The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 06, 1918, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    fAQB S
Ijr Ontario Argua
GEO. K. AIKEN, Editor and Publisher.
Published Thursdays at Ontario, Oregon,
and entered at the Ontario post office for
distribution ;is '2nd class matter.
BUBSOBIPTIONfi One Year $1.5ii
I! -
The progress being made toward the al- of $350t(XX
worth of Warinsprings bonds to people Interested In the
advancement of the districl presages the ultimate complc
tion if thai much to be dci ired project
(fever In the history of any community was there one
ihiny necessary for the benefit of all the people so patent
to .ill as the need tor more water in the Malheur allej
tr i . i . I tl l ..
They do things different in Vale That was demon
ttrated to a number of Ontarianft who wont to the county
seat Tuesday and bad the pleasure of attending the weekly
illicit-oil ui inu .tie iMl.Mlll'SS Jlictl. I in; UCiinni.-Mi hi i""
of get-together spirit manifested in the neighboring city
..-. i, ft';, .;,.., f., .....I-.. ,. 1......1 f,. t ....;.... 1. 1. ...I. ,.-;!, ..,.n,,,.
n 0U I I I' Milt I o 1 I ll l ' l M'llll . I I I ill 111 I I Ml II. -Ml VY I I II .--1 mil I-
There is no difference in the spirit of the Vale nicn
lllllll lli:it ill (llltril iii nvi'iilit in ilniri'im li. ill Villi. t!l,
.......... -....,. ..,.... .., in ,i, i . . . . - ... .....
lake their lnvnlfv In tin- Inun sci-ionulv Thex nvv willhiLi
tn forget petty jealousies, it' they have them- as no doubl
they have- and are Willing to take an hour once each week
to talk over the thingl that ought to be done tO make Yale
b i" tter town in which to live.
Ontario lias tried just such a movement. In fact the
three or four 'ommercial lub Luncheons held this spring
wen- the best attended meetings of the organisation. Why
many of the business men, professional men, and especially
those who own the nia.ji.r portion of the real estate, and
who would prof il most b3 the advancement of anj material
inti n t of Ontario, will not attend the u tinge of the
ivie bodies, is beyond the understanding of the ordinary
.. . .... i .. .. i .. . .. . i . .i . ,i
i-. i i i 4i 4 1... .4 c J "e onn e. nana i urn mar su tmesis use is mar Tlio
I, 1IICSS HUM C Willll I ,111 Ml . I III. II I III II III. IMiiii HI . l.4 ; I M II ,, , I "l
the flood watersofthe Malheur the, tmly this County baa bJfU.ev ,,,at ()l,t'""' ;""i -Malheur County have reached
reached its ultimate lin.ii and we can see today nothing h"v ,il'" development and that nothing more can
that could brighten the hope of any resident '"' Jon t., promote the growth and prosperity of the com-
Could there he anvthhlg ...ore disheartening than a ",,mit-v- rea.n. or must reason that they
process! I vears suci, hs tins What infinite pains and H,SS,,SS "" J?d, f0 "il " "'' t1 &
ahr. and expense the ranchers have Kne to. t ,et crops '",IS ."" ?" 4" ? "'"' tl,at th"
rted h to see their harvest dwindle from a lack of """ '". '" ' " ' ' '" ".us reason, wo, mar a.v
it which flowed with bv their farms all sprina to the c,,?5,!? fni conditions must oi necessity call for the
i n o i in it ii ii- oi .some casn. in uie iirm ni additional taxes.
and naturall that does nut meet with their approbation.
That there are hut few citizens who take ihis position is
I fortunate, hut their attitude is reflected in the attitude nf
the average business man. who declares: "If the land
that which flowed gcntl.i by their farms all spring to thi
I . .i i ii 1 1. .t -j uiim trlii.i'ii tlitii'it i iiiiii'ji U'uti.r t Iiim tn i ill il f
immiiiui' nn Dl il, i m i iii- i' in ni"n o i i i n i i in i .
