T-- ufatio t am. ' ' xxn ONTARIO, MALHEUR COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 13, 1918 NO. 23 apnasagBefggg?f BOARD EMPOWERED TO SECURE ENGINEER IHKKCmRH OF W AIIMH.KINUH IKRHMTION DIHTRKT TAKK ANOTIIKK loltw Aim HTKI' MANY DETAILS 10 BE DECIDED Effort Will I'- Made to Serine Hi. Hmlir (if A. J. Wiley of Holan--Plans Must he Stihmllteil to Two nnmilaalons Kfforta will be made hy the board of director of the WnriuHprlngH In1 Ration District to aeoure tin- service of A J. Wiley of llniae us chief iti glnee of tbe project TIiIk In the flrnt atep that inn bo titki'ii for compl-n plana and aprclflciitlnns ntiiKt be nul -milled to tbe Stiitc Irrigation I iiiIhmIoii und to tbo War Issues Cmn mlaalon In Waahlngton before tbi bonds ran be sold. Pending the arrival of Mr Wlliy no further atepH will In- taken, anve perhaps furtluT suhserlpilnii to Ilia bond Issue At Vale Tuaaday aftermion Hi ; board diaeuaaad In detail tbe status n the dlnlrjrt but aalde from determln-' ing upon the employment of Mr , Wiley, If be can be secured, found that no further work could be con-1 tnntplated. All of the dlrei ini'N ware presout at tba meeting and r.lan a number of ln taraated cttlten of Vale and Ontario Tbe people of Vala feed c rtaln that something will be done on the pro ject noon and that the dam will no built to More water during tba 111 aoa-on. LAXSON TO DIRECT WAR STAMP SALES I Irenion l'ioNtiinu for Kucrg.1i. I ampalgu I'mm laiortO.ui to llo l"ti-.l HtMin I 'omit Most Plpilgr JIMI.IMIO W II 1.01011 haa beani KPlectad to ' hoail Hip War Havinga Hlamp an.- nalgn whlih la to ha rondurtad In Ootarlo Juoa JH. Tha man aaaoelatad with him are all from the flra da-'at Iiartmant and they arp all ready for tha rail Aa yet their plaua are In- complete, awcltlng advice and ma- torlal from tha atatp tiPaduuartera. hut they will be on the job June II, Tha following offlilal atatamant of the drive outlining what Valium county u:uat do waa iaaued tlita week by W K. Human, county chalrinaii "Craaldent Wllaon will kooii puli Hah a proclamation addreaaed to every aeliool clerk In Hal I'lilled siatcH, regueatlng thpin lo arrangp for u public meelliig at their aeliool houae, to be held at 8 p m on June lltk "Thla move la backed by Hie presi dent and every other govern mem of llclai, both great and amall, In the whole country, and the W. 8. S. or ganliatiuu In Oregon la eapeclally active in the promotion of the work tut kmi.IiIh for the areal work to he done. June vtMlh. Iff (CoBtiuued oo. Page I.) iMTtHJK.NAKIAN MM AtVTKK II I.NKSS Ol' l N MOM nw Olaf Nelson, aged H.'. .lied at I1I.1 I, nine here Wediwaday aa (he result of a uaralvllc stroke, from which lie had suffered for several months II- lax... . ..ir- Hire., sous and a ,-. , ,ri, his death, ol --"" vvi, 0111 one M.n and a daughter litre IB California and were unable to In l.tfhont al the funeral llu- ggkM " Kred und ljwreuce NoIkoii of 1" tarln, and It.. her! Watt i" vvmi ' nmrisu .1 u.r. lalaaai California ..... . .. a Vll s 1-nll W.IK Oliril III nw-w. lltl and waa tl years old al 1 Mine of hia death he lias been at lllntaH .il, i.uralvsls for several ,.,!. Tba' iiioiithu prior to his death 1 no luuerul wu." held this afternoon frmu . n. BWal "tie umiertaaiug pariois, .. . -.... - - - - Hanua nfflciatitiK Intern,.. 