The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 13, 1918, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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oittajuo jmaim Ontario orhgov. thi phuay, nxK is, 101s
Glh,? (Dtttarui Argiw
GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution as 2nd class matter.
Tlic Malheur Enterprise of bite lias been urging the
adoption of ;i road plan for Malheur oounty. The plan is
tb most oomprctienaire ever pul forth, ti merit lies In the
f.irt that it taken Into consideration the needaof the county
as Whole and furnishes the ueeesary basis for the ult
imate development of an adequate highway system which
will permil of growth and development thrUOUt the vast
domain of Mallienr eouutv .
No "...mI svstem tlnit wil ultimatelv serve the v I'.intV
ceotion of Americans.
In viewing these problems the Orange and even-other
body that han for its object the promotion ot fair dealing
among men does well to call attention to the inequalities 01
distribution, to condemn the profiteer and at the same
time to condemn those who would use any by the properly
constituted means in the hands of the voter to rectify the
evils while the nation is at war; or at any other time.
The benefit which will accrue to the farmer thru the
aid of city labor during the harvest time is a moot question.
There are many who declare that a city man. a clerk or one
engaged in similar occupation is a hindrance rather than
an aid on the farm.
This may be true in the Kast and in the industrial sec
tions of the Middle West, but it is hardly true in the agri
cultural regions Of the West, or Middle West, either.
It is trni' that a large percentage of the clerks and
residents of the towns and cities ot the agricultural regions
have had more or less experience on farms. A large pro
portion of them were raised on the farm and acquired their
city residence largely for the purpose of securing betti r
educational facilities, and then drifted into city jobs.
can he scored without sush a plan. Some definite aim lUese men are not so tar removed li-oin their early
must he taken before the righl kind of a system can be training that they could not within a lew weeks become
I.ujI, I suitable ranch hands. It would take a week or two to hard-
Hut there are mam things to be taken into consider,!- ell their muscles and put ealOUSei on their hands but tin y
would "he mere in tune.
( 'ertainly such men. who for the reason that thev have
tion when discussing internal developments at this time.
'o ulnna should he considered which do not make larire
provision for the fact that America is at war and that 100 familes or are otherwise disqualified for military service,
....... t ,.i il .i ..v m .-i I... .liri..ti.1 inward u-i minor the I but are loyal Americans, are much more to he desired as
war. (Jnlesii a public proposition has the winning of the
war as a feature of its belli fits it should wait until after the
conflict in Europe has ended
There arc ma iy roads which can be considered of mat
erial benefit toward winning the war. Bucfa roads are those
which aid the rancher in moving his crop to market. Sue h
roads should be bllilt Roftrfa ihnt Would permit the briUg
ilia out of ueci ssarv war materials are in the same class.
farm laborers than the floaters of the I.W.W. type whosi
very presence on Farm is a menace to the eropa.
In view of the situation in which the nation find"
itself, with a labor shortage in every town, as will as in tin
country it wil require a large degree of leadership and et
operation to work out the problem. The city business mai
must sooner or later face the problem and realize that in
degree his business is less essential to the winnuit: of th
hut tourist roads .mil roml thnt an fairh passable mm: war man mat of raising ami harvesting tlie crops, anil that
WW the present needs sh-cM be left alone with only e wUiU called UpOU to DC ready to make every sacrifice of
pen I'tUreS for upkeep. ' convenience and possibly of necessity to aiding the
l'heil there i the linan. ISjl question Ni be eoiisidi n it. ""lu-lo-r.
With the imbli i idled uiNii; :i. never before to dive t fund The business man will do thi. He can do no less. When
to war organizations bum var taxes in ver increasing
quantities, it is unwise to promote further expenditurea.
And there is still another element upon which to pon
der. That is the necessity of labor in war work of all kinds,
from raising of grain and live stock to the building of ships
and ammunition. To divert this labor to road building i
incNpedient, to ay the least.
After the war is over', too. there will be an army of sev
sral million uf men who will be in need of employment.