And yet. tho it would require Imt a comparatively few
thousand dollars to build this project, which from the ne,
Intnl.. .I., in Uiiiilil I'll! Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 'i tll.'lli ;i liilllliili lillvhels nl
,. , i a.,- inin win .. .. tIh- average oust lies man. who declares: "If th" land
wheat. iinirri'MS is propositi:: to spend .ft i. inn, nun "on an , , , .. ,, .. . , . ..,"
educational and del. , ,!,,,,, ,, ,,,pa,un f,.r food .-,, JJ J I ity aiyoUnteivsted and t wiUing t) earn
servat.on.-of winch over 1 1.1 JO s t,. he used for 'Mi, Jfe1 "''",'" "' u',mh'" wU "' ' ,"' "Uc ,-,,,1 :
eradieatioli of ticks." Where the ticks are we do not know
' -...- - 111 r I II, Illll .- I ' I I 1 I I M 1 1 ,-t l .
The merchants of the fit have done all the boosting Wol'l
i nn i . . . ...
lor ea.S. I hex Have sliellt their tune .nn their ix
' I .11 I II i I I l M I " ' I I I' l ". 1 I I' I ' IIM I I. I.-. 11 I i 1 I ' I l I M il .. i.i I
.... ,, i i. i .i , i '"' veal's. I Ilex
hilt M-lile il thelil IllUst he celehral ticks III the inelital ma , ,,, i i .1 ' .,
... .1 n x i:i tii.'iiiks in t hi'X nit '
c Illlie.'X u the in U Who Wollld tllllS sliellll L!o X cl'l III H'llt . . i , i ...
.. , i I .1 , , , , .il li 'I h Its Work the ( olnilerela III Were o dolli e tie
tiuids while tluislx lands await water which would raise , , , , , .. .. .. ' ,
i.) ,,., i .iiii popuial ion ol Ontario t he nicn who xoii i "et '.i inr cent
morel I than all the demonstration methods would save. , ', ... . , , i'l,,,"i '
Mill while lucliS.ui, eradicates the ticks and d.inou " ,',""" "" ." ' " " """ " "V " " "" ""
I F I I I I I I I ' l t (llll I I I I I I .' Ill' 1 .-" 11111 't I I I ' I
sl rates bow food can he saved, a good thing in its pit liri
Mourn, tiie p.u nolle ciiizens oi nie .iaiiieiir aiiex aiv
tackling the prohlcm of getting the food U storing and di thi' water. With such a demonstration nf their
faitli in their own ability, thej will succeed and raise .
liioiiiuneiii to their uienion more impii'ssive than all tie
iiiaiMe shafts adniiring friends could ere.t.
General Crowder in a brief order accomplished what
o lis. ill ie tense. I II X I oil lie I Is. I o, ernols f i J M;ili- IS UOUIg inUlgM. I lie p. isll loll ol the x a rnispn ns pllljcet
and Htate legislatures onl partially accomplislieil in loda; is due to the Vale sjdrit, and Ontario must awaken il
months of efforts, lie has put the man power of America it is to do its share in the advai i i nn ut uf this Wonderful
on a war basis that appeals to the fairniiudcd ma... Let eolUltry.
I.; I... ; I iv I . . I. I :...:.... I . I . I ...!!
' C'll I I I HIM' I I I I I I I I ' I
Mais ait ended a meeting of the kjunuerelal 'luh or am
.i i i
in ner cix it; i H mi .
lust such answers have botn iweived In officials nl
the Commercial ('lub, when thex have invited merchant
to attend meetings. The answer S typical. What arc
those who should be interested goinx to do sis ml it '.
Is such a spirit ".nod for Ontario and the ( iilinft '.
ill Ontario prosper if that is the atl ide of n pen
Or is the Vale spirit the which llouid be adopted .
Ontario can do well to follow the Yale example. Vale
is things. The position of the WamiMiirimrs oroieel
r" Vntif ilAtind
Porch Shades
Porch Shades
Keep your sun-exposed porches 10 degrees
cooler on hottest days. Add delightful, airy
outdoor rooms to your home.
