The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 06, 1918, Image 1

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NO. 22
omnun kaith in ombav
nmaor ami nu ttTeVMt
Committee Merc Appointed fl.r
Vale Had Start Mode hancrs to
td I'lirt. of Img let. Perhaps.
Ontario will take a vacation
this week to wltnesa llm wonder
of the year the total eclipse of
he aun -which occurs at 4:07
Saturday afternoon. The nun
will start hehlnd the moon at 3:
and at 4:00 will he 9 per rent 4
cevered: light will atart return-
Inn at 4: OX and a fraction and
the ahadow will disappear en-
Orel) about ft: 16. Smoked
glasses will be necessary to he-
hold the Kim'tt great
Council Notifies Public That City
Water Is Reported Bad-Be Cautious
Ontario's City water la again pol
Uted. Reports- received thin week
from one sample arnt the State Hoard
of Health show 1000 badlll per
cubic centimeter; 50 per cent gas for
mation after 72 hourit Incubation and
colon hacllll recovered
In every day language that In hud
The city authorities therefor"
urge everyone to boll all water before
using. Those who have not yet done
ho are urged to take Typhoid vnc-
cine. And everyone la urged t-
clean up any place that will breed
fllea or harbor typhoid germs.
t'ntil the new Municipal water sys
lem can be completed these precau
tions should he followed..
June !W. National Thrift Stamp Day,
. Will He Observed In Ontario
Merchants to Help Alao.
The Warmsprtngs bonds, to tin-
iiiiumiiii of 1,150,000 have been sub- j Oene Olrard. who flrat saw tin
scribed hy the people of Vale and the 'light of day In Bunny Prance, and
upper country. Aa yet Ontario la William Kercher, a native of Co-
net represented In tin1 list of sub- Ingnc cm the Rhine, had a minim u
acrlbers. I battle of the Marne at the hospital
That briefly Is the statua of the Monday afternoon. They went
most Important d -Inpmont project round and round, with Uejie wielding National Thrift Htamp Day will be
attempted In this section for mauyja shovel and William a bucket observed In Ontario June it, and a
yearn Despite the fact that the,Oene landed hla ahovel on Kercher a , new organization to take hold of war
laaue was endorsed hy representative I head, cutting the scalp. Por which w,,rK- Ihe Plre Department. Is to
Ontarluns the oommlttee which had ! he was arrested and paid aflne of lfi!nava charge. Of course every mem-
Meeting Will He Held at Commer
cial Club Room lur-'Ui Kven'ng
to Hum uc Situation Every Man
In Town Invited and I'rged to He
At Vale Tuesday the Messrs
Watson reported that they
would have machinery on the
ground at their mines hy June
26 to concentrate (he ores they
have uncovered A complete
electric plant Is to he hullt and
work on a large scale prose,-ut-
eil this year. The ore, they de-
dure, runs all the way from 14
to 90 per cent, and Is richer
than Chilean ores, say the pros-
If the plans of A. O. and J. II
Matthews of Twin Palls, who are
developing the Hercules Nitrate
mines in the lower Malheur
near Watson, materialize gun-
powder from tills section will
help blow up (terms next sea-
son -f
If the Malheur County Pair of
191s Is to be livid It Is up to the btisl-
In Juni- I ir, .ii Kite Men Kroni On.
Urlo Will He Numbered sheriff
Believes order Wfccts Many
the matter of securing subscriptions
heye was unable to get action before
Hie work was completed. The last of
the bonds were sold today.
Of course, Ontario may still havo
chance to get some of the Issue for
the men In eharga desire an over
mbacrlptlon to Insure the full
amount In case any of the first sub
scribers fall to make good This Is
not likely contingency, however
The board of directors of the dis
trict will meet next Monday to ap
point an engineer Cor the project
gad plan to get action at once so that
there will be a reservoir to store the
waters of the Muihur for the 191 1
ness men of Ontario to take hold and
and costs when brought before Judge I r of the fire department baa been give the directors real help
rd by Registering Officer C. M.
steam -sonic A I reed Enlisted.
