I, 1117, and
Von Iteadnu.
Daisy Secoy as
Myrl Hlngham.
The allegory showed Imv. one sasjj
have everything that he desires u h
aa wnaltli, education, and pleaaura . 16.1, the 10 year average.
hut ne would still be unsatisfied, fori
there is no true pleasure or satis- ( $5Q qqq qqq ,g spNT py
fiicllon for Mm m long ii religion Ik
lucking. MIhi- Von Id-adon ivuil lli.
story while the others acted it out
Sateral recitations and songs ,:
Kit en hy the other girls and boys,
one being u song by Myrna Seeoy
1 list delight-..,! every one.
10 a. 111.. Sunday school.
11 a. 01.. preaching services.
lift P n . evening -rvlcas.
Ml II M III lit II
Tasea Oathared In Month Bartly Puy
Twa Daya' Expanses
Washington Oovernment expenses
are now aieraglog approximately 6o.
000.000 dally and tales gathered from
a wide variety of sources every month
are barely surricieol. If levies on in
corns and excess profits are excluded
to pay war axpandltura for two daya
of the month
"The iilijui t of the organisation hy
School districts Is Intended 1,1 I 1
away with long dnte anil long
ieclle the .-.cluuil clerk In evpe. Ii I
to call I lie direction an. I oilier .111
sons of Hie ciininiunli ami effmt all
organlKHliiin lor uik .1 day nr
fore the me.'llng, tlu'ii BOOM llu'
meet in k' Have avar) man. voaWi
anil chilli In the dlstilcl at the meei-
. lug, BMW M' made .ill tlm
ohjecl uf meetlnx; spell Inn, hi- ...
nut in ..I.. I -hurl milieus) uorda will
tell the people that thay are aipaatad
l" do I h a dlll h 111.' Kokelnnienl
in this work of vital importunes.
"Ill 'he liii.n poiali',1 towns the
work ill he done h , ommiileeH now
iirKaiiu.d M I'e'ng organised
work "i the i-iiv .0 (..ini.-.ii i,,i, 1
actly like llie Mink ill the ..unit;
achool district I a'lllch mean- .
llie commillee Ik lo he sollelied for a
pledne lo hn Slamps
Mulhttur 10 u nly la expected to
pledge $200,000 of Wui Siaii,,-.
whl. I, g hardly u i-luri ; sag .an and
w muNi do Ho- right thing, lemrm
iber. Mils money U just a iiiiiorluiit
to the o eminent us tux moiiev or
Hull deriveil Irolll hule of l.lh,-.e
. nouns, III III, ,o ,m. l wtl'.o'.l
(helii(! .In. u or begged Itruce up'
I'lie owner ol a War Slnm;i bj huck'ng
I n. I.' Mu'11 uuuiuxi the i.ah batohers
i l,.ii ,olai Horn ..! mini. ttu
man un I . .'lid in the , I .1- , oiinm .
tliui illH tour war si
Ml I Ud 1 month t0 hi. them In .
Buy W . Stamps .11;, I He
of the coolest unil preiilest spots In
town t'oine next Sunday night at X
o i In. k und keep cool Mill.- ultein:-
,lng a good. Iiel service.
The pregram for I'hllden's Hay at
Hie llupllsi church will he held ut 10
a. in and Hie church servlctia for the
inornliiK will he at llu 111
' The Helping Hands of the .VJ K
l.lule I'liel,,. Iluriih, ou of last cllur' '' " Ml M KM neum social'
-. - niusiom opuratlon cases, is ' '"" '"" lain, al Hie home of
golug home ihu wwk iMrs Uager from I to I p u 1 raianwa
Tlilk WUB shown hv a Irami.r, .
. The (aides of the Ol.auer. Sunday , poTt of , ,.oltojeOM for Apr ffv.
Ischool class of the Methodist church , ,, ,. yeW , oralBBr, w,f 1
held an Ice cream social on the ,or lh lnonlh tJ . M0
church lawn last Thursday It was Corporation Income and exceea
"'" ,,:"r ''1 "'' '' """' ' profile taiea collected In April were
enough to p.,y for song hooks recent- $ and Individual Income and
nv tlie ehur.h and Iiuv.' . agrees profit receipts wars 94l.7XO.4M4i.
