tgsjfraw rtt i, fl nygW '." TUB OfTCfUHO JMRK7S O.TTAJUO OMKXW, THT?fcDAV, JINK S, f l PAQV& r I BOYER'S DEPARTMENT STORE The QUALITY STORE of Eastern Oregon BIO SHOWING SILK PETTICOATS, both Jer SALE OF MISSES' AND LADIES' COATS AND SUITS. MILLINERY Special Sale of all Ladies' and Misses' Dress Hats. SUMMER LAWNS Special Show! ng this week. jey and Taffeta $3.60 TO $6.00 v. ............. 1 . r o St m Rni avui &ii ivf wW'iMvrirCi Ours the Boys' Outfitting Store of the County MEN'S SHIRTS MEN'S UNDDERWEAR MEN'S SUITS MEN'S HATS MEN'S SHOES MEN'S HOSIERY BOYS OUTFIT HERE Nh place will vim find as fine or food Msortmrnl aa jrou will here, Boys' Wash Suits Boys' B.V.D. Underwear Boys' Porusknit Underwear Boys' Part Laydon Underwear Boys' Canvas Shoes Boys' Waists Boys' Hosiery Boys' Wash Hats Boys' Shoes LADIES' SUMMER WAISTS ('Iwiriniiiti models just received in it new lot of Wash Waists, priced $1.00 TO $2.50 Newest Styles. flncHl workmanship, unexcelled fit no to make these renl valued. Complete Stocks Women's and Children's KNIT UNDERGARMENTS We have a fine r. prrscntiitli Mock of NMl'l anil Children' 1 la; h t weigh! Knit I'mliTwciir in Spring and Hummer Style. Lai uh show you tho very bent value for (lie money (o foe found. Mr uml Mrs Joe Srholr leave 08 Sunday for i'ort lutnl where Mr Schol- will represent Acitrla l.oilae at the (trend lodge of Mason W'llliln 40 yarda of the (ierniuii Irene hen a V M (' A dug lit hii . been serving Allied troop. MIkh Tlielum l.ampkln ol l'ui' Ik vlHltlna friend here COUNTY Hi MUtm mi M continued from Flrsl Page ajrette, Ida ; Aletandro Urlsar. Mi IXTinlti Nev ,1 Wlllet Medium . Nysaa, Or; John A t'hnntlaii. Hon Kb, Or., I'aul F Rrwln. Harper. (Ir : Charles I) Warren, I'ayette. Idshe: Oacar Houston. Riverside, Or . I.niii f 1 1 ii. K.i . West Tall. Or . Jinn. Farkrell. Ronlta. Or. ; James Maelvr. Itorkvlllr. or . Iii'IIhti J WnrHliatii. Cake, Or.; John W Morgan. Ontario, Or.; Hugh (' clement, Ontario, Or : Samuel Perry Yenne, Payette, Ida : Karl l Warren, Nvmsh. Or.; Wlllar I A. Hall. Payette, Ida , Albion Hemic -.ri. Montour. Ida.; William II W ' aon, Kye Valley, Or.; Ivan N. Weir'!. Ironside, Or.; Samuel I.. ON II, Lowell. Mann.; Frank K. Hill. Pa) ette, Ida.; Michael Joyce, Jamlcsou. Or ; Porter I) Nash, Jiintura, Or.; William C. Orrutt. Ontario, Or.; Bvau A. Mrnwn, Ontario. Or.; (leorge Hrendel. Oakland. 01 ; Klchard J. Head, Jordan Valley, Or.; Jame Cordon. Portland, Or.; Charles W long. Maiden, Waafo.; Charlea Mc Kiie . Kenle, Kockvllle, Or.; Clar- unce Lenicr. Ilrogan, Or.; Verner F. tlr.iliam. Abilene. Texan, Alfonso I. Prewett. Vale. Or ; Stanley W Fern, Nvki, Or., Klmer l.ooiie. Halm-, Or.) Kranrl A. Belts, llonlta. Or ; Charlea F. lUtrhelor. Vale, or.; Paul t'onrad Miller, Harper, Or.; MwBfd I..-II. Itompli, Vale. Or.; Frank H lirummond, Falrylawn. Ida.; John Joyre. Harper. Or ; Charlea 0 Black well. Sparta. Or.; Ira Schaffer. Vale, Or.; Hoy W. Heard. Tumalo. Or ; lafe Krank Hill, tronalde, Or ; tier don I. Shaffer, Neacopeck, Pa.. I Kalph VV Fuller. Welter. Ida. The following named registrant will report the aaiue date aa alter natea: Klchard K Uankit. Malheur. Or.; Theodore H. Moore. Ontario. Or.; I.ouln U Hamilton. Huntington. Or.; Ouy K. Woodcock, Malheur. Or.: Jnhii W Mi-Cumber. Juntura. Or. Portland, Ore., June 6. Thla la Fuel Week In Oregon. It haa been offh tally proclaimed by (lovernor Wl thyronine S'i the time for all cKliena to order their fuel aupplea for win- , ter's tiac. Washington Drafted men claiming j Waahlngtan. - The large! annual The week wll not he one for fore .... . - ... I.e... ... kill U klalne. A4P I I.. .a . Bat a rirt.iu'.ffiMuiMi obi'Mllon to military mrmy m.,"iM ... ........ .. hum Wmrnnn. nrnorainjc 10 run OBJECTORS TO BE PUT TO WORK LARGEST ARMY BILL IS PASSEO ON JUNE 28TH PROVE YOU ARE A LOYAL AMERICAN Will von gred the Fourth of .1 ill v with I free conscience Or will vim s.eiul the l-'uiiith iii shame t'.n-ed yuiltY 'line 28 has heen set as National War Saving Day. Vour eoiiiitry expeets you on that da to pldft er. Ieiui you can. up to Jt H M M . toward the purchase of War Having! Stamps. The priee of American citizenship is DO longer eheap. A new hmii has struck. The crash of war has ground all Minhl.tiice of cheapness out of heing an American. It is now a dear bOUgfal honor. N'ou must pa . ON JUNE 28TH, YOUR COUNTRY ASKS YOU TO BALANCE YOUR PATRIOTIC CASH ACCOUNT Every penny you withhold that you are aide to gii . tends aid and comfort to the enemy. No sordid lenul summons will, for the present, compel pa meat. You are called to payment hy the higher, more chivali ic Bimunons to volunteer on June L'Hth your pledu to purchase this year every dollar's worth of War Savings Stamps you can buy. NationalWar Savings Committee This space contributed for . the Wining of the War hy Ontario National Bank a-rv Ire and who have been found by rny authorities to be alnrere In ra fualnar dutv with nonrombatant unite -. t... ti.ul,I.Hi Wl!..... ir a prratriwii uj ir-..Mr.. ....... -.- to be aegregated at Kort laavenworth. Kan., under term of an order an nonmed by Secretary llaker If found lo be alnrere In their ecrn- pl by a (pedal board of Inquiry, they rylng tl2,041,l2.0OO. and authorlrlni Administrator Holme, but rather on the prealdeal lo call Into military eerv for leriou a.-tlvltle dealgned to fill loe all men who raa be trained and the fuel want of people and Industry equipped, wa patted by the honae riy ,,, ,he ,, ,,m, tn ,,,,,,, and eent to the senate already overburdened railroad can The meaatire la framed to provide h), r,.,.w., for an army of 3 MO.000 men durini ..Th proce,H,on , 0Bn lmmK . the coming year. In accordance with .,,. .,. - - - .... , the government' revised programme will be rurlnugbed lo work on farm for ruahing aoldiera to France. Some a laborers at a private's pay Under no clrcurostsnces will ron selentlona objectors be discharged from their responsibilities under the elective service Is." the order sss. soil Instruction are renewed to mill tar .ourlmar(lal lo Iry and punish sll found lo foe Insincere, defiant or active In attempting (o conver( others to I heir I... 1 1. i Money earned by the furlnughed ob Jectora In eee of a private pay and subsistence Is to go to the Red Cross, snd the permission Is lo be continued only so long aa the objector Is reported by disinterested observers to be working to the best of his ability. Only too professed conscientious ob j.Mior have been reported among the I noo.OOO men railed for military serv ice under the drft. Ol ll. MKKKM TO APKUVAHU l KOHHINt. (Continued from Ktrst Page.) of Its big Hems sre .:!!. foi the qusrtermsster corps; $.t.;lt.i)iio, 000 for ordnance. It.02g.000.000 for the engineers. 190.260,112 for aviation and $21(7,000,001) for the medical corps A provision prohibiting the use ol etop-watchee or other speeding up de vice In plant where money provided In -the bill la pcnt was adopted by s vote of : to IP. n Hi.' march lo the fuel dealers, and a line of fuel wagon delivering their contents to the homes of Oregonlana." "The i iir will help themaelven and the government a lot hy order ing their fuel now. With order hooked, dealers will he In position I i make Intelligent estimate aa to the wants of their patrons, snd the ad mlnlMtratlon In turn will he able to ! secure proper fuel dlstrlhullon "The pro. .pec i for a shortage thl fall are audi that every cltlsen will do well to herd the warning and not delay Thousands. I am glad to aay, i nut ju.-nii.v oi uieir ruei order.'