At Real Price Concessions
Fiber Furniture that is almost indestrucl
ihle. finished in soft tones of brown, with or
without cushions, hack and seats in ere
loinies or tapestry. If you have chairs that
von would like to have cushions for back 01'
scat, let us make t hem
H. L. Peterson
his re-iilai ions he enforced to the limit and the I iconic will
hai k him, lor al la i America lias awakened to the fael ihai
this war is nn summer excursion for a few thousand UU'll
to France.
How the order will effect Ontario and tins section is
piohleiu,, I Ini it will uinloiililedlx cause a readjust
mini in i In lives uf a number uf families. Sheriff BfoWil
The waruiiiM which the 'n. Council is -i in- the res!
dents of the ciix thi.l the water is uoUtsmil nted should n
liei-ded. Aloii with the iujuiwtioii to hod water before
dl'illkiliu should irn the admonition tu sw-n th,. fix '"
Mjvjjiii ' i;i iu I -rr
I I IT lv'..
l I - MMMUXS. Hwldliif at Onturlo. Oregon
I M I .
believes that a large number of men in Ontario, Vale, T,UT l"'';"1'"'11 ti'gether with n pn lactic treal
.x ssa ami other towns, as w II as a numlier of all.-, d Ui' ' ;"i,'."r '"'"' ,Mf,,'tH Nfhl tj plwW for the pre
taiichem and Mheepmen. will be affected l,x the order, "" '"" ""' ",u '"unicpa. water sxstcn .s ,,pi,.,cii.
Hotel .I,,, ph, nlers and stSHlllators are to he'ro,.ud,,l up . ( ",J"'"' l'"'l" ''.x tins tu,..- should he the most thr
and made eithc to get int.. the khaki of San. ,,f th ''! "catld oil lie question ,.l .x pi,,,,,! and its danger,
overalls of the sheep camp. ""'V '""; "T",d "i,llr ,,M' "" " eturdily guai-d
Alrcadx there has I,,,,, an exodus of VoUUg married "'V !,"'"' Ut'1?' i""1 S" '" ,l" l""'M I,V "'' ",akm- ,l,,'i
men to the shipyards and to the ranches where thU can do M'Ilbo coiifonu with saidtarj regnlatioiis, N.. nelglt
essential war work, and where, no doubt, thex will better , "' 's KM "rfjihlnir who constantly defies the health
their c Iitnm linanciallx. W 'i?1 ",' -"dan-ers his wu life and the lives of
In the ., lea,,., me there will probabh be wadjusi T ,am,lv 'i"" '"' ;,U" MJ ,ll(' t'"'1' '"! Uvea
mint ..I the present draft list and inanx m, n who are n,.x !. ,'"'" ,'"" . ,. . ...
in deferred flassificat will find themselves higher iip , n,'-s '"";" hc.-au.M-..i the fly. Pheflyisa ftlthy in-
m th.- list. In spite of Hi,- efforts of the various hoards t! V ,ta WW,l ,r' '" "' "l,a ,Uu- '"' the location of
follow a geneiaf li f classification there have been ;;''; '" Its wings an the motive power which
...a. IX men placed III deferred classes whose p..s.t.o,,s a,, lftk,"J' "'" '"'"the UlOSt loathsome place. I.lectlx to
.hniliai to those who have alreach he,-., taken into the )"'"' "", ;". " " '' """'"" "' ,,tU"t1'" ) I'1 1 Thai there have hee., co.nparat , vd x few such in haW ,1"V,',V ,"1Vul'- .
remarkahle. and shows how faithfullx the Vlllllin have , "Ni,M11,i'n P" U,i m, harbor disease germs
heen made Iloxxex.r. will, the n.-w work m fiuht onlel '"" '"''' " "Irei't challenge til the sense of deeeneV, health
the lines will I,,-even more stri. ,..,-. nix draw. . ""' l""-' oi eoinmu.utx. r,.r your health's sake.
