f ! tt Ontario Aintm ovtahio n rrcov. thitwday. Jinac iji, lam' PAOX I Rex all Remedies Eastman Kodaks ONTARIO PHARMACY Prescription Specialists THE RKXAIX 8TOHK PHONK NO. Nyal Remedies zrz Walling Garage NOW OPEN FOR REAL AUTO SERVICE Agency for the Overland, Willys-Knight, and Max well Touring Cars and Maxwell Trucks. We carry the largest stock of parts, ac- . . ..... Hupplies of all kinds tor cessones autoists. and Gasoline, Oils and Lubricants. WALLING GARAGE Wines, Manager A. V. ONTARIO OREGON Society News MIhk MitrKiiri't Mlarknliy entertain All a number (if her friends with n lawn party Friday evening In hiiiui' of lier friend and former xclioolmate. Mlaa Tlielma I ..imp kin of Payette. The yawn win hrlnlit with Japanenp lantern and other decoration, and when the time raine to leave everyone declared that they had had "a per fectly lovely time." Thoae who were preaent were Thelma Lumpkin. Dorothy Oram, It nth (Ionian. I'hylll, Margaret and Alice Win-on. Pauline Jaqulxh. Treaaa Young, Margaret Itlarkaby and Hub and Alphabell Wllunn Minn Margaret Drane waa Invited hut m unable to come. Harney U Hull, Hr , celebrated hl Keventy-aeventh birthday Monday -ymlng, June 10, at the home of lit The Paul Cayoui. of Nampa motor -ii-pli.-w and niece, Mr and Mm. C A ,.,i (Wn and took Hunday dinner with Kii-fe. Forty of hla friend aldeiTTn Mr. and Mr. J. II. Kanmuawen tlif relehmtlon and everyone present had a Jolly time There wan no one Mr H. W. Clement entertained there that felt more than ten or Hie llrldge Club Tuesday nfterno.tn. iIimmi yearn old and t'nrle Harney Mrn K. C. Van Petten won the prlie. hlmnelf acted the youngeat of all. Among thoae preaent were thre old Mr and Mrn. Hay Duncan and Holdlern. Pncle Harney, H. A. ('oaten Italph Duncan came down from Iron- mil Stephen Calkins nlde Tuenday. On their return they .took Mm way bef.iro June 14. Mrn Mable' Harvey of Twin Falls. Idaho, arrived In Ontario thin weak and will make a vlnlt of never! wnekn with her non and daughter, Mr. and Mrn. Uen Bender. Hubert Hinder resigned hla poaU Hon In the Ontario National Dank Oilman', mother and nln-'and left Tuenday evening for the, L ('. Kelney wan the boat at ater. Mm Andy Lackey and Minn Hen merry phnl. Hunday which wan held lab hack with them to apend the near Montpeller. Idaho The trip .niimmer waa made In Mr. Kelaey'a car. The guentn for the day were Mayor and Mm W F Mourn. Dr and Mm II II Whitney. Mrn. Lury H. Fox. and Mr and Mrn. R. M Clrelg. Mr. and Mm llemchel Hrowne en tertained at a birthday dinner Hun day In honor of Joe Daun, who I leaving midn for the navy. inn Mm. K. W. Larnon and baby daughter, and her mother, Mrn Marv Jonen. left Hunday night for Mm km. Idaho, where they will vlnlt for a while. Of tin Ited Mnn allotment of IflO towela end dlnh clothn there have been only 21.1 towela and 24 dlhb clothn r""lted Tin-Mr mul he nent Commercial Hank In Hi. Anthony, Idiihi. where he wan formerly am ployed. minis to s(ii. i hi.. its. Mud nplanhed and hobnailed, E. H. Sothern, the eminent American actor, recently gave a awlectton from Ham lei before American nnldlem In a V, M ('. A but In Fram ' Kefugeen from the battle front pouring Into Parln were cared for at the American Y M 0 A. Hotel Pa vllllon OVER THE TOP A NI) WIN, is our motto. Every American must do not merely his "bit" but do his best; the