A0B oOt dutamo Amatm rtiuo obubgon. thubaaay. wnk a. itis ii f 'h ' Mi aFtanta Be 9V'Np ' w inwm ir In aF 1 Uncle 8am will Hand Him Real GRAVELY Chewing Ping In a Pouch Irom Yon The U. S. Mails will reach any man in Uncle Sam's Service. When you send him tobacco, let it be foot tobacco tobacco worth Minding all that lone way the flat, compressed plus; of Real Gravely. Give any man a chaw el Raal Gravely Phg, anal be will tall yew Aew ' She kind to send. Sand the baatf Ordinary plug i fake ecenoaay. It real, lea per week to chew Real Gravely, became a snail chew at It laata a leaf while. If yoa smoke a pipe, illce Gravely with year knife aad add a little te year smoking tobacco. It will give f lavar- improve your smoke. unb veva rsitjMD m tbb v. a. acavica a Pwticn or csavilv D.aUn rimJ a surer it In 10c. ajsjajotoB A Sc itw, wta ant n into ais band, la aar T..i.l. Cease er Super! ef IK U. S. A. Even "m ik.r." a 3. ), -ill lk. 5 la kla.Ym W will vaaahr eaveWBS aad sjM r rtlcl.l sires. bees k.w ie isWSSI It. P. I. GRAVELY TflACCO COMPANY. Danville. Va. TAa ' ur A .. if .W C'mii and Coed - ( m net se Ora(r mittfmt thU rVetecrtee, .Sea Eatabllehedl lea I Charter No 622 Reserve District No. 12 MPOatT 09 CONDITION OK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK KrWIIRIKH, i . il those ). Loan Hint disco'inls shown In I. iinil ii . . .. DM act i d Noll's himI hills icdlscnu ited lolhnr tkaa imnii Baaaataaaei oni (ata item r.s Overdrafts R. r s u in (at bar tii..n Lttertf HomiH. inn iiiiiiiiihiR r s certificate or llHll'llll'dllHBK u I' s trends iin.-Mi"ii iii steara in alettes i par n iii i I I' S llnnds mill cerllflcuies of In debtedneas umirii mill unpledged . Liber) i i.i.r Bonds k Llle-ny Lean Hiuids. fc, per lent . ml 4 per cent, MBteipjai r. .n. i ssearRles, ata, lathes ihna e.s n li llomls other iIihii I' S ImiiiiIh pledged lo nw'uri' postal savings deposit r Miiinl- mill securities pledged nm I lull ml for Male of otliHr de IMihIIk (postal excluded) or hill payable Securities tit her than I' H homlx i not i ii i ii i i iik atoekai owned and unpledged ratal iioiiiIn, securities, ato., athot 1 1 111 II r s Slink at Pntaral Unserve Hank ( .'.0 per i 'III III ' IlIlM I lll lull I a Value ol hanking hou - Furniture mill iimiii. ijmfiii roaapra wiih Federal Raaarva Hank noli In i.iiiIi .i in I iihI hiiiiiiiiiIh 1 in- from ii.iiniii.il lianki. nhaaaja tor ataarftai keajn Tatal or iiviiih It, i. 17. sad Ik Ii. .1. iiiiiiiiii mini villi, I' s TliHBHurer .mil 'ho' irom r rt I r.nHiirf r SiivIiik. i i-ruii ..mi Thrift Simnih ariuall) oaikfil nil Al. S2li,ullK.4t S7.443 Of. MIIJII.II I'M ..' IV. II, II. It 17. -ii II. : !..M 4fi.000.00 V4',n nn I. .Mm mi ,f.00 00 MwS.ll II.IM.M 47,.'i0(l 00 v I .11 II I 14.402 SI 3.000.D0 ii',:ir.n 20 7,0011 nn 4A.SI6.Ki S0.1 Ml II RED CROSS NOTES A new time schedule Is belna worked out st the rooms this week. I'n'ii'i this Hi'' workers' will work five days out of the week and Wed nesday morning" InHtesd of the three days under the old system. Hy tills new plsn they hope to (IiiIbIi tlmlr month r sllolraent before the time expires and have a week's vacation wlili h lln.y will be able to spend St home. The supervisors for he dsyn under this system are: Mondsys, Mrs. ('. It. Peterron, Mrs. J. It Rlsikaby; ul ti'rmite Tuesdays, Mrs. W. R. I .!" I W 0. T IT. I and Mrs. Itsy WIIhom and Mrs. J. M. Connor; Wednesday. Mrs II It IIoukIuhk. Mrs. I. I) lor nisn. Mrs Irvln Troxell and Mrs. H. II Whitney; Thuradays, Mrs. Krhle lluyes, Mrs. Walter Ulenn snd Mrs I) Hulherford. and Fridays, Mrs V. II. Hlaplea, Mrs. C. It Hi'KUlne sml Mra. Anna Siillltun The iiiiaiii n.i Miuti'inent of the in. mill 1- given lvow Tliere Is a Kfi'iil ii'iliKllmi hIiomii