The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 13, 1918, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    r-n y tinn -i
!- fr '," eVT fy ' i"if '
Among the Irish sheepmen Irniii
Cha Interior rsi.tereI at the Moore
the first of the week went John f
Joyce, Michael Htanton, Martin
Joyce and I'hll Coyne.
Keep Faith With
Your Boy "Over
Summer Underwear
Summer Lawns
At Reduced Price
Ladies' Suits and Coats
At Reduced Price
Men's Sport Shirts
For summer wear at special value prices
Real Value in Shoe
Boyer Bros. Co.
Mis Clarice Bllnn, who haa been
visiting here with her mint and uncle,
Mr and Mra. W. W. Wood, returnud
yesterday tn her home at lralrP
Wlit'ii your boy was bq little that all the world was a fur
fifi.ii country ti him, be trusted you t take care f him.
Vim sent him to mIiooI niul to play and on your little cr
laixls, ami with implicit t'ititli he iliri your bidding.
iiv am- have sent your h or your neighbor ' hoy out
into a foreign land, into terrors that he cannot even know
and his faith has not faltered. He knows we will do our
part if he thus his.
Pledge yourself to huy War Savings Stamps on or before
Juno 28th
Rational War Savings Day
Having to help our suns is not to he called hy the n-ilv
iialiu -of dut or sacrifice. It is love's Messed privilege.
n we keeping the faith 1 Are we anrimping and laving
and giving to help our boVH lo this tiling that IiiiuihiiiI
has asked of them, and to help them ionic hack to ns sane
and whole Aiv we doing not only OUT bit, hut all we can I
National',. War Savings Committee
This space contributed for
the Wlmdng of the War hy
Toggery Bill
ChaH. Lewis waa another Nyssa
vlaltor laat week.
Henry Wakerllg waa down front
Weelfall Friday.
The American treat In Plcardy la
holding firm. despite considerable en
emy bombardment.
American officers reported that
practically every Oerman .body found
after a recent night's fighting in the
Lunevllle aector, waa ahot through the
bead or heart, allowing the quality of
the American marksmanship.
Dispatches from Rome atate that
the Auatrlana are continuing prepare
tlona for an offensive on the Italian
front. Relnforcementa are constantly
arriving from Houmanla and Ukralnla.
utile Turkish rotitlngenta are expect
ed soon.
To Lieutenant DouRlaa Campbell, of
California, goea the honor of being
the flint "ace" in the American flying
corps. It waa Lieutenant Campbell
who shot down the Carman biplane
near 1'ont a Mousaon. It was his fifth
victory to be confirmed officially.
In Mesopotamia British troops have
cleared the Turks entirely from the
Kurkuk area. 150 miles north of liag
dad. The Turks have retreated acrosa
the Leaser Zab. a branch of the Tigris
river, 26 miles northwest of Kurkuk
city. The British are now within loo
Ilea of Mosul.
In their latest drive the Hermans
have reached the Manic where the
French have held them. 80 effective
baa the French defense been at thla
river that the (li-rmntie have been un
able to croas it and are 1 banning their
courae. On the 7f mile front from
Noyon to Khelms the Hermans have
apparently been checkmated Their
28 mile advance haa proven costly and
haa been temporarily. If nut perman
ently, atopped. The formidable nature
of the Herman offenslvi n.u l
gathered from the absolute identifies
Hon of nearly M of their divisions
(about tiiu.oiin men 1 'there certainly
an 11 number of other divisions In Ini
iiiiiliute aupport The I'rctu h and
Britlah troops faring the Herman on
slaught numbered about one firth of
the great enemy army Although the
Hermans have thrown back the allies
Ihey have not been able to create a
breach In their lines The gradual re
tlrement of the French and Hrltlsh
has been executed with considerable
Warship Built In 17', Days
Washington. Kslablishiuent by
American shipbuilders of a new
world's record in warahlp conatructlou
waa announced by Secretary Daniels
In the launching at the Mare Island
navy yard, San Francisco, of the tor
peduboat destroyer Ward 17' days
after the keel was laid.
Weat Point la on a food conservation
basis, and the health of the cadet
corps la better than aver. All bread
uaad Is composed ol 46 per cent wheal
flour, 46 rye, and 10 er cent white
bolted grain flour, and many cadeta
conalder It superior to the former
white bread. Sugar consumption hss
been cut down, meatless days and
meads are rigidly observed, snd the
reduced sniouut of meat has been
beneficial tu health A lessuii Does a
reliable source.