. I and delivered Other should do the same or chance heatless days later.' Fuel week la being observed throughout America on request of the National Fuel Administration. clear. He suggested thai suit be' hn. ught to quiet (Itle. He declared,! too. that by this means several thous and dollar would he returned lo the i li Treasury. Instructions wero ! given thr City AUorney and City He-' cor tie r lo begin I he actions at once The ordinance for the purchase of ) the Ontario Water ylem passed Its ' second reading The ordinance for the construction ot the Kastsidc sewer was also read for (he second time A question a to the method of procoedlUK in thl" matter la still to' be settled. The Council also i ontlriiu-d the up pointmeut of William II l.axon .is asslstuut fire chief The reports off city officials were received uml the1 usual bills were paid. ItKWAItU Sirayed from my ranch, one pali rattier light bay uiarea, one welglilu arouud 1100, the other 1260; brand ed with lasy K on rlgln stifle; should MEDIATION IS REFUSED Reausst ef War Labor Beard Declined By Western Unlen. New York. The Western I'nion Telegrsph company has declined t submit to the Jurisdiction ef the na tlonsl war labor hoard which sought (o ail just (he differences Between th company and those of lla employer; who sre members of (he Commercial Telegraphers' union of America. The Western Union Telegrsph com paay 'a decision became kuown when the report of an executive session ol (ha war board held here was msdf public It embodied a report hy Wll Ham H Tail and Frank P. Walsh. Joint cbalrm i ihr bosrd, who conferred with Nrtromb Carlton, president ol toe Western I'nion. la an effort tc compose the difficulties between the company and those of its employes of Oregon "It I a matter to be look ed at seriously." he said today, "Ore gon fares a fuel shortage thl wln- I'ortland, Ore . June -"Buy your fuel early week" has Just been pro claimed hy Uovernor Wlthycomba of Oregon, for June :i During the week, all civic and business organisa tion and women s ciuba are being urged to call upon their various mem bers and the public In. general to or der fuel for ii. i winter. There is nothing of a "huratf ' na ture in the drive for fuel orders, ac cording to Fuel Administrator Hole wbo nave been dismissed, ll ws charged, because (hey Joined the i kjaj uiercial Tehnraphers' union U. 8. Child Labor Law Invalid. Washington The child labor law, enacted by rongreas last iesr slier s bitter flghl. ass held uncons(i(utlonal hy the supreme court The derision' was based on the power of local com , munilies (o regulate such mutters foi themselves, holding It coul I not b Interfered with b congress Training Camp Is Open at Prseldlo. Sau Krsncisco. -Approximately 100i students from colleges on the I'acifir roast and other western states art have colta by them now; foratops here to begin training in a reserve of have been roauhed and grown out three or four inches Will pay $26 to finder of team J Cartwrlght, Malheur City. Oregon 21 -at fleers' training camp which apened ai the Presidio here Monday. HKAHT lKAMA OF COMPKI l.l; SMrKTNFMa), 1&- WEAVER OF DREAMS A .VAct MBTBO Screen Itt.maiicc of LOVE AND RENUNCIATION Starring ADORABLE VIOLA DANA DREAMLAND THEATRE THURSDAY FK1IA BATUHDAY Dreamland A ttractions O.VTAHIO, OltKUON siiii.i.h, June 1Mb. WK.W F.H OF IIKKAMS tola Uslls I'atlie rs v..ii.U, June IDili IHMtKS HKTWKKN. ' Fea(uring Monroe Salisbury V Ru(b Clifford Cemedy: "Who Hosve It." Tuesday, June lltli. Htm HI I MlkKll.i Featuring Jan and Kaiherlne La. Ml'TT AND JEFF, Cemedy: "The Dacoy Wednesday. Jane llKJi. "t.lVINO HHKI A CHWi l V iv ... M.iiiii, Hray I'ictograpli Hiur-ilav , June IfJHh "BABY MUTK. Featuring Madge Kennedy 6 Reels. Path.' News. I ri. and Mat., June 14th and 1.1th "THK Umi AMKBICAN." Mary Plckford k-MH.v 'Anu, B0ulk." WATCH FtK "The Kaiser, the Beast of Berlin.