Wanting Hell anil signal at Idaho
Street Crowing Declared Ineffi
cient Issue, llean-l Ordir.
Leruy ,
Councilman W. W Lelaon at the
meeting Monday ovenlug called atten
tion to the fact that while cars occupy
the houxetrack near Idaho street
drivers cannot see the crossing slg
nal warning of tralu approaching,
nor can they always bear the bell.
He naked that the Council request
the railroad c ompany to Install a
wigwagging device on the west side
of the track. This whs done without
The City fathers ilso considered
the approach of the typhoid aeasnn
by ordering the immediate printing , vill. ok dkkknnk u mi
of notices commanding an abatement' .MKKT OVIA nv SPKCIII, CAM,
of nuisances. Instructions will lie
Judge C. M Stearns on Wedm -i
day listed potential candidal ee for
military rvlee under the selective
.service la. TheVyoung men are
those who have reached the age of 21
slnoe Juno ft, 1917.
Those whom the Judge enrolled
were: Ashcraft. Odlce Ieroy ;
llrowne, Herschel McKlnley: Hrowu,
Coy Jennings: Brnokshlre,
Carl; Connar, Hamilton
Daus. Joseph Keller; Dixon
Porter; Danleleon, lteulen
Prelderlch, Earl I.elsu; Ureen. Ho:,
con Pred; Hamilton, James Ilryau;
Marshall. Robert; Overs! reel, Shade
Maynord; Oliver, Clarence Colman,
Powell, James Wealey; Hose, Adum
Edsen: Komph, Wayne Llnly;
Staples. Everett H ; Sauha. Babas-
tin,,.. Turner, Elmer Uuy; Toomh-.
Charles; Tensen. Klaaa; Ward. Karl
Dewey; Wyman, Clsrenre Leroy;
Williams, Ira MoConnell
Several of the above ounio from i
Nyasa and vicinity and at least one of I
the above, Joseph K. Daus, has nl-
ready enlisted and will join the navy
about July IB.
Malheur county will send Rs more
of Its sons to the army of "Dutch
Cleansers' thai Cnrle Sam Is build
ing these days These men will en-
'train In the five day period from
POLICE Jl IH.E BOOSTS June 24 to June 29. Among them
SALE OK THHIKT STAMPS ire six Onlsrlo boys Plve of these
jare In the 68 principals and one In
Judge C. M. Stearns has added s ,,h" "'', of f,v" ",rnstcs
new wrinkle In Thrift Stamp sslo. With this call the number of men
msnshlp. Ills method Is simple, dl-;'0 ''Isxx I is reduced to approximately
rect and effective This is bow It lf, so thst by tall this class will in
works, when offenders or Immature nil probability be exhausted and
years appear before him charged other claaeea will be called upon.
with riding bicycle on the sidewalk "riff Brown believes that the re
atter being caught by Night Police- ent "work or fight" order promul
man J. II. Dennlaon. the Judge penal- atad by the war department will ef
toed them with a given number of j feet a large a amber of men In the
Thrift Stamps which they maat buy county, thus Increaalng the men
la a given period That was th- svsllable for t'acle Bam 'a "needful
method he need In the oases of Jim-1 occupations "
mle Boyd and Rgnar Paulkner. rori The men who have been ordered to
a similar offense Claude Christian- report at Vale oa tune 14 at 9 a m.
sen and l.ynn Hunvhner paid fines of are aa follews:
-. o i ucie ,-irtin H war cnesi inx assurance mat me necessary re- city treasury ny szu and addec I 1 mln Starling, Weatfall. Or- Oren
The firemen who hate charge of pairs to the liiilldlnax will be made for costs, and fattened the county j Woodcock. Malheur. Or.; Owea B.