1. - Bingham home led Monday for bai uiade In the Ontario . . tm tery. REAR ADMIRAL RODMAN J I ul aaawTW aH MMH l Rear Admiral Hugh Rodman, who la In command of th United atatea bat. tleihlpt now In foralgn watara. CITY HAS FINE VIEW 0E TOTAL ECLIPSE Many I' l mil elglilirlng Tiiaan I mur II or.- in Witness Mitpofarla I loads I.lli at l-ort.-l of Totality. Ontarlu tiMik Saturday afternoon off in view On- lota eclipse. It will ' not have to So ill" aaln for 250 '" ' vaara ao verona aot out anil io..rf ii... .oi-..i- llpaldo Hip Ontarlana tbara wara many kM frum Nya ajraint aouth ami waat not In tho path i.f totality Tltr King waa pprfwl ami I while no tolPM-oppa vr- oi up h.-ro tho hoya with ailioknl Klaaaoa norti I III ' pi pit' Aa Ilia at'llpKr camp on crailuallv i 'and iidiiploil u lump part of Hip aftf- i noon iln' i -in . ' 1 11 1 ui - .Iroppoil ami I walrd twilight prkt ovur Hip rli I Many cllltana roporipil Njltkall BSaaVI to rooat. whllr othrra dprlaml Ihoir chlckana tayad up. IIowovpi, Mi. rooatr . iowmiI ami tho plgaoiiK look , i to taM ham topa ami hatlarad the atraoga darknaaa. TIip .orona whlla It laatad hui j inomeul waa all lliai tho gMflSSalll aalil II woulil hr. a inarvoloUKly lioau- nful kIkI.i. Mild with It .ami i i'" twlnkln. ... uir. ho iliat Onlarmn- have the plaaaiiro of ilotlarlng tlo havo noon alara ahtiip hy ila CREAM. EGGS, POULTRY : INCREASING WEALTH llmnliri. In .in i mi.. Territory heal ing howard of OheralfiaO rami lug U.olUP Ik ImroaKlwil rimt It paya ranclura in thla aee .i,,., i., ralae poultry and have ireaiu for aale is beiug deuionstraled Ihn- summer Manager Andrew Kohin-.i . ol the Ontario Ice Cold Hlorago r- ports till- week thai the uveraKe am ..mil i-ai.l dally lo ran. hers In tins ."-.Hon has grown to $110 In other worda more than :'.umi Is being made moiitlily by this one fun, n.r Hie prn.luc- ggfjuj ral -.i .... ubout tl.e ell) What tma means 111 keeping ready eg. h III the rancher nam!" h-twe-n liav crops call well he In-mined and ih .. "Uhslanllal aid la the nroKiierity ol 11,- cominui lit . . Tl, e W C. T. I ' 111 in tint 1" ,da uflernnon vt it h Mrs c Segulue I 'and all members are urged 'o he pr. - .thai the Imusewlvea mav ... nnii-h-d Im IM bon h" ' leanm- 1.. il... .Iran and also I nwi ... ... promlseil iroilliaed to Hie ones w ho Ion i. ; couple of week ago Mia. Alice hahti. who ha" I.-. 11 mikk aiup nann, visiting her emu ami urn -, -. u.. L'.l fc'lf.r and also at Ilia ('. K home in Council, Idaho DECISION STILL TO BE HADE REGARDING HOLDING OF FAIR BUSINESS MEN DETERMINED TO HAVE AN OTHER MEETING TOMORROW (FRIDAY) . . .NIGHT WHEN WITH WOMEN PRESENT SITU . . . ATION CAN BE DISCUSSED. Shall Ontario Inisinpss men "lay oft" on thi Fair thU year .' What tlo you think about it? Is it Dot tlttt that the people in tin nntr v expert ;i Fair! Could the Fair ever be ri-vivcd if "hung Up to dry" for a year , Are not the people of the County entitled to some en leitaiiinieiit this fall after harvesting a hit; nop Will it be possible to secure the uecessan exhibits .' And lastlv are there enough patriotic Ontarians, men and women, who are under the direction of the hoard win. can