Thev will return to find that women have taken their
I laces in many industries. There will he a period of N
this problem comes to Ontario within a few weeks, as come
it must. The Argus has no doubts as to the result. Ontario
business men will be ready to do their part.
Uncle Sam is tightening his belt just now. His mil
lions of inhabitants are for the first time beginning to real
iae that the mini hand of war can reach across oceans and
fasten upon the food of men alid women who have alwa -
lived among plenty.
1'lle wllcatless ihiv was but no iot loilm-t ion oi- vv.
adjustment in almost every line of endeavor. Until that will have a wheatless weeka whittles mouth, and to a d
leaiijusiineiii taxes place there will he thousands .t men grec perhaps for a longer period. But Americans have not
sultered as a result. I here is .still plentv for cverv one to
wh rouhl be used in the const met ion of roads and othei
public orojects to their own advantage and to the ultimate
advantage of the state and nation.
Wherever, therefore, it is possible to delay work so
that tin men who arc fightiug ihw will have an upportun
it to take their place in the ranks of civil life, that should
be done.
Sin h a program wil not he hard mi Maiiheur eouutv.
While it needs mads, and needs them badly, it is no worse
off todav than it was five yean ago. The Count) will do
well to consider the plan proposed by the Vale editor,
which in its entirety would require the construction of
icarh "Hi, i, eh : of highway, and lay its plans I..- ultimate
lv rcachiujj that desirable end when the time is opportune
tor its accomplishment.
That tin Noii Partisan League is going to find it
difficult to stampede the farmers of Oregon and Washing
Ion was uiaili increasingly apparent bl the action of the
State Orange at its Sah in convention last week.
The t i rangers, representing; perhaps, a large majoritx
of tin ranchers of the state passed a resolution condemning
i In League; hut lain re elected state Master Bpenee, dust
what this may be considered .to mean is doubtful at tin.
distance, hut the attitude of the majority voting for the
resolutions indicate that the Grangers desire to keep then
body free from entangling alliances. In that the Qrange
is wise lor it has a gnat work to do and is accomplishing
a large portion of its program without keeping coinpaii
with organisations which are under a cloud of questionable
Aside from these u events that which was of import
1 aiue was the opening nhiress of The State Master who
sounded a clarion call lor loyalty on the part of the ! ran
re. While no such call was needed the address delivered
by Mr. Spruce was timely and comprehensive, lie dwelt on
pertinent problems which the Grangers with other citi
Bens, not engaged in farming, have to face.
There is no doubt that tin nation today has two forces
at work which disturb the peace and welfare, as well as
the safety of the republic. The one is the ultra conscrv i
tive; tin other tin ultra radical. To condemn either with
out taking the otlnr into consideration is a mark of failure
in prop, ily compi .liendinir-Jhe problem.
Tin ultra eoiiscrvativewho recoifiii'eH no merit to
progressive measures for the enhancement of industrial
and commercial justice, gh cause to the vaporing! of tin
ultra radical.
Now that we are at war these two forces iu the nation
should be at peace. For unless this war can be won. and
won dccisivelv. IViissiaiiism will destroy the entire fabric
of our government and bring on horrors beyond the con-
eat. Starvation does not stalk across the land; want and
misery are still strangers to US. What Americana have suf
fered is as nothing as compared with the hardships already
endured, and being endured by the heroic Belgians, the
valiant Kreiich, the sturdy determined British.
Every ounce of courage and fortitude which our allies
have shown across the water, we too, can show if called
upon. Hut we will not be so tried in the crucible of war.
We have the promises not only of bumper wheat crop of
a billion bushels or more, but likewise there is a bumper
crop of the things that American wives have learned to use.
and make as palatable as they used to make with wheat
rinse two thinga combined brighten the prospects for tin
future. So cheer up, the best is yet to conic.
Ontario is to have a t'hautaiupia in July. Vale and
Payette are to have theirs this month, so that so far as in
spirational stimulus and musical enjoyment this section of
the l'. S. A. is to be well cared for.