nhen com pared to last month's expenses of 11200. hut most of this is explslne I In the purchase of t Is supplies for several gaaatke to come out of laal loeta'a treasury scfonnt aVUtJOIa TO MARK TRABTBttlSAlM : M 1 si I.ttl N 107. SO klnaaj atoaetoeaV Nyssu branch for supplies Kllimell Ili'il Cross lienefll 8tar Chapter No 'in ii K.8. Memorial services at the I'nli'it I'n 'shyterlun i-liurch KIiikiiiuii Koloii) lienefll MenilMirshlp for Monti Maud liriffln Kred V. Nelson Mra Win liutler 10 tin IT4 mi 2A 00 6.H4 11.41 1.00 1 00 1.00 Total received 14 III N 1.1 tiui.rriKH. IB. durplus ruuil 14. Capiiui stin k paid In 26. a I'mih iiini aaaf)ta b Uaaa atSTfeaj expenses, lulurest. ami I axes pit 111 11 I'lrrlllulliiK unles oul-laiiillng II, Nil iiiiiiiuni tin to liHiiks, liimkers. ami trust niiupaiiles inilii-r than 111- imieii in rteaaa .11 or ;ilm Total nf Hem- ,ii' mul ;t:i iN-uiami aeaeatta uiiii.i iiiun Isah iiepositsi t,- -ubjii'i m Herv' uleposlls pa ible H liiu M .lays 1 1 14. Individual aajeaiu saajaal in aaeel, ,1ft. Iii 1 1111 jii - ni ilfpuKlt due in Ihss lhau loth nm rm iieaej aerffi ss. Cartlftad km k- hn Stale, i.iuniv i.r other 11. 11 nli I (ml deposits 1 aaai ad i paaRa al at asta r tin', ii.mk 41 HI I..I l. III. . I .lMI-ll- I11I.1I nl .liiiiHlid ireposiln uillu-r 111.111 haal tlaaoaltai luljatil in Ki .in. ii.-i. 1 1. ( I" ..ml 4 1 4:' ii nilnal.'s nl daaoall i.iiii-i u.m i,.i 1 1.ill. I..II IUWI i 1 44 I'n-iiii , i int- 4aae ratal ni 1 tin.- daaoalti (otaar 4 . IHaar ilaaa di i-- im.ii ni Mm. daaoalti aeajast to ii. tart UasM 1 11 44. mid 1 . mi i. 11,114 16 14, All. 40 10.ti00.31 iMii;ii 1 .'.o.tioo 00 4.01 22.AO0 Oil in 1. nn : 1 4;:h. 760. S2 I.S4-, H7 ll.fi S.A0U no -'7,212 r.o 4 IS 166,10)1 t I ' VIIM. i -lli.ll :!7.i Mll.iil in do -.lien. nl ...' .1 Uaallltlea fur rvdiscouBta, Includlna laoaa wm. Kadaral Keaarva Haal Ill'IU I .1 I 1 K ill' ilKKliliS. . HI r 1 1 h- m l.HKI It m I, II II CtH'Klil U, a-.li! Ihe .iIiiii. n.nm-,1 hank rt.-.n 11, hi i. tbov .-i.iieim'in ib ii,,.. o ,. t, uf M1) WnowleiU.' and to llel Siil.--. 1 Hi. ,1 .,,,, 1 1 ,,,. ,,, kefafa u, lH :tlal day ot May ISls .ttaat w u VOOO ' ' ' A C(U Kill M My i'oiiiiiiIhsiou iii.- ii. tnli.-i 17 :'u v I ' ' e.ii.Mr SoU ,.ll(llu. T II UN'HII.I.. Hire, i K sr lists.. i A., mini not yet lletulxodl 1274 I ' Mrs. Chandler of the . I'loneer Auxiliary came In Wednesday after noon with ten pairs of pajamas which were made hy the women 'if the li.'liad Ox branch In rompletlng their allotment Although the mem bership there la very small, yet Mm. Chandler says that they make up iu work what they lack In Milliliters-, anil we are sure she speaks the truth. She look out some supplies with her on the return trip. A change Is being made In the lied Cross work rooms snd when finished the rooms will be more ronvenlent aud satisfactory to everyone than wi. the old arrangement A new rooui has been opeued In the northwest corner or the building and In the U lure this will be the knltllug rooit All the knittlug that Is done at the workrooms will be done theee and sM Hi. wool supplies will also be kept here In the eond room will be the ell ice ..ml shipping department. This will leuM' the large room for the in epui .ii ion nl the surgical dres-ini;-.ii,.ii.. thus making the work imre sanitary and the room to have u cleaner mid prettier appearance Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hum I down irom Nyssa tor supplies Saturday. I he w, mien ,if die lied Cross de ne 1" liiaki- .,, kll.m lednniellt nf rVitSM rendered hy I K Sum!, whn hag made I he ImxeN fnr shipping (he suppliei- in i,,i the past of the summer. I'.,: M.illetl was ilun n hi. n Ihe !,lli Sellleinenl llramli Tue da. hniiKiiiK III