wat the llx. and at the same time make x..ur ueighboi
GET READY FOR TYPHOID. "'" the health laws
Al the it 'oi.ncil Momlax evening the first steps in
tin- ami typhoid camiuiiirii for l!is, aside fmni the new
water system wiv taken. The action was uecded, as the I Ontario's Fire Department is getting i.elund I'ncl
' i.-alic and the people should give their CO Sam's War Ravings Stamp Campaign. Ontario will gc
0UMtioll. held ml the Imx s and togither th.-x will put Ontario on til.'
There is ii. i excuse for t phoid. Its tinned pres V, B. s. Map. in bigger and brighter figures than -di,- ha
eiiee in u ..miiuuut is an indictment on the citixenship. hitherto heen entitled.
The Council and authorities canned use a club oil ever, Ontario somehow has overlooked the Intl.. U'.-.,- V ,,
. it i en w ho refuse to do his dut x . hut tin- ( '..unci I imi mill niii" stickers. It has li i im-liii..! t m..,. ,i. .c....... ;...
in Ontario idcitlx intends to. declare as a nuisance even fill the l.ihertx Mm ids ami the l.'.-il f Wui o..l,,., .;
plae which 1 .U flies if within the sewer and water dia ities, and oulj incidentaih lias given the V. s. s. .-.'.nsid
triets. .ration.
Then- are still a few uitixeua who have heen warned The govorniueid officials have a two-fold motive foi
1. p.-atedlx ol the conditions wl.ich the permit to exist on i lssistillg W ar HavlugN Stamps; beside the fact that tlu-x
their premises. The) iguore the authorities with appar aid in keepiug the easli balances iu the federal treasun
mi impunitx. Against such stune action musl tie taken where they should be, they also cultivate the habit ol
and they will drive the Council too far. one of these davs thrift, a trait not NUispieuoo in the make up of tneri
and the costs to them will he greater than adherence to tile cans. There will he far less liability of financial 1 tallies
uiution anil .aw woiuu nave l.een. am han times il lie t o-itt h.-i hit t,.L.. .. .1 1. 1.1 . .1
.ni" - H mi 1 IHMII ll ..
,11-ipie. Mm in stamps therefore are the h.-st imismM,. it.-
IN Tilt: i'Ii;. in..'
Q 1. MiiK. I'luiiitirr.
K. J. X.iiiiniiri iiml xi i
niirl. I.ii.-.I.iiii,i .mi
A S. hllliiiK .111,1 Join, u S.-I.llliii.-.!
ml n 11.I xill..; r Hill.
I 1. Pi-Mion ..11. 1 a a Wiiii.iiiiiiii
Any in. n .'iill,., for 1 In- .Ir.itt or
JollilllK tin. Ainiy m .o mi. ImvIi. I
In luivi' llielr pliotuKrapIn, ni...i. I,.
" lasrlas. Jut :. mlnuut of ram
iiim- mi 1 liiirue.
mi. Bcaaaixm wo, o,,t.,n,..o ,
I'OK S Xl.l.'.on.- ,, I, ,,,-..
m rmrt ul.l. In koihJ comllllou; uli
100 tin, n. 1, 1,, 1 Wlilte Legliom ohlel
l-I.AM) P0BJ s i.
'In I J Vain ouri, AH,,, M v.ii, ''"M '"'luir.- uf Aru or M
Court, ii.iiha 11 s. I. iiiiik. Jiihn H '"'"""'i'1. "ii T 11. Moon tans.
rtllllM. -Vl.xuu.l-r IIIIK I ,1 A,h IIISII.S
CreMion muU U. a Wouauiuu.
