a;e i m WNTwn aJtotil btaaato oiubgon, thi iuday, atium is, iti iMEGON NEWS NOTES IF GENERAL INTEREST Principal Event of the Weelt Briefly Sketched for Infor mation of Our Readers. Portland annual rnae show will t Id Thursday iind Friday. June in Tbe Oregon Banker' aaanrlatlon it Saturday at (tend for UM IMI (annual i .intention A three daya' picnic and rem Inn i ' jLltn county plnra waa held t fcrnwnllle, ending Friday. 0 R Hpenre. of Oregon City, waa reelect. d tnaater of the Oregon Hlntc A total of U.Ul motor vehlclea were registered by Jiim 1, tata year, aceord tuf to a statement leaned by Sacra Ury Oteott Tee toUt feea received for the half eeer war 40t.677.t0 M compared to .18.242 vehicle regtitared for the flrat aU mnntha of laat year. and 152,459.&0 Id feea received for the ame period. Pendleton waa aelerted aa the next in 'tine plare of tbe Oregon Hotall Jeweler' aaaoclatlotl, whlrti held ita annual reinvention at Salem, the dates of the convention to conform , with Ihoae of the Roundup O. A Mart man. of Salem, waa elected president und f M Krenrh, of Albany, re-elected m I ri tary treasurer Ilenewed Intereat la feadag token In the black aanda at the mouth t the t iilniiihla river. While the peculiar magnetic quality of theae aantla ha been known for many year. It waa ; only recently that UM) pmied their Qranae In aeaalon at SaMin Tba eleventh annual ! MtltO ,,r ! value tn ihe hortn ulturiil duel., pmcM ae Oregon aaaociatlon of Title MPn , of the community The new cranln as held Friday In Portland H. A. WHEELER I ll LmW m IVftf J lAkvfct aardaeaV. . --;;) WA Labor on Coo hay I about to be ttlonlied In every branch If the locnl labor council movement terminate . ucceaafully It ll expected that the atate lime beard will aak the emergent. t board for a deficiency appropriation of HM Initead of tlli.linii at Ita next meeting I The depnrtinent of Orep.u;. Anttilah War Veteran, arc plum. to held their annual en ampinem Convent Ion nt I'ortland .lillie 21. At the nnnual coiiuni in cinetii OSA) else Of the (irexnn normal MfeOOl ' Monmouth, to be held WediicKdei June lit. :iB graduate will Neat! diploma The tnli hlnhway commUalon haa been aitthnrii d In tbe capital bJMMO lomtiitliee lit Washington to laaue nml ell at iiiiii another $Mi WW In I. taay homlM Not Including 12 coiiutlea. whli h hu: not reported their registration. :i4.4 Oreaon young men who have become 21 yeara old alnce June C nf laat year have registered An ordinary "acrub" hoc brought !l:ifi when anld at auction at the -t'i len . :iHk diinv at l.a tlramle It waa purchased and redotiated to tin Med Crnea several time The lawmlll of the Klschrr l.uin bar company, three inllea back of Mi. ..i,i on the Muhawh branch of MM Southern I'ai Iflc. I mile from Ku gene, waa ileatroyed by fire. Kleven carload of flour, returned by patriotic Oregon householders and dealera for ahlptnent to France, ha been paid for and takeu In charge by fned diiilnllrallnu official Prank Katiaoin. of Portland, who for eetcral inontha haa been aervlng In an Important poaltlou with the lumbei coiuiiiiiiei of the war Induatrlea board Induatry I the beneficiary Commencing thla week the consoll datlnn commlaalon will hold hearing at Salem to determine what bnarda and cnmmlaaiona can be abollahed and (onaollilated IIoI.Icm It will thorough ly probe Into the expenditure of all tate department with the view of determining If they can be more gt on omlcally and efficiently conducted The rail for the new mnnlclinl railroad from Klamath Kail to liulry. 2d mile eaat. ami the flrat link of the great Htrulinrn ii in which I deatlned later tn dctelop the ureat Inland empire Of Oregon, have reached Olene. and It la i.. .ted that active operation mer thi part of the line will be inatltuted at an early iatt To dlacun the new freight rate -i tn iliili-il to pa Into eflei t lime OJ under the order of William Q Mi Vdon. Inei I r general of rallroada. and the licit -in li tin reaaed ratea will hate upon the grower and shipper m Oft gun a public conference with grower and shipper will be held In the pub -.he commlaalon Thurada In Portland The bAdy of I)r John W llarrla. Oregon pioneer and prominent phy alclan of Kugetie, who myaterleeejj illHBppeared