people of the freest and greatest nation of the world must with their money, food and fight ers, confer freedom on the balance of the nations by giving them liberty. If you cannot buy a Liberty Bend, buy War Stamps. ONTARIO NATIONAL BANK Auto Satisfaction Is the Nash Guarantee f39HBrw niftE. laf P :' ' Every man who owns a Nash Six belongs to the Satisfied Auto Owners Club. He secures his membership because he knows that he is driving the best car at the price. For it has class in opera tion ,in style and performance. GET A NASH SIX FOR SATISFACTION'S SAKE, and A NASH TRUCK FOR BUSINESS EFFICIENCY - e -yTtami" ONTARIO. ORKUON Agest, MiilhiT aad aUraey Ootuuiaa la OragMi, PajraUw Do., Idaho A Sweeping Clearance Before the Price Goes Up i t a f :m illDlPlS, i . ' "at ' T taBBai ,-. .. , f . 9 It M ) JrpiW. i.i m hBR V M " IN i i fc, VtoiB tt Houiiti BmuIh i Delivered for $1 The Celebrated HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET Only 30 to be Sold TUH Hooeier Company lias just served HI with notice of a general raise in the price of Eooaier eabini'ts. wholesale iind retail. We have ex lii.iiL'lit at rlic old time price. We uoiild put tin- new pi jr, nil them and make an extra profit on every one. Hut m-l.ii.l ol that, we turf golug In our i u.lomei till- urn m tnl ailag. V, limr llniil ii our cut In- stock ol II In-, lo uii .'.i sale Iiiiiiihiiiii itl I In- aid low price! When we open our doom, the i i -1 i" women who eome in and pa ! will get them. Then the minute this allot inei.i of Hnueien is taken THE HALE WILL END! Special Terms of Sale I'm) only SI ttlicn u.u ili k oul your H..-i. i I'll) the iMtlmui' $1 e, kli mil) .Tar a iik-mJ. lour nioiiev luH'k If )u are mil dMlaihtMl. mMr iure otrn at M m.ih Ioiimutoh iIiim at II p. in Hair rod Uh lnlnl .'Ml HiMmlem arc Kae. No HiMmlrr onlrrx Miitnl lit t4iKiae. lieeanse it is the largest and strongest maker of eaiii nets iii tin- world, tin lliiusii j ooinpaiiy lias been able to the last to keep its prices down. l(isiiiLr costs of lalior and raw materials have finally forced the maker to announce a general raise. Hut even at the increased prices, m other 1'ubinet will lie aide to compete with flimsier values. At the old low prices, we offer in this sale there's never lieen a haruain to equal them. i'ome earlv be one of the luekv "thirty." Ilo.i.irr Hr.uly Hla4 Dw, M Hull II... . The Life-Time Helper That Every Woman Needs IIooMit Klirliiii I'.iliiiiii I. a Lalior SuvInK Machlno. Kltclicn Synliin unil lii-rin proof loml i oiilalnir i iiiiililiiiil It aavxii i I uihI mk li t ynii iIiiih tor Id-il Croat Kiiiiiiiik uinl oiloi i mirk. Mm Kr.m k Ainlilii I'Kttlnoii. t li - mili-il lioni-iihIIi- Kllii n io v Kn -h.i-i r.louiHl lliui -alk- Iiik an uvi-ruKi- of '.' nillra TM Sliakrr Klnur Slllii mi lloui ( I lue-u fatter than umM TliH Ovit-HIik Hum- Iimk H I" i MB) 1.1 r- ifpara for potx,,uiiH.itr Tlio Two-Way Hufe-ar llln IhiIiIh iwiih onlln- ary amount Tim KtmiUiiiK Rgal ol 7 Alr-Tlght. Iiuki I'roof riplwi Jar In almi hxiIikim- The Motion IftMf ArraiiKcmi-nl Ik M rf-ull of nrlnlitlfl niiillo nit Tin- I in lliui n .1 I u.Im,,ii. kim'" Ul'i' 'ill aviran wurk-nparc All fnaturuN hava Ilia eartlfad pproval of tlia IIohkI. r i iiiiiii il of K If elifii Hi c lliui" ronipiiMcil of li-aillnc liou ' 'uilil autiiorltlaa. ONTARIO FURNITURE CO H L. PETERSON