six pairs of iajam.i tin her return lie mnk nut Ihe Beat mi. nl Ii supplies w II Ii h, i Mrs K M lireig ami.Mrs lta S il- siiu visited the 'ale Ited Cross won luniiis Tuesdu. where they slinwd in. women there (he new methods IB the folding aud making of differ ent articles learned h Mrs Ureig ni her trip to Seuli I. Wneatlesw Bread Kaay for Hoaarwtfe Wtvo Oaa Ins BaJdaa Powder Bakers' Problems Difficult. In response to many inquiries as to why bakeries and logging cixnps, along with hospitals, are made ex ceptions in the agreement which the Food administration has aatreri all flour dealers to enter into, discontinu ing the sale of wheat flour through tha month of June or for longer peri ods. Mr. H. It. liaynes. chief ot tha baking division for the Pood adminis tration In Oregon, explains: "Logging camps and bakeries are nlready under federal license and reg ulations, which curtails their use nf white flour substantially and necessi tates the use of a heavy percentage of substitutes Thai Ir one phase of the cistter. "Now many persons wonder why, If tha housewife Is expected to mske "heatles breads, the baker Is not alao asked to do so The answer will ha obvious to any one who will give the matter a little consideration, and here Is another phase of the sltuat- tlon. There are many formulas for quick breads that mil for absolutely no wheat, and these are valuable to the housewife, whose product la eaten hot or at least wllle fresh. 8uch breads sre made with baking pnw I. r or soda Put these breads will not do for the hi'ker. who must produce a loaf Hint will 'stand up' under re peated handling and transportation to dealer. i:nd delivery from retailer to consumer, arlvlng In good condition and pnlntahle to the taste. Kxtenslve experiments have shown Hint baking powder or soda loavrs cannot be de pended -ipon to meet these illffteul ties. Tlurefore. we must imike yeast h-oads. ami It H dilfli ult to make u yenst bread without a considerable percentage of wheat flour. Makers n.e now making it aucciMiifully with two thirds i ho volume made up of substl tutes Home of our bakers have pro duced suicessful loav.s with a I . r - i amount of mS Hint" content i bakers' chemists are annttoanlll periim-iiHiir. in Hie . rt to still lur titer cut down Hie Wafts! flour Bar, carnage and at the nune ii bB dure au acceptable "mmerioal g Tre problem Is not en "asy on I i-iir 'i sirs hi- all .ing w. I. .' i Pood iidiiilt'isirni :, ii in a t. " spirit and me diMug all that la trsie to cat down '-Jlr coaaump'.on ot whit flour Caadltiooa in tha loggias; camps are similar to those ot tha bakeries, and that la why they are, with tha bakeries and hospitals, made exceptions In the Food admln latration'a request." Tha grain corporation reported to the Food admlnlstralon the other day that heretofore Oegon had been abte to load all her newly launched ships with wheat or wheat flour for their maiden voyages through the Panama Canal enroute for sarlrce st the front. but that after June 16, unless suffi cient flour Is turned back from del- ers and oonsumers for the purpose, he newly finished ships will have lo take on cargoes of some other com modities less essentlsl at the front. "Let us all pull together" aays Assistant Federal Food Administrator Newell, "and fill these ships, as tfcea are launched, with wheat flour. Many little make a lot. Remember that, and turn back the contents of your bin. It may be ony half a sack, but if enough of these are turned back they will make a carload, and it does not take many corloads to make a shipload. Let us remember what the poet Kipling said: "It's not the individual sollder Nor the army as a whole; "It's the everlasting teamwork Of every hloomln' soul." Teamwork