the campaign are: Louie that every malerlsl necessity will 'funds with 177 for accumulating a Maxam, Pendleton. Or William
'jr.. crtef W. H. Lmob. aaalataat be supplied for a good fair otijatHr of Intoxicants. He was jP Hnrtiaan. (eattb.. vs1i r'loyd W
; chief; Prank Poster. John landing ipreheifded by Nlgln I'olicenian Hen llruah, I'aradlne Vallrv Taaaiu i, n.aul. I ....I.. 11. ..!.. AUWlDlli ..l-HRU . . . , .l- ll h Ul. -
. iiinn , .1,1, miiu iiriie, iuin '. iiii tin-. nixon, r rinay niaui ltwretli'e NexDeleiu Was
actively engaged In every other To determine the form this aid will
movement, but as a body this Is thelrltake a special meeting of the I'om
! flrat venture In charge rf a campaign ! merclel club will be held Tuesday
The fire boys undertook the work evening. Every man In Ontario, no
'nl the request of Mayor W.P Homan. matter whether he Is a business man
ivounty chairman of tbe War Ravings lor not Is urged to be present at that
'committee. I meeting.
The merchants of Ontario will aldj The directors of the Pair annB9
the firemen with advertlaing and t ion will present the situation aa
other help and within a short time they see It and any aid In the aolu-
Teaty-Mve Potential tMklirr 1,1st-' further detallx of the campaign wlllltlon of the problem will be conslder-
be published. An effort will be led.
made to have erery resident of on The directors this webk Interview -
isrio ustea in tne i nrui Htamp leu- eo tne i eunty i:ourt and secured the each. ICIbert C Johnson, Ontario,
F,... ii,i ,,,n,,,K ii-Hinai , i, nun , 'i ,i,,i ii,,, ibi inn mr im ier inn siso 11 a i lauorn nergcr enrirneii tiie (.u I IIsk mlesen Or
ham, Charles tlarvln, Louis Hurtle
H. L. li,, i,,. mi. J. H. Denlson. J. B.
Atherton. O H Test, Ivsn Arnold.
Marlon Jones, L. E. Puroell. Prank' Ontario has advanced another step
Brlttenham, William Johnson I toward being a city for It now has a
The three men who are members postal sub-station. The location of
of the department absent on leaethe new postal station Is in Turner
while In the army arc Wllmer! Music Shop and stamps,, money or-
Boyer, James Conway and Krwin ders. etc
IHil . HON lt
C. M. Blerins of Huntington, who
waa la the hospltsl on account of Ill
ness, has recovered enough so thst
t n Kftta nuriilieiJAjl aa t aa . ata a
. .., , ft,....., , ne was ante to leave Monday
long aa the shop remains open. Mlas Hirdle Cronln. who under- i
D 'order. West fall. Or. Roy Coyle.
Malheur. Or.; Wllmer H. Shaver.
Marlon O Saudy. I'ay-
(Coatlaued on Page I.)
Ontario Boy in France Enjoys His
Experiences But Wants Home News ari;y
went an operation some time ago, wshi
dismissed Saturday
Little Wave Christiansen, who was
also operated on last week, left Sat-
given the marchals. If the notices are
not heeded, to bar all open toilets
within the sewer districts, and prose
cutions will tollou , lolstlons of tiiu
health laws.
At the iiiot'iiic of Hie Council of
Defense Wednesday evening It was
determined that owing to the fact
that summer avonings are approach
ing that sessions will lie held only on
In an Interesting letter to his have a chance to gel rid of their IH
brother Wllmer Boyer, now with the tie friends more often than they did
A. E. P In Prance, tells how good it is at flrat.
to get news from Ontario This Is I also received that box of "I. A "
what he had to say: One, I was worth a Million with all
In Prance. May 4. HUN Dear that "P A " I gave a few cans to
Brother linn Another letter from some of the fellows that I have been
you, which sure waa a welcome vis- i bumming from You should see me
itor to yours truly, wsy over here In I I was to a big track and field
the wooliea of Pran meet last Sunday, which seemed like
I liuve lieen hsving I09M nl lh' old nines I slso saw the champion
best ,Mlher you ever lieiird nf It Is of Euro),, Knock mil our big M I' In
line mid bright for a day or two, the second round in ., boxing exhlbi-Ih'-ii
iii' day of rainy PhMllMf It Hon Till Oharuplon ol Kiirnpe Is u
Plre OI put the pep mi,, ,i xuy and Prencliiunu earned i arpenter
Rogers, one of I he accident Sam Irrrm
Is slightly belter this week hut Parent in
Is still unable to speak Mr. Rogers Joining
waa found In au unions, loin roudl- H,
Hon by the side of a road on Prult
land bench The accident. If accident
it was. will be unable to be explain, ,1
l.eatrs lor Willi
Is, Hell, Mass., Before
A rui) nun Called
After I ,,i inn;
until the patient regains the use of , Alexandiir of
t.iu .... ft.