I III' NA.M1-: ol' Till.: UTi 11
1 Old:.. Villi Ul.l ,.lll. Ml ..,.,' I.'..- I....J.... ....
'"'""""h we win mii
u'1"'"1 .-lUlr.-il to llliiHiai unJ lri.ini.i..l....l -. . k.u
tHVM ll. ,,i. niea ukuI,,:.. pUw, Mured ttt Onurlo. l.tb.r.l
Vim In tin .Unite .in 11 1.-. I ni. r .. , ... .
I,.., .1 .., .... " -I.OU..OI. py. viui.
'" '" """ tt. ny nunrMiueed. If tntere.ted In
K..I11.. I.K U,,. i(M ,,() , , , ,, . . nrnr.n.lff .. .ki. u,... ......
"'" ""'' "r " '" '"""""; -I DSNVSS MUSIC COMPANY.
1 HSMH H -..,,1 mi, , Uenvt)r (.olo particular
mi tall h I.. Mtrar, tor mI Ikon ,.,
f. tl.eplali.llff .ill ..ppiv , 1 t.THAl.ll.
Court for Hi.- i-.-iiri pi.,1.,1 I,,, , ,,,,
niree uuy liorHen strayed from
rauianerM on Willow Creek. Lust
complaint, IohIi
Kor Jlidanieiu aguliiM uu for (In-
pi'lii.-ipal sum of 14 iiiiii mi i H,'n KlliC eul ubout four weelm nr.i
. ..... ... uiiu inn., -- -.
thereon ir.un Juunary 11 mm " sl"u" .'y liore, roa.lied man -.
t IS rale of elKl.l p. 1 .,.! p.-,- an "B U'"re- Th,ru ,,or,. USU
DUDi unit for Hie furllier um ,,f llirK,'r- All iliroe wearing libl-
$SO0 00 iiltorn.- , fM ami r, ill;, "'r "'"' ''"''I'I.'k on one foot. (15.00
l CtobanoBMIt herein ' wari1 for "lelr rOHIJ.
ri a nee of i. a,. H,m..., Kl' SBtlor, Ontario. Orexou
'ourl lorei-lomuK ISal o-Main real
IUortKHi- of ,!,,. Jul. .. ., ...... ..... ,
mo i, ,,,,. sx i , ,,,.. HU , mail.ine., ,,. .M up. A fUlll.
se.-iion ; " iv u ii .- , v "" u"'
Mall..-,,,- .,. " " "' T "' " SU""'1 "'
-MM.nJ-1 , """ '.'tselli.-r "".in .. XX Abernathy, M
XXltll all watiM riKllW ,-,.. ,..,1 ,,... lihrurv U
wltli .... ,. .. , - "u" "- -u"
been Uelined t,, center it afreetunis astiM ni ,,,., poa s.u.k irwor7ei
benVd,,; "I '''',Smi-1 '' " l" Woodaouud
r -. .,iJ:::i,:t'' s
bj,,,, bj rln r .,
of the lion Daiton HiKKll jU()ge ,)f V0H SALE fine thorouh bred
said aboxe entitled Court and d.i.i U,'d8 Ulani Totw. D. A. HUe,
April 1.-.. iig. d,..,,,.,' ...... uael Ontario. Oregon. tf
SiieakiiiL' " m- i' I t " mkil .1..... i... i.
I I-."1 . ...! ... 'i .- I III' l l ,v
amount to that the caul players in Ontario's pool halls
I i... o, ,-- ,,--- I
Miranrr tor ifmm Iiiihs Mi-ti. ri.,1,- fiUwi .n,l 1..1.. ...
" 1 iiimi iri- 11111 ;
Thrift Stamp policy .lime '2H when the Firemen coin.- n
sec X.,11.
directum il.ui iki.
Humiiini. j i.a K..i.ii..i.
- KuouHiiea once a wrt.K
for Mx counecutlve weeks I., ik. ...
larlo Argua. a weekl, MWMm, mil,
imie.l In ihe (in ,,,...... . . I
" "i iu. iulil m
county and mate
'lr publKatlon. APrlt ,s 1lg
l. publ cation. June , lm
1 Lias,
Attorney for I'laiiu,,,