In wlxat saving Is needed now Let us all pull together and load up these ships. Shell Kills Worker. A tlermun four-lni v shell penetrat ed, a V.M.C.A dug-out on the Klii.nl ers front and killed lie S ir Jack I. nn- en Tfw Herli-e llevrrage. Tea Is the aelle service heveruac at the Hrltlsh front, according to V M c A canteen workers "over there." SUBMARINES MID . AMERICAN COAST Several Vessels Are Reported Sunk By U-Botts Off New Jersey. How to Incrtasa Wsrld'a Bread Ration e. in Ian, Hie i ree,lna through Ku roi. . and ever) iiallin iriiggllus in proline" aaeaaji lead in sustain life. the AiiiTlcaii farmer BBS a duty iliat ha can mt shirk imtln must ship food to Kurope faf mir soldi. i America iiiusi xupph I r. ail to starv ing peoples Nn Battel what othsr cropa are raisrd more si res should bo davoled to bread ITS M Dg faaj tilt. Mr. Kariuer. ' f" I I nod nlnlstratioti biillvini hi via do- .tends upuu you lu mn eerkj war.'' Washington Twelve American vae self were known to have been sunk by Oerinsn submarines off the north Atlantic coast Btnal May 21. The largest lo fall prey to the raid ers. which sre seeking to prevent the salllii of transports with troops U r the battlefields of France, waa the. New York and Porto Rice liner Car Una of loon tons, which waa attacked Sunday night about 121 miles south east of Handy Hook. Ilesldes the Carolina the known vie lime of the r boats are the Atlantic Refining company's tanker Herbert L Pratt, the steamship Wlnneconne of 1100 tons, and six schooneia. the larg est of which, the Hauppaugue. a new ship of 1000 tons, and the Edward 11 Cole. The ! of these eight res sels have been landed at Atlantic porta. The steamer Texel was sunk by a Herman submarine Sunday afternoon i.n miles off Ihe coast. Tha crew nl .16 men landed at an Atlantic port Monday night. Heports brought ashore by lha sur vivors Indicated that the Wlnneconu and nearly all the schooners were sunk bv the same IT-boat which had been lurking In the path of shipplrs off Ihe New Jersey coast snd MM Delaware capes sknee late last month New York Nineteen survivors of the siesmer Carolina were landed ut Lewes. Del. by Ihe British stesmer Appleby, which picked them up at BM The survivors were 16 men. iwn women snd one member of Ihe crew All hut lu of the 21 passeugeiF aboard the New York and I'orto ltn liner Carolina, sunk hy a submarine lava heen aiciiiinlcd for. officers o! Ihe Hue ti 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ad A schooner isininu Captain liar hour and IAt passengers and S4 ul Ihe crew of the Carolina arrived here The chooiier picked up the survivor off Barnrgat, N J. Among Ihose brought here are 10 Pulled Stales army officers. Kiaduates of the BM ond officers trulning cauip at Baa. Pares itn gjtaBBj Lend Your Money As Freely As They Are Giving Their Lives Vim il n t luivf tn fivrlit. yon don't bare to die. BUT Vmir son tUn'S, or i lit hi'ntlit r wlm is imw ;i. ios 1 1 1 - w;iv or the kiti imw in !;haki to win. m yon iimiI lu rivt" Utn nics sliuft time ayo, Tlmt iiiiilicv vtiii liavt- laid wa tiir ii nnni ihi "---wtHildti't Mm ivt' ivfiv nii-kil of it i kti. ;i IliinV klliftr ii.vuv tjiiui liis tliinal Well, tin- Mini is In re. am! eu !,js kintV ami m la tin- rail iv tln "- -n's raiitinf now, mining bombd ;nn1 rdirnn ni'l mi the boya ' ivtr there." JUNE 28TH NATIONAL WAR SAVIN3S DAY On tha' dli tie li.'ii will ntll apOil vim. ii.,! ,i;.st Mini- ltlgllbor but 'l tn .leilyt ' M.lll-.'t,i tin- jn;'.,-!,,,.,. ,, ii i-ertillll 'lll.'llli i uf W S;i inn Si. mull ill ;,;. !1.' I'einl inii in MfretM .1.- tlie.i ,', -ivin' l i ir livi. National War Savings fhnraiittae t 'I'l I- .si;, -t n.ntiiliiiti'.i I i iln W'Miiintr f tin War Ii, RADER BROS. CO.