The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 06, 1918, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    ,T " 1"1.ij- . ii iwni, itii .r. -
""a "" " aawa awja
" " -----' - m fcl', f Hi ii pi in- -ii I i 1 1 - -i
Mra. L. Spier waa a Nyaea, ahopper
In the city Tuesday.
Mrs. J. J. Tool of Payette apeot
Sunday wltb friend here.
P"" l ' a i i i i i MwwtJH;rtw!a
W. i . .....,.,,..,,... .w... ..... ....wnw, w.. T
L , . . "' '" """" i i
Mr. and Mr. A. Onmw and Minn
and Charlie Oramse, and Mr. and
m. llnnry William ami children of
part. Idaho, left Tueaday morning
Portland. They will make the trip
their oarn and wH be none for
4 time. On the return trip they
Fend to come down the Wllllamette
Hey and around through Southern
IrM. and Mm. Roethler from Wet-
ll were Ontario vlaitora Monday.
-o- '
Mr. and Mra. F. I.Hardman. In a
pent letter from their (ton Tom, re
ived word of hie promotion to Hip
Ik of aergeant. The young man i
chief truck mauler of Carlatrom
rid at Arcadia, Florida
ir. and Mra. Roalo Earhave of
line have been vlalting thin week
Ih Mr. and Mra. Cox of the Boule-
rd. Mra. Karhave wan formerly
Dorothea Cox of Ontario and
graduated a few yearn ago from
Ontario High School.
Mr and Mra J T. MrNuty and (he
aea Cora and Ethel MrNulty and
lelle Currey motored to I'arma ami
well Sunday on n pleanure trip.
Ira. Roger Atlierton nan been very
for the pant two week with
loat trouble but In feeling ullgh'lv
Iter at the preaent time.
MIkh Theodtmla WaIIh returned
torday for her vacation after at-
kdlng Hchnol the paat term at Hie
Ira C. K. Hlngham and on Holl
and her alater. Mra Clarence
lllli, and children lulled with
llr brother, Charlea Calklna, at
linedale Sunday.
I'll.- Halted I'reabyterlan church la
Iparlng for Children' Day. which
II be held next Sunday there. An
treating mill delightful program
be given in the morning.
Nia W 0 T. H met laat Tueadi.y
with Mra. B. P. Shaw at Hotel Wl
eon and apent the time-In rlniahliig
up the houaawivee. Their regular
work meeting from now on will al
waya be held at the hotel.
Mlaa Stale Orcutt la vlalting with
her brother and lter while en-
Joying a vacation from her work In
Mr. Aker from Jamieaon I May-
lug at the home of her daughter here
while atending to nome bu!nra
Corporal Clarenoe Poorman panned
thru Ontario a few day ago In charge
of thirty-two aoldler en route for a
training camp In Virginia. From
there the company la going to Prance
In a abort time. Mr. Poorman la the
aon of H. I.. Poorman of Ontario and
enlisted In the engineering branch of
the service a couple of weeka ago In
Washington. Ha waa over draft age
and leave a wife and aon behind
M. H. Joyce and P. J. Conroy wore
down from Beulah Saturday.
Mra. Catherine Morey returned to
Botae after making a week' vlait
with her daughter, Mr. Helen
8tru there.
Bernard Radar had hla tonsil re
moved thla week but can now be m-n
befk at work.
Dr. Cha. E. Piper returned Wed
nesday morning to pend a few day
with hi on and daughter, Mr. and
Mr. 0. K. Aiken, before leaving for
the East
Washington, D. ('., June t. Alas
ka may have a fuel administrator of
It own. The Territorial Council of
Defenae of Alaska has made the re
quest and In thla connection points
out that Alaska. In spite of Its vast
undeveloped coal fields, has been an
Importer of fuel, from Washington
and from Hrltlh Columbia. At pre-
ent the fuel administrator of the tate
of Washington ha Jurisdiction over
Evangllist II A Hunt and wife, if
Missouri, will begin a aerlea of meet
ings In the Baptist church June la .
Mr. Hunt lias had years of experi
ence as an evangelist and comes wf II
qualified for his work. Mra. Hunt Is
alao a trained worker and will have
charge of the music.
Max Plechslg of Austin, Oregon.
vImIHiir with hla father aud mother.
Mr. and Mra John Bernard, at the
present time.
Bev. House, accompanied by hla lit
tle nephew, Howard House, .nine
down from above Vale Monday and
will vlalt here awhile.
Mlaa Neva Bllltngaley la another
student home from college fur vacation.
Mra. O. V Franklin left today for
the homestead near DrDewaey.
Roy Smith of Vale waa an Ontario
visitor Saturday and Sunday
10:00 a. m.: Sunday School.
11:00 a. m : Preaching; subject
"The Struggling Ood "
Mr. Wells In "Mr Rrlttllng Sec
It Through'' think that he has made
a great theological discovery a h I
discover that Uod I still working
to nnikc the world perfect Hut St.
Paul made this discovery In the first
8:00 p. in If the weather ia
warm we will hold an opon air ser
vice on the church lawn.
Sunday, June 18. will be oberved
as Children's Hay. A suitable service
wijl be held at 11.00 a. m.
Rev Karl Henna, Psntor
For the arreat and conviction of
the parties or party who cut and kill
ed two growing cork hark elm trees
standing In parking on eaal side
block 117. City of Ontario. Oregon
O. I.. KINO.
To the Public:
While you are watching the tremendous indictment of the
German war lord and his hirelings in this astounding photoplay
keep an eye on the people about you. . Should anyone make a re
mark or act that you can construe as seditious or unfriendly to
the United States
r Call the Police !
and have him arrested. . This is the film that exposes the man wh
iaMawa' aaa . -
made the war, smokes out spies nd helps
bummer Shoes
Cool and Comfortable
the kind we have to show
you. For we sell shoes
that Fit the Feet, and Fit
We also have the largest
line of
To be found in the Valley
Allen Shoe Company
lfk beast of Berlin
This In the Photoplay that makes Fighting Mad Americans
Do Not Miss Is!
