The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 06, 1918, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    ram owraitfo Atwtm otmukm omvrcos. iwntM.iv. jvxk e, isia
Hay Forks
United States Tires
are Good Tires
Pr ij A?lB,a''V.
AfAtfl -IIP'
Tliliihmi-T ' s i ; a&y ! T
If Ulr JhiF r Sv ?-sd J w " c ! i
wCC?!I ' liS3 5 .jJeLIl e-t
H4lrv V'l - ''' ffi fcrfTW
Ifc' I r ' - ." ilT ' - .' r "Sail J'wT.fa P
'i . I ' J11 ii if NwPSni' :-Iti
SV if u I'M ik. svb-VCT K r jtW ij r
'Chain I
Tire-buying Economy
Yourcar must irivcp;rr-:;icrspr tie rhrs year thin ever hei irs
It speeds up your work int reuses your working power.
1 .1 The hlcti i' r corniii; I i In utnmt tervht.
1 1 1 iixi.t sconomical tire at ton whuii v. ill -ive yon
i ttWl UM of your tnr.
That's Just whet Uil tad Stal rl do for you
Voil I n dJ fl ! ''lem t':r
tnoal mih . hi ; mi.i ii i ., i . :.
I -ip with ' ' rates Til
Oui SaJ I i v :'i ! to
Teutons Are Endeavoring to
Crush In Salient at
PftftS, French rnantcr attacks
drove the Hcrmiim back SStWSM Hi
CHfH "'' lhp Mrn whorr Nit "
rmy In makliiK RronfM rtfnrr to
dvnci toward Parln, th- Knnrh war
offlc nnoiinr1.
A lolint Oprmn ftrk frlrp th"
ninln hlgliwuy from niiit'i'ti ThttTTJ
to ParU, parallollng th north banlt
o' thp Marnp, broke down SSlsr
Fronrh flro Th- (rnian louses won
', uv nnd hnndrrdf of prlPoiir WSTS
Ivmi'l'ivlim tl'' Mnrn- rlvr ns a
shelter to thHr MMthSfS flank. Uv
Ocrnians are trying to push wSBtWBH
SwtWSSS the f)lse and the NUriv. I'
wa Indicated In the official statn
The Hermans' progress having been
Cheeked to the eastward and south
ward, they are now concentrating flvlr
fforta aouthwestward cm Uv iron! be
tween Noyon and Chateau Thierry
seeking to advanre -ilong the thr-e
great valleys of the Oise. Onrc c nnd
Hut alone evrryone of IBaMI routes.
ins that the Intentions ol Uv Or
man high command are NfNM UM
resistance Is Incri-aslng hourl As a
remit, Uv pnemys progroH kl propor
Uouuieh di
The allies are now rherklng the Oer
an annic'K rrerj whsrt
u ti ,t oo in
t" I. Ill
.tl illllll.t
We Are in the Market for Your
Eggs and Cream
And are paying teday:
For chickens, hens, 4 1-2 lbs. or OA f c
over, per lb " lto
EGGS, per do:cen . 30 cts.
41c Net for Butter Fat
bi it in tiiuJ to H cents when- one .cut is talc
.ii fthewtifhl oi ym- oreou for shipping.
We Have If!F, For Sale
u.i will makes wtrj i" prioe at !" plant to
tii. s.' who an take i ton at i tint.
W IImi iivvi oii UOOD MILK OOWI i 01; mii
Ontario Ice cSColdStorage
wiih ihe Amartctn Vrun In i
. ir'.oi". thrown lata
f.. pn .ill,' on He
northwest hi Chateau Thlrrry, In
I attack. Arori Uv
' .!i from Nsulll) Wood tn
lrh Ihe
iii N'sulll) I.1 I'oti rlc in K.neri
as 'i lie Osrtnana pownMl .. Imsti nw-
rhiiin gun .:rc Into the .uvrlcs:i
ranks. Iiu, tin- Americans rush
ward and SSwtfOjaS ih- HVatllj STWet
cil iii.ii'Imii. gill. pomlloi.H c n tlic id ;
oi Hv words Contliv'rg thplr ad
.In ) engaged iln (ierinans : t
DtlSrtees, and all .ir-il tliein en
iln'ly from their pobIIIoiis. drlou
Uli'lll llil. k IIIMIII tile IMllieii (Uttga
In a sharp comlml. n.irHcd h t!i
(; iciness e: the allie I mai hn
fire KreMi n and Ann rtcan troop
f i:-i' r oik sldu by side, glnSOS) Slfal
on i small tierman SJfSSa which aajd
reached th . left bank ol the MSffM
near Jaulgonne. east of Cfcaiaak
Thierry MohI ol the enemy url
ora were roinuleil up In Miiall group.i
and made prisoners
Canadian and American Rtd Cross
Buildings Raldsd by Carman Alrmsn
With Ihe llritltth rmy In r'ram .
Oerinan airmen have bombed another
hospital -this lime a Candlan instltii
Hon and exacted a considerable toll
of rasusltitts. Among those killed b
the explosion or flsmes wag so Auvr
lis. i medical offli er who was sduiln
nierli.K an anaestheiic to a MttSt
oi fner In Ihe operating room The
raid iMi urred at I" oclo.k in Uv
The hospital attacked was a large
one ami was marked h huge Red
Cross .signs
in I. TroMMaa.