.si egg left owr making a total of 9Us.ll6.4Kii friui
these sources. Thhj represented
A good iidleuoe gatluired at Urn a small amount, comparatively. 11,
MethodlM ...inch luwn Sunduy night the izoiio Olidooo or more wllch will
for the tlrst open air service. T!i ! aa collected within the next lo daya.
grove in ine rear or the church Is oue ' . .
I pi. 1 el,..
a lieu llttl
9I04.000 Paid Pr Calf.
Milwaukee, Wle. Cliamplon 8ylla
Johanna. 111 months' old Holsleiu bull
calf, sold tor tiut.uoii at the state fair
park here The seller was A ft
Msrdy. Brm kvllle, Oat., aad the buyar
B A. Stusrl. operstlag farms at
Ocouoiuowoc. Wis., aad Seattle. Wash.
Father l.oeser 01 llakei rlaltad
with Kei Fr II V ramp.. 1
. r il .luyu lust week
.Mis-. Mildren I'ooriiiun lell Sun
day for u visit ut I'useadi' Idaho
Miss l.eoru He lluv.-n r D.-ud 1)
Pill wu u patient in t, hospu.,1 ,,
I .oiipl,. ol duy lasl we.-k
vn op.-ralion tor u. ule app.-ioiini ,,
WkM i"M..iine, on Heury It.-.-.i ,,1 , -hil.
1 Sl.iu- lam 1, ,, v s, ps, M)
Mar) Duhart) ul Fulk 1.1..'...
was adiniiled lo the houpltal Friday.
"Offering Iroiu some strange i...r
SfsVal like typhoid
- o
Aiioilu-r muHiold operation
perfonnud on J ti Still ol Min.r....
Idaho, last week, hut he mud.- 1
yiil. k recoiery and was able to hairs
M I'age of Ontario was opet
ai.-d on Sal 111. la.
I a m Siui.Ihv s.-liool
m arasu hlna. iihl,-, 1
noils oporaiioii was perfoin,. .1 'Musi In isliunity (in,. va 1,,
on John Paaar oi Pgyratta satnnii K Haliglon to Meat the Daaaaada ol
but he Is niukliiK in,,- pr,
ward raapvar) -.i ibapoaaaal I ' pi-.u Mug ,, ,,,, ,,
. 1 'r servi, .- on 1 hu churah lawn Hrnm
Ubj J ., j j .. ... V.Oir MM .... I I....L ' ... ... ..
.,. .mi 11 ..-iii.-l 01 l'a- 1-;
Japan Denies Central of China.
Tokio An official statement laJMtfl
by the Jaiuinese government eiuphal
Ically denies the recently published
report that the t'hino Japanese mili
tary agreement gave to Japao coutrol
of the Chinese military forces, fi
nances, railways, mines, stc.
Your cars and nark 1: , ,., i ... ..n...
-""" M 1 a, -. if is - ' .,, . . .1 1 11
uiiiither ol Hi, fever patients her und sire.-l (yhara on .an 1,.
.111. 1 is seriousl, i hk
0 I J""e l will h,. observed as Call'
Mrs. K Strut hers from " is 'lr,n - Daj lime heen ,i,...i
--- , - .
from the 1 sit Ii to :':trd
KAin. iiawa, Pastor
in the hospital on accouut of llliu- t
Oats- No 1 wuitt) feed, 168 tou.
Corn Whole. $7.1 : cracked, 974.
Hay Timothy, 930 per ton; alfalfa
liuii.-r--,reamery, 41c per lb.
Kggs Hunch 38c per doxen.
Ii.taioes 911.50 par hundred.
Poullrv lieu,,, 2228c; broilers. 23
tf 2c ; ronuters. 16j 17c.
I till II, It OF !!
:tn a 111 . Low Mass
' a m High Mass.
30 a m. ( atchisni tor ii.M k.M
land girls
Syhil McHowell, the email daugh . A , hmlJ
I. X.luin left for his home l
tarlo after a stay f a couple i
waeka owing to uu operuiion he bag
tiuderr- e s,,m,. tj,,,,. ,
utter- Creamery, 43c par lb.
Eggs Hun, a (to per doxen.
Poultry Hens, heavy, dressed. 3c;
Ughl. lc; broilers. Sac; roastera.
draaaed 2hc dacha, live, luc, dressed
34c, gees. Ifva, IT; dressed. Hi
keys, Ihc. is,: in; areMe(1) 3tiy40a