Behind F.agle Hut. the American
Y. M C A building fur American
soldiers and sailors lu London, base
ball Is played every day Occasionally
a window la brokeu but that only
makes it more homelike.
Sunday, Juu Ittlli.
faW ItHAHN I'HH'k."
Featuring Francis X Bushman and
lleverly Payne.
Pat lie .News.
Monday, June I7tli.
Featuring Klla Hall
Minimi): ."Pete Hie Prowler.'
lui-salti), June IMlli.
' HI KI- F lUiMAMt'K."
I'-uiuriiig June Caprice
Moo niul .1 I .iik-.Ii
"ll.u k In the Ifsilkaus."
VI 1 1I111 -il.n . June UMli.
I Kit) IM. I I Mil
1 . .1 1 11 ! lug m ine Pairotg
III .11 Pi; UU.I llpli.
I lull -.!.. , Inn. 0Mb,
Tllr: Win 1 INK Hi MAT!
lUIMIl' UlUl hm.'H
I'atlic New.
I and s I.11, June 21 unil UU
Featuring (Jeraidlne Karrar.
..iiirsly :
"Kaliil Heart and I-aire ladyc."
Welch for BILLY Ill'lti
"Arms and 'he Clrl," also "THK
Mid-Hummer Hem Kushew Oops Koi
ward sn.nn llrenka Wave and
Light Shower Disappoints
Ontariana have experienced a sea
son of torrid weather this week.
Starting on Sunday when the mer
cury pushed Its way up the t u ( . b
quints varying from 104 to 10s,
every day has been warm Wednes
day waa the hottest day of the week.
and the most sultry. Several ther
mometers on the street recorded 107
during the afternoon.
The first attack of the heat wave,
broke in the face of a thunder storui
Wednesday evening and everyone In
Ontario and the country round about
felt the relief The high wind rut off
the lights, necessitated the cancella
tion of the performances at Dream
land hut otherwlae did no damage
1 nfori iniitely the rain was not suf
ixooi to relieve the crop situation,
ilio In the hills more rain fell than In
the valley.
ol n M UtJW T gt OTA
Malheur county has alnce Jan. I.
I '.lis. purchased about $20. won..
of War Stamps. The sales for May
tote( HI war Stamps and ITTI
Thrift Stamps, as Indicated by In"
follow lug list .
W.SS Thrift
lleulah 1 1
like 6 11
in.vvley tl) Kin
Harper 14
Ironside fi
Jamleaon 20 t""
Jordim Valley I IH
Juntura II Tl
Nyaaa 111
Malheur t II
Mooresvllle 0 100
Riverside lu 100
Rlvervlew :i "l
Sheaville 10 I1'"
Skull Spring 10 I on
Vale 116 III
Watson 10 IN
West fall 10 20
llrogsii I :. I
llonita 4 4
Itockvllle t0 HI"
Thaae figure' lire furnished In tv
central I Ontario 1 pustofflce In 11
few duya the total sales for the -.n
it i 10 May iiim -win bo published
Chairmen have been chosen foi
the following towns mid they will he
aasleled by the committees and .11
Savings societies
lirogan Miss F. Iliidinn
Jordan Valley Harry LMM
Nyaaa F D Hall.
Ontario W II Laxou
Vale John I' Houston
Weal fall Chae Johnson
The above named chairmen will
lava charge of the work In Hielt
town and include the whole dlstrlit
III Willi ll I be lown Is located
A weak ago laat Sunday afternoon
Tu linage Illy and Miss Allli It i'm
tier were united in marriage uf the
home or the bride s father about foui
1 miles north west of the I'srke s. hool
house on lowei lieml Ox Flat lies
II K Wallls of I'ayetle ulllri.iie.l
The bride and groom have lm llo
last several years been resident ot
MalbONjf county, 111 which ii hut a
110 nils are extending 1 ongi.n ul
lions The bride, who aifende, 1,.
Ontario high si hool last year, wa
1 the recipient oi many beautiful lire,
Ml HI I le I ... I III lie. I
. morning Hum l,..lse and fl
oil 1 he noon 1 11 In foi her home .'
Julllleson III Holse she I il-
.11 mid .hint iii .1 . Mi and M
Habaur, who are le., wug soon !
I'liriliinit, when- Mi Uabotu
Ml. ll I hi ei-it!oll W Mil Men I
., the head .if Ihe -porlli
goods deparluieni
'I't-i- u i'ut 1 tl f liililuii I ! .1.1 I 1,1 1
Money hark If you dimi like ll !
N Fi
Cloiliil .-is.
p .