be secured to handle the Pairf Mundle all these questions auv way von want to, mak the first last or the laatf irst, oud you have a svmpoaium Hoartl Tuesday niyht, at which only fifteen business nun Were present. However, judging by the men there, the majority was in iidiiiitted that it will he a scarce; that the director! anil every man ill town is bus.i and is going to stav buav, hut is willing to ' hi and help int the Fair over. Hut it wan felt that there was not a snf lieient Dumber of men out to fleeide so important a OUCH lion for the entire eonimnnity. Also in view of the fail that to a large degree the su ss of the Fair has been dne to the work of the women of the eity that it should not ! abandoned without first consulting them. Therefore it was determined to have another meet inn louiorrow ( rriflav) cvetiuiir. . i ..:n i ' i "" ' n.x "'" '" present aim t hi I II I 111 ei Hh ilete d isillssioll I his is an invitation to (,, )(. at that meeting. ONTARIANS FINICKY SAYS RURAL SPIRIT ini.i.. TIiuk harai i.tImm! p4aMo Tliay Will Not llu. I'nl.. -i. iiU. S....I, TUr nurm spirit, au agrl.ultural papor publlahed In Cortland. In Ita Opjajo tll ju,,p f.ih. referred In On urlan aK flnl. k uiuai . unauinara. -, lr ,,,,. f ,,, r,uark waa a let- Mr w,,, p, Tanaan. who IImh aoutl - ! uf 111.- I II oilu.li uii Or W rolp to rttatp V. I II l.ytlr aeeklng rn- lief from Hip problem of dlapoKlng fat II cowa Dial had i ..i-.l lo a luli.i cullii teal. The Argua made a partial Iiivok-I Igatloii which It bellevea the peoploiM Oiilariu are ontitlpd to know alx.ui The facta are I heap : Mr Teuaeu'a herd havlug baa) lealPd and II of the i owa. all appar- eutly in flue coudhlon, reacted to tho J leal ami were therefore . .uideuiu.. I. , lie Iried to aall Ihrm to An. In , KhIiIiikoii of Hi Independent Market . who declined m pun haae them. Thev were thou driven kg liuntluglon an I shipped lo r.irilaml where (bey wire killed under I I Inspei Hon super- vImi.ii The Kural Spirit objects thai kIiii- ouiariaiiK -si meat that la shipped In llu-v prohahlv -m meat thai would react If glvin the chance I.0...1 bun hers however declare thai r-iu- lo l.uv luher.ular caul- . ..I .1 1.1 .A 4 Saaasaa I...... mat tne miui miii m ubk ... - ,1 killed under inspection Su,. forced inspection vvnul.l pill inark-i- mil of hilsinoss Ih- I'Uhll haa la ft v-d in the husinoss tnay liave tak- Spirit in I ha .oiitrary. nni.vn ing Mrs VI. 1 V.I H Hannah Witter of It.. tmou tne gueais ui 111-1 granddaughter. Mrs A I Brovi lurn Ihla -veiling 10 Uoiae all-r . iiionih s visit iii Oman., i-iuriie.l home tod.) -Her .pa v i-l with friend- In Welaer. or chuck each intt the middli of the meeting of the Fail expressions voieed by '"' favor of holding a fair. ll lini.l iol. that lalnr will In when it is honed more men ... , wmi t in in nianv Women tor of tile ( llest ioll. vnu, Mr. or Mailanie Hcadei BOYER BROS. CO. BUYS WILSON BROS. STORE WarOmr i ..mill I Itrflrilptl In '.UlllllMlll.il of In., of hi. Iralo Ilia llulur I iii.i- Holiday of ihla weak Uoyer DroK timk poKKOKKli.il of the Wllaou llror ' atora here, completing a .leal, rumor of which circulated laat week. Trunafai waa made only of IM lock of goodi , tin ilourpH, pajgaj will, aciuunta. ate. wore mil purchaa ad. and tha uaual agreement for no 'nailer not to return to the coinniunllv tl, open a Klmllar huHlneaa waa ab- ent aii ,ila la explained by the fad - for,, by Im, MmuirK Wllaon ami Boyer that the aala waa (ha reault of war .omll.li.nK and la a reflection .., the eondltiou now prevailing in the mereaiillle world In fan It la Mr wileoiia proK.