In spite of the war. there is still a need for the Chan
tainpia. The lecturers who come with war messages serve
i distinct purpose. And even tho we are at war there is Do
necessity for the entire abandonment of all forms or recn -
ation and relaxation, SO that the .other numbers, if tin l
arc of merit, are justification of their 0WH existence.
Payette and Vale have big committees behind their
Chautauqua programs. Their communities have been
thoroughly canvassed, and with their experience in tin
past the siicci ss of their undertakings are assured. This
is not true here, and an earh effort is what is needed lure.
The Oregon Voter in its recent issue visualized the
standing of the various counties iu Oregon m the Liberty
Loan drives in such a manner that Malheur County may
well congratulate itself. Malheur ( 1ounty was second onl'v
to Tillamook in the percentage of citizens who subscribed
to the loan. Tillamook had a subscription list totaling 26
per cent of the population while Malheur had 36.4 per cent.
Tillamook, Malheur, Hood River, Coos and Klamath
weie the only counties to record more thaw 2" 0 t cant of
their inhabitants as Third Liberty Loan subscribers.
These figures are interest inc when viewed in mmmW.
son with previous Libertx Loans, for in the first two Ml.
heur failed to reach its quota and by combining the total
quota of three Malheur has only reached !)8 ner cent How
ever the county is coming strong in all its war work and
with the passing of the Fourth Liberty Loan Malheur will
be listed among the counties that are more than 1lM r
' . t
There it no certsinty how lonjr prompt deliveries
can be made, and the prices are sure to advance.
You have read In the newspapers how automobile production ha
been reduced And you know further curtailment In planned for the
future. - ,,
i villi gladly take your order now for Immediate delivery at pre
sent price for the following standard makes
Oakland Klvn Paeeenger Touring, lliilrk Six, Cylinder Seven and
Five Passenger louring and Three Passenger Roadster, Hull k Four
Cylinder Five Paewmger Toorlng, Vellc Sl Cylinder Five Passenger
Touring. Four Passenger Chummy lload-lcr and Two Paaeenger U.m.l
ater, Huln Huper 81. Seven Passenger Touring and Four Passenger
Speedster. Franklin Air Cooled Five Passenger llnadNtor.
You are taking no chances In buying any one of these makea of
th. we all have been tested In tula locality and are giving universal
satisfaction, so why experiment Let us hare your order lie-fore- MM
prices aibance. Phone 12S M for demonstration or call nnd see them
at galesroom. Old Toggery Location.
Thirty years ago tha telephone was a luiury. Today,
through personal Initiative and private enterprise. It haa become
a neceaslty within the reach of everybody Where one a busl
neaa had but one telephone with a limited talking range, today
that business haa aervlce with a range three-quarters of a conti
nent broad, and every branch of every bualneaa la linked to ov
ary other by an Intercommunicating telephone system.
The telephone haa earned Ita responsible place and there are
now 8,000.000 Hell telephonea In thla country, over which go
ti, 000. ooo talka dally.
Erery Rell Telephone in a Long Distance Station.
Malheur Home Izhrtixz i9.
A Comfortable Feeling
A good many things may happen that will
give you a feeling of comfort and security, but
nothing will do this more surely than the knowl
edge that you have money in the Bank.
This is particularly true if your money is in
our bank, wnero you know It's safe. You know
it is there subject to your needs. That you can
get it when you want it. That it is safe until
you need it. If you have no bank account, we
invite you to start one at our bank now, no mat
ter how small. You will add to it from time to
time and it will soon be a source of comfort and
security to you.
First National Bank
The First Duty of Man
A beautiful udtertiM-iiieut appeared In a recent Issue of the Sat
urday Evening Poat. by a large automobile company. Illustrating
the four greatest evems in the fe 0f man;
i.i RDM m vmtiFii
itt VUM VOI it uoM!
lorn int.Ni ii wn
Thla big automobile firm ap.nt $10,000 00 for a single page In a
alugle magazine io advertise to million of people In every city In
We Plau our home true.
We build It with WeHtern Soft
Lumber Co.
Manufacturers of
5-2S to 30
Hate off t.. that Vale bunch who put over the Warni
b (rings bond sale. It was a great work.