following hla Indlclinenl for manalaughler in ceiinecllnn with an alleged criminal operation, waa found by a searching party In llend rick park, on the outaklrt of the city There were no eldelicea of mil cide on the limit relltlona In the fulled Slate ship plng board are helm: circulated among employe of Aatorla ahipyard asking that the half holiday Haturday be de (lured off I he petition slate., tbul In order to haatcn iirinluctlon of slilps the men are willing to work Hal unlet Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago, re cently elected prtaldent of the Cham bar of Commerce of the United Statea. NORTHWEST STATES TO PROTEST RAISE Salem. Or. A conference of the public er Ice commlaalon of Wah Ington. Oragon and Idaho Is expected in the near future, probably at Port land, to fen niulate a plan for the pro lei Hi, n nf (he Pacific northwest lerrl tory agiint palpable unliilrneaa In the proniei L'& per cent lucreaae In freight rate The Washington commission pro poed iu h a conference by tnlegraph to the Oregon i nnimlsloti The WushliiKlon mission aaya It la preparing a protest In file with the Interstate i umiiien .- commlaalon again! the percentage lucreaae on fruit ratea. particularly on applea and i mined good eaatbound Commercial bodies of that atate are Joining against the method Increasing the export and Import ratea and other lucreaae LIOT'IJ S W mm mmmn in mm lln 11 m Wm mmWn Ww AiJL ' f'JmmmmT I I 01 Will Welcome a pouch ol Real GRAVELY Chewlno Pfl Any fftf from ho folka back home mia a lot to tbe boy. .... Whan you ae-nd him tobacco, let it ba good tobacco tobacco worth tending all that rons way-lba flt, comprattad plug of Real Grayely. Glee an men a chew of Real Gravely PItaf . and he will tall you thmt't the hind to aend. Send the Mttl Ordaaary plot I falae economy. It cotta leaa per week to chew Real Gravely, becaaea a aaaall chew of it Cat a leaa while. .... L u H yee. amohe a pipe, lie Gravely with your hnife and add a little to your .molting tobacco. It will giva flavor improve your amohe. END YOtlB FRIEND IN THE U. B. SESVICT A roiK-H or urn avelv it hi 10. Mlm A S t. 3pn iw .1 o h.m P. I. CtAVELY TMACCO COMPANY, Duvlllr. Va. TV. P.l PamA km U Fnk mJ Clm and Coed M k ml tomi Grly mitkmt nia fieaictaia Stat BatehHahadl tail DhIm all arauMl he. crrr II hi to. until. wtl aw) m hale bai baad. la Ti.Uuaa Cm c Si vTyA. t.- "ever uW" wtlluk I d) Town Topics Tersely Told Jease Kandleman waa Weitfull vlltor Sunday. Himtliiri Homer Maddux, formerly of tin Argua staff. Is now working on the Miillett ranch I K Onkea of the llrogan On 1 Mr John Napton of Moniedule aat ahopplng in the town Tueaday. to ahd A. it. Kox, the rancher T. Johnson arrived In the .i - -- i . ri i- in. mn iii.iii i:i- iiii.iiim .iii.ii.i.i. city from Puwhuaka. Okla . Hunday. j o 0 James- tiraham of the (Iraluim Mra C II I'pinn and daughter ol Pro at Weal fall, and Albert Mucker, Portland were x tailing In Ontario this the atage driver, were In town last "" Thursday. Mr. Agnea Murphy and daughter, Mlaaea Margaret and Mao, were vlalt Ing friend here the paat week. The Mlaaea Murphy have Juttt return ed from spending the term lu school In Maker. Mra. W J. Weeae, Mlaa Mcm.i Mlggs, Mra. John Dunphy, and the Mlaaea Cora and Kthel MiNulty mo tored up to the ranch iind pent Sun day with Judge and Mrs Million lllgga and family. 1000 SOLDIERS NATURALIZED afternoon on straight lime Drafted Men In Camp Lewlt Are Made Cltlxeni. Camp l.ewl. Wash Probably the moat momentoua event In the paat few week waa the naturalization Haturday if I nun alien soldiers numbers of tbe Niii.u flrat d! talon VII of Hie men were given full rlghta a elllxeua following the ailmlnlilra Hon of the iiHlha In Federal Judgea Jeremiah Veterer and K K ushni.iii who held aaatfal session of tbe fed The re I '' l',lrt In the library of the One Jesse CARINU I nit NOI.MIKKH. Already In Kngland the Y M. C. A I caring for wounded men, teach ing them a trade or giving the her... trained Instruction ao that they will be aelf aupporting In aplte of their Mr and Mr. W It Andernon and utile Alice Morman left for Pn.c InJurlea. son of Klvenclde were visiting here land Haturday night with Mra I. I M""day. on and will vlalt her little