lili eei-i
N Alexander, sou ,,i Uovernor M
Idaho, Is now a real-
dent of Ontario He i ante hern last
Prank W. Wheeler of Payette Is j I r(,MV , ,UOMwJ ,,, ,,,. ,.,
patient In the hospital at the present of ,. A,.MB-.r or, hr f((lw,n.
Hie resignation of Sam freem. who
left Saturday for l.aell Mass
Mr. Creeim hoar departure came
I lie i ouiicu ao uiscuoseu oie con- th,. ,. ( n,e dir4,(.,lirH U waH de.
tlnuance of card tahea in pool hall-. , ,,,,.,1 , ,,, .,..,,,, ,ie .,f
N the suggestion of Councilman 0ftrers I,, live hy the election Pi
asked tlmi tin-
Ward lunfleld. who
opinion sought of the City Attorney
be given soon
Considerable discussion was had
on the question of blockading sewers
in the alley between Oregon and
Kicharsou streets The catch basins
were reported defective and the fall
In tbe old newer insufficient. Steps
will be taken to eradicate tbe trouble,
(rant Med Cross Heqnrat.
Mr.s W W Let son, heading a
committee nonsuiting of Meedamea
Ra Wilson, H H Whitney, i D.
Billingsley and E. M. Orel request
ed the use of the northeast room on
the second floor of the City Hall for
a knitting iouui for tlie Red Cros.
This room has been used for the
storage of records- and Judge Steams
said that by reiuoving the records to
the office formerly used by the
County Agent the room could be
wade available Therefore request
was grauled and the committee left
after extending Its thanka.
Judge Stearns also called atten
tion to the fact that many Iota wlthiu
the city limits bad been sold o tbe
City for delinquent taxes but that
the lav, the City's title waa not
Marion Jones to the position of Ser
gouiit at arms and to make the of
any question that might arise, if iu
their Judgment action should be
taken before a meeting of the mem
bers aonld be held. The officers ar
8. P. Taylor, president; W. E. Lees,
vice-president; Jake Gregg, secre
tary; R W. Jones, sergeant at arm .
him want to really do sonic-! Tomorrow is u.i day off I a.n
1 am hearing from home more rey- boys Corporal Rosenberg has now hul I have never received a found something good and wants met
home pap, i t,, lome down slid look it over This
I had more fun looking over that aouielhinc good lives about two
board of directors to handle DunW, (ll ,UI11. ,,,,., you Mal ,,. llltl,.H frolll Utri) lie ,OD-
That Is about the biggest bunch I I have u new job coming up It la
have ever seen at oiie time I haven't Iu Hie same station 1 am at present .
aa yet found any use for that 'nun hul In a better place where I can aee
powder I received lii that big box all that Is going on 1 will have
bul I may need It most any day of tin- scrwee station which Is now
Some of the fellows who come In lieie
are so darn iousv from all kinds of
bugs thai It Is hard for them to con-
Mrs. II MM o' t'aldwell
was here a couple of days last week '
owing to an operation for the removal
of her tonsils
llernard Rader had his tonsils an I
adenoids removed Monday
A rather aarious out-ration was uei
l, l I....I sic ,1, Iriiiii m j j, M.rllr1
Payette Monday hut he Is making
good progress toward recovery now
Little Phebe Burns was opi-iuud
,,n inr ear trouble Tuesday
Mlas Auna Brake Is the latest t
phold patient to lie received her
Miss Brake's home Is Iu Brunswick,
Miss , and she hss onl been In On
somewhat of a surprise hi business
men of the city, had tried for some
in, i,- I,, enter the army without re
sult Knowing thai he would lie
called, hut n,,i knowing whu. he de-.