-m Im. iiilmi i.. returi lo umnOo after the war lo engage In ,ukIiiokk Tlie anv oruineni haa linllcale.l ,),, ,, rrm ,ie rki,ks of nn-rcuii ,n ,,. niui h Vpecia ,,, n, ,,iaii.v recrus for needful war Induatrles, g,, .r Mnypr, in duecusalng ilia detl lloth Mr Wllaon and ,, n1Ml ,,,. i-,,icllon of Hie uuml.ei , frmh u,.ru WUH M ingu..! Mli y ,j... i tn attain Then, lo... vi,j, K((1),)s gg haul In gel the fewei naent-r'.ng the marl.it i.n.l ..- gjglg in disti lliuiiot. nt iho time kl a ...... r r-r , ai inai property wai I . .. Ill do Hot I .1, I.,': .... Mi llaoa alt it im ' 1,- ire aoiiiowhat inn. rial,, . ie lit veal's ol bkM In lift I ,, ml "..11 will leuvi II Haadad trip 1 n. 1. t It ..nth Thay will Kit Mra Wilaon'a hinne at Anna dale. Minn . after viewing Hie Velio-..- UtOOi Montana. .North Dakota ami in Minii-"Ola I nun llu 1' hey will .I'lv lo Mi v IIkoii'i 'ion, in ivii.luiky ami expect to return in tba Soak e river valle) ., i,.,ut s . her I CAPTAIN VON RINTELEN 1 m m r - s Captain von Rinttltn, German apy. reputed relative of tho Kalaar, whoae rcleai waa refuted by the United ttatta. fkA 111 111 I TTOAII Mk W W rlMlN y 1 1 ii. LfVlvvli BY 0. E. S. Ontario Matron Hlarta Knri.ufi Tn hiiiiI 1'iM.IOiin of firanil Worth) Matron of iiii.m lira ml HiMlor. Word waa rncolvnd Wadnaaday hy Hugh A lion, patron of Htar f'liaiitr . no I S . from MIhn Margiirt-l Dunlin Worthy Matron Of Ihp t'lni.i. SSI lliat In I'oriland that day. h U M l.otMin had liron rlortad hy a largo niujurlly to iho ,..-.il..n of (Iran. I Aaaoelata t mulii. traas, Th la la tho poaltlon rontaatad for tary year, lor tho woman (Iiiik aelart- on aiarm on inn roan lowuril Hi.' hionor of : i ..ii.l Wntiliv M nt roil Ii will lie four.) on ik befora (hut pm. I lion la readied, aoordlug to ruatoui, and than Ontario will have tor Hi. Ill -I llnio Hip liouor of having Iho - u iPi'Pliia alato head of one of the largo' i fraternal ordere In the atalo EIRE CHIEF TO WAGE WAR ON ALLEY TRASH I'l'ilH-in Owihtk IW-li.x Informed 'lliat ( lean-! i U o.omi In llo- luco lire ll.i.ii .1 v an liing Water Hul), Timi. r,rr ' "" "u'" " m ."'"' "' ,""k,' '"r''' '' "e (Heir alleya I Ilia la not u In all I. protection umpalgn, (ho II will help thai, Km. but haa for lis purpose li re.! uct Ion of fire haiards Durllig the pasl lew days propel 1 "wnera and leuantK along Oregi 11 street have heeu lol. o ilean up " UH Sa BaS 1. 111, , I., vtltll II- uuesl tliey wilt hud trouble alios. I lor the lire cholel Ii.l.. a duly lo 1 I in 111 (or Hie prole. Hon ol ll- Wii-n ill- new ayalem uf want worka la luatalled Hie h) drains will all be 11I the sll-v Int-isecllona wiih the atreela so thai 'o light firaa n -hremoii ,mi in. I do Ihelr work Ofel ,',"," l,,,aPh "l"1 '"'x"h "' "''' Il as I 1 1 1 1 IiU u tllalli I' lit -.'If lilill . - - - ilnpl) with Hu eg u I a 1 1 o n a ll, I hill I" in. 1 dolag ' 1 wool I . .. .1 : i.nl-ct 111- cm II. . Inef, ih-r-1.,1 . 