friend. . . Ielim AM Kit MAN HOI. MIKIt o .Uwendolyn Newton, there John H Mowarth. a Y M.C.A war A. K. Mrown of Venator la In town I o Iwork aecretary In Pari, writes th.it attending to aome hualaeaa matter Hilly Joneg. banker and alms II n'er at which place he la 11 praogaj !. ha been down from Junturn re stationed, ticciimmiidiiilons for newlng old acquaintance during the "n "r" l baud, that Mra. Theodore Arnold anil paat two or three dav. Mooaevnlt Jr., haa charge of fifty wo- Mr. and Mr Tom daughter. Mlaa Alva, have gone up to DntTOO- on a vlalt. Mr and Mrs L. C i bell ..l on of Chicago wer st of the Mr and Mr. K. Sutton of Moore- Moore hotel during a brief sojourn In vine were vislMng friend here Ontario from their Thuraday and Prbhiy Weatern atatea. men workera and K. S. Kdmonda, a Philadelphia lawyer look after the business affalra. Me say the Amer ican aoldlera are clean, cheerful, n army uny li li thru the wholeaome fellow and nation might be proud to claim haa tendered ble resignation and I v .cis iii return to Portland 'I bill Hi in iiue luduslri t lli' r. , llig riulli tear yeur In I'nlk iiiuuli la prni en by a aurvey recently taken by county official, when It wa tit com ml thai there are uow 3.12(1 acres of inline on liarda In the county. Oregon sml California railroad land In the Hull Kun turret reaerie will In withheld from entry by the romim sioiici of the land office until legit latlon ha been paaaad by emigre. taking It in. in general tutry . thua pro teciing Portlaud'a water aupply Since the beginning of tbe war ihe fir and spruce produclug mill of Ore gun and Washington have aupplnd the got eminent with 4S6.0UU.UUU levt Of lumber, etrlualee of the airplane prui e manufactured by the golem inn I own plant at Vancouver, Wash Abbott l.awreuce. pupil lu Ihe aei mill trade at Weatport, bold I In- in dividual reiurd for the .ale of llinft Ktainps sun e the opening of lb aaiing campaign iu the acboola. hal ing snlii 1 4 (tin worth, according to a report i. ceiled by Huperinleinlrui Churchill linineiiae sum aubacrlbed to llberiy loan, hair mil affected bauk deposit i which, on Mn IU. Kiiiniiiilril in M HI HJ II in all of Die bank and trust compaulea nf Ihe atate. or an increase ol aMTf.ettJjO oer Mai I. 1 S 1 7 at coi.lint in ii K I fin. hi letted. Iii Sun rriiiiiiiil.ii t oi lianks lleuuetl The lowest flic In., leinrd n. land for U. tear waa established dur ing iiu rural u mouth of UM floral year idls Ihe lire Ins for llils at nml was M471.'i. Thla sum ) ill lualh iiue half of the fire loaa In ilin first six n ibs ol Ifll when the ag- gieguic loss totaled 1114,411 4; I In. l.ii.il in 1 ideiita were rABOrt d to tin industrial accideui nun misioii lei Ihe week ending lillie i,. OUt ol ll Uuttl ol .', '.' .n 1 nlenls le. n,l. , Tin- latgU) iii.iii. d wnrkineii tfArt in., it Kowc. siiminei rodglt V li 1 Inn'' h. I'oi'llaud. shipbuilding. Carl : 1 llaad lalobulldliu n me iviiu.site llnil ov elm Ills are I m.iiie .it I lie klalakauuie riter iiueat are being algued by nearly all men employed there Jame T Ctioiiiioek. auperlnti ndeni if water il.iislon No I, 1 mprlsln. vounlle. weal ol tbe Cascades, haa re algued. elfeclitc July If. (lovernor Wltlitcombe ha announced that he will appoint Percy A. Cupper to auc reed Mr. Chlniuick Mr Cupper I the republican nominee .mi now assistant atate engineer aa well aa aecretary of the deaert land board. Tba public aervice 1 omiiil.alon ba Merited noilce from t A. Prouly. dire, lor in Ibe gnteruuieiii railroad department, that hereafter the freight bualuea of Ihe railroad must be put on a atrlclly cah bail Freight may be ahlpped out or be delltered for established firms wilhout I he mouet being III band the order polnla mil, but tbe ca.h iiiual be cullecled before the close of the day A plot possibly to murder the jailer and permit eacape of prlaouer from ...,1 I the county Jail waa fruatraled at (taker when Sheriff Anderson found conceal rd lu a uialtreaa In one of the calla. Hetrral large knlvr with hlude about lli liicbea long lui e.ligaiiou deloi rd that (1 II. KliMk. who follnwing Ins indictment, toluularllt appeared at the tail and tate hiniavlf up, had brought iu the knives. Iln.e In public utility isles gjaj 1,, ouilneiided to Ibe publli sen Ice ...in mlgaloll by Ihe wur 1 inline corpora linn tor all utilities uii.mpling to bor row uioiict from Dial . orporallou, In 1 a letter recelted lit II mil III Isslnll The tsoraarallao decltret that it doe not feel us ihoiigh il should loan 1110111 nlher lliau on kooiI security and a utility that la otlQ inouet I not ooatlaered aaod tatartt) Mots and girl ut ihe stutc Irainitig si liool will be eni lulu i li.