elded hi have u visit will, his pa'
nuts In l.ouell. Mass The day he
'left, however, lie waa called, the
order leaving Vale hit,, re he left in,
'larlo It was uddreesed, In his Mass
achusetts home, so his visit will l.e
eight years resided-
Any cltlxen who has any matter to
V i. k 'l....ll .ft, w
v.. uP w.i.i iuc , U..C, o, uuien-oi, ,,,. Htt,pf ,,, ,,,., ,r, pu.
Is requested to report to Col Taylor .nf (,mu arolHi(,
They are getting hath hou.o s
ONTARIO MAN SLCfrXSKll. oet ery place now so th. h,
lieing put III
than the one I am on now
tario a short time '"'"" Mr reein was promiuent In
J Tucke of Hums was hrouslit to I business tin les, and has beeu espi-
It Is a lot heavier Joh'lmj ,,pU yesterday ' '" u,"- '" r "r". Red Cross
Mlas Marram! Hrane had her'""" Llbiro loan drives He was u
I am cmloi-Hig a letter to dad and tOM,N n(j ,deil(!, removed ragaf. nVHW, Mas, nf the Commercial
mother Hist came back to me. . iluti this year
Hello to all the K hoys snd all Mr. Alexander, the new manager.
I know around there. ..vfiim. uiu ul-ct ! is not a stranvar In llniurl,, holna
IMMtkS TO SOLDI Kit HoVs'0" nre n"T times during the
past few years, for he has heeu eui-
H. L Puormau of Ontario waa ad- !
trued this morning that he waa the!
auoaps-iful bidder for the cootract of
plumbing and healing Hie hands-,
new gradu school building at Piter,
Idaho The amount of the contract
la for 1(800 Piler is a small lowu
In Southern Idaho
In J..--- II, l
laous star was se
in "The I'rlde
! Scotch las!.-. In
Hie Oust. the fa
u as au East Indian
of the Clan
"A Poor Little
In a report given out hy the lihrs
run. Mlsa Ksli-lle Curry, the numii, r
of books sent to the cunloiiiueuls anil
ss ii other places during tbe last two
Hi, i ii onths ha- readied 240 '1 !,-,-
in his father's stores for
tOoatinued on Page I.)
1. Adam was taken home from t lie
hospital today greatly improved at
the result of an operation perform
ed last week.
Mrs D. H. Kerfoot expects to go to
Portland to live
Por the first time since her ap
pearance Iu Artcraft pi, lure. "Amet
Ica s Sweetheart." Mlsa Mary Pick
ford, will be seen nt the Dream
laud theatre commencing Priday.
June 14th, aa a modern American
girl In modern gowna. In "Tbe Little
American." a gripping patriotic pho
todrauia by Cecil B. De Mllle and
Jeaato Macpherson.
tllrl' as a child and in "A Ron, at many that could mil he -em, hotl, ,,;i
of the Redwoods sa s new England account of tin coi.ti-uu and the co.i
girl of the days of '49. but in "T'i dltloii of the books I hum are many
LHtle American' she blossoms forth more at the library now
as a wealthy young American girl lie sent In the ueur future
with beautiful gowns and. gMatowl The books that were not able to In
costumes by Lucille and Madame! sent on account of the subject niat
Prauees The story, staged by Cecil Iter treated In them will lie sold and
He Mllle. deals with the great war the money used In the hook fund in
and adventures of a girl from Hie l some way Among these are Boy
8. A.
St lull
caught in
In Praace.
the terrible mael-
Soon I
books. Ileiit) aud Alger
Portland On June Ii A number
hlch will. of citUeus ol Km, 1 1, n -e huo- decided
tn like uo oham i on a fuel short
age this winter so far as regards their
district According lo Information
reaching Fuel Adminl irmr llolme-t,
9B9M of the lull- cut - live men have
decided to spend a few dsps vacation
In the woods chopping their own