COMING ! Dreamland Theatre
I .....I lilniltiMralor Hats We Hu.l
i 'in BMn " Meal a- eJI
as Will Ml
Hint , I .i ii i tour meal ration'' The
Food Administration lln- in lot,
your memory In MM you ban- gaf
gotieu ibai you should now be mi
meal ration of nnl more Hum iw
limine!- ptr peraou per week
"We have abolished all our meal
lem and even our porklean dat
Asalataiit Kiib nil Food
W K Newell, bill thl ffga on I.,"
distinct ,.. minimi thai . nil mi-
i,u u in ( inn of meal lo ln pound.
per pel ami per week If te are In
avoid I he re ealahllnhluenl of nu'i
leaa day we inual now eul i
Miol vc-i-tablea and go ea - v mi .ill lir
llieuls 'I'M ia bciau-e our nn-at
1 Hit; li For u Ihui b'
H . .if 1,1. k i,l nhlpf iii -ii'l Ml
.nd kkMu uur
ai imau vara aaovlag la iin aiarkali
V vollllm . mir llieal I
,ti ' iiinulai' -I , thai h) lb-
..i . I mi b hi
Kood ad Ion N'n i uiidii iiii, i
mi . i rim too I .i.iin.
. .1 o mi'
muni bull. i up ki pal
.in.i roa ' mi
lln - 111- .i.miM In
, ,i li ii
l tablaa and a
Miity of (Ub Vour phyaiclau
tell you II tt III mIi-o be OUI
lie.illh lleiMllae of llieae good Ih '
tmi can -in. meat without an i
iMirlfbe l.ei in. mil' tall to d"
or bar aliare louMrdn building 4$
nalloiial uiaai raaarva. II you .
mil aleady on lha mil. ml two pound
per week railoii, uurrwi thla at ones
for Ii I raff liuportuui
DM Adrian aertlce Hag U oil dla
houar play mm at the Hlg Mend alore. Ii
vteal of track, cloae III, ineilluui alie
tlid al leual parll innderii lniUlra
Indttpendeul Meal Market Si-It
W'ANTKI) One xcund hand. J
hilinir oil aline I'holie 1 1 4 , J'
Kill! SAI.K or irMde TtMM
weMIIHr AVlvca or lll lllule for u good
mk hgam rioulbvteal ol llnlario
mic mile T IHiuouan If
Mi'lll'K Itl IM TIIMNh.
rolora abou I be patriotic iiirlt i I
thla i nicuiiiiiiii mi I be Iblrd l.lber
I II. hi, i
Tin ball Kami al tin park Hu.
da aa aim h Hurnill wltb .
alight margin After the game
meeting vta cmIIciI to order, pi,. .
made and a coiiinilltec .ippoln1
for the Fourth id July i b bratlon
A wall la being drilled nl I he Hi
llroa atore mill In a lets rtayg tie
uiaik 'llo. di II la'" muat be aim'
TtMJ keci iiiiiiiuii Who? Tl
I In- llli.lclaiKlied llallka Mak Hun I llllllligrallta Alnilllil Mil CMIm
Ualoiuer-. lo kiudlt coiilorm In lln'lFrlday and ua- iinlmidi'l Salurdm
iivt bulikllil.' Iiollla Ibai vt III go lllli.j 'I'ttu iufi. of coal Mini two of gjgj .
ftei I t I ttere nil loaded g I lie aUIIOD Ilia U'l
Miniiliit. June III, I'lIK week and mm. .i. led aooTi
for on and after Ihat dale our Iiii . Thla nualia Ibal l.u- . aborl .
Iioiir- will lie Iroiu Ham l i lien mi.u-i Mill n.,i ..I ihia i n -
I p in in u ii Ii
The liMlika are an biiay. mil n V 1 1 ul hacp tm.
.tliciidiug in ibeir own liualueaa, lilt nil here Mond.i i., b. i ippc.l ',,
iiiug i In- work iiicldeui lo I.iIh: rang near I'.i i tin
I) II. .ii. I driten-. K.i.l I'maa, Wirilakea.
ad .Hit lllld all war aid
ur tt orking run i .. I an n-i
in.! i mint I,
uiiiiiii- of iiim-u.ii
niitli"il in -i,..i u
mra an I hai Hit i...t m. i . ,,i,
ii.umII) be ot i-rvtorki-d
Truatlng HiMt lilt- public rUI
nnl appn ii nil . i. it i.niiii and M
lion and gflggal Ua by cogftfag in ' ii
IIMllk Ii. ' ... I. ... tt ill l -
i bone boliri- . I'. tmi .
.11.. I .I'll n 111 Ml i
Fiitsr national hank,
Mra II Ha.ii J. made u trip Ii. tin-
rlUi Mi ami h v.
i -
. n ib raon b . ,
g lb. Mui , ..
"i. iilii
I IimoiIn i bun . laldi-is.
ti-i h in i . i . . i: i
( baiiibi i lain a Tablim. Il you I
troubled W tl 11 HllllKl-alloil ul
imii. i-i iih-i.i a irial Vuu ,.i . .
lain to in- ' . . . t i.-.l b tin ii.
Ill l( I I I'a.ilie WMa .. .
ou I ueaday