- country to the berry patches und lor oilier light work, a fur as possible this t. .11 Matt 1 iiusiiici Ka ui sin li .1 mote .11 a meclnii: ol tin boaid ol ioiiIioI. and Hie gatat Ol lal in siiiuiuin suid Ihcy would lall in line Willi tat idea, a tar us tottlhit Some Of Ihe hot. hate been working lu the onioli lields with exiell.ut IUO0OOA Iluiidred suit aixth depot brlgtdt The aoldlera were all naiurallied under the provlalon of Ibe amend mi nl to Ihe ii!irull:uiioti law ap proved by the president May It. ami under which all alien aoldlera. not nalltes of coiiiilrlis now ut war with the I'nlted Stale, could In . nine cltl aen without going through the usual fortualltles There are about Sunn men in camp to be naiurallied and this will lake the neit three or four week. Polish Leglen to Fight With Allies. Waahingion Word reached here from Prance that the Poliah legion of l.'i.Ului men recruited in Ibe tinted Hlatea. together with some ZOOV Poles drawu from Mouth America, will take Ita plate with the allied armies Though they serve with the French army aa a separate mile the Polee will carry their own flag, and some of tbe 1 compaulea from the lulled Hlatea will j display the Stars and Stripes aa well They are all outaidr of Ihe dralt age or ineligible aa enemy aliens for aerv Ice In the American army Red Creaa Fund Over Subscribed Washington The tnericau II. d Cross second war mercy fund now to tala IIM. i ,'.i wiiii iiulicaiioua ihsi when all it-porta Iroiii tat drive of a week ago are tabulates!, a ITUIMm uiio oier siitisci ipiiou of (he lllHl.noil.tiOQ goal ill be shown Allied Air Raits Demerallie Germane Washington Allied air raids oil Herman town are di moralising ihe Dental ataatj Mrtoti la the otaat depariineul aald that the tffet 1 tpoa the populations of cities boiubeil wa far greater than heretofore reporinl THI MARKETS Portland. ii .' while food. , lou Whole. tl; cracked. 74 Tlmoih), 4t per ton. allalfa a. in .in lull belt ihe Hsu coiumis tlottor itieiitly acquired some tddi- Uoaal ' "id and idau. to eipeml 111 ihe I '--i In. oil of ITIUKI in bellerineuts '11. 1 nisi work to be done will be to Increttt the uuiuber of rearing pi lids so ihat at least lu.Uuu.uuu flajj 1 . Ii handled lln- coining season 1-utcr the building will be enlarged and the capacity of tbe plant lu.rcu.ed to approximately KO.vOO.OUu yuuug sal atoii annually. At a tutting al 1'OO.Ullla it waa leclded b) on overwhelmlai tote to itiiuicdialcly inaugurate recall tfi lug againat County Comiuiss. -ners Philip and Anuatrong ami Couuly Judge Wataou A nieciing this week will .elect candidates to oppose (he three officials Aruiatrnug wa re ceiilly defeated for renoiuinalion but It IS proposed to cut out the balauce of bia term. Charges made allege eg- : Inxagance tad tucompetency. i la is Corn Hut I Ituttei 11.. .linn 4tic pet lb. iogs Hum ii m per daaoo rwlal OOP l ' I - pel hundred Pouliit liens broiler. S3 C -t . rooster, Mf ITt, Seattle. BultOf Cnameiv 43c pel lb Kgga Kuncb 44i per do., n I'ouliry lletia. heavy dressed. Sic, light Me; broiler. 60c. roaster. dressed. Mei duck, live :llk dressed. 34c. geeae. live. If; dressed 36c. tur Aaya, live. 2lj)3Ui', dreaseu 3j4Uc. Halt the Hun Provide the boys with . things . they . need to make short work of him. linns, cltitlics. ;tiiii;itt. I'lHitl, iiiiiiiititnis and the ships to net nvtT with. TlitM-arc tilt- thiiiKH the Iiovh iiei'd, itml 1I1. i-ust in. met hunks of it. June 28th National War Savings Day MAKKA I'l.KlMiKTom'Y W'AK SAVINdS STA.MI'S THE MORE QUICKLY OUR SOLDIERS HAVE ALL THE THINGS THEY NEED, THE MORE QUICKLY THE SHIPS WILL BE BRINGING OUR BOYS BACK TO US NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE Tl i- ipooe ttMtrilMtisi f 11 tin WMii.iiijr ol tlie Wailiy First National Bank ONTARIO, OREGON