Whan your x stent bacoim
iroin ovaraattng, oonaUpaUoa
torpid imi M.ur ttoaaeh is likal) to
Irolmli y.Mi A .lose iii i liiunliei
liiln h T.ililei will glvo you iun K
lief. They eanae u tree movemeni if
Hie liowelx loll' up the liver ..nil
hircligll.cti the illgenllou Yoll will
pOKeil uliell IU li III I e leu
liillili heller von lire feeling n diiv M
two after taking Hvhp tablets
I'l'iilecoslul (liurili uf the VMarene.
last side.
Itev. H. I.. I lowers, II. I)., ftrntH
Order of .Seniles.
With the m.Tuaii ruiv In Frame
Uermaii airman made .1 prsHi
night raid on the area lielmul Un
American hues in I'lianly lloiiiliH
wera dropped on all hides a aajg a
the Isrg.hi hosiitals in tovvn main
miles to the rear of the trout Am.-i
lean and Kiemli wouudud aoldlari
were carried 10 aaSJajl aaS caves hv
American nurses and members of the
American Hed Cross.
Sunday school 10 s. 1.1.
Preaching ...... 1 1 a in
Peoples Meeting 7. IS p. m.
Prayar meeting Thurs 7 45pm.
You are welcome to these eerrlces
(iood house, moitern, SsSSS nd
closa In for rent Apply Mrs. Iteta
Payne H-tf.
I.OS'P Sorority plu. iulll ISSfSii
name engraved on back "Vera M
l.oughlln Wn I'hapter 1910 Kinder
BhjBSa leun .ii Vru office HvVSfw
-Adv. 1H. Mrs. J li.
Poll BALI ChhI paylug bsj
with a good l-'ord truck, for $;IS0
No more apital necessary, no ex
perience needed Phone Bo-w on
tario. I' o u gj m
cliililren ( uK,h and OsMg,
For children s coughs and i-olds
chumburluin s .'nugh Ramadj hi ag
cellent. It ik prompt m,.i aftartoal
and coiii.iius no opium or oilier aai
cone, and isple,, ,ii. to taje
l .1. Ul I -si . M. II.
Internal Medicine
I IM. Alt H, I oltTVIU. M. II
Bat Nose nil. I Throat
omci HOI us
B to 12 and 2 to S.
Office over First National Sal
Telephone No. S3 J. Outarla.
Vllson Hldg. Rot.
iriini.ii i Ht'itt h
siinilav sertli-s
Low Mass, 8:30 a. m
High Mass. 10:30 a. ni.
K. A t'AMPO. Pas)
mo rou hi it vi.
Mlltllll K..IIN.t1
Americans Win Frsnch Admiration.
Willi the French Armv OS tl:e
Manic American troops ui.nle ihdlr
!. .u seversl points m the
big laillc and won the udmiriin.i if
tiieir allied comrades. The town oi
Neuillv la I'm. ne. between Viilers
I'oUei.ta .nnl I hateau lliierry, wa
ne oi Ihe BtOSl v loleni g
bats, in which the ABMttoS I to.ik
Tin re, ith their Fren. h nimrades
they suet redrd iu throwing the Oaf
mans back
When the Americans first
Into ailiou here the tiermaus were
trying la enter MasjSSa Wood. Ths
enemy battalions were mowed dovn
by the trans Atlantic machine gun
airs, who later supported the Freiuh
Infantry in a counter attack, in which
the enemy was forced to retire V.
yood the northern edge of ths wood.
l)r J S Cliarleliois, t,,. Hture-
o-paths, ha Up a ,,,,
attai iiuiiitii.e H,
pert in curing all kin,i a uroii.c
diseases and inlirin.iUea. Col
(res and invited. Telephone
The Cnlted Stales Civil Stl
Coinmlssioii lis. announced an tl l.ui for the Count of Hall
Ore . to be held ut Ontario on .
22. 1918, to fill the position of
rural carrier at Ontario and n
cles that may later occur on
rural routes from post off ! M is
aliove mentioned county. The SI
on motor routes rangea from (I
to flkOU per annum. The exal
ation will be open only to clll
who are .n! domiciled in
territory supplied with mall I
post office In the county and
meet the other requirements
forth In Forma 111 and 1B77. t
III may be seen posttd at any
office In ihe county for which tht
uriilnai urn la held, ami Form I
and application blanks may be oft
el In.iii tin offices ut which ths
lun.v aglets in it where the exagl
to be held, or from
' I' ll Service ColUllllsslOl
ggton, 1 0 The app'.m'e
1 1. is position will be required to
nisi., maintain, and operate a -M
motor vehicle with a carrying M
city of not leaa than 800 pounds
a cubic capacity of not leaa than
feat. Applicants must file with tl
applii ations a statement of
equipment tl.ey will be able to I
vide In the event of appoint'
Xpplicatlous should be forwarded
Truik Transfer
Phoae 157 M jiiv conimihsion at Waahington. D.
jat the ea rlieat practicable date.
Commercial Creamery Co.
'( ashbuyersofCveam and Produce
Place: South of Post Office. Ontario. Oretron
Your Best Market for Cream. Eggi, Poultry of sJI kinds