'lllllllbel lafll ' 'I SI. II
led with 1 ml IK II
'Ion, give 1 hem a trial 1
lain to he hem filed hy ll.olu
iNTan ,
burner oil stove i'liom Ml.
FOIl SALK 01 trade I'hre.
weauer calves or will trade for .1
work horse Southwest of Ontaiio
one tulle W T Dinguiao. it
Crowder Asks That Men Be
Reclassified Wherever Evi
dence Justifies.
Washington With UK double pur-
the number of dm
available for mllltarv and af
Insuring fairer ndmluH' iCimi of UM
selei i 1 ,. ! M.irshal-
Ql m ral 1 rowder 1, : p I goar-
nors or nil states ask dlaiel,
n lm. ligation of the draff ehisslllca
Hon I 1 . I here.
Class I. nlroail .h ... I In 01 10
loealltli'M b) lb. re). 1. ate I rail
I , 111 Of 11 fill
truiii a. cording to ihe nailonal aver
a'e. hut percentages In the 4 ".nn locoi
cm million hoard district" vary ma
terlnlly both up and do" ' from the
average figure
M slacker marrlai and "mi
grounded claim ot right to Industrial
or agricultural aiemptlnti." General
Crowder hclievet, some registrants
buve Imposed on the local boards to
esi ape sen he, while In other districts
an application of the regulations haa
been inrhaps stricter than Is intended.
It was -Mild thill with the gradual
exhaustion of class I. unskilled farm
1 1 1 .. . 1 . 1 - whom the hoards have been
allowed lo l at lis bottom will
have to go to 1 aiitonnieiits There
will he no change In ikbJ polio and
the only relief. It Is declared, will
come from ejnforrenienl of the "work
or fight ' ordt nei all)
Washington I I .i inliii-f rator
llooiei haa mil. i.-.l a nationwide
movement to ledm. the . ni uf IoimI
to the consumer 1 mpel dealers lo
observe the fair price list snd lo stand
srdlte methods
Lists will be published In every
county, lown and city, ami lonsumsra
will he asked to io operate with of
ficials in forcing men hauls lo bring
their prices lo a uniform level.
In earning out the new standardise
lion plan, the administration will ex
lahlish price interpreting communes
composed of repren utilities ol whole
sslers. retailers and 1 onsumers
The In aril 'lll ilei.-iniine fair retail
lirii r on basic ciixgiuoillllea that com
luise a large part of the nations diet.
The published lists will give the range
of maximum selling prices showing a
reasonable price which will reflect
the prices that should obtain if, "cash
ami 1 urn stores snd a higher price
1 .,i . . niing a fair artOO '01 HM "d
It and delivery ' stores
llo kMOJ administrator for each lo
calliv will act as chairman of Hie price
board BOaA hoard will have detailed
reports of actual wholesale tunes snd
will ascertain fair margins of profit
the retailer should be satisfied with.
Government Facteriea Will Turn Out
100,000 Ohalls Daily.
Wsshlnglon I he ritsl of mil Kov
erniiieiii plains lor loading artillery
Ilea wiiii alploalvef was rum
pi. led last Keek Sniiisn llahe-
salll that the sei olid Would lie ISSlI .
In the end ill Mo 111011II1 anil II
other two 111 xugiisl I si h will 1. -
s bou I t'l.uiio 1 snd will ek'eud in.
an area ot from M0 Ul MM acn
They were tttbortacw 1... in. trees last
liei ember
W hen all four m Ifcl are in then .1.1, l 0Osrll) will lie
about IS" ' 00 -lolls '1 11, inlvsn
lories an- all .-sdi loadll Us
men will 101 in It . 1 1 ..r lb. . s
pb.ves in tl ' eianls
Stons Snips Are Succeaa
'ashingiiiii I ! ; ' . 'bat U I
Olivet 11, neli'
as having p.. ltd 'he stage i.l
. - 11' ii. 1 in. ,. 1 mi inal ate)
effli lent aid in 'lo . 1 - traiispei
taiioi. ty stew araj Ivan ;u a stati
mini In lb. -let ird
dial no I. ... .
i.l 1 oil. in
Drafting of Men tc 4 Proposed.
Hes ..I IK a I . BfVri
iialiu 1 nun ,
.if Marvlaii. Hi.
., Hi. 41 11O1, 1
mii bill I
t Vic Presidsnt's Funsisi is I
dpnlls lud lu lb. pi
1 of the fain . Ihe ho" r
of Hi. Ian 1
..inn i-airbatiks, ex v lei pri
of tue V tilled alatna, was lowered halo
a vault here. The fuuiial inuiu at