1. irlliuimn In homes at on. - -1. thai I water available wus ".mil fin ""' Mra (lias hi. ., . Mi iilggf. Mamie ami Vlvril- Hlawiit lituru.it I rld.iv aveutoi iroin . Ing Hi- Haiti. "I 1 tii.v. iin.,11 11. vJregon LULAH HATFIELD IS LOST IN KGUNTAMS OHNK HKAIU HINO HI!; OAK. II. TKK OK ONTARIO M WMOTH Ml. Tllt OVaVKJIIMM WITH BMW, KXPKITN Kl o tit . DID NOT WAIT FOR CCMPANION Woman K,, .U Mili 1 1. .no Mean Ii. aaj for l-nst Child Kefore Seeking A til llotli Htraaxra-k In Owyhee lawk. I.ulnh. the 12 voar-old ilaitghtar of Mr. and Mm I iintriolil. la Inat In lh" OWJI i hlllH. l mil,, W),i of Nyaaa A pon,. whirl, daa aaiirchnil III- hllla all day. M.i vol, found BO trace of (ha iiilaHlni' r.illil. Wltn tha poaaa la tha anxli n fallior, who win iiotlflad of hia iliiuKhtiia ahaanca thlH morning whan ho wont to work at tha Coxlhint garage Me left nt MM for Hip OtrftHM In Join rala- iivom ami frli'ii.lK In iholi rrantlr ii.n in got a i In., in Hiihn Hm nil.' kwl i. ippouriiiico or Hi., nlillil Whlln the poHHC la hunting to.liiv. Mlaa Alice furtlaa. a kvIhvoI tvcaSMf Of Dial Koclli.n. nt wIiohi. raii.li Hi- lill.l waa vlalting. la recoverlim i from Iho nffcciH m an awful night ah.. MM alone riding over the hllla in Ing to locate her Utile companion The little glrl'a mother, ge kj bravely aaalating In every way ah can. flrat by holillng Inn k har grief and cheering the learrliera with ix praaaed hopea of their auceaaa, for a phone meaaaga from that aec.tlun I,. day declared that everyone la look In out for tha girl. According to advice from there. MI.k I'urtla aim i. i from pea, i.ni.li .voKierday afior go to the Aililan poatofflca, and with hot wool I ho llttka gr. t,( h were on horaehack After the) hud ridden within a few mile. if Adrian the II- up ain 'mm. ore. I ami aald ahe would rlilo alowly and await MI- CurilKK return at a mlKhlHli Hit', further mm Willi ilinl agrei in-ui Mlaa t'un.aa i. ..I- In Adrian ami mi her reitim failed to hud her Hole companion All night ahe wourrh.,1 hIihip In lh hllla and early IIiIk inornlng aim help. No theories an nil v a need Ing (he cauao of iho llnio girl k . appearance llul feara are held aha might he hack In the hllla ami ' In danger of Kiilferlng Hum II ()lher believe Hint II l luirelv H hie thai iho imrHo ami rider might have Mumbled lulu the ilv.i hui thla h hardly creillinlilo The gau eral belief la Hun i... . -i,. a aa . Klrauger to the ci.unirv l.. i.i.i.i oil on one of the mauv I ri.lU thru th hills and thai ho will h. ..ra KII.IU OIKI. KKCohll II I III Ml. Aa The Argm SMI to pr. r....rla are re.elved that the In lie girl. lul. this ewniiii, reach ed the furli WATKIt Cll'tX HUM. I kill ON I MT -Mil Ol 1 lit MOV t II ilelim 1 I, v ( work laving water pl- ,,n C,. iiasl side r Hie , Il v t Ii lo a. . fc Work will I." lal It il mi III- V . I oilier 1 arload ol filling n ex, dally from Hie Smith Mr lieluii 1 .I..I..I. thai limine will all ho rial .ithiii ;I0 dav ami t.iat If Hi- in, I reach ill) Iho sysi. 1, I I .1 . far aa 1,- la 1 ' i,,i la) Aa 1 1, h.ail. hv t I, . till lull v 1 - . .. puakf ' VI ..IM 11 On, aim I II from 1 halt upphi v. . j. do kf( a ' "ui